Sun Gazing for Health: An Ancient Therapy

| Modified on Jun 06, 2023
Improved Vision
Posted by cv3ga (Stockton, CA) on 02/07/2022

I saw a health program saying to reset your circadian rhythm go outside in the morning light first thing in the morning. If your circadian rhythm is reset, you can fall asleep earlier. If you sleep before midnight, you get the most melatonin benefit. So I went out and looked at the rising morning sun, which to me looked blue surrounded by violet and had a pink aura!? My husband said it just looked white to him. Then I noticed my left eye felt better? I was diagnosed as having glaucoma, I saw a big dark spot dead center in my left eye, and had no vision through this "growing" spot. I was even starting to tilt my head to the side to see with my other eye. So since my bad eye seemed better I started going out each morning to look at the rising morning sun. After a few days, the sun no longer looked blue, surrounded by violet or pink. The sun now looks like a white ball. I only gaze for a minute now, instead of a few minutes, as it is getting very bright. I need to find a better vantage point so see it rise on a lower horizon. Anyway, the black spot in the middle of my eye is gone! I cannot read well through the middle of my bad eye, but it is getting better every day!

Increased Energy
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 01/13/2022

the past two years have been covid and many people have not been happy about life as economies lost ground and many died. The world has changed, and life has a new normal of mask, lockdowns and businesses have closed. It may not be that your benefits from the sun have changed but the world around you changed. I know sunbathing helps me a lot and I have to add other supplements in darker days to get my mood up. Gaba, ashwagandha, melatonin, tryptophan, vitamin D and other things I use once every four days to elevate mood. Some people who try cold showers report drastic health changes. Foot soaks can also make dramatic changes because the pores on the feet are the largest ones. I think the key is changes. The body responds to change. Music is the window to the soul and can make mood shift. Remember the song, Don't worry happy. I read a stupid card at the store and couldn't get the smile off my face for a whole day, and it was the stupidest card. I sent it to my brother-in-law for his birthday. I am an artist and when I look at my art, I get this calm and peace that fills me. I have a silk arrangement on a wire heart form with red roses, white gerber daisies and blue hydrangea with some wedding lace and behind it is the American flag and it lifts me up. We may be in a hard time, but my flag is in my heart and flying upward and I have hope for better days for the world.

Increased Energy
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 01/13/2022

Tere, more is not always better. Maybe try to go back to the amount of minutes that did you good.

Increased Energy
Posted by Tere (ethiopia) on 01/12/2022


My name is Terefe. I have been practicing sun gazing for the past 4 years. How I do it is just look at the sun for a period of time equivalent to the previous day plus 10 seconds. By doing this I reached 25 minutes during my first year of practice. At this time the benefit was extraordinary. I was energetic, HAPPY ALL THE TIME, optimistic, ready to take multiple challenges etc.

But in the second year and years thereafter, all the benefits were gone. I kept increasing the time but nothing was happening. These days I go as far as 80 minutes but in vain. Please please please let me know how I can get around this.

Posted by Ronald (New Hampshire) on 11/11/2021

I have practiced actual sun gazing in the past and it helped lower my eye pressure (glaucoma) some, but not enough to heal the issue.

Warning: If anyone tries to look at the sun for long perioeds of time, you must do it exactly right, or you could injure your eyes severely! Usually the directions are to start when the sun is going down at evening or coming up in the morning, and you do it for only a short time like ten seconds. Each day you add a few seconds and reach 30 minutes or more. I did this myself and it did not injure my eyes, but I did it according to the instructions of experts in the field.

My recommendation is don't try it until you have done your own research thoroughly. I have also gazed at the sun with my eyes closed and it is a very warm, energizing feeling. Just my two cents.

Sun Gazing Feedback
Posted by Betty (CA) on 11/10/2021

I enjoyed reading this!

My grandchildren and I take walks in the woods and lay in the field and watch clouds shift to make animals and such. I love those times with them. Light summer showers they always want to go out and dance in the rain and look for a rainbow. They love that. It's the little things.

Sun Gazing Feedback
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 11/10/2021

Hi Sue (WI) -

What a lovely picture you painted!

Sun-kissed and barefoot, feeling Mother Earth's energy through the freshly tilled ground ... ah, sounds blissful.

Sadly, there aren't too many people (adults or children) today who can relate to that.

Maybe it's time for a natural "Back to Basics" movement instead of the universal "Great Reset" (and all its soul-draining technology it entails).



