MMS: The Miracle Mineral Supplement from Jim Humble

| Modified on Jun 16, 2024
About MMS
Posted by Bob (Murphy, Nc) on 01/19/2017

Editor's Choice MMS Jim Humble the Good the Bad the Truth

I've been working with, and researching, chlorine dioxide for two years. I've made my own batches of nearly 100%, using a different formula. There are more than eight formulas to make chlorine dioxide. I have the Genesis II Church member card. I'm not anti-MMS. Jim Humble is a great humanitarian, and must have been a good NASA engineer. However, his chemistry is bad, which he has said in his book. And his understanding of body biochemistry is completely wrong. My main purpose, for this paper, is to correct his mistakes.

The medical establishment's attack, against MMS, is based on a simplistic, uninformed, negative, buzz word slander. Clorox bleach is not labeled with the skull poison symbol. Like many products, it has warnings. And the warnings are exaggerated, as usual. For instance, it warns of burns to the skin. Hah, I've had bleach on my hands many times. It feels slimy, but doesn't cause a burn. They also use the word "industrial" bleach. "Industrial" makes it sound bad. Supermarket packaged foods are made in a factory. It's an industry. There's nothing bad about being industrial. Sodium chlorite and chlorine dioxide are in the general category of "bleach". That's good if you want to disinfect. And chlorine dioxide is used, for instance in municipal water supplies, because it is the safest one. As I will cover later, bleach oxidizers can do damage. So concentrations must be low. I'm experienced enough to be aware of the inner works of some groups, especially ones like the FDA. The whole attack, on MMS, may possibly be traced to one man, Mr. Mizer in the US Dept. of Justice, since everyone is repeating his slander, about bleach. There's a cadre of such people who hate Christianity, and so can't stand medical people using the words "cure" or "miracle". For sure, the attack is uninformed, and so it is illegitimate.

To begin correcting Jim's mistaken ideas about chemistry, chlorine dioxide is not an ion. It does not have a charge. It is a molecule. Molecules do not have a charge. Chlorine dioxide is unusual, in that it doesn't dissolve, ionize, in water. Body cells are a complex structure of many molecules. They do not have a charge. So chlorine dioxide is not repelled by body cells, and it is not attracted to only bad bacteria. Bacteria are cells, and so do not have a charge. The Gram Stain is not a positive or negative charge. The positive and negative means yes or no for the bacteria becoming stained with a dye. Chlorine dioxide is a free radical, meaning it has an unfilled electron space. This is how it oxidizes. When reacting with organic molecules, chlorine dioxide usually functions as a highly selective oxidant due to its unique, one-electron transfer mechanism where it is reduced back to the chlorite ion. When oxidizing some inorganics, like ferric oxide, it can accept a total of five electrons, which would break it down to a chloride ion, as in salt, and two oxygen ions. Jim's claim that electron shells hold atoms together, and that the nucleus would fly apart if the electrons are drawn away, is false. It takes a high-powered atom smasher to do that.

Chlorine dioxide is said to work differently on different pathogens. Bacteria, fungi, parasite and tumor cells are vulnerable to oxidants because of these components; thiols, polyamines, purines, amino acids with thiols, phenols, and amines [Dr. Thomas Hesselink's paper about malaria]. The method of chlorine dioxide bacterial kill, at low ppm concentration, seems to occur by the disruption of protein synthesis and enzyme inactivation. This is similar to the non-toxic mechanism of some common antibiotics. It does not blow a hole in cell walls. It acts on good as well as bad bacteria, so probiotics should be taken after treatment is finished. Oxidation of RNA and DNA do not appear to take place, or are at least unimportant in the process. The site of action lies in the soluble fraction of the cell and there appears to be no damage to internal structural components such as ribosomes. At high ppm, the method of rapid bacterial and viral kill appears to be the softening and destroying of the cell wall, or viral capsid. Chlorine dioxide is known to react with iron and manganese compounds, sulfur bonds, and colors. Chlorine dioxide can definitely hurt body tissue, as well as pathogens. It kills algae, parasite organisms, and some insect eggs or larvae, such as mosquitoes. If the concentration is high enough, it can kill zebra mussels and some fish, such as trout (the lethal LC50 for rainbow trout is 290 ppm for 96 hours). Since I believed Jim's harmlessness claim, at first, I took massive doses of pure chlorine dioxide, and inhaled full breaths of it. Once, my lungs hurt for three days afterwards. And massive doses caused my ears to ring, probably damaging sensitive inner ear nerve hairs. So doses should be kept small, and luckily chlorine dioxide works with the lowest doses, compared to other disinfectants. There are many institutional papers assessing the toxicity of chlorine dioxide, sodium chlorite and chlorate. The main problem area is red blood cells. With prolonged, higher dose (up to 1000 ppm for chlorine dioxide, and 100 ppm for chlorite and chlorate) daily use in rat's drinking water, for 1-2 months, some hemoglobin can be oxidized to methemoglobin which doesn't carry oxygen. Also, red blood cell count can decrease. Chlorate (ClO3-), which can rupture RBCs, is the worst with serious RBC loss after nine months. There is a claim that some chlorate can be produced in MMS reactions, such as with pH less than 3, and some chemical studies claim chlorine dioxide can change into some chlorate in water. Red blood cells have glutathione to protect them from oxidation, but cell levels can be decreased with prolonged treatment. Other studies show no methemoglobin at these dose levels. There is a reference stating that there's an enzyme that reduces methemoglobin back to normal hemoglobin. One study with low dose, single dose, pure chlorine dioxide using people, showed no problems at 0.34 mg/kg of body weight. In these studies, the doses of sodium chlorite and chlorate were only 1/10th of the amount of chlorine dioxide, evidently for safety reasons, meaning they considered chlorine dioxide much safer. Different studies have found the following safe levels of chlorine dioxide in all of the drinking water, per day: 15 mg/kg in mice for 1 month; 9 mg/kg in green monkeys for 1-2 months; 2 mg/kg in Sprague-Dawley rats for 3 months. At higher doses there could be some nasal irritation from chlorine dioxide gas evaporating at the drinking tube. Effect on newborn rat pups: decreased pup development, decreased thyroid hormone levels (thyroid hormones T3 and T4 are phenols), and decreased brain cell count, were found at 14 mg/kg of body weight per day in drinking water for the mother rats during gestation and lactation. Dosing below 14 mg/kg had no observed effect, such as in a 3 mg/kg test. I don't think anyone should take maintenance doses for years, especially with so much sodium chlorite in the MMS mix. And doses should be in mg/kg or /pound of body weight, not in drops. Also, Jim is wrong about MMS lasting only one hour in the body. Rat studies show that 100% chlorine dioxide, not the MMS mix, reaches peak blood level in 2 hours, with half absorbed in 3.5 hours. The leftover sodium chlorite, in the MMS mix, reaches peak blood level in 8 hours. 21% of it is still in the blood after 72 hours. So dosing every hour is not a good idea. Studies use one dose per day. There probably hasn't been much research about the effect of chlorite and chlorine dioxide on prescription drugs in the body, but oxidizers are one thing used by illegal drug users to nullify drugs in their urine test. So they probably can affect some prescription drugs in the body. For myself, I would only take low dose pure chlorine dioxide, such as chlorine dioxide solution (CDS), or the new MMS1 tablets in a glass of water [do not swallow the tablet]. The tablets use sodium hydrogen sulfate as the activator, which produces near 100% ClO2. Precautions must be employed in people with glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency disease, as they are especially sensitive to oxidants of all kinds.

