Health Benefits

MMS: The Miracle Mineral Supplement from Jim Humble

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
MMS Side Effects
Posted by K In Ny (Huntington, NY) on 03/03/2013

I would hope that you will post the warning about MMS which keeps popping up in posts as recommended for consumer use... See the following link.

General Feedback
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West, South Africa) on 02/28/2013

Hi Kathleen, Study THC oil on the net & medical marijuana, plenty of sites on the net.

General Feedback
Posted by Kathleen (Southwick, Ma., Usa) on 02/27/2013

Dear Ted, I love you and appreciate all the work you do for us out here. my query is: I would love to try MMS, but I know I can't because I have hashimoto's. I pray, maybe you stabilize it with iodine or something, as after 20 yrs of being told I'm depressed (insomnia and crying) I finally got a diagnosis (from a blood test) of two types of lyme disease and an active epstein barr virus. I knew I had osteoporosis, now I have cataracts and kidney stones. I had a bad case of the flu this year and a recurring sinus infection. the doctor has me on so many pills; probiotics, antibiotics, anti viral, anti fungus, vitamins, but things seem to be spiralling out of control. Bad brain fog and panic at times. I get sick sitting in a drafty room. I have brown age spots for many years now, lately, many more, especially if I'm in the sun. I'm only 58 (live in new england). I had to go on disability. with love from the heart. any advice? would like to live again. Sincerely, Kathleen

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Ibeta (Aalborg, Denmark) on 02/17/2013

I do think that H202 will not harm normal cells because they have a protective enzyme. This would make sense, since the body uses HP to kill pathogens.

I am not qualified in any way, but would think it much wiser to try HP first, before MMS. HP does not cause a 'poison' reaction at theraputic doses. HP is very very cheap - no one is making vast profits here.

The Pharmaceutical industry makes vast mind-boggling profit. Jim Humble is still making a lot of profit.

Posted by Cb (Westlake, Ca) on 01/27/2013

Please tell me how you used MMS. How did you bathe, how much you used, and so on. Did you drink it? Drinking dose?

Please be very specific. I need help too.


Posted by Wallflower (Bakersfield, Ca) on 01/27/2013

Hello everyone. My boyfriend and I have taken scabies for about 1 or 2 months or so for scabies. At first, we both went to the doctor, and the doctor gave him neum oil or something like that, and my doctor gave me permithin. The cream didn't help me for the first time I applied it on, so I had a second dose all over my body, it helped more than the 1st time, but not enough. The perscribition that my boyfriend's doctor gave him, which was the neam oil didn't help him that much either.

So my intillgent boyfriend did some research, and found out about MMS. He read the positive and negative sides of MMS. Of how MMS could make you feel dizzy, make you vomit, etc. But once my boyfriend and I bathe in it for scabies, it actually helped us a lot more than what the doctor gave us. Yes, it'll show more dots on you once you bathe for 30 mins, but those are only the dots that were hidden inside your body. After my epxerience using the MMS for bath with my scabies, I was much better afterwards. After my bath, my dots disappered after 2 to 3 hours at the latest. Although my boyfriend had more dots than I did, so he had to put more treatment on himself with the scabies than I did. So offically now, after 3, 4, or 5 months for having scabies, we are both now offically cured from scabies, thanks to the MMS.

General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 01/22/2013 2042 posts

R.H., This may be a little off the Jim Humble recommendation, but this is a method I have used several times w/ good results. Make up a batch of Lemonade w/ limited sugar and limited Vit-C (no added C if possible). Make it kinda on the strong side. Simply add 4 drops Sodium Chlorite to a 4oz lemonade, wait 8 min then drink. You will smell and taste the Chlorine, but it's really not too bad at this low dose.

A 4 drop dose 2x daily is a good start, then slowly increase. I am rather steady @ 8drops (without nausea). I have lacked any kind of daily commitment w/ MMS, but I am convinced that it is all it's hyped up to be. It's a much more powerful oxidizer than H2O2, and the Chlorine atom that houses the O is something special. I always feel better and energized fallowing an 8 drop dose.

General Feedback
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 01/21/2013

HI YOU GOOD PEOPLE DOIN, , , , , , , , ,

Are you aware that ClO2 is used in the paper induatry as a bleaching agent and made by the thousands of gallons at each mill? Some of you may reconize it as MMS. If you had this compound available to you....... How would you use it? Our gov shut down using Chlorine but Chlorine Dioxide is good. Notice that you can't use Chlorine to bleach pulp any more because it causes cancer , but it's good to go in your drinking water. If you want to figure out all this then bring up the novel Synagogue of Satan on the net. I raise this question because I can get the CLO2 but don't know how to use it for my health. I used it for 40 years in the bleaching of pulp. Without it you would be talking 70 brightness paper instead of 88. For you novices, that newsprint vs letter paper. Tell me how to use this straight ClO2. And I'll dance at you next wedding.

====ROBERT HENRY ======

Sinus Infections
Posted by Larry (Fairfax, Va) on 01/21/2013

Thanks for your post on EC. Please tell me what the abreviation "MMS" stands for. - Larry

EC: MMS - Miracle Mineral Supplement

Sinus Infections
Posted by Lisa (Buffalo, Ny) on 01/20/2013

I develop life threatening infections due to problems with my sinuses, bad teeth, and bone loss in the upper structure of my mouth. If I do not get antibiotics soon upon getting one of these sinus infections, I get so ill I cannot get out of bed. They have even caused me to slip into a coma 2x. I never get better only worse without them, so getting the antibiotics becomes a battle for my life.

I was warned this would happen unless I was able to get a certain operation I never could afford, to rebuild the bone in my mouth and patch up the skin that had deteriorated letting in contaminants.