Sun Gazing Feedback
Posted by Sue (WI) on 11/10/2021

I just heard about this sun gazing practice and have enjoyed reading comments as much as reading about the actual practice and would like to throw in my 2 cents now.

As a child, I grew up out in the country with a large garden and was always barefoot. There was absolutely something very special about the feel of warm tilled earth under my feet. I didn't "sun gaze" but would often tilt my face towards the sun and enjoy the feeling of the warm sun on my face and the almost magical feel of the warm earth under my feet. It was almost like an electrical tingle and I felt a vibration throughout my whole body. I loved it and would seek it out whenever possible. I imagine standing in warm water with warm sand would be equally as sweet.

Fountain of Youth
Posted by MARIE (Florida) on 10/11/2021

I have begun sun gazing and reading as much information as I can. My question is, I have had cataracts removed in the past and consequently have lens replaced I have heard that gazing through any binoculars or such can be damaging. Do you know of anyone who has practiced this after having the cataract surgery? I have not felt any bad side effects but have only been sun gazing for two weeks so far. I love the way it feels but am concerned that the artificial lens can make it damaging.

Increased Energy
Posted by Gregory (Leland, NC) on 08/24/2021

What are the incorrect ways? This is something I have done my whole life. Rarely barefoot. I always enjoyed the spots it put on my eye lids for a few seconds. I never knew about time or day or anything like that but it has never hurt my eyes. It would be nice to know when I can get the most out of this practice. This is something I will have to do more!

Fountain of Youth
Posted by Darrell (Buriram) on 06/16/2021

You must have been "sun gazing" during the day time and not only within the first and last hours of the day! Tragic news for you, Jennifer! I do recall some guy going online many years back and who told people that his mother was an "opthamologist" and was telling people that they could "sun gaze" any time of the day with no bad effects. Maybe you read his posting and were fooled by his apparent deliberate attempt to harm people with his dis-information?!?!

Fountain of Youth
Posted by Jennifer (UK) on 05/22/2021

Thank you Tessa, I will certainly take a look at that. It seems strange to me that most people don't even seem to have noticed the colour of the Sun, or be asking what has happened to the most important thing in our sky. I don't know what if any effect this may have on Sun Gazing though?

Best wishes,


Improved Vision
Posted by MCMason (Middlesboro, KY) on 05/21/2021

How exactly do you do the sun gazing? Is there a certain time and how long? Pls elaborate on your sun gazing method. My eyes need focusing as well. Appreciate.

Sun Gazing and Solar Eclipses
Posted by darrell (Buriram, Thailand) on 05/21/2021

Of course the sun is no less strong during an eclipse.....just remember that this wonderful, energetic practice is only to be done during the very first and very last hours of sunlight of the day!!! D

Sun Gazing in the UK
Posted by Darrell (Buriram, Thailand) on 05/21/2021

Clouds do not affect the bodies ability to absorb the sun's energy at all......if you have sun gazed regularly, you will know the approximate place where the sun is so you can stare into that place without actually seeing the sun itself!!! Good Luck! Darrell

Fountain of Youth
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 05/21/2021

Hi Jennifer (UK) -

Could it be geoengineering?

I saw this recent documentary called “The Dimming” about climate engineering which is going on (and has been for some time).

Until recently, I lived in a place where the sky was so blue it could dazzle your eyes with its brilliance. Over the last 10 years or so it's became a pale imitation of itself – more of a watered-down pale streaky blue.

Unfortunately, people aren't given a say in the matter when countries throughout the world try to “conquer” Mother Nature.

Food for thought .. .

Take care,


Improved Vision
Posted by Monica (Oklahoma) on 05/21/2021

How do you do it and how does it work? I've never heard of it. Thank you

Fountain of Youth
Posted by Jennifer (UK) on 05/21/2021

I too am a sun lover (when we ever see the sun that is! ), and believe in its great benefits on our bodies and minds. However, over many years now I have noticed that the sun is now very pale, or white, every day. No longer the yellow/orange colour it used to be - at least as viewed here in the UK. I used to recall seeing the huge red globe after a hot summer's day shimmering down and disappearing below the horizon. Now sunsets are ALWAYS obscured by hazy skies, and the sun is tiny and pale as it just fades down even on summer evenings.

Does anyone else have this experience, or is it just in the cold, wet North?