As chlorine dioxide is a free radical, antioxidants will quench it back into a chlorite ion. This happens with many antioxidants; Vit. E, Vit. A, CoQ10, flavonoids, Beta-carotene, Lycopene, Lutein, etc., not only vitamin C. So no antioxidant supplements, or natural juices or foods should be consumed with chlorine dioxide. Lemon, or lime juice, has vitamin C and other antioxidants, so are not good to mix with chlorine dioxide. Jim is partially correct about ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid, if used at less than about a ratio of 2 moles ascorbic acid to 1 mole chlorite ion, would end up forming ClO2, because it's an acid. For no ClO2 to form, the reaction requires more than approximately 2 moles of ascorbic acid per mole of chlorite ion. In terms of ppm, it takes about 5.2 ppm ascorbic acid to destroy 1 ppm of chlorite ion. In fact, ascorbic acid produces about four times as much ClO2 as citric (see table below), the most in the short list.

Organic Acid Activation of Chlorite

Acid .... gm .. ClO2

Tartaric 0.64 239

Oxalic 0.53 628

Adipic 0.79 73

Citric 0.77 192

Itaconic 0.72 105

Ascorbic 0.68 >770

While I'm at it, the public should not be told to mix their own chemistry experiments. People don't follow orders exactly, make changes, and aren't professional enough to calculate the exact molecular weights of the reactants, and balance the formula. People need to buy a professionally made product.

Jim believes that MMS gets completely changed into chlorine dioxide in the stomach, if you swallow it. This is no more true than what happens when activating MMS in a glass beaker. There is only a small continuous basal secretion of gastric acid, on an empty stomach, of usually less than 10 mEq/hour. It takes food to stimulate the secretion of gastric fluid, and then the HCl is only 0.5 to 1% of it. And acidifying sodium chlorite does not produce chlorine dioxide as the first step. It produces chlorous acid, HClO2. [HCl + NaClO2 = HClO2 + NaCl] HClO2 is unstable, and breaks down into chlorine dioxide and hydrochloric acid. [5 HClO2 decomposes to 4 ClO2 + HCl + 2 H2O] Furthermore, at a pH in the range of 2.3 - 3.2, only about 30% chlorous acid is produced from the acidification. That leaves about 70% leftover sodium chlorite.

Citric acid is a weak acid, and only produces about 10% chlorine dioxide. And citric acid can have the taste problem. Luckily, the leftover sodium chlorite is also a disinfectant, although it is much harsher than chlorine dioxide, and not as selective. With exact concentrations and conditions, HCl can produce nearly 100% chlorine dioxide. Also, the acidification of 1.3M sodium chlorite with 10% acetic acid yielded almost entirely chlorine dioxide as the major product of the disproportionation. Acidified Sodium Chlorite is used by many food processing companies, and the short-lived chlorous acid is also a disinfectant.

Sodium chlorite is a different animal. I have brushed my teeth with less than one ounce of 80% sodium chlorite solution. Afterwards, one corner of my lips hurt, and my gums were red and sore, with a small amount of bleeding when brushed. This took several days to heal. A single dose of 105 mg/kg weight will kill half of rats tested. That's called the LD50, lethal dose. For a 150 lb person, that's a little over 7 grams. In another test, with cats, a single dose of 1.5 mg/kg caused as much as 32% methemoglobin. That's losing about 1/3 of your blood oxygen supply. This loss does reverse back into normal hemoglobin over time. A 90 day study on rats found a No Adverse Effect Level at 1 mg/kg. Another 13 week study found very serious consequences at the highest doses; death, increased spleen and adrenal weights, ulceration, chronic inflammation and edema in the stomach. In a 90 day study, red blood cell glutathione levels, in a high dose group, were 40% below those of controls. MMS with citric acid has about 90% sodium chlorite leftover. So it's safer to use only chlorine dioxide alone.