Ignorant doctors and hospitals would sometimes charge me outrageous fees or hospital bills just to tell me they don't like to give out antibiotics because people are becoming immune to them despite I have years and years of records with this problem, and often I would be forced to leave without the help I desperately needed. I would have to incur more bills until I found a doctor willing to prescribe them to me to save my life.

I was really too ill to get out of bed much less go through all that drama and expense because of such ignorance and ridiculous attitudes. I already had a multiply handicapped son that relies on me solely for his care, so without me he would have to go into some kind of home at the government's expense, as if things were not bad enough for us without any other help or family.

Then one year I applied for good old MEDICAID to try to get some medical help with my problem, something I hoped would possibly solve the problem. Medicaid sent me to a clinic where I was treated like a drug addict.

I have never been on any illegal drugs in my life, I am a straight laced Christian who can't afford to go out much less leave my son alone and go enjoy myself on drugs. I never saw a doctor there, but some sort of nurse who sent me to another clinic in a hospital to see an ear nose and throat specialist.

I went to that appointment where I was led to a room and seated in s chair that reminded me of a dental chair. A doctor came in who could not really speak English to any understandable degree. He said something I did not understand and left for about 20 minutes. When he came back he opened my mouth and sprayed something down my throat.

Within minutes my mouth and throat became numb, he left again, and I could not breathe! I began to struggle to try to scream for help. By the time someone found me I was unconscious. After that, I began to have serious panic attacks in my life any time I would get stressed out or began to feel like I had any sinus problem blocking my airway or stuffed up. I never had panic attacks in my life until after that day!

So I began to go online and look for something else I could use. I found MMS. I have been taking it now to solve my problem for years now. I take 6 drops of MMS with 30 drops of activator 2 times a day for 5 to 7 days upon developing these infections or getting ill now.

MMS has saved my life so many times now not to mention the thousands in doctor and hospital bills. It takes about 5 days to get rid of one of my sinus infections with MMS. I take it in a tiny glass with very little water in one gulp and afterwards a chase of one mouthful of some juice to kill that after taste. The key to not getting nauseated is to never take it on an empty stomach.

Also, getting nauseated from MMS only happens only when I am ill. If I take MMS when I am not ill. I do not get nauseated. Folks, if you are ill, do not take MMS until after you have eaten something or you will most likely either become nauseated or throw up.

Because I dislike the taste so much of MMS, I only take it either when I get sick or there might be something going around I do not want to get. Taking MMS despite its awful taste is so much better than what the so called Medical Professionals put me through to fight for my life!

This is my story for "MMS Stories"! Hope my years of experience with MMS helps someone else.

Posted by Gitz (Nairobi, Kenya) on 11/07/2012

i really happy to hear about your grandmother. How is she doing now. My brother was also digonised with leukemia and has started using mms. and you tell us the correct producre to use mms and the right food to use. thank you in advance

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Neil (Nsw, Australia) on 10/31/2012

Activating MMS with citric acid or lime juice should result in the same chemical formula that does the job. I am not able to understand why lime juice would have less side effects than citric acid... The only thing I can think of is if it is not activating the MMS properly and therefore, less effective, leading to reduced side effects?

Posted by Slim2483 (West Sacramento, Ca, USA) on 10/07/2012

Any burn should be sprayed with full strength MMS (no acid added) directly from a small spray bottle. Do not add citric acid or lemon juice at all. If you don't have a spray bottle available apply MMS directly onto the burn, making sure the area is soaked with MMS.

Wait up to five minutes, but no longer before rinsing off. If you fail to rinse off, the burn will continue to hurt. On the other hand if you do rinse within 5 minutes the burn will heal in 1/4 the time normally required to heal. This includes all those terrible skin and flesh burns and it will save lives. The pain should stop immediately or reduce to almost zero within several minutes.

Sunburns should be treated the same way. Spray the red area, wait 1 to 5 minutes, and rinse off. If the area is still sore, in about an hour spray the area again and wait 5 minutes before rinsing off. Remember, do not allow the MMS to stay in place. It must be rinsed off. The pain should be gone in a couple of minutes. Generally two doses will overcome most sunburns, but on rare occasions if the discomfort is not all gone you can use a third dose. Be sure to rinse it off.

From JH site:

Broad Benefits
Posted by Gonzo (Seattle, Washington) on 09/29/2012

My wife and I started MMS thre months ago. We are both healthy, run, lift, eat good, organic foods, ect. To avoid nausea, and the other unpleasent reactions, start like this: One half drop mms, one half drop 50% citric acid( one drop each, just half the mixture ), mix, wait 20 seconds. We like Knudesons black cherry, add to MMS( about three tblspns. ), add water to make 1/3 cup and down the hatch! Each day increase by 1/2 drop till on three drops an hour, eight hours a day. You can make a jug of eight hour MMS for all day as follows. 24drops MMS, 24 drops 50% citric acid. Mix, let stand twenty seconds. Add 1/3 cup of juice, fill the rest with filtered/purified water. Drink 1/2 cup every hour till gone. In two weeks, athletes foot gone, rosatia gone, nails are perfect, sleep better, mind is way clear and sharp. Wake up with more energy, peri-anal cyst is gone, teeth are hard and white, allergies ( my wife has had seasonal allergy attacks for 30 years ) gone in three days of protocol 1000, recover from hard training way fast, on and on. We now do maintainance dose of three drops twice a day. Every one around us has gotten sick. Not us. This stuff is great, and it works!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Horeno (London, Uk) on 08/28/2012

You DO NOT know how to use it... It is very clearly written in Jim's book 1 drop of sodium chlorite and 5 drops of citric acid, so do it this way, if you take 3 drops of sodium chlorite then 15 drops of citrc acid... Never other way... Do not hazard with your health.

