My mum's sore throat vanished within 24 hours after gargling 8 drops of activated MMS solution with DMSO added to it.
The best for the end.
I personally experienced the powerful healing properties of MMS when I suffered from chronic candidiasis infection. It was a nightmare.
I was very weak, headache, had oral thrush and passing a lot of gas, sinusitis.
I followed Jim Humble instruction, I took 3 drops of MMS every hour for 8 hours a day, for 1 week. I must admit that the taste was horrible, couldn't bear it, but I continued. I also had diarrhea when taking MMS whereby I could go the toilet 2 times in a day.
Then the 2nd week, I took 4 drops of MMS every hour for 8 hours a day. Again I had severe diarrhea, passing out even more gas, stomach upset. I believe that fungus was now under attack by MMS as my body was detoxifying.
3rd week, I took 5 drops of MMS every hour for 8 hours a day. I was happy in the morning when I examine my tongue, oral thrush gone, but still there was some swelling on side of my tongue. No more headache and I regained energy. But still I had to deal with the diarrhea which was extremely loose. My sinusitis associated to the infection, seemed to be unaffected, I had that blocked nostril when lying down to sleep at night.
4th week, I took 6 drops of MMS every hour for 8 hours a day. No more oral thrush, swelling on side of my tongue was still there, feeling more energetic, diarrhea was less frequent, was passing little gas by now, sinusitis remained unaffected.
5th week, I took 7 drops of MMS every hour for 8 hours a day. No more oral thrush, swelling on side of my tongue decreased significantly but was still there, energy level was back to normal, diarrhea was quite rare, my digestive tract was almost normal, was passing very little gas, sinusitis remained unaffected.
6th week, I couldn't keep on with MMS as I felt that my body was now saturated with the horrible taste. I felt like throwing up each time I took MMS. So I stopped taking it. Instead, I took organic red grape juice. 1 liter per day. Hoping to build up my immune system, after 2 weeks on organic grape juice, oral thrush vanish, energy level return back to normal, no more swelling on side of tongue, sinusitis decreased significantly, my digestive tract is back to normal, no more headache.
It looks that my blocked nostril associated with my chronic sinusitis is now disappearing. I now have a very lightly blocked nose at night when lying down.
I even gave the surplus of MMS bottles to a friend suffering from stomach cancer. I'll keep you updated on that.
Thanks Jim. God bless
FDA Warning
Broad Benefits
Of course, Ayurveda stands on its own and still needs to be discovered here. I am glad you are doing well.
Namaste, Om
Broad Benefits
When I took only 10% concentration MMS, 10 drops( 2 drops per hour ) for two days, a real miracle happened. I had a mild diarrhea next day but all troubles vanished. I continued for a week and today is the 8th day. I am truly feeling more energetic (without any tonic or vitamin supplement ) and younger. But what is about my sciatica problem? I frequently used to take Calcium and Vit D3 pills but no use. And MMS does not contain calcium or vitamin D3. Then how I got at least 90% relief from MMS? Many many thanks to Jim Humble!
My sincere opinion: 1) I believe in Ayurveda, a great Indian science of Health. As per Ayurveda every substance (herbs, minerals, chemical compounds etc.) is either Amrut or Poison which depends upon the quantity and method you take. 2) Body requires medicines only on supportive basis and not continuously. 3) How our body reacts with any drug, nobody will ever know 100% 4) Personal experience is direct proof than any theoretical discussion.
And at the end I will say about MMS - If you are afraid, don't try it. If want to try, start with small doses than suggested. If found beneficial try it cautiously and whenever required. Observe any long term side effects. If observed any adverse effect stop it immediately. Every individual is different.
God bless you.
Im going to try Autism protocol on my two aspergers kids as they have had mms on and off over the years.
Great for my sons respitory tract infections and croup too, just by gasing it in sleeping quarters overnight....
EC: Hi Renate,
Please confirm that you meant MMS and not MSM? You've posted on our MMS page. Thanks!