Under some circumstances, calcium hypochlorite, MMS2, solutions can decompose to form some chlorate. In water it reacts to form hypochlorous acid and calcium hydroxide. This is the same chemistry as Clorox, sodium hypochlorite. The hydroxide part is caustic. It eats into body tissue. It's well known that these pool chemicals can irritate the eyes, if you swim a long time. He notes that hypochlorous acid is formed in the body. Yes. However it is formed inside white blood cells when they find an invading micro-organism, and only then. So it works only on the invader. Normal mammalian body cells, as well as bacteria, do not have a catalytically active detoxifying mechanism for it. So the hypochlorous acid can destroy body tissue as well as invaders. And ingesting it puts it in your bloodstream and body. Also, it's not as effective as chlorine dioxide. So it offers nothing new. No one should ingest MMS2, calcium hypochlorite, in any way. Swallowing a capsule containing solid calcium hypochlorite must surely "burn" the stomach. Also, calcium hypochlorite reacts with hydrochloric acid, stomach acid, to produce chlorine gas. Chlorine gas is the worst of all types of chlorine compounds. Here's a quote from one of Jim's books: "Actually my friend next door in the Nevada desert, Bill Boynton, came over one day and said that calcium hypochlorite killed germs in swimming pools and it might just be another MMS. He suggested that we try taking small amounts and see what happens. I figured if he was game to do it, I was too. We made up some gel capsules with calcium hypochlorite in them and started taking them and when they didn't kill us, we had some friends take them.... I decided to use the gel caps and started sending it out to people in the gel cap form. It's something a doctor could never do. He has the Hippocratic Oath and AMA and FDA looking over his shoulder. But I am an inventor and never took that oath." p.112.

Stabilized Oxygen, as sodium chlorite, is known by some people as a biocide for killing parasites. And at first, this is what Jim used, alone, to cure malaria. It's not clear who started selling Stabilized Oxygen, or why the mistaken name was used. It goes back far enough that the ingredient was not listed, leading to confusion. In 1929, Dr. Mois de Guevarra was selling a dry powder named "stabilized oxygen". In 1971, Dr. La Mar was the first to use a solution with "stabilized oxygen" to increase blood oxygen level. Evidently, it's unknown if either of these was sodium chlorite. E.D. Goodloe, 1971, sold "aerobic stabilized oxygen", produced in a 2-month-long production process in 14 stages. The oxygen is in association with sodium chloride, not sodium chlorite. Sodium chlorite could be used alone, as long as doses are below the vomiting threshold. Making up a new name, for Stabilized Oxygen (sodium chlorite), is what commercial companies do to sell a product. And changing the wording, of MMS, only causes confusion. Health newsletters simply use the names of the chemicals.

Getting sick, with Jim's method, is not a herxheimer reaction. The herxheimer reaction (Jarrisch and Herxheimer) is a phenomena originally observed in the treatment of syphilis. In general terms, it is described as a temporary increase of symptoms when antibiotics are administered. This effect happens with only a few diseases. Similar reactions have been found to occur in two kinds of borreliosis (Lyme disease and relapsing fever), brucellosis, Q fever, and trypanosomiasis. Herxheimer can occur within days to weeks after the onset of antibiotic therapy. The most common effects include: increased joint or muscle pain, headaches, chills, fever (usually low-grade), drop in blood pressure, hives and rash. Lyme is the main one, now, to have this problem. The extremely large doses of pure chlorine dioxide, that I took, caused no nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. In fact I felt high until the next morning. I've also swallowed a half eye-dropper of the 80% liquid sodium chlorite alone in water. It caused a vomit stomach spasm reaction within 30 minutes. Chlorous acid is evidently the one that causes liquid diarrhea. I got that with my first use of MMS with lime juice. The vomiting and diarrhea are the body's attempt to get rid of what you ingested. They are not a die-off or Herxheimer effect.

We owe Jim for making this subject public, and his other work. But I discovered, from being on the Genesis II Church Forum, that everyone was extremely closed minded about saying anything that disagreed with Jim. They ban people who disagree with anything, even a chemist. I was banned for trying to explain some of Jim's mistakes. I don't like to criticize people, but by telling people that he was the first to wire something for NASA, and worked on nuclear bombs, and so on, he's created an atmosphere that he is perfect, and knows more. That's the kind of problem in cults. Chlorine dioxide, and acidified sodium chlorite, are not new. There's been plenty of official health research, and patents, long before Jim found that "stabilized oxygen" (sodium chlorite) kills the malaria parasite. And some of his protocols may have too much sodium chlorite per day. He's so unprofessional that he doesn't give dosages per pound of weight of the patient. Obviously Jim has done no stomach sample tests, or blood tests to prove his claims. Chlorine dioxide has been said, by a chemist society, to be the best anti-pathogen. But do your own research. I'm not trying to scare you away from MMS. As long as you stay within the No Adverse Effect Levels, it's usable. If I had a deadly disease, I would use it even at somewhat damaging levels.

For recommended dose levels of the sodium chlorite part, see Dr. Hesselink's table below. One benefit of these chlorine oxidants is that, in low doses, they can stimulate white blood cells to produce cytokines which stimulate other white blood cells, activating the immune system. There's a great Patent, from 1990's work, with very exacting biochemical research. The test studies showed that sodium chlorite alone is successful at treating autoimmune diseases, which may include some diabetes-1, Parkinson, MS, ALS, etc. [Use of a chemically-stabilized chlorite solution for inhibiting an antigen-specific immune response]

And lets not forget about good old colloidal silver. It kills every bacterial disease. And there are new refinements about using ionic silver, Ag+. One company is making tetra silver-tetra oxide, which is said to be far superior. Also claims are being made that silver can kill some virus' and some fungi. So chlorine dioxide may best be used for it's more amazing results on problems like virus, fungus, parasites, diabetes, autoimmune, arterial plaque, Alzheimer brain plaque, COPD, tar deposits in smoker's lungs, and other problems that need more research and testing.