Posted by Peter (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/17/2012

I was in Nigeria a week ago and I met a doctor who is quietly curing people of the HIV virus using MMS. I say "quietly" as he doesn't want his efforts to be stopped by Big Pharma and their friends.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Michelle (Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa) on 07/13/2012

MMS is the one product I would want with me should I need to go abroad or camping locally. I must confess it does scare the heck out of me, I don't like to feel off kilter in any way. And it can make you feel real "off" when you take a drop too many. I have used it on occasion to significantly reduce illness time. I noticed how when the whole family got Rotavirus, I dosed everyone , kids included with mms - except my husband. We all had a day of discomfort. He spent five days between bed and the toilet. Admittedly, it was very unnerving to watch my baby projectile vomit and go limp during one particularly bad flu episode. I wondered how I would explain to the emergency unit that I had poisoned my child with mms. But within a few minutes, the same child brightened up - viola- illness over. Just lately I went to get another bottle at my local health shop. (They didn't know what it was when I bought my first bottle). They said that the supplier recently went cold. A few phone calls later, it became evident that the local producer had vanished without a trace. What is with that? Horrific timing I might add. Our once in a lifetime family holiday consisted of nursing sick kids and enduring anxiety attacks froom dodgey cough meds and well intentioned doctor's treatments. I don't wish to be caught without it again. The side effects of OTC, antibiotics, cortisone etc, are too horrendous for words.

Recently I recommended my mother try hydrogen peroxide, which she did , with amazing results. I wish more true healers with scientific knowledge would get involved. MMS is great but something does feel a bit dodge. I have wondered about the possibility of a lowered immunity when taking it over time for every sniffle. It doesn't help either that one in every ten comments is from a nay sayer. The stuff clearly has no competition. More forums are needed and more studies - lab rats anyone?

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Annie (Canberra, Act, Australia) on 06/20/2012

I'm taking MMS at the moment for Blastocystis Im using the updated version no more than 3 drops, but dose every hour on the hour x 8 times a day, which is supposed to be more effective than one dose morning and night. I take it with water only, sure its not the best but not too bad! :)

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 06/19/2012 2042 posts

My experience w/ MMS is kinda mixed. With such a variety of health problems the MMS alone doesn't seem feasible, but it is effective. Biggest setback is it's a very powerful antibiotic. I experience nausea at about 7 or 8 drop dose. Lately I simply add about 5 drops to a cup of lemonade (minimal vit-c) and drink casually as normal; the chlorine taste is there but not too bad overall and it cuts the abrasive, acidic edge off the lemon drink.

MMS or Chlorine Dioxide, much like Ozone is definitely a savior for our toxic world and our diseased bodies, but it must be used properly.

Posted by Lee Ann (Reno, Nv) on 06/06/2012


Speaking of acid reflux, I started taking MMS this morning 6 drops with 3 drops citric acid. After about 15 minutes I felt nauseous for about 10 minutes, not too bad, my stomach was relatively empty.

When I got to work, someone offered me a cup of coffee-bad mistake. I have had such burning in my stomach all day for the past 8 hours. So my recommendation is don't drink coffee within several hours after taking MMS.

Posted by Tamara (Bellevue, Washington ) on 05/15/2012

Actually, you will see that a paleo diet, and Terry Wahl's diet, does include meat, but very little grains. The key, she discovered, was to "feed the mitochondria" with lots and lots of a variety of plant matter. About 9 cups a day! Impressive, but her videos show how easy it can be. Food for thought for those with MS!

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 05/14/2012

For MS go to youtube and search Dr. Terry Wahls. She cured her MS by changing to a paleo diet. No meat and no dairy. She eats a huge amount of raw vegetables every day. I think you could get a quicker response by taking (organic) raw vegetables in juices every day. Diet is the key. MS is caused by a nutritional deficiency as are most diseases. She went from a inclined wheelchair to riding in a bike marathon in a very short period of time.

Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 05/14/2012

The best thing to take to halt the progression of MS is low dose naltrexone. It will stop the progression in 85 - 99% of MS cases. Please see for more information. From there you will see how to join the Yahoo LDN group that has over 11,000 members, many of whom have MS and they are very helpful in answering your questions from personal experience. LDN helps many autoimmune diseases by modulating the immune system. It is an FDA approved drug, is inexpensive and can be taken with anything but opiate drugs. Best wishes!

Posted by Lets Beats Ms... (Lebanon, Beirut ) on 05/14/2012

Hi my name is saeed I just want to know if anyone tried the MMS on MS I knew about this medicine yesterday. Now I'm still taking relief and trying some homeopathy so is there anyone have the same experience can help ? :)

Posted by Nancy (Dallas, Texas) on 05/06/2012

Hi! I have a question for mama, I have lupus, with kidney problems and I have been taking mms for 4 months already, and is working great, and now I want to get pregnant but I am a little skeptical about using mms in my pregnancy, since I have read that is not very safe, and since you mention that you used it, can you please tell me what was the dosage that you used and what others supplements did you also used, and if there is something I need to do or just give me some feed back on that matter, I will be very thankful, because is going to help me a bunch... You can contact me on my e-mail cocol75041(at)yahoo. com please respond to me with any others suggestions thanks...

