Health Benefits

Rutin for the Treatment of Hemorrhoids

Posted by Zee9876 (London) on 01/02/2017

Hi I tried Rutin 500mg after reading all the positive reviews and it has made no difference. I have taken it for 2 weeks now morning and night. Should I persevere? I am also taking B6 with it as I read in some reviews that helps Rutin to work better. Please advise. Many thanks. Zee9876

Posted by Sarah (Charlotte, Nc) on 03/11/2015

I bought a bottle of Rutin and took one a day until it was gone. It didn't help at all. Maybe I have a different kind of hemorrhoid. Mine are from inflammation (never was constipated) as a result of trying a low carb diet, in an attempt to lose 25 pounds. Low carb diets are dangerous.

Posted by Mamachung (Maryland, US) on 10/10/2014

Hi, I just wanted to let you know that it is not safe for breastfeeding moms to take Rutin...unfortunately, if taken by breastfeeding mom, it can cause luekemia in infants. I am also breastfeeding mom and I find it very hard to find home rememdies safe to consume while breastfeeding. Hope this is helpful.

Posted by Robin (Belleville, IL) on 05/07/2007


Ladies, remember: do your research before taking rutin during pregnancy. Definitely not during the first 4 months!