Hi Lisa,
I just read your post on HA and had to comment. I too have been taking Source Natural's HA, in both the kinds you mention, the Joint Complex and the Skin Eternal formula. I think I wrote a post last month(?) about this. I started HA because of knee pain due to some over-enthusiasm at the gym. Within a few days my pain had disappeared and the bonus was that my skin looked and felt so smooth and I seemed to have new energy. I became an instant believer in the positive effects of HA and I can't thank earth clinic enough for all the info they allow to flow through. And I also would like to take this opportunity to thank Alfred for his original post about HA. I went to Whole Food to buy the brand he mentioned but they did not have it. Instead, I was led to Source Natural and was told that it was equally good. Since then, I'm on my second bottle (I take two a day, one in the AM and one in the PM) and along with a teaspoon of turmeric mixed with raw honey, black pepper and coconut oil washed down with a glass of warm water first thing in the morning, my knees have given me no trouble at all. Like you, I too have become a convert to green smoothies ( I try to have a green smoothie at least for one meal every day) and the difference is amazing: I have tons of energy, sleep like a log, and best of all, I have begun to lose weight!
General Feedback
Hi Everyone, I just wanted to write about hyaluronic acid. I know that Alfred had a specific recommendation of which I ordered online and went through 4 bottles. When I ran out I was on holiday so I went to the health food store and found another brand and thought I'd give it a try. Well, it was fantastic! I had really good results with it and might venture to say even better than the recommended one. The brand I found is Source Naturals and the product is called Hyaluronic Joint Complex (with Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM). In addition it has collagen. Then, when I went to find it again, I could not! So, I decided to give another a try. This time it was the same company, Source Naturals but instead it was their Skin Eternal Hyaluronic Acid and still it worked quite well. The first one though was better for my needs which is hip pain. Now, the bonus- the first one was only $15 and the second I found on sale for $10! That's way less than Alfred's recommended. Here's to health, Lisa