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Mms Fan (Decatur, Illinois) on 05/04/2012

Here's a very interesting approach to administering MMS, GSE, herbal remedies, garlic and other nasty-tasting natural remedies: You'll need the remedy, a pan or container large enough for you to put at least one foot, flat on the bottom, a pair of cotton socks and some cheapo rubber slip on flip flops - the kind that doesn't have the strap between the toes. Create a strong tea or a 30 drop to one cup of water solution. Put just enough in the pan to soak the bottom of the sock, put your foot in and let the sock soak up the solution, then put on the flip flops. Same with the other foot. You will absorb tiny, continuous amounts through the sole of your foot. Just keep re-wetting the socks with the solution. TIP: wash the socks by hand, first and from that point on, so they don't have fabric softener in them. It may seem weird but if you soak your feet in a strong garlic tea, you will eventually taste garlic in your mouth. It gets in there, somehow. You can do the same with "clay water", for a general cleanse, to draw toxins OUT. That's a sort of trial and error thing, depending on the type of clay you're using. You just want clay water - I. E. You don't want your foot sliding around in your flip flops. You can add GSE or MMS to destroy the toxins as they are drawn out so you can just keep wetting the same socks. You can also put dry clay inside your socks as your feet perspire approx 1 cup of water per day.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Sam (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 04/02/2012

Do not use vitamin C with oxygen, you are using oxidants and antioxidants at the same time, it is confusing to the body and should be spaced out ate least eight hours apart.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mms Cures 100% (Bronx) on 03/27/2012

To those who dont know how to read mms works you need to stop being negative and follow the jim humble direction. Jim humble is a saint from heaven he wants to cure the world so listen and read. Those who saying product dont work go get kill by your d. R. Wake up dum dum its all about the money. Any ways that shit kills pathogen on cont tact I had herpes now its gone. Thank you jim we love you. And if you over dosing well use your head and lower your doses twice a day, and if you cant read sorry go to school. Mms works every one with no side effects. And remember we all have different body, one more thing stop taking vitamin c like any oranges or any orange juice read read read. I take mine with water. All you guys that got well got bless you all mms is the cure for live. Thanks jim

Posted by Mama (Sarnia , Ontario) on 02/27/2012

I just wanted to mention that everyone in our household uses MMS1 and MMS2. That includes our 5 children. They take it without any trouble, and since we started last summer not one person in our family has been ill.... Not anything in the slightest! Not a single cold.. Nothing. I also wanted to mention that I took both MMS1 and MMS2 all during my last pregnancy... And felt awesome. We had a very healthy baby boy and the midwives were amazed at how alert and vibrant he was. He's been perfectly healthy ever since. I encourge you to look into these to substances, they really are miracle secrets! Mama

Skin Cancer
Posted by Mweather (Riverside, Ca, Usa) on 02/09/2012

What she is trying to say is that if your body defeats a virus, you will have antibodies. Permanently. The antibodies don't mean you are still sick. Unfortunately with HIV, there is no test that will say "You are now cured", only a test for antbodies, which it is claimed will always mean you are still actively infected. Since it is assumed by the medical industry that there is no cure, it is also assumed that any HIV antibodies must mean you are still sick. So... They will never say "You are cured". Is that a bit clearer?

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Mweather (Riverside, Ca) on 02/08/2012

Milk thistle and ALA both help with the production of glutathione.

Nail Fungus
Posted by Mweather (Riverside, Ca, Usa) on 01/14/2012

I went about the nail fungus problem from different direction. Namely - the outside. A few drops mixed properly, applied right on the affected nails. I'd rinse it off after about 5 mins. And reapply later if I did it again. As it was I left it on - no rinsing. Result: fungus gone in 24 hours. Was a bit surprised. It did not come back.

Posted by Boops (Alva, Florida) on 12/20/2011

The spray MMS is mixed at 10 drops MMS and 10 drops 50% citric acid, wait 5 minutes and add 1 ounce water. If you have a 6 ounces spray bottle then mix 6x10 = 60/60 drops, wait 20 sec. and add the 6 ounces water.

You can leave this on your skin, you can also spray on teeth, in mouth, inhale, etc.

The type that needs rinsed of within 2 minutes is just putting the MMS on by itself for bad burns.

If anyone needs help/info on MMS, do not hesitate to ask me.

General Feedback
Posted by Kilihunebabe (Seattle, Wa) on 12/13/2011

Through research on H202, I came across Miracle Mineral Supplement which seems to have the same effect as H202 except it is chlorine dioxide. I didn't see any info on this site, which is my go-to for all things au naturale. Has anyone had any experience with this?

Posted by Neb (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) on 12/04/2011

To Linda, if I may. If you feel great with 1 or 2 drops - why would you want to take more and suffer with stomach problems? It is your body telling you that you found the right dose for yourself. Cheers!

General Feedback
Posted by Neb (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) on 12/04/2011

I guess that it is easy to get sidetracked about anything. We are genetically disciplined to listen to what the good doctor is saying. However, now-a-day Doctor is just a copy of a copy of a copy of a Doctor from some 50 year old book together with a recipe for good business. If it hides the symptoms and it sells, then that is the way to go. There are countless testimonials from people all over the Globe saying how MMS helped them in many, many ways. Yes, maybe if you foolishly take 20 drops, have all kind of stomach problems and then again, take another 20 drops then I believe that something is wrong with you - not with MMS. Yes, maybe some people had bad experience because of so many different circumstances and I am sure that the Lady from Dr. Sedura's report died and was also taking MMS.

However, it does not say and is not in any way proven that she died from MMS intake. On the other hand, if someone would collect how many people died from using regular medications and procedures that are approved by FDA, it would probably take a better part of the year and more then ten thousand pages to write them all up. However, these are "well known and approved" way to "cure" different illnesses - although I have yet to find a drug that actually cures anything.

This is my take on the article that Alicia from Orlando, FL is pointing us to.

