The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Lyme Disease
Posted by Susan (Rockville, MD) on 08/08/2008
Many people, including myself, have found relief from lyme by using MMS. I use it in conjunction with the salt/c protocol. You typically start with 1 drop of MMS mixed with vinegar, citric acid or lemon/lime juice. Let sit for 3 minutes and drink with water or any juice with no vit. c. You can go to for a detailed explanation and instructions.
MMS Side Effects
Posted by Andrew (Edmonton, Canada) on 08/05/2008

Broad Benefits
Posted by TJ (Phoenix, Arizona, US of A) on 07/11/2008
treatment for AIDS and Cancer and numerous other ailments: MMS is a product discovered by a engineer through experimentation while in South America... He was curing maleria in 24 hours and AIDS in 30 days... The originator has a book describing the process and how he discovered it... There are websites drscribing the positive results from this formula..
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 06/10/2008 490 posts
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can be fatal. I would recommend Jim Humble's MMS be taken ASAP. Humble's dosage is 2 drops per 25 lbs. for children and pets. As stated in prior message re new mom with C diff - the homeopathic remedy I found on the internet is the same, but I would still use Humble's way of taking it, for adult I'd probably start with a l0 drop dose, a tablespoon of ACV, swirl it around in glass, wait 3 minutes - add 1/2 glass of distilled or spring water and take it. If no increase in symptoms indicating too many organisms killed at once, I would increase dosage to l5 or 25 drops 2 -3 hours later and probably repeat dosage again 3 - 4 hours later. In Jim Humble's book he states that MMS also kills Lyme (another tick borne- deer tick) disease but it sometimes takes up to a year. He didn't say but I am assuming that this is when it becomes a chronic thing instead of the initial onset. By now you should have received 3 different articles on MMS or Dioxychlor (the homeopathic version) to pick & choose from to quickly get information to RMSF.
You should have the message I sent telling EC readers how to log in and download the first half of Jim Humble's book, which is well worth the time & effort for them to do. Downloading the last half will cost them $9.95 cents which is darned little payment for the effort this man has put into getting it to the public which so badly needs it.
Posted by Diana (Auckland, New Zealand) on 06/02/2008
My husband and I have been taking MMS for just over a week. We have tried all sorts of things for our health before, but this MMS has been the best so far. We started off with 2 drops + 5 drops citric acid + wait 3 minutes then added water. Almost straight away we felt something. It almost felt like we were "out of it". We could feel it moving around the body with obvious sensations. By that evening after having another 2 doses, our eyes felt like they were really wide open. Each day we have been increasing our dose. I got to 5 doses but then felt extremely nauseous and dizzy. So I cut back on the amount. We continue to take it and I am slowly increasing the doseage. We have incredible energy, like never before since taking MMS. My head experiences large moments of clarity instead of the foggy mist it normally feels like. I am very excited about it. My friend who had a sore tooth for quite awhile now, swirled it around in her mouth and straight away the pain went.
General Feedback
Posted by Phil (Nelson, New Zealand) on 05/19/2008
I have just ordered a bottle of MMS after receiving excellent feedback from a friend in Kuala Lumpur who reported the increased health benefits from people he knows who are in their 70's who have a new lease of life. I was also able to download the e version of the book.
Sinus Infections
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, TN) on 05/13/2008 490 posts
Hello Mark, Glad you finally got those sinuses feeling better. But if you start having the problem real frequently again, you might take a lok at what might be causing it! Number 1 question is "Do you smoke"? Number 2 question is "Do you use aftershave or cologne?" I used to work with a nice guy who always had on some strong scent that he said was his aftershave! When he had surgery for his sinus problems the 2nd time in about 5 years, I asked him had he ever considered that his aftershave might be his underlying problem with his sinuses! He also smoked! I couldn't tell any difference in his complaints (or looks) after his 2nd surgery and this tells me that surgery didn't correct the problem.
Sinus Infections
Posted by Mark (Somewhere, USA) on 05/10/2008
I have been getting increasingly bad sinus infections as i've gotten older.They run in the family. Finally I had one last for 4 months! I had been thru (3)anti-biotic treatments, steroids twice, along w/ nasal sprays during the 4 months. Finally the ear- nose- throat Dr. decided I was a canidate for surgery to clean out my sinuses. I found out about MMS & cured my chronic sinnusitis in 10 days! Started w/ 2 drops .I increased 1 drop per application ( 2 times/day) I was amazed how well I could breath after the 1st application. When I went to the dr. for my pre-sugery appt. they would not let me speakafter I told them I was fine. They tried to take credit for my healing saying the "nasal spray worked, didn't it" What a joke ! What a racket ! I hope this helps someone else to give it a try mark
General Feedback
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 04/19/2008 490 posts
To all who tries to access the MMS info referenced from suneagle99 - Go for the shorter I wasted 15 or 20 minutes trying to access the longer site given - gave up & tried the shorter address and just finished downloading & printing Part 1 of the book for free - from what I read while copying it, it looks very interesting. Will comment further after I get a chance to read it all. If I still feel like I do at present, I will gladly pay $9.95 for part 2. Just be sure you have plenty of paper & ink on hand before you start printing - it's l87 pages long.