Fountain of Youth
Posted by darrell (CA) on 05/21/2021

You simply stand barefoot facing the sun ONLY DURING THE VERY FIRST AND LAST HOURS OF THE DAY....when the UV is not very strong, and stare directly into the sun! The man who bought this knowledge to the west said he hadn't eaten solid food for 40 years (and that was back in 2009) and only drank a half glass of water per month! And that there were many others from his village that hadn't eaten for 10,15 or more years also! I didn't start doing this practice to move toward "not eating food".....but I figured if this fellow can get all his energy directly from the sun.....that the practice should certainly help me in my bad physical situation....and it did! It's wonderful for its "non-demanding-ness" too! Sometimes I need to go to the toilet in the problem. And if you can just get in 15 or 20 minutes morning and evening....or even just once a day.....I'm sure you will feel much better for it!!

As I had already started doing 12 Chakra meditation before I began this new practice, I just kept doing it along with the sun gazing. I place a crystal over my Chakras for several minutes as I gaze into the sun.....over the course of 40 to 50 minutes, I move the crystal up and over all the Chakras ending up with my arms fully extended above my head while holding my 3 inch amethyst crystal.....I also have a small quartz crystal that I wear around my neck....but place that necklace up and over my 3rd eye while doing this sun gazing. For more information, you could search google "NASA tests a sun gazer"...because some of the biggest problems NASA has is "eating, drinking, shitting and pissing", so when they also heard about this fellow (I can't remember his name just now) they sent someone to find him and bring him back to Florida and put him in an apartment facing south for 3 months.....he ate nothing and only drank 1/2 glass of water per month!!! But as it turned out, the sun is too strong once out of earth's atmosphere to be helpful for them. I don't know if they developed some kind of a filter.....or if they are using this simple practice nowadays!!! When I read about that convinced me to try the practice and within a couple days I was a "believer"!!!

Blessings, Darrell

Fountain of Youth
Posted by Darrell Rolstone (Thailand) on 05/20/2021

You must not have been doing your "sun gazing" during ONLY the first and last hours of the day!!! I'm a bit further south than you are in the sun is even stronger here......11 years later of twice a day "sun gazing" and my eyes are perfect!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Debra (NSW) on 05/20/2021 60 posts

I practiced sungazing for years, starting at 10 seconds and building over 7 and a half months up to 45 minutes with bare feet on the dirt to ground the energies into my body (this is important). I would stand on busy highways sometimes and my partner would wait in the car for me to do my times. I was hoping to be able to give up food and at 32 minutes, I lost all appetite for 4 days. I had a severe tooth infection at the time and started a regime on 35% hydrogen peroxide which triggered my appetite again, unfortunately.

Sungazing is amazing. People who speak against it don't usually have all the information I find. It is safe to do in the first hour of sunrise and the last hour of sunset and doing it for 15 minutes a day feeds the Mitochondria, the body's batteries that recharge energy. It overcame all my chronic fatigue, depression, ME and light sensitivity.

I had to stop as I have Macular Degeneration caused by a chronic severe H.Pylori infection and there is still too much UVA even at safe times, which can cause MD to degenerate further, however, I still occasionally stand for 15 minutes on the bare earth and get some sungazing in because it's just mesmerizing and it connects with something deep within me, drawing me to it. It's addictive for sure because it feels phenomenal. I also find it clears my eyes.

Fountain of Youth
Posted by Chandrika R K (India) on 05/20/2021

Hi Darrell,

Thank you for sharing this. The combination of things you practice leave you looking very young and fit.

I tried sun-gazing quite a few years ago, beginning with 10 seconds of looking at the rising sun, and worked my way up to 10 minutes before giving up. I had to go looking for a spot every day where I could stand barefoot on the mud, and where I could see the risen sun, since can't do this from my house, where the sun is obstructed by hi-rises till too late. I had a lot of healing crisis if I remember right. Also did the sun-charged water simultaneously with that. Have documented my responses somewhere... will dig it up. And I also probably began seeing light in my head after that; was also doing deep meditation at that time.

HRM, whose method I followed, I read somewhere, also doesn't eat much. But somewhere it was reported that his skin was leathery and withered. I do not know whether that was an authentic report. I do not see that of you... just a great tan.

Would be very interested in knowing what are the three things you follow. How do you do crystal meditation? other than physical fitness, has the trio enabled any insights?