Bleeding Gums
Posted by Neb (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) on 12/04/2011

I just wanted to ad that these Protocols are a guide. A person should use common sense and their own feeling as to what is working and good for them and what not. The main idea is to have MMS going through your body in some regularity so that it will be able to pick, kill and eliminate patogens on it's way. However, different people have different ways of doing things, different habbits and therefore they will have to adjust to a new addition - MMS. I believe that you know best for yourself how much and when to take MMS as long as you try to do it in some kind of regularity. Hope this helps.

Posted by Annie (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 11/27/2011

My sister used MMS on her sheep in Adelaide Australia as 3 sheep had pneumonia & it assisted the symptoms very much.

I gave a wild cat who was living downstairs at a condo property in KL - MMS drops in her tuna & as it was the wet season she started sneezing. The sneeze dissipated very quickly & cleared up her dripping eyes. All was well with Dollface.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Radra (London, Uk) on 11/23/2011

I am the biggest MMS fan alive, I always make sure my friends know about it, as such, I can guarantee that citric acid worsens side effect and taste of MMS. My advice is; try it with the juice of an organic lemon instead and see it for yourself, it makes the MMS experience much more beneficial as reduces sickness and taste.

Bleeding Gums
Posted by Rejuv (Jhb, Gauteng) on 10/31/2011

If the protocols are to take MMS every hour but then you can only eat an hour after or before it is not practical as it would then interupt the protocol??

Skin Cancer
Posted by Tcharles (Corona, Ca) on 10/31/2011

What are you trying to say? I'd like to know. I'm considering of purchasing MMS for this particular ailment, but I need to know if it will make the virus worse or make it undetectable. I do not want to start taking HIV meds cause I know it's a form of poison. I'm searching for alternatives methods of treatment, namely natural remedies, to treat this ailment. Please help.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Zilverb (Seabrook, Tx) on 10/14/2011 16 posts

A magnesium deficiency is the usual cause of depression.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Zilverb (Seabrook, Tx) on 10/13/2011 16 posts

A magnesium deficiency is the usual cause of depression.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 10/11/2011 2042 posts

One of the biggest drawbacks of MMS is the destruction of the body's natural glutathione levels. Humble recomends sick people begin with 2 drop dose and work their way up to 15 if needed. I am seeing only slight help with chronic infection at 5 drop levels. Am wanting to try the bath protocol. Does anyone here on E.C. have the dosage for MMS bath?

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 10/09/2011


MMS is chlorine dioxide, of which I have manufactured and used for 40 years in bleaching pulp in the paper industry. I am now retired but can still get it. How would I use the straight stuff and for what reason? It is the most powerful bleach there is and is explosive. What can it do for your health? It can kill you if you breath enough of it.


MMS Side Effects
Posted by Select (Toronto, Canada) on 10/09/2011

I've tried MMS for 2 weeks before I stopped, here are my findings that will help you shine some light on many of the issues you're seeing..

Some background: I have been studying herbal supplements for over 10 years, and have tested over 300 different supplements personally. So I'm very in tune on how something effects my body.

1) I would not recommend taking MMS unless it's for a serious condition, just taking it as a "cleanse" is overkill, it's very strong stuff. From my experience, it feels like a light chemotherapy, I don't think it'll do long term damage in most cases, but you do need to have a good reason for taking it.

2) The biggest problem with MMS is dosage, the suggested dosage is extremely off. Even 1 drop a day is way too much for most people. Start off with 1/10 - 1/20th of a drop, once per day, see how you react.

How do you take 1/10th of a drop? Put 1 drop in a glass/bottle, mix well, then only drink 1/10th of the glass/bottle. Pour out the rest as it's no good after it sits.

Sure, it's possible I'm too sensitive to MMS, but if you notice a reaction from 1/10th of a drop, then it's a significant dosage. If you don't notice any type of reaction, increase dosage slowly. 1/5th of a drop, 1/4rd of a drop, etc. This stuff is extremely powerful. Don't let the small "drop" size fool you.

Dosing this way may take a bit longer to cure something, but I believe slow and steady is the safer way with MMS. Whether its a toxin cleansing reaction, or something caused directly by MMS, intense intestinal pain cannot be healthy for you.

My body didn't react well even to the extreme low dosages. There wasn't any serious reactions at the low dose, but ongoing tireless and strong allergic reactions persisted. I'm pretty healthy, so after 2 weeks, if it was the herx reaction, it should have long been gone, or at least getting better, but it wasn't.

So dosage is the key, and obviously it effects everyone very differently, some very badly, so only take MMS if you're positive you need it. After all, a bit of stomache pain and naseau is much better than some diseases out there. Just remember it's not as safe as taking vitamins.

Hope this helps.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Bill (Ithaca, Ny) on 09/17/2011

Gary, Richard's advice was unclear. But what he meant to say is while you're not dosing with MMS and you want to keep your artery walls flexible and strong, supplement with vitamin C.

While your dosing with MMS you should avoid taking vitamin C for 2hrs before and after the dose. Use vitamin C OR bicarbonated soda (1 tablet Alka-Seltzer) for overdose of MMS, but not both.

As of this writing, the most common protocols for using MMS are in small doses only and except for malaria NEVER MORE THAN 15 drops per dose. Your doing more than self medicating; you're doctoring yourself and some are sharing what they know.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Oscar (Earth) on 09/15/2011

I'm all for natural cures, but I don't think MMS should be freely consumed. I think it can be extremely dangerous. I have tried it a few times. It caused severe diarrhea at the very least, no matter how careful I was with the dosage increase. In fact, MMS makes my pupils dilate like you mentioned, and my skin very greasy (like the other poster said, feels like you are on meth/speed during this detox stage, which I have also used in my college years so I can relate). Is your son sleeping and eating normally? That would be your first clue about amphetamine use. I relate it to the initial detox stages I have experienced them before as a result of drastic detox fasts (on water only, and also using the Master Cleanse/ lemon diet, from 10 to 20 days).