FDA Warning
Lordy, you are dangerous. Chlorine gas will kill you in natural minute, but the world uses it to disinfect water. Knowledge is the secret. I can handle all these bleaches safely and did so for 40 years in industry. So take your own counsel and read up on the subject.
The FDA does not want you using MMS (ClO2) because it is too effective and too cheap. You messin with their income.
FDA Warning
Where to Buy: Thailand
Chronic Viral Infection
Of course that would mess up the medical industry big time , so that will never happen.
As in years past one sulfite pulp mill could produce enough vanilla to supply the world so that never happened either.
Is life grand or what? Games we play.
Chronic Viral Infection
Namaste Om
Chronic Viral Infection
I'm wanting some info regarding dose amounts & frequencies while pregnant too. I've got a number of low-level diseases & one serious-but-not-currently-injurious hereditary kidney disease. I'm currently taking up to 5 drops up to 6 times a day, but my partner wants me to progress up to 15 drops hourly. I'm 10 weeks pregnant.
I'm amazed at how little there is on the internet re: pregnant women's experiences with mms! Any info you could give me would be great. Thanks!
Sinus Infections
General Feedback

MMS vs. Antibiotics
Just to ease my mind... starting MMS1-2 next week!!
Thank you
MMS Side Effects
I'm sitting here reading through the comments about MMS and have decided it's not worth the risk. I really feel badly for those who put their faith in it, some multiple times, and didn't get anywhere but sick or, in one case, dead.
Regarding the flu or colds, what I do now is take medicinal mushrooms if I feel the least bit off. Usually, I find I just felt off, no illness develops at all. But, when it turns out I do have a virus, I will know my body is fighting it, with the help of the mushrooms, and I just keep taking them until I'm better, and then, and this is important, I keep taking them for several days after symptoms are gone.
I have used a variety of mushroom capsules but more recently use mostly Reishi mushroom capsules. There are many companies supplying mushrooms in capsule and tincture forms. The only side effect I've noticed is an increase in energy so sometimes I take them for that, too. I will also pop a capsule of elderberry and one or two of oil of oregano.
If I ever find I have a more serious illness, I would not be opposed to trying hydrogen peroxide orally. I've had ozone administered to stop the flu twice before I got onto mushrooms, and it worked by the next day. I was worse driving home and well the next morning, so I do believe in oxidative therapies, but ozone administered by a naturopath is spendy. I'll stick with mushrooms, elderberry and oregano and probably will eventually try hydrogen peroxide. And, I'd vote for anyone else trying these things before taking MMS. Apparently, one has no idea how they may react to MMS, even just a couple of drops in some cases. If you are concerned about parasites, there are numerous tried and true natural methods for eliminating parasites that likely would not place you at risk of ending up in the hospital.....or the morgue!
Where to Buy: South Africa
Where to Buy: South Africa

Where to Buy: USA
Where to Buy: Canada
FDA Warning
It is worth researching and knowing the gov't hates Jim for what he does.
FDA Warning
======OLE ROBERT HENRY========
FDA Warning
FDA Warning
First, I stated that my mother contracted Hep-C and that I have very likely the Chronic Active Viral Hepatitis from Hep-B vaccine 20 yrs ago. As of lately, I am slowly making progress from severe environmental illness which has twice almost killed me. Heavy metals, parasites, and pathogens (viral/bacterial/fungal) as a result of very dysfunctional P-450 detox enzyme system plus very dysfunctional immune system. I take a foot spa every night fallowed by 2 oil pullings then 1 250mg BHT fallowed 15 min later w/ 3 caps Echinacea w/ good results. At some other time in between the BHT, I take Chanca Piedra also w/ good results. For me, it seems the BHT and Chanca work almost immediately so I never worry about anything that would negate these remedies later on. This method undoubtedly works for me, but may not for others, so not worth drawing any conclusions on.