Improved Vision
Posted by Debra (Clutha District) on 05/20/2021

Michael, do you know how to sun gaze, have you done sun gazing? maybe do a little research then come back and comment!

Fountain of Youth
Posted by Luma Rose (Hawaii) on 05/20/2021

I disagree. I tried it and had a bad experience after a few months where I lost vision in the center of my eyesight, I was involved with several people who also were practicing at the same time as me and two of them ended up with permanent vision damage. I agree it can feel good in very small doses at sun rise or set, but nothing more!!!

Improved Vision
Posted by Hilda (ARIZONA) on 05/20/2021

Editor's Choice I just picked up Sun gazing again after trying it on and off. I love it. I fixed an eye problem I developed twice once in my early twenties. I used to work in a warehouse with dim lighting that strained my eyes so bad that I lost the ability to focus. I had to get glasses to adjust my focus. Shortly after I learnt about sun gazing and did it only for a few days and lo and behold, no more need of prescription eye glasses. Then a decade later, I took a job that required intense eye straining by looking into the monitor 8 plus hours a day. I had to get prescription eye glasses again. Then I remembered that sun gazing had fixed my problem a decade earlier so I tried it again. Success again. I don't have any issues now just that I love sun gazing for overall health and it's my special time with God. I love it and will continue to do it until I leave this earth.

Sun Gazing and UVB
Posted by Virginia (Montana) on 05/20/2021

I can tell you I laid in sun or was in it from age 5 to age 70 and I get things pre cancer removed all the time. Sun damages your skin, I was lucky w no wrinkles till 65. Age/Skin spots are ugly from Sun exposure.

Sun Gazing Tips
Posted by ST (Oregon) on 05/20/2021

Probably a lot of people don't appreciate being told off--even though they may need it--but I kind of chuckled throughout your post because I totally get both your passion and frustration. So many things are about to be lost, so many standards lowered forever. Critical thinking has fallen by the wayside and it's a loss that will be difficult if not impossible to regain. At least there are a lot of people who mean well even though struggling to outnumber those who don't. I used to gaze at the sun when I was a child but was, of course, warned that it was harmful. I will eagerly start again and listen to my heart. I am a confirmed researcher but I have to say separating the wheat from the chaff is not always easy and there's a lot of chaff out there even when we try our best to do the "right" thing or get information. And, in their defense, some people just don't have the inclination or, more important, the knack. Thanks for your input, I hope people take it to heart. Defensiveness is destroying my country.

Fountain of Youth
Posted by Candy (Missouri) on 05/17/2021

How exactly is the sun gazing supposed to be done?

Fountain of Youth
Posted by Darrell Rolstone (Buriram, Thailand) on 05/12/2021

Editor's Choice I am writing to you folks to confirm the AMAZING effects of "sun gazing"!

I am a 72 YO American from Marin County, California....with a BA in "Wholistic Health/Synergy" from New College of California in 1980 and one of the "pioneers" of wholistic health in Marin County in the 1970's! I am also a "Nordic Physical Therapist", having started learning that skill from my Icelandic Grandmother in 1952 at age 4. I was also the "resident therapist" of the famous Watergate Complex's Health Spa in 1977!

I have been an expat in Asia for 28 years now and had a "medical accident" in 2006 when I injured my leg that resulted in blood clots. Knowing that "modern medicine" is quite good at "injury treatments" for accidents, followed the MD's advice and started a regime of "warfarin" treatments for the clots. I DID NOT RESEARCH THAT DRUG.....and I can only blame myself for that stupidity! It turns out that I am one of the approximate 10% whose bodies respond to warfarin by allowing that drug to consume calcium directly out of our bones!

Long story short: after a couple of years on warfarin ( 1 mg twice per day....way too much and also too often, I've learned) my hip started hurting....increasingly! Within a couple of years, I was in a whole lot of pain and had to limit my walking to only the absolute necessary....about 200 meters per day! I was a widowed single father of two young children, 8 and 10 years old, and a full-time University lecturer....but I couldn't walk more than 200 meters without suffering massive pain equivalentt to a very serious toothache!!! I did not take the "pain pills" the doctors offered because I know that those very same pain pills....slowly destroy the kidneys!!!

Anyway, in desperation, I had started doing 12 chakra crystal meditations. THEN I read about "sun gazing" in 2009!!! OMG within just a few days of "drinking in the sun's energy directly into my eyes".....I felt SO MUCH BETTER and stronger all around!!! I became a complete believer within just a few days!