Here is my two cents after a lot of experimentation: you can't cut corners with your health. If it took you years to get toxic, it will take years to detox. There is no magic bullet. Some things (such as MMS and fasts) CAN help you speed up things for sure, but be careful: you need to be assisted by someone who is qualified to help you because your body can only take so much herx. We really need to move away from this habit of thinking we can solve all our our health problems with an overnight miracle solution, be it MMS, antibiotics, cortisone, or whatever. These compounds are not freely available in nature for a reason. They don't grow on trees in amounts we can easily consume, and our genetic code developed over thousands of year without them. They are not nutrients, we don't need them, it's a marketing plot to benefit the powers that be.

Also, stop thinking in terms of viruses and bacteria. I see a lot of posts where people are fighting them like they are the ultimate enemy. They are not. We need a healthy balance of bacteria in us to handle digestion and additional vitamin production in our guts. Most people interpret detox symptoms as "I got a bug". It's not true. These things exist in nature in a symbiotic relationship to us. They are not the enemy. If they are out of control is because your immune system is weak What I found out in my 4 years of moving away from the existing disaster that is our current medical sciences is that our bodies are perfect and will fight all diseases so long the immune system is in a position to do so. We all get "cancer" every day for example, but our defenses will rid of the problem if everything is up to speed. All chronic diseases are a result of a mix of toxicity plus mal-nutrition. Remove toxicity and improve nutrition and your problems will go away one by one.

My suggestion: no matter what you have, up your nutrition by eating raw, unprocessed, possibly organic, whole foods. Spare your blood filter (liver) by avoiding alcohol, artificial chemicals of any kind, excessive oil/fats, etc. Get rid of everything that is refined, canned, and packaged. Avoid sugar like the plague (think about, in nature we only find sugar in fruits, pretty much). Avoid animal products. When was the last time you jumped on a cow carcass to feed yourself? There is a reason meat is kept in the fridge or consumed with preserving chemicals, it's because it's rotting! Eat lots of uncooked leafy greens. Go for fiber with legumes, brown rice and beans to keep things moving with the benefit of extra nutrients. Drink LOTS of water (research the watercure, it cured my alcoholism of 10 years). Do not consume genetically modified foods.

Good luck! Take it as a process, it will take time and adjustment. But the end result is worth it! We are not meant to be sick, we were created in perfect health, and we need to move back to that. Don't let anyone else tell you are defective, it's simply not true. Question everyone and everything that is pitching you something for personal gain (ie: follow the money trail).

Where to Buy: USA
Posted by Bob (Seminole, Tx) on 09/15/2011

I buy from be sure to buy the family pack for $35 or so. You will know someone with cancer or some other ailment you will need to give a bottle too. It has 4 complete set ups in it. One bottle takes my wife and I about 6 months to 8 months to use it up.

It's too cheap to try to make it yourself.

Posted by Bob (Seminole, Tx) on 09/15/2011

OK call me crazy.....

magnasium is hard for the body to absorb internally.

Buy some Nigari Flakes online for about $7 a pound after shipping. I use Emperors King I think. Magnasium is easily asorbed through the skin. The pound will run you for a year or 6 months if the arthritus is bad. It is Sea salt after table salt is removed. Mostly Magnasium and trace minerals. It is sold to thicken Tofu in Asian food products.

Mix it 1 oz to 2 or 3 oz of water in a spray bottle and change your life. Like MMS keep it in the dark if you want it to keep working other than when you are spraying it on. I use the medicine cabinet.

Muscle cramps take about 30 seconds to go away when you spray it on the muscle.

Arthritis and Osteo.... Will take up to a minute for relief. My sister uses it 3 or 5 times a day whenever the pain shows up.

I take the MMS daily and have for a year or two. It suprises me on the people that have posted that have used it for 2 days. Wait until it is 2 years.

Good luck it works for me.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Bob (Seminole, Tx) on 09/15/2011

Good Grief.... Do you guys read any of Humbles websites?

You don't go from 3 to 13 hello. Some of the new info actually says maybe 1 to 3 per hour for 8 hours is better than heavier doses per day.

Whether you take 3 or 13 it goes out of your body about the same. So if you are ill lower doses more regularly will keep more working and hopefully provide a milder reaction.

Take a little, Simply Apple Juice ( no significant vitimin C) no bad taste problem.

I take about 8 drops every day unless I need to kill something then I take it twice a day.

Good luck keep looking for what works for you.

MMS seems to work for me.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Bob (Seminole, Tx) on 09/15/2011

The orange jucie vitimin C nutrilizes the MMS. Use a small amout of apple juice that has no significant C. The 100% Vitimin C is just a preservative for juices. Do not use that.

MMS Dosage
Posted by Bob (Seminole, Tx) on 09/15/2011

I do 8 drops of MMS a day and my wife does 6 and my sis does 8 and my friend does 10.

When you do that you sleep well and do not get sick.

If you are working out some bad stuff and it reacts, back off a drop or two until things are working.

When I had the flu I had about 3 days of diaria (sp) but only 1 or 2 days of flu symptoms and not flu shots. Keep a cough too long until I remembered vicks vapor rub on your feet and sleep with your socks on....

Get a grip this stuff works (for me :))

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 09/15/2011

How old is your son? The symptoms you discussed are consistant with some types of drug use. Such as speed or cocaine. There is no reason to not at least ask him about this. A lot of people, especially young people like to take such drugs. And what is MMS?