Dr. Hesselink's Table [Average 1 mg/kg per day]

Probable Dosages per day of Sodium Chlorite For Various Body Weights







9 lb

4 kg

1 mg

4 mg

8 mg

400 mg

13 lb

6 kg

1.5 mg

6 mg

12 mg

600 mg

22 lb

10 kg

2.5 mg

10 mg

20 mg

1000 mg

30 lb

14 kg

3.5 mg

14 mg

28 mg

1400 mg

44 lb

20 kg

5 mg

20 mg

40 mg

2000 mg

66 lb

30 kg

7.5 mg

30 mg

60 mg

3000 mg

100 lb

45 kg

11 mg

45 mg

90 mg

4, 500 mg

154 lb

70 kg

17.5 mg

70 mg

140 mg

7000 mg

220+ lb

100+ kg

25 mg

100 mg

200 mg

10, 000 mg

Lab Tests with Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection examples include bacteria, yeast, fungi, mold, algae, spores, protozoans, cryptosporidia, actinomycetes, cysts, giardia and larval eggs (mosquito, tse tse fly), insect eggs and larvae (agricultural pests, fruit fly, floricultural and horticultural insects), problematic veligers (zebra mussels, quagga mussels), fish and shellfish diseases (VHS, KHS, ISA) and many others. Unlike chlorine, ClO2 has the ability to kill water-borne viruses such as legionella, cholera, dengue, hepatitis and typhoid. ClO2 also kills airborne viruses when misted into air. Airborne viruses include anthrax, influenza, SARS, smallpox, chickenpox and avian flu. ClO2 kills all known bacteria, including coliform, salmonella, E-coli, listeria and cinobacteria. ClO2 eliminates microbial slime (biofilm).

Hospital Infection Research Laboratory UK, Institute de Recherche Microbiologique France, Micropathology UK, Biotech-Germande France, Bluscientific UK, PHLS UK

Spores: Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus subtilis var niger, Anthrax [used to disinfect the DC anthrax attack]

Mycobacteria: Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare, Mycobacterium chelonae, Mycobacterium fortuitum, Mycobacterium terrae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis Poli-R

Viruses: Canine Parvovirus, Coxsackivirus B3, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Herpes simplex virus Type 1, HIV Type 1, Human Norovirus, Influenza virus Type A2, Poliovirus Type 1, Poliovirus Type 2, SARS,

Fungi: Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans

Bacteria: Acetinobacter baumannii, Clostridium difficile [C. diff], Enterococcus faecium (vancomycin resistant), Enterococcus hirae, Escherichia coli [E. coli], Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (gentamicin resistant), Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus aureus (methicillin resistant) [MRSA], Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Listeria monocytogenes

About MMS
Posted by Jim Humble (Las Vegas) on 01/31/2017

Just wanted to comment on Bob Murphy's comments about me and MMS. I am sorry to say it, but much of Bob's comments about MMS are incorrect and about me (Jim Humble) are totally incorrect. First, the people who work with me are plenty happy to jump me about incorrect stuff, and I don't know of anyone who was banned because they disagreed with me. A couple of people cheated the Church out of thousands of dollars and were banned, but you don't call that disagreeing with me. Bob has never met me or talked to me and yet he is here telling everyone I am arrogant and that I think I know more. Then he tells you that chlorine dioxide and acidified sodium chlorite are not new. But if he is going to write about how wrong I am don't you think he should have read my book? At least read my last book in which I tell people that there were many patents issued on sodium chlorite in the last century and that chlorine dioxide was used in hospitals where thousands of tests were made in the 1980's. I never ever thought of saying that I was the first to work with acidified sodium chlorite (That's MMS).

Bob should have read my latest book before making most of his statement. But he didn't and he just made dozens of mistakes in how to use MMS and I'd like to say he made all those statement about me with never meeting me or knowing about me.

So in case you are going to use MMS let me point our some of his obvious mistakes. (1) He states, "some of his (my) protocols may have too much sodium chlorite per day. He is so unprofessional that he doesn't give dosages per pound of weight of the patient." Again he didn't read my book. I suggest that everyone start out at 1/4 drop of MMS. I have given mice 1/4 drop without adverse reactions. Well I don't want to get into a long drawn out protocol, but I give three golden rules to follow after doing the 1/4 drop all day each hour. (A) As long as you are getting better, don't change anything. (B) If you are feeling worse, cut your next dose in Half. (C) If you are not feeling worse nor better (nothing is changing) increase the doses a little. NO ONE GETS MORE THAN THEY NEED WHILE FOLLOWING ALL OF MY DIRECTIONS. It's easy for anyone on the street.

One sample how goofs in his chemical evaluation of MMS. He acts like a High school chemist. Like most chemists he jumps in there and says when acidifying sodium chlorite it turns first to an acid and not to chlorine dioxide. Well, yes, true, but that is for only 1/2 second and the it turns to chlorine dioxide which you drink and you body never knew it was that acid before it was chlorine dioxide.

Then he says that I say that sodium chlorite turns mostly to chlorine dioxide in your stomach. No, No, that isn't so. Read my books. When you acidify a drop of MMS with a drop of activator only 1/10th of the sodium chlorite in that drop turns to chlorine dioxide and then when you drink it (that 1/10th has already turned to chlorine dioxide) and now in your stomach another 1/10th of that drop turns to chlorine dioxide by the normal stomach acid in most people's stomach. So you see only 2/10ths are turned to chlorine dioxide. But this isn't bad. I could have change that. But sodium chlorite unactivated is important to the body too and MMS is much more effective when it has both chlorine dioxide and unactivated sodium chlorite.

Sorry, I don't have time to tell you in all the places where he screwed up, but it was many and his chemistry was not great. When he said that people who finish with a MMS protocol need probiotics for the stomach to replace the flora he as again wrong. The company Lenntech is a company that has been selling chlorine dioxide for 50 years and they state that chlorine dioxide is in fact truly selective in what it can kill. When I first went to Africa I went to a Missionary group that had 50 churches dotted through the jungle area. Each church had 50 to 200 people waiting for me with malaria. In one month I treated 5000 cases of malaria and over a period of years I treat 60,000 sick people with MMS and never notice any of them needing replacement of stomach flora (that is if they didn't already need it before being treated). If you are going to use MMS I suggest you read my latest book and not rely on Bob's chemistry. Sorry about sounding mean. Don't mean too. But Bob decided I was a bad guy without meeting me and talked about the truth, so just wanted you to know I am not a dictator and just want to see people get well. That's my job.

Jim Humble

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Nancy (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) on 05/23/2014

I want to buy MMS ... my supplier passed away and I am in desperate need. Where can I get a supply?

sincerely, Nancy

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jerome (Brooklyn, Ny) on 03/04/2011 8 posts

YEA for MMS. I had a longstanding case of epididymitis and prostatitis for almost three years, that I suspect came from a case of Chlamydia that I contracted years ago and never fully got rid of. It got to the point where I had a constant pain in my left side (where my testicles meet my leg) and my left testicle was extremely sensitive all the time.