Luckily, my house was situated so that I could "drink in" the sun's energy from my front porch in the mornings and the back porch in the evenings....very convenient for a single parent to say the least!!! I'm writing this on May 13, 2021....and I have been "sun gazing" since 2009!

Not long after I started doing this wonderful, simple act in the mornings and evenings, during the first and last hour of sun of the day, I also read from the Nepalese guy who brought this to the world's attention, that putting one's drinking water into a large glass container and placing it into full sunlight for a few days.....would also allow the water to absorb the sun's that when you drink that water you also gain much benefit from the "solarized water"!

I've been drinking solarized water since 2008! Sun gazing or drinking is such a lovely practice. You don't have to do it for the full hour in the mornings or evenings.....just 15 to 20 minutes per day still gives great results!!! And I was once in the hospital finally having the much needed hip replacement operation.....and still maintained that same wonderfully state of strength of body even after 8 days without "tapping up the tank" sotospeak!!!

I can't say enough about this wonderfully amazing discovery! My new house has a balcony facing the south so that I can "sun gaze" both in the mornings and evenings from the convenience of my balcony!!! I also have incorporated the 'crystal chakra" meditation into this makes the practice all the more wonderful. I have posted a photo of myself taken about 1.5 years ago when I was only 71....recently I was sitting next to a yoga teacher at a wedding.....she said she just couldn't believe that I was 71!!!

The only sad thing is that I've tried to turn other people onto this, telling them that it's "one of THEE most important things I've ever learned".....but no one has even tried it!!! Also, I've always been a "sun person" and have loved being out in the sun and have never worn sunglasses I started out following instructions with the slow 10 seconds per day and working up.....but with just 3 or 4 days I was doing the entire 45 yo 55 minutes of directly taking/drinking the sun directly into my eyes....with NO PROBLEMS either!!!

Nowadays I am able to get in 45 - 50 minutes of SUN both mornings and evenings!!! And I will continue until my final day on this earth!!!!!

Many Blessings, MaTakQueeAsi/TatTvamAsi and NaMaSta to you all!!!

Rollee Rolstone, Esaan, Thailand.

P.S. to all potential or beginner sun gazers, please note that you do not need to see the sun to still gain benefit from energy received while gazing at it. Cloudy days don't matter one bit. If you've been doing this practice for even a short time, you'll know approximately where the sun is in the sky and at approximately what time, even when its behind the clouds. Additionally, it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you ONLY gaze directly at the sun during the very first hour of the morning sunlight....and ONLY the very last hour of the evening's sunlight!

Lastly, I would like to let you all know about an amazing development that occurred regarding all this sun gazing business. After just a few months of gazing morning and evening, I noticed that I was starting to wake up each morning in the dark....just before the first light began to fill the sky. And as time moved on and this kept happening day after day, I realized that I had somehow become "connected/ in sync" with our sun in a way that I had never imagined was even possible! Similarly to the way many women's menstrual cycle will often become "in sync" with our moon.....or how they can also become in sync with the "alpha female" in their group of women friends. Now I understand this development to be akin to an inner alarm mechanism that announces to me each morning...."your sun is almost here....time to get up and get ready for your download"!!! And THAT development really does blow my mind....and is highly noteworthy!!!

Increased Energy, Enhanced Well Being
Posted by Richard (Veracruz, Mexico) on 04/10/2021

I hate to disagree so strongly with any protocol, but I found that I was able to go from 10 minutes of sun gazing to 45 minutes in a month's time with quite a few cloudy days to disrupt the experiment. In the beginning, it was difficult getting used to staring at the sun (at sunrise), but I found that the haze on my vision after gazing, completely disappeared at the 45 minute mark. Now it's the easiest thing in the world (sunrise and sunset) and my energy level and sense of well being have increased exponentially. We tend to fear what we don't understand.

Increased Energy
Posted by Paul James (Kerala, India) on 01/28/2021

Dear sir, I used to sun gaze every day morning and evening. It's really amazing . The energy we receive is a super power. The informations related to sun gazing read in this page is very informative..I would be pleased to get more information related to the natural energies humans can accure. Please share some of your knowledge.

Sun Gazing in the UK
Posted by AD (UK) on 11/26/2020

UK here too, as it's the end of November and up North, it's hard work even seeing the sun through the clouds and grounding si touch with the cold, but I think it's worth considering this a life long pursuit and not a sprint. I'll do whatever I can through winter and then commit to more during the better months but keep it up as a life long practice. I also think closed eye gazing during the day has some benefits.