Of course I have no way of knowing if he is taking such drugs. It is worth looking into if he is a teenager or young adult. And if he is freaking out is not going to help him or you. Many parents have to deal with this situation. It is all too common and can be resolved.

Heck, when I was growing up it seemed to me most of my friends were playing around with such drugs. Most of them got over it on their own after a few years....Oscar

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Leahinchains (San Diego, Ca, Usa) on 09/12/2011

Dear Ted,

I am just going to pray that somehow that this desperate letter has a chance to cross your way. I have been desperately seeking info on the caustic efects of mixing a stabilized oxygen supplement consisting of sodium chloride, ozone, traceminerals, and distilled water with a pasturized, fortified from concentrate orange juice (vit d and calcium too. ) No one in the world can answer this question. However it is spoken of even on my supplement.

When it comes to MMS, everyone knows not to mix it with orange juice. Yet no one will say why? If I am starting with a ultra-concentrated stabilized oxygen otc solution consisting only of the things listed above- then what possible reactions could be occuring when 1 1/2 droppers full get mixed with the orange juice? I am very confused. It was accidental that it was mixed with o.j. But either way it has been consumed and 6 days have passed, I cannot sleep for I remain unanswered.

My son is here, but he is not anyone that I recognize. Some type of mineral reaction must have occured. Mentally he is like a bomb expert working with absolute knowledge. Physically he is very weak and tired. His face not only lost all of its color and animation, but his pupils have remained huge no matter the time of day. 6 days solid. I am wondering about alcohol poisonings ethyl, methyl, is that something you can help me figure out? I thought maybe hypoglecemic, but blood suga is fine. Bp is fine too. I looked up herx.. That don't seem fit eithr. Maybe you know something im mising. Pls help. I miss my son.

thank you.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Leahinchains1 (San Diego, Ca) on 09/11/2011





Posted by Gary (Sacramento, Ca, Usa) on 08/11/2011


My experience with the external application of MMS is that it will give you a nasty burn. I mixed according to instructions - using only 2 drops of MMS and the citric acid. Be careful with it.

Posted by Hopeful714 (Brooklyn, Ny) on 07/20/2011

I've just started protocol 1000 (3drops activated hourly at least 8hrs trying to add more hours but I get nauseous ) 3rd day I'm not seeing any changes of course to early to say. I've ordered DMSO cream which I'm planing to add to the protocol I've also added Monolaurin. I'm going to try this for a few months hoping it kills everything. I'll try to keep posting.

General Feedback
Posted by Jean (Mitchell, Nebraska, United States) on 07/20/2011

I am wondering if anyone can tell me if it is ok to take mms in iced tea or in hot peppermint tea?

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Steve (Sebring, Florida) on 07/05/2011 is shipping MMS and Sodium Chlorite to Canada and the USA, and ships MMS worldwide..

The was a temporary URL while the owner was working on the site.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Gary (Groveland, Florida) on 06/25/2011

I thought that you were not supposed to take vitamin C with MMS?

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Minxy78 (Newcastle, Nsw) on 06/24/2011

the cause of death was not considered the mms but it did say she died of a condition that can be linked to an overdose of chlorite or chlorate but they also think the dose she said she took and the actual dose she would of had to of taken to overdose to that extent are very different amounts, a man in china tried to commit suicide by ingesting sodium chlorite and took 10 grams he did become quite ill and went into temporary renal failure but is fine now, 10 grams is ALOT his saturation level was 43% that level being taken as soon as he got to hospital a short time after taking it and sylvia's was 45% 9 hors after ingesting so I dont want to speak ill of the dead or a grieving husband but she had to of taken a huge amount OR her death was a coincidence and caused by something unrelated to the mms!

Posted by Paula (Portland, Or) on 05/28/2011

I just received my product and am excited to try and see if something can finally help my chronic sinus infections. The pain and pressure in my head is awful. I read his suggested protocol for inhalation, but my nose is so stuffed I cannot breathe through it. Will taking it orally help or does anyone have any other suggestions? I can sniff a little if I try hard but after reading the warnings am a little cautious. Thanks for your help

Posted by Jay (Santa Fe, Nm) on 05/27/2011

I see lots of misinformation here. I studied the protocols and learned directly from Jim Humble. You can absolutely spray the mms solution on your skin. It will ONLY kill pathogens and cannot possibly harm healthy cells. That is the 20-drop (activated with citric acid) solution in the 2-ounce spray bottle. You DO NOT have to rinse it off right away, as someone wrote in the feedback here. You can spray it on the skin hourly and rinse it off at the end of the day, before bedtime. Also, I have used the inhalation therapy to eliminate runny nose, post nasal drip, etc. It works immediately and the instructions are on Jim's site

Ulcerative Colitis
Posted by Kathy (Camano Island, Wa Usa) on 05/13/2011

I would like to read your blog too. Thanks.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Diamond (Salisbury, Ma.usa) on 05/06/2011

Linda;excuse me but what is MMS? I would like to try it as well but I do not know what that means. Thank you. good luck on your progress.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Linda (Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand) on 05/05/2011

I had been trying to get rid of a host of intestinal parasites I picked up in India and China 3 years ago. Rife, homeopathy and a natruapath all helped a little. I took MMS, 6 drops a day for only a week and they ALL went. I had a few cancer cells in 4 places in my body, I'm now down to only 1, which is graually disappearing. I'm [at last] feeling like I have a bit more energy. I'm up to 10 drops twice a day now, and will stay there for a while. I've been rather depressed since the earthquake, and I feel that has improved as well. Has anyone else found MMS has helped with depression? Its wonderful, please spread the word, I know its hard to believe but it really works!!!