Back to MMS. The bare facts. MMS is a lay term, pinned by Jim Humble, for Chlorine Dioxide. One must do kitchen chemistry of mixing Sodium Chlorite w/ Citric Acid to yield ClO2. Chlorine Bleach's chemical formula is Sodium Hypochlorite or NaClO. From Bleach, drop the sodium and add an oxygen and you have a very different molecule. This extra oxygen is what makes ClO2 much more powerful a germ killer and why I refer to it as another member of the Oxygen therapy group. Jim says that one molecule of ClO2 accepts 5 electrons from pathogens (ever how many are rotating around their mother nucleus). Immediately fallowing robbing these electrons, the nucleus becomes entirely unstable and literally explodes (thus the severe die-off reactions of nausea & vomiting the FDA warns of).
If you have time, try and download Jim's first book (I think it's a freebie) MMS Part 1 or Breakthrough: The Miracle Mineral Solution Of The Twenty First Century Pts 1&2 4th edition.
FDA Warning
FDA Warning
I have had some temporary nausea and I always decreased the dose so that doesn't happen again. My standard dose is 8 drops. The chlorine taste & occasional nausea is enough to back one away from this substance. I also find H2O2 offensive so very rarely use it orally. Colloidal Silver and/or Lipo-C seems to be the least offensive and most effective natural antibiotics going.
As for character and alternative medicine advocates, read up on the escapades of Ed McCabe and compare to Jim Humble. These guys have endured persecutions for promoting oxygen therapy for the good of the general public w/ very little monetary gain (mostly book publications) for their contributions.
I also hate to disagree w/ you as it seems apparent we need to be helping each other out, what w/ all the problems and all, BUT I really don't see Jim Humble along w/ a Jim Jones type sociopath deceiving & leading potential hundreds or thousands of people to their death.
FDA Warning
FDA Warning
Be warned, no one has ever died as a result of using these natural remedies!
Many, many people have died as a direct result of misuse or simply as directed use, of otc or prescription pharmaceuticals.
FDA Warning
Thanks, Mary
and I use it on the skin, I do not wipe it off it goes away anyway, in room temp' it will avapurate (turn to gas) shortly after.
Many people on this list are taking MMS wrongly. You MUST activate the Sodium Chlorite solution with an acid - Lemon or Lime juice, or citric acid. Each of these is a 10% acid solution. Use 5 drops of acid for EACH drop of Sodium Chlorite solution. I personally use a 50% solution of citric acid and water, and it takes only 1 drop.
The MMS has prevented my youngest daughter from getting sick, it's healing bug bites on my wife's legs, and on my arms. I've been taking 2 drops activated MMS an hour for about a week (10 hours a day), and feel like a new man. In his full book, Jim Humble tells how to make it in your kitchen. We're buying a lifetime supply of the chemicals to make sure we always have enough. It is fantastic! Just MAKE SURE you're taking it correctly.
Chlorine Dioxide
For about 30 years of my 40 years in the paper industry I enhaled ClO2 which is a solution used to bleach pulp to 90 brightness. For you old dogs from the 40's the brightest paper was less than 80. Newsprint is in the mid 70's because Hypo was the best bleach we had in those days.
ClO2 is the latest rage in killing pathogens. You know it as MMS. My question to you wormy folks. Was this good for me or bad? I now think it was good. This gas can kill you just as Chlorine can. Is life interesting or what?
=======OLE ROBERT HENRY======
Look for talks from Andreas Kalcker. He has covered MMS and parasites extensively. That would be the place to start.
Where to Buy: Canada
Where to Buy: Canada
Where to Buy: Canada
sincerely, Nancy
Thanks for your excellent post. It was badly needed as people are using the outdated protocols. Are you on the Genesis 2 forum? Have you tried CDS?
Where to Buy: Thailand
MMS only lasts for about an hour in the blood before it is quickly removed from the body so the best way to take MMS is to take it in a one to three drop dose, once an hour, eight times a day. You can take it in higher single dosages, but this may cause headaches, nausea and vomiting (similar to large dose HP). The MMS protocol is very similar to the Hydrogen Peroxide Protocol -- which only last for about an hour in the body as well because it also has similar pro-oxidant action.