MMS Side Effects
Posted by Ahmet (Mersin, Turkey) on 04/18/2008
i have began to use MMS 26 days ago. i have raised drops so rapidly. i used 30 drops after first week end. then i wanted to use 45 drops day. i took 23 drops once. after this dose it has been very very bad herx. my fatigue, anxiety depression increased so bad. i discontinued it for 8 days.i have began it again with small dose after 10 days with bad herx. i am on 20 drops a day at this moment. my brain fog have lifted per cent 20-30.but it is so early to say something. herx subsided partially.MMS users says it take 2-4 month to partially improvement regards.ahmet
Posted by Thamas (East Coast, Australia) on 04/18/2008
To Raffie from Boston, MA, USA Thankyou for that info on MMS for Pets I will try it.
General Feedback
Posted by Sharon (Aiken, SC) on 02/01/2008
I have ordered this after doing research on several different web sites. Pretty thought provoking stuff, but the jury is out until I try it. Will update on progress with postings
Heavy Metal Detox
Posted by Jake (Chicago, IL) on 02/04/2008
I've used MMS for about 6 weeks now to finish off any lingering bugs I might have and also to detox mercury.
I self diagnosed myself and found a holistic dentist to remove my 3 remaining amalgam fillings a year ago Dec. 06. The decay beneath led to these teeth being removed - JAN. 06, and a fourth infected root canal as well. My symptoms began 3 years ago about the time an amalgam filling broke down and my dentist not aware of the potential mercury spreading removed it without the proper precautions.
Symptoms -A swollen neck that never went away that impeded my mobility turning to the right, pains in my back for the first mile of my jogging, a pain in my hip area, sudden headaches - I'd never had headaches before, sudden spikes in blood pressure, brain fog,reduced stamina,mercury pimples on my chest (grover's disease as I recently discussed) swelling in my feet from the balls of my feet to the tips of my toes.
In the first six months after the removals most everything improved - I detoxed with many earthclinic suggestions, alkalining with BS and ACV and lemon juice, Budwig CC/FO (I've since switched to undenatured whey protein powder with fish oil as well as flax oil and also added NAC),also ALA following Andy Cutler's regime,cayenne on food and in tea and some tumeric also,in addition to other vitamins and minerals and juices such as pomegranate. Most symptoms were in fact gone except the mercury pimples on my chest - only partially better, swelling in my feet -only a little better, and the periodic almost- headaches I call them - much less severe. I knew I was not rid of all the mercury since these almost-headaches became worse -not like before but worse, when I ate cilantro - which has been cited for removing mercury from the brain, shown also to increase mercury elimination in the urine,and one of the few supplements along with ALA suspected of acting in this way (to attache to mercury in the brain.)
I worked up from 1 drop to 2 to 3 drops etc. until I was at 15 drops of MMS activated with lemon juice which I did at first or citric acid which I did later. -Adding one drop morning then night until 15 drops each - you try to eat no acid or vitamin c 2 hours before or after. I worked up to 15 drops morning and night for 3 weeks. -- The more serious the condition, the sooner you should have diahrrea or nausea. The protocol calls for working up to 3 times a day at 15 for at least a week but I couldn't seem to face it having to adjust my eating so much during the day. At any rate I got a little tired some days but otherwise had little in the way of symptoms. I took this a sign that my alkalining etc. had already done some good work for me. My near headaches left me and I even eat cilantro now with only very occasionally the hint of a headache. My swollen feet have improved moderately, which is very exciting considering what a lagging symptom they've been even with my running and exercising the whole time. I stopped the MMS for a week or two to consider one person's warnings - writing in on the internet, but I've since gone back, considering the continuing positive testimonials and considering my own positive results. I'm going to go to a maintenance dose soon - once a day, 6 drops. I'm currently at 15 drops at night only.
I think this is going to be a very important cure for many with serious health issues. I think everyone should watch the internet for the continuing testimonials as this approach has begun to catch on.
Best to all
Posted by Raffie (Boston, MA, USA) on 03/13/2008
For answering Thamas, Australia ... I saw the MMS support site in Curezone that some people also gave MMS drops to their pets and said pets love it, drink more water. One the MMS broshure it states 3 drops per 25-lb as standard.
MMS Side Effects
Posted by Jean (Salina, Kansas) on 02/06/2008

My mother, age 61, has been taking MMS, morning and evening, for one week. She had started with one drop, and had worked up to six drops per dosage, when she developed severe chest pain, the worst she ever had. The pain lasted one day, but she did not seek medical help. It got better after she took baby aspirin. She doesn't know if it was the MMS, or just coincidence. She stopped the MMS for now, but will continue on a lower dosage (3 drops twice a day).
Posted by Thamas (East coast australia, nsw) on 03/02/2008
Has anyone tried mms for dogs? If so how much did they give and what were the results?