A urologist gave me a course of doxycycline (back when I still trusted doctors) which seemed to bring the pain under control, but a month or so after I stopped the antibiotics the pain crept back and became as bad as ever. After giving up on doctors, I began to try alternative remedies, the first one being colloidal silver (a common brand sold at Vitamin Shoppe). To my great joy I immediately began to notice a decrease in pain from taking 5-7 tablespoons of colloidal silver a day. After a couple of weeks taking colloidal silver the epididymitis and prostatitis was 80-90% gone. I figured that was as cured as I was going to get, and I was happy with the lack of pain, so I stopped the silver.

After the silver I began taking MMS for other lingering health problems I had. I began with 5 drops of MMS twice a day on an empty stomach. After one day I noticed my urine was suddenly cloudy with white blood cells. This told me that my body was fighting something in my urinary tract area. At the same time, I noticed that my epididymitis/prostate pain had disappeared--and I mean 100% GONE, almost overnight. What this told me was that the MMS had basically kicked the living heck out of whatever bacteria/parasite was causing my crotch pain. Needless to say, I was thrilled.

After less than a week on MMS, when I reached 9 drops twice a day, I started to notice something else--I was passing WORMS with my bowel movements. Needless to say, I was simultaneously disgusted and happy that the MMS was killing these parasites and that they were now leaving my body. I will continue taking the MMS and increasing the drops until I feel that I am free of these disgusting parasites.

Finally, I would like to add a note to readers not trust any so called "quackwatch" or other sites calling MMS poison or a scam. I gave MMS a chance because I felt I was at the end of my rope with a laundry list of health problems that seemingly nothing would cure, and so far MMS has surpassed all expectations with no side effects except for a couple of instances of mild nausea (which I suspect was the worms being killed by the MMS). Why are there so many (dishonest) people online who don't want to see others get well??

Broad Benefits
Posted by Chianti (Auckland) on 10/11/2018

MMS for all mankind ...and animals

I have been a naturopath for 40 years. I no longer run my clinic basically because mms with a no grain, dairy/sugar free diet addresses most, if not all chronic or challenging health concerns. But we cannot prescribe it. Knowing there is something out there which I cannot give to people who need it has put an end to my career.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Anne (TX) on 09/09/2021

To EllieTx, we must also remember we are discussing the same FDA that legalized thalidomide, glysophate, DDT, aspartame, and as of late, OxyContin and fentanyl. They also are demonizing hydroxycloroquine and ivermectin but are giving the green light to Remdizivir (spelling???) for C19. I do not trust a word that comes out of the mouths of these bought and paid-for evil-doers at the FDA. Whoever greases their palms will get their drug approved, even if it kills countless Americans. Follow the money. This is, of course, my opinion based on hours of research into the FDA. I haven't yet received my MMS in the mail, so I've yet to have an experience with it. Getting it tomorrow.

About MMS
Posted by Jim Humble (Somewhere In Another Country) on 01/30/2017

While I am sure Bob (Murphy, Nc) sure or whatever his name is has a good heart and means well, he is highly inaccurate about much of his writing about MMS. He isn't nearly as smart about chemistry as he think he is. I don't have the time to go over all of his writing, but his mistakes are very numerous, here is an example. He states that MMS kills good and bad bacteria alike and therefore stomach flora needs to be replaced after using MMS. But I treated 60,000 people around the world and none need to replace their stomach flora and if they did I would have seen it. Lenntech is a company with a web site who has been selling chlorine dioxide for 50 years and their technology states that chlorine dioxide is indeed selective in what it kills. If Bob was going to write a lot of stuff about MMS a liquid that has saved thousands of lives he should have done a lot more studying before jumping in their and talking about something he still knows very little about.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jerome (Brooklyn, Ny) on 03/06/2011 8 posts

In reply to Ellietx from Dallas, Tx, Us: Ellie, thank you for your concern, but at this point I give the FDA about as much credibility about nutrition as the National Association of Circus Clowns. If I would have continued following the FDA's and USDA's 'guidance' on medicine and nutrition I'd probably be in a grave right now. Thanks to alternative medicine I have all but beaten the dozen or so maladies that no doctor was able to help me with, and which I now believe is the result of antibiotics and junk food. I have seen zero side effects thus far from MMS, and the fact that it can be used as "an industrial cleaner" means nothing to me, since the same can be said about vinegar or baking soda. But again, thanks for your concern.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Gonzo (Seattle, Washington) on 09/29/2012

My wife and I started MMS thre months ago. We are both healthy, run, lift, eat good, organic foods, ect. To avoid nausea, and the other unpleasent reactions, start like this: One half drop mms, one half drop 50% citric acid( one drop each, just half the mixture ), mix, wait 20 seconds. We like Knudesons black cherry, add to MMS( about three tblspns. ), add water to make 1/3 cup and down the hatch! Each day increase by 1/2 drop till on three drops an hour, eight hours a day. You can make a jug of eight hour MMS for all day as follows. 24drops MMS, 24 drops 50% citric acid. Mix, let stand twenty seconds. Add 1/3 cup of juice, fill the rest with filtered/purified water. Drink 1/2 cup every hour till gone. In two weeks, athletes foot gone, rosatia gone, nails are perfect, sleep better, mind is way clear and sharp. Wake up with more energy, peri-anal cyst is gone, teeth are hard and white, allergies ( my wife has had seasonal allergy attacks for 30 years ) gone in three days of protocol 1000, recover from hard training way fast, on and on. We now do maintainance dose of three drops twice a day. Every one around us has gotten sick. Not us. This stuff is great, and it works!!!!!!!!!!!

About MMS
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 01/31/2017

HI U JIM AND BOB,,,,,,, spent 40 years making ClO2 in the paper industry and breathed the washer residual almost constantly. However, I'm not going to get into this "pissin contest" between you two. Reason being is that I have not ever made ClO2 this way and never took it as a health remedy. What I will say is that I do Ozone at home with a medical generator and at clinics for PROLOZONE SHOTS.