Does anyone have information regarding the effect of iodine on MMS? It is important to raise iodine levels using higher doses when fighting cancer. A few people have said that it can reduce the effect of MMS/chlorine dioxide.
MMS Side Effects
I was not out to get rid of allergies but to kill pathogens in my intestinal tract. And to kill a dog mange I caught from my dog. Has helped so much with both. I even use it in an enema bag. It is very safe!!! I take my anti oxidants in the am and the MMS oxidant at night.
I use it to treat my dog she has way more energy when I give her only one activated drop with 2 tsp of water!!
I have some here in the kitchen for vegetables. It really gets the bugs off of them!
I think you would be thrilled with its applications.
Respectfully, Mary
General Feedback
Not going to rain on Jim Hubbles parade because he found a way to get around our government's control of compounds that can keep you healthy. That compound is Chlorine Dioxide. When I started school in the 40's we had tablets which had a paper brightness of about 70. Now students write on paper in the 90's. Why is that? Well back in Paw Paw's day the paper industry had 3 chemicals to bleach pulp with. That was Chlorine , Sodium Hydroxide and Hypochlorite. That was it. In the early 50's the paper industry came up with Chlorine Dioxide and now folks would not accept less.
Let me draw this out a little . Before the Sulfate Process to dissolve lignin and make paper there was the sulfite process. It was an acid process and one paper mill could produce enough vanilla to supply the world. It never did because it would destroy all the folks making vanilla. One pulp mill today could make enough Chlorine Dioxide to supply the world and solve most of the world's health problems. Why is this not done? First, Big Pharma will not allow this to happen and neither will the AMA. Second behind Energy, is health in our economics. You cure health problems and you destroy our economy. That will not be allowed. Hey, Chlorine Dioxide would also be the end of supplements. Now you are between a rock and a hard place. You have just killed medicine and now you kill Earth Clinic. Yep it's that critical. But never fear, this will never be done. We will always need EC. Everyone looks at the little picture, this is the big picture.
Understand that this is radical, but hope it makes you think. Like I told my buddy Mike 62 in Denver. I am smart, but not so delightful.
=========OLE ROBERT HENRY ==============
MMS Instructions
I am reading through the posts on MMS here and I am getting a little scared by the content. At least 2 years ago, Jim, Andreas Kalcher (a PhD researcher) and Kerri Rivera got together and compared notes on MMS use. As a result, the dosage recommendations for MMS have SIGNIFICANTLY CHANGED.
NO ONE should be taking 6-15 drops at a time, save for the case of progressing infectious disease, like malaria or anthrax. Even Jim is saying this now, and he pioneered the stuff!
The typical adult, around a weight of 100-150 pounds, should work their way up to a TOTAL of 24 drops/day, given in 8 separate doses, every two hours. (3 drops of activated MMS/dose). If you weigh more or are very sick, keep adding one drop a day until you hit that spot where you start to herx out. Back down one drop for a few days and then push on in a similar pattern.
Each dose should be comprised of an equal number of MMS drops and either 50% citric acid solution or 4-5% HCL solution. This should NEVER be consumed without first being diluted in water (at least one ounce).
Unless you are facing looming death by infectious disease, health crisis or invasive cancer, do NOT go straight to the 24 drops MMS/day (or more). You will herx your guts out, literally. Plus, you will experience crushing headaches, dizziness and a whole host of parasitic die-off symptoms. You will probably also end up covered in a rash if you ever experienced one as a child because those viruses are going to hurt just as much going out as they did coming in. (Did you have chicken pox as a kid? Get ready for a few spots again if you ramp up too fast! )
Ideally, what they are saying to do is to go get an 8-ounce, GLASS baby bottle (as MMS will degrade plastic, and who needs to eat that?). In a separate shot glass, add one drop of MMS and one drop of EITHER 50% citric acid solution or 4-5% HCL. Wait exactly 20 seconds and then mix this into the 8 ounces of water in the baby bottle. (You don't have to put the nipple on, folks. Its the travel cap that keeps the MMS gas from escaping! ) Then, each hour, drink one ounce from the bottle, for a total of eight doses/day. Then, each day, add one more drop of ACTIVATED MMS to the bottle each day. (Each MMS drop requires a corresponding drop of activator. If you are using cider vinegar or lemon juice, then you need to use 5 drops of these activators to each drop of MMS.)