Posted by Merryanne (Orange City, Florida, Usa) on 05/04/2011 113 posts

Does anyone know the exact amounts to make small portions of MMS? I do not mean just before you injest it. I mean how much water, how much sodium chlorite(sp) to mix together. I have checked several places, but there instructions are not clear. Merryanne in Central Florida

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Nasira (Springfield, Ma/usa) on 04/30/2011

What is the fastest way to neutrilize MMS? Orange Juice.... Or anything with Vitamin C.... If you are Herxing... It may not work... It's your Toxins that are causing you the symptoms ( only speculating here --I can't live in your Body... ; )

Posted by Nasira (Springfield, Ma/usa) on 04/30/2011

This is the kind of story that should make front page news.... There are so many stories like this out there.... For those people who say it didn't work for them... Here is some food for thought... Are you keeping hydrated? Did you overload your system with the toxins that are making you sick in the first place? Are you supplementing? Your body is fighting the fight of it's life... You have to feed it the nutrients it needs to do it's job don't give up on MMS just because you did not do all you could for your body at the time... Try again !!


Skin Cancer
Posted by Nasira (Springfield, Ma/usa) on 04/30/2011

It should be noted that Humble points out in the book the antibodies will forever remain with an HIV/AIDS person due to the exposure..... So the only way to tell if a person is recovered is "health" and a good WBC count... (you get what I am trying to say... Right?)


MMS Side Effects
Posted by Nasira (Springfield, Ma) on 04/30/2011

Lilly from Margate, Fl wrote something.....and Gean responded to her...

Thanks Gean... This is what I am talking about.... Lilly wanted to experiment and did something she should not do.. Instead of following the directions or reading and learning... well I think you follow what I mean.

There are "Sheep" out there who going to miss a good thing when they listen to the responses of people who don't follow instructions or who believe in the posts of people who spout the propaganda... Read the book (free download somewhere on the net)... then "talk what you know".

PS It Works!!


General Feedback
Posted by Nasira (Springfield, Ma/usa) on 04/30/2011

I think all people should read J Humble's new edition of the MMS book (the 3rd edition). It's on the internet somewhere as a download for free. The understanding and explainations for why it works are great. Do the research and follow the instructions (don't improvise) or drink or eat something you shouldn't then say it does not work or it made me sick... Because that is on you and not the product itself.... The propaganda is out there and TPTB want you under the knife or using drugs that will kill you... make the wise decisions in life.


General Feedback
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 04/27/2011 490 posts

Hi, Sure hope no one is confusing MMS and MSG.

MSG is methylsulfanylmethane which is one of the best for traumatic arthritis (also helps with allergies and other things) is a substance our bodies require. It is also a great anti-inflammatory without the side effects of the NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

MMS is short for mirace mineral supplement (proper name is sodium chlorite) and it allegedly kills just about all pathogens. If any of you have been reading up on the latest thing coming out of India (allegedly a "gene" that instantly converts all pathogens to drug resistant type. If this is so, we all know that some mad scientists have come up with a new way to reduce the world wide population which is said to be the new world order's greatest desire. Jim Humble claims that there is no way any pathogen can become resistant to MMS. Let's hope he is right and may I suggest that those of you who haven't taken a few precautions, immediately do so, because I fear the NWO is a lot closer than we'd like to think.

If you haven't already done so, get you a few gallons of 35% food grade H202, a few pounds of MMS, a supply of Lugol's solution (15%) or SSKI *saturated solution of potassium iodide). If you find a source of potassium crystals and online source says to mix your own SSKI, fill a brown bottle to about 60% full, next add distilled water to about 90% full, put cap on and shake vigorously for at least 2 minutes. You will know if you have a saturated solution because there should be a few undissolved crystals in the bottom of your bottle. A good supply of these and you should be set to handle many of your own problems without a doctor or hospital. Also suggested is getting a good book on identifi-cation, gathering and preparing herbals that grow in your local area. You will be surprised to learn that many of the best herbals plants are con-sidered as weeds.

PS. If you can't come up with a better way to remember whether you want MSM or MMS - my opinion is that MMS is much easier to pronounce or spell than MSM & maybe remembering to think "mommy, me sick" for MMS will tell you it is the one to use to wipe out an infection.

General Feedback
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 04/27/2011

some ppl might be confusing MMS with MSM.

General Feedback
Posted by Alicia (Orlando, Fl) on 04/26/2011

I wanted to post this since MMS is a subject on this site. I just want avoid people doing damage to themselves based on misguided information. This link is from a doctor that is pro-natural healing/supplementation, yet I take this page as a warning. Read and make your own decisions about MMS.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Cayita (Welland, Ontario) on 03/11/2011

Dear Alta,
My son used to suffer from epilepsy. It was corrected completely with Empower Plus from the company Truehope.

We take MMS. We have had excellent results on other health problems. I had a bladder issue (for 4 years) that is 100% cured now. My husband had a lump in one of his testicles, now is gone. My son takes it when he gets a cold or the flu and it dissapears very quick. We put 3 MMS drops and the citric acid solution drops in a veg capsule, close it and swallow it with 4 oz of water every hour. My husband and I have been doing this protocol for 5 weeks now and want to keep doing it for three months. We would like to see his diabetes and my scalp condition gone.

I get all the side effects, but I know they are part of the cleanse, so I don't make a big deal about it.

I hope this helps :D

Posted by Rob (Manhattan, New York) on 03/09/2011

Andrew Weil gives it a big thumbs down. I respect his wisdom and education & tend to agree. The info, here, suggests that it may be effective to rid oneself of worms... I've seen no anecdotal evidence yet of anyone saying it helped or cured more serious illnesses of cancer or hiv. Here is the link:

A friend with Lyme disease tried it with no positive results.

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