Sun Gazing Feedback
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 10/02/2020 489 posts

You can actually close your eyes and imagine sungazing and walking barefoot. Sort of like a sun-walking "meditation". We've had some weird weather over the past few years but the brain doesn't differentiate between what we call "real" and what is imagined so try it. I like a combination of "extreme barefoot walking" on the rugged, rocky bits of the lake shore and sungazing, imagining the physical feeling in your legs, feet and the warmth and light in your eyes can intensify it quite a bit. The more physical sensation you can imagine, the more intense it will be.

Broad Benefits
Posted by April (Usa) on 09/29/2020

I have been sun gazing for more than 4months now and healthwise. I feel a lot of improvement.

My sleep at night is regular. Before, I was waking up at 3 am and cannot go back to sleep. My sight has improved. I can read small prints without the use of reading glasses. I stopped taking my high blood pressure meds. My voice has improved. I had an injury to my vocal cord nerve and had some trouble with my voice but now it is getting much better.

And weight is maintained. I read HRM sun gazing procedure.

Now I am doing it for 45 min and I add my meditation to it.

I have a question for anyone. On the Spiritual side, has anyone noticed any improvement in your spiritual side? Since sun gazing activates our pineal gland which is our third eye. It opens our soul.

I want to hear about this. Thank you.

Improved Vision
Posted by Nini (Usa) on 09/29/2020

The required time to sun gaze is the first one hour after sunrise and the last one hour before sunset. There are no UV rays which is dangerous to the eyes.

Sun Gazing Tips
Posted by Adam (Los Angeles) on 07/08/2020

Powerfully said :)

Many see you and love you, Lady Light!

Sun Gazing Tips
Posted by Mhikl (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 11/12/2018

I DO NOT BELIEVE or ACCEPT anyone's claim to stare at the full sun at high noon! That would burn out the eyes.

Sun gazing must be done in increments beginning with the sun at its lowest ebb adding ten seconds each day and eventually ending when the sun leaves the horizon. To stare at the full sun after it is above the horizon is bloody dangerous to one's eyesight. One would damage the eyes, even to the extent of blindness.

You must then do the practice consistently if choosing to make this part of your lifestyle.

Fountain of Youth
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 09/19/2018 489 posts

I'm an indoor cat but often look at birds and the sun out the window if I'm not too distracted, when I have a few minutes or whenever I'm outside. I always have and it's never bothered me. I look in the morning, at noon time, at solar eclipses, it doesn't matter. I also like the feel of the sun on my palms - I put my palms on the glass or the screen - don't know why but it feels really good. I suppose, because palms seldom get much light.

I like my old windows. I have some new windows that don't feel very good unless they're open and I'm just looking through the screen. They have some kind of UV filter on or in them or something. Sometimes I open the kitchen window in the winter so I can look at the sun and hear the birds.

Improved Vision
Posted by Vinc (Sf) on 08/07/2018

Side effect is because the body has toxins.. and it is detoxing the body. Hope this helps, I have been doing SG for 3 days now, no side effects, just benefits.... cheers.

Eliminated Bloating, Better Vision
Posted by April (Los Angeles, Ca) on 04/20/2018

I am up to 31 minutes of sungazing. In the first 3 months I felt my intestine turn 3 different times. I had a c-section in past so maybe it was fixing my intestines back to where they should be. All I know is I don't have a bloated tummy anymore! I lost 15 lbs. without trying at all and I am already pretty slender so others may lose more weight. After 6 months of sungazing now I am beginning to have clear colorful image dreams and remembering them, which is a miracle.

After 3 mo. I discovered I no longer needed my "readers" for small print. I do still have double vision though so all is not completely healed though I have 32 cuts in each eye from a prior radial keratotomny surgery for vision when I was in my 20s. (Now they do laser surgery.) I know I have scar tissues in my eyes from that so I may be one that cannot heal completely in my vision from the sun, but I am praying I do.

One day after 5 mo. my one eye did a wiggle thing for a couple seconds out of the blue. I would have freaked me out, but my hubby says his eyes do that sometimes! Overall, I would recommend the HRM method of sungazing. I do think psychic abilities are showing up a little bit as well though not certain on that. I do recommend getting eye