You keep adding drops until you max out at 24 drops MMS/day, if you weigh under 150 pounds and are not terminally ill.
To maximize the health benefits, you MUST also do a parasite cleanse. You can either follow Hilda Clark's or you can go a bit modern with Dr. Andreas Kalcker's protocol. (You will be truly disgusted by what comes out of your posterior, in either case.)
Parasitology is increasingly showing that our modern diet and lack of use of old-time remedies like castor oil have left us wide open for worm infestation. When worms crap in our intestines, pardon the language, they expel harmful toxins, as well as chemicals which mimic amphetamines, which cause anxiety, depression, ADD/ADHD, cloudy thinking, and countless other symptoms, depending upon your unique physiology.
Oh, and those SSRIs you are taking? They were DESIGNED BY PHARMACUETICAL COMPANIES TO FEED THE WORMS THEY KNOW YOU HAVE FROM YOUR MODERN DIET! (Follow the money, folks. ) They get HUGE from the SSRIs and the supplements you are taking, especially B12 and iron. (They need both to grow. ) Once you start taking SSRIs for anxiety caused by parasites, you are just about hooked for life, which is exactly what the pharma companies want for their shareholders.
Scalp Infection
MMS Side Effects
Most people have their resources drained by any medical field and it is imperative to keep cool and not succumb to new medications without being fully aware what one may have to deal with. The bottom line is there are remedies that beneficial and have been proven for centuries. For each sickness there is a remedy aside from chemical substances.
Ordinary people cannot afford a few thousands or for that matter $300 per month to medicate themselves. Common sense indicates that where there is a lucrative market with health, empower yourself and do not fall into the hands of those that profit from your illness. This is also meant to be a general statement as I do not wish to be responsible for any untoward ill effects by taking new products that have a big question mark. Hope this will be of help. Om
MMS Side Effects
MMS Side Effects
Thank G, time and the "safety factor", is finally gaining public approval of the wonderful hemp plant.
MMS as converted to Chlorine Dioxide and consumed at recommended doses, IS NOT recognized by the body as "foreign", therefore Jim Humble labels, and promotes it as a natural mineral. I have used MMS on-and-off for over a yr and have no side effects to report other than some stomach discomfort. Surprisingly it was only about two weeks ago that I first did my bicarb/sea salt buffer, then MolyB/Niacinimide (aldehyde remover) PRIOR to a 10 drop dose. The effects began within an hr and continued for about 12; I experienced the most rapid recover to health, in those few hrs, than I have in almost a decade and with no bad side effects (I am now a beleiver).
The world has always been ruled by Money, and there is always the esoteric knowledge of great philosophers, saints, scientist, etc. Jim is a modern day philanthropist of a high order. He has sacrificed his life to the cause of helping people recover from otherwise terminal illnesses. After having read both his books Miracle Mineral Solution Of The 21'st Century, it is obvious that the title is not a false advertisement. Jim has started a church (Genesis 2 Church Of Health And Healing) for the betterment of humanity. He has a personal video on YouTube (sorry no link) of himself reciting one of his poems. It is a rare thing in the modern world to see such a universal character as scientist AND artist. The poem is truly visionary. Jim might be criticized as a "new ager" by the conservatives but he really escapes that label as he incorporates such objectivism, pragmatism, and realism into his thinking.
Many personal testimonies as well as affidavits are currently being compiled as legal documents to the effects of MMS on the human body.
In closing, from personal experience and from others, MMS exist in nature in somewhat the same category as Ozone or O3 as the most powerful germ and pollution killer on the planet. And for a "planet in peril" these two substances are indeed chemical "saviors". And, like the Jesus Christ of Nazareth, will face opposition and persecution.