It was the Germans that blazed this Ozone trail and Dr Shallenberger brought it to the U. S. I think CLO2 is in this category that can help mankind, but it will be after the fight with Big Pharma and the AMA. One paper mill ClO2 generator would supply the world, but I would almost be impossible to ship it as a solution. Jim, your MMS procedure solves that problem, but I have reservations about the control. I've read enough over the years to know that the medical folks wanted to put you in prison because you were so successful.

Have you heard of Ebola lately? No, because a U.S. doctor showed the local doctors how to cure the disease with Ozone. When that first happened the media played the drama to the hilt and Big Pharma had $ signs in their eyes.

Jim, I do think you have to back off on your claim that ClO2 only kills the bad stuff and not the good stuff. Anti-biotics kills both, as does Ozone, so why is CLO2 any different. That just goes with the territory and you can build your gut flora back in a short while. Don't get side tracked with this argument. I just wish some open minded folks like the Germans would look into CLO2.

Another protocol that works, but is outlawed, is the Rife Machine. I have one. Your DNA tells your your health problems and that science is here and now.... only in the closet. One of these days this test will be done and you will go into room where you will be hit with frequencies that kill all the critters that are affecting your health, including cancer. It won't help a car wreck victim, but it will cure general health problems.

Let me suggest that we make a chicken salad out of this chicken sheet situation. You boys talk to one another is a civil manner and you can move the world. Lots of good can come out of this mess. I want it to happen.


Sinus Infections
Posted by Lisa (Buffalo, Ny) on 01/20/2013

I develop life threatening infections due to problems with my sinuses, bad teeth, and bone loss in the upper structure of my mouth. If I do not get antibiotics soon upon getting one of these sinus infections, I get so ill I cannot get out of bed. They have even caused me to slip into a coma 2x. I never get better only worse without them, so getting the antibiotics becomes a battle for my life.

I was warned this would happen unless I was able to get a certain operation I never could afford, to rebuild the bone in my mouth and patch up the skin that had deteriorated letting in contaminants.

Ignorant doctors and hospitals would sometimes charge me outrageous fees or hospital bills just to tell me they don't like to give out antibiotics because people are becoming immune to them despite I have years and years of records with this problem, and often I would be forced to leave without the help I desperately needed. I would have to incur more bills until I found a doctor willing to prescribe them to me to save my life.

I was really too ill to get out of bed much less go through all that drama and expense because of such ignorance and ridiculous attitudes. I already had a multiply handicapped son that relies on me solely for his care, so without me he would have to go into some kind of home at the government's expense, as if things were not bad enough for us without any other help or family.

Then one year I applied for good old MEDICAID to try to get some medical help with my problem, something I hoped would possibly solve the problem. Medicaid sent me to a clinic where I was treated like a drug addict.

I have never been on any illegal drugs in my life, I am a straight laced Christian who can't afford to go out much less leave my son alone and go enjoy myself on drugs. I never saw a doctor there, but some sort of nurse who sent me to another clinic in a hospital to see an ear nose and throat specialist.

I went to that appointment where I was led to a room and seated in s chair that reminded me of a dental chair. A doctor came in who could not really speak English to any understandable degree. He said something I did not understand and left for about 20 minutes. When he came back he opened my mouth and sprayed something down my throat.

Within minutes my mouth and throat became numb, he left again, and I could not breathe! I began to struggle to try to scream for help. By the time someone found me I was unconscious. After that, I began to have serious panic attacks in my life any time I would get stressed out or began to feel like I had any sinus problem blocking my airway or stuffed up. I never had panic attacks in my life until after that day!

So I began to go online and look for something else I could use. I found MMS. I have been taking it now to solve my problem for years now. I take 6 drops of MMS with 30 drops of activator 2 times a day for 5 to 7 days upon developing these infections or getting ill now.

MMS has saved my life so many times now not to mention the thousands in doctor and hospital bills. It takes about 5 days to get rid of one of my sinus infections with MMS. I take it in a tiny glass with very little water in one gulp and afterwards a chase of one mouthful of some juice to kill that after taste. The key to not getting nauseated is to never take it on an empty stomach.

Also, getting nauseated from MMS only happens only when I am ill. If I take MMS when I am not ill. I do not get nauseated. Folks, if you are ill, do not take MMS until after you have eaten something or you will most likely either become nauseated or throw up.

Because I dislike the taste so much of MMS, I only take it either when I get sick or there might be something going around I do not want to get. Taking MMS despite its awful taste is so much better than what the so called Medical Professionals put me through to fight for my life!

This is my story for "MMS Cures"! Hope my years of experience with MMS helps someone else.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Steven (Mauritius) on 08/18/2015

My dad got a bad tooth ache due to infection and he took 6 drops of activated MMS and tooth ache was gone on the next day. Note that he kept solution quite a while in his mouth before swallowing it.

My mum's sore throat vanished within 24 hours after gargling 8 drops of activated MMS solution with DMSO added to it.

The best for the end.

I personally experienced the powerful healing properties of MMS when I suffered from chronic candidiasis infection. It was a nightmare.

I was very weak, headache, had oral thrush and passing a lot of gas, sinusitis.

I followed Jim Humble instruction, I took 3 drops of MMS every hour for 8 hours a day, for 1 week. I must admit that the taste was horrible, couldn't bear it, but I continued. I also had diarrhea when taking MMS whereby I could go the toilet 2 times in a day.

Then the 2nd week, I took 4 drops of MMS every hour for 8 hours a day. Again I had severe diarrhea, passing out even more gas, stomach upset. I believe that fungus was now under attack by MMS as my body was detoxifying.

3rd week, I took 5 drops of MMS every hour for 8 hours a day. I was happy in the morning when I examine my tongue, oral thrush gone, but still there was some swelling on side of my tongue. No more headache and I regained energy. But still I had to deal with the diarrhea which was extremely loose. My sinusitis associated to the infection, seemed to be unaffected, I had that blocked nostril when lying down to sleep at night.

4th week, I took 6 drops of MMS every hour for 8 hours a day. No more oral thrush, swelling on side of my tongue was still there, feeling more energetic, diarrhea was less frequent, was passing little gas by now, sinusitis remained unaffected.

5th week, I took 7 drops of MMS every hour for 8 hours a day. No more oral thrush, swelling on side of my tongue decreased significantly but was still there, energy level was back to normal, diarrhea was quite rare, my digestive tract was almost normal, was passing very little gas, sinusitis remained unaffected.

6th week, I couldn't keep on with MMS as I felt that my body was now saturated with the horrible taste. I felt like throwing up each time I took MMS. So I stopped taking it. Instead, I took organic red grape juice. 1 liter per day. Hoping to build up my immune system, after 2 weeks on organic grape juice, oral thrush vanish, energy level return back to normal, no more swelling on side of tongue, sinusitis decreased significantly, my digestive tract is back to normal, no more headache.

It looks that my blocked nostril associated with my chronic sinusitis is now disappearing. I now have a very lightly blocked nose at night when lying down.

I even gave the surplus of MMS bottles to a friend suffering from stomach cancer. I'll keep you updated on that.

Thanks Jim. God bless

Clinical Trial of MMS
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 06/07/2021 489 posts

Chlorine dioxide has undergone its first clinical trial!!! FINALLY!! And against COVID!! With astonishing results!!!! WOOHOO!! Not in the US, obviously, but Kalcker talks about it. I won't include a link so anyone interested will have to duckduckgo kalcker +"clinical trial". You might have to dig a little bit to find information in English...

Broad Benefits
Posted by Chaz (Hanover, Pa) on 01/06/2010


Good morning everyone. I have read many many posts on this site and I have studied alternative medicine for decades in an effort to "beat the system" with regards to the high price of health care. I have tried many remedies for many things over the years in my attempt to find what really works and what is simply hype and overexageration. Within the last 12 months I have discovered a compound that is absolutely fascinating although not very pleasant to the taste. I had a tumor on my vocal chords and this resulted in a cancer scare. I was on the alternative cancer cure studies day and night and happened across a compound that consisted of Chlorine Dioxide. I studied the compound for 5 weeks night and day and studied it both inside and outside of alternative medicine. I ingested all of the data that I could find on the subject and ended up making a purchase of the product. I have tested the compound and found it to erradicate any type of harmful microbe that may be living in the human system. I have seen this compound eradicate swine flu, herpes, and chlamydia just to name a few microbes. I have run lots of field tests on it to verify its effectiveness and have not seen it fail once. I believe this compound should be in everyones pantry who wants to have an alternative anti-microbial agent. I've seen this stuff erradicate MRSA in one day. It's estimated that it is roughly 100 times stronger than any antibiotic that we have now. It's no joke though and should be taken after being studied with due diligence.

Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, and Parasites
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 12/15/2021


HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and I am on a tear. After treating my Tractor Driver with CDS for her shingles and she recovered in a week, I am in high cotton. Tried to go back into the EC archives about MMS or CDS, but that is futile at best. Won't go there but want to spark interest in others what CLO2 can address and get some input. It can address viruses, bacteria, fungi, mold, and small parasites. It is truly a miracle compound that is a no brainer to make and addresses problems internal and external. I made the dang stuff for almost 40 years, breathed it and had to but on a gas mask when it got loose. But I used it to make pulp white and not for my health. So, if you think I's 'bout half smart then start thinking CDS for some of your ails and post on it. Probably there is a maintenance dose that will keep you safe this winter.


Broad Benefits
Posted by JIMKOVACS (CARACAS, VENEZUELA) on 03/23/2022


Really a life-saver for me. at 68 years I had been dealing with many stomach problems, esophagitis, hernias, candida, h-pylori, you name it.

Also sinus problems, cervical issues and arthritis...

I started this on an empty stomach before breakfast and it took it all away!

I do one more shot with ChlorineDioxide drops in the afternoon, and use Colloidal Silver spray in my nose against possible COVID since this all started...

I have not gotten any Jabs, but feel that my Immune System has really perked up since this combo.

STRONGLY recommend it for all out there!

Blessings and inspiration, Nature boosts your body's healing in ways big-pharma could never do...

Posted by Dach (Santa Rosa, Ca.) on 03/01/2017

I woke up in excruciating pain two days after a piece of broken glass in the garbage stabbed the middle finger on my left hand to the bone. The pain radiated from my right hip down my leg to the knee. As I got up and moved around the leg loosened up and the pain and stiffness decreased tremendously. On day four however, the pain and stiffness did not subside at all and I was in tears because of how bad the pain was when "trying" to walk. I then remembered that I had MMS and knew that I could tolerate a 6 drop dose, thinking at the time that I would need to do at least a few doses over the next few days (or however long it took). I took the 6 drop dose at bedtime and imagine my surprise when I woke up the next day without any pain in the leg whatsoever. I had already read how harmful vaccines were to the brain and body so was determined to not get one ever again, even though everyone online was saying that emergency room personnel told them that without the tetanus shot they would die. I had also read that large doses of vitamin C were effective against tetanus so I did increase the amount of ascorbic acid I was taking as well. I don't remember exactly how much I took - I believe it was 1 - 3 tablespoons per day - which is well above the recommended daily dose of a quarter teaspoon. Apparently it wasn't enough to kill the tetanus but may have helped so that the one 6 drop dose of MMS was all that was needed.

FYI, vitamin C inactivates MMS so they do need to be taken at least a few hours apart from each other.

Severe Heath Conditions
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 01/14/2016 2063 posts

OK, I am excited at the major progress Jim Humble and his little band of health warriors have made over the last few yrs. in regards to Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS). I have purchased & read the first 2 publications Breakthrough: The Miracle Mineral Solution Of The Twenty-first Century Parts 1 & 2,4th Edition

Without going into detail of all the major interventions in my severe condition, of both pharmaceutical and natural remedies, I can say from personal experience, that these words "breakthrough" and "miracle" are not simply or exclusively marketing slogans. I have used MMS sporadically for a few yrs to now and among the arsenal of medicines & remedies I have used to keep myself above ground with a pulse, that MMS is the top gun and no matter how bad I get sometimes, I always have MMS that absolutely has the power & potential to stop the dying process.

MMS is so powerful a pathogen killer that it must be administered in small doses and increase slowly, as is recommended by Jim and his team. As a way for illustration, Jim describes one molecule of ClO2 as a Tasmanian Devil in the cartoon and he get's off the bus where there are five evil pathogen thugs ready to kill the people coming onto the street, but Taz licks em' because he has the power. In chemical analogy or language, 1 molecule of ClO2 forcefully accepts 5 electrons from the nucleus of whatever number of pathogens (proly 2-3). That is, ClO2 is a powerful reduction agent. When the nuclei of the pathogen looses it's orbiting electrons, it becomes entirely unstable and explodes (which causes the herx reaction in the partaker).

As a "killer extraordinaire" of pathogens, MMS is proving that many of the degenerative diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular, cancer, etc have a common item of fugal, bacterial, or viral that exploits the defenses. Once the pathogen is killed and inflammation subsides, then natural healing can occur.

By way of introduction aside from the strict measurements outlined by Jim, let me suggest something I most often do which works very well. Make yourself a container of low sugar Limeade or Lemonade (I prefer Limeade for better taste) with no added Vit-C (most commercial products do contain very small amounts but most not enough to negate MMS) as Vit-C negates the MMS. Pour a small glass, maybe 4oz and place 2 drops MMS into the beverage and wait 5 minutes for the conversion to Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2). Drink this and sit down while the pathogens die. I have reached a 6 drop dose range in a 6oz glass of cooled Limeade that is very effective in my case and sometimes up to 8 drops but get a little sick to my stomach, once a day. Yes, you will taste the chlorine and it is a little uncomfortable and maybe adding a little more natural sugar will help with the Lemon or Limeade.

Jim & company have developed many different and effective protocols of MMS but I thought this little method I do is a good introduction.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Shree (India) on 07/28/2015

Hi friends! I will tell you my experience of MMS and general opinion. Experience : I am 68. I had lot many digestive problems, general weakness and suffering from sciatica for more than 30 years. Even if I will eat handful of light food (I am vegetarian) I used to suffer sever stomach pain and continuous burping for at least 2 - 3 hrs. I tried several medicines but no relief.

When I took only 10% concentration MMS, 10 drops( 2 drops per hour ) for two days, a real miracle happened. I had a mild diarrhea next day but all troubles vanished. I continued for a week and today is the 8th day. I am truly feeling more energetic (without any tonic or vitamin supplement ) and younger. But what is about my sciatica problem? I frequently used to take Calcium and Vit D3 pills but no use. And MMS does not contain calcium or vitamin D3. Then how I got at least 90% relief from MMS? Many many thanks to Jim Humble!

My sincere opinion: 1) I believe in Ayurveda, a great Indian science of Health. As per Ayurveda every substance (herbs, minerals, chemical compounds etc.) is either Amrut or Poison which depends upon the quantity and method you take. 2) Body requires medicines only on supportive basis and not continuously. 3) How our body reacts with any drug, nobody will ever know 100% 4) Personal experience is direct proof than any theoretical discussion.

And at the end I will say about MMS - If you are afraid, don't try it. If want to try, start with small doses than suggested. If found beneficial try it cautiously and whenever required. Observe any long term side effects. If observed any adverse effect stop it immediately. Every individual is different.

God bless you.

FDA Warning
Posted by Paula (Mississauga, Canada) on 07/29/2015

if the FDA is saying it is bad than you KNOW it must be highly effective and beneficial.

Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, and Parasites
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 12/16/2021

Hi mmsg -

I had bookmarked the following website on my computer some time ago but I never got around to reading it. I will now .. .

There is an 80-page PDF called: The Universal Antidote - The science and story of chlorine dioxide.

There is also a 2-hour long video about the history of chlorine dioxide. Although I haven't watched all of it, the part I did was fascinating. The video also includes testimonies of people and doctors who used it.

Hope you find it as interesting as I did.

Take care,


About MMS
Posted by CJ (Texas) on 03/22/2021

I agree completely. I have been taking MMS (Chlorine dioxide) for three months and have lost badly needed bodyweight the whole time. I read that this is common with users. I think MMS/CD might be a good antibiotic in some narrow uses way, but it's just like any other broad spectrum antibiotic, it's like using a shotgun to shoot a fly with, it's too powerful, it probably takes out everything.

I also think the MMS2 in Humble's book is even worse. I do believe that topically or as a mouth antibiotic MMS might have some great uses, maybe it's a great drug, or a giardia/amoeba drug, that if used only for a short while might be doable. As a treatment for anything chronic, I think it's just too risky. If our own FDA would tell us the truth this would not be a problem, and the AMA has never ever told us the truth about anything, the lies are the reason this is all happening. We know they lie to use on lots of things, so people just believe nothing now. The solution is DMSO, and the newer Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), both of those really do work for just about everything and they are both safe and will do everything that MMS is claimed to be able to do. Stick with Iodine (Lugol's solution) and DMSO and or MSM and you won't hurt yourself. Also, read the old homeopathic med books. Prior to 1900, the books were full of real cures and treatments that preceded our current drug marketing lunacy that is killing everyone with lies and starvation from high costs.

FDA Warning
Posted by Timh (KY) on 08/03/2014 2063 posts

We are also being warned about the many dangers of Marijuana, even though no one has ever overdosed as a direct consequence of using. No one has ever died from MMS.

Be warned, no one has ever died as a result of using these natural remedies!

Many, many people have died as a direct result of misuse or simply as directed use, of otc or prescription pharmaceuticals.

Scalp Infection
Posted by Shelly (Baltimore) on 06/09/2013

I had a terrible scalp condition where my scalp would flake and peel. It had a horrible smell. I went to several dermatologist none of the medication worked. I researched MMS and let me tell you I would pour the mixed solution on my scalp and let it set before shampooing my hair. I have not had any scalp issues. My hair smells great now. Keep with it. I used it three times before I noticed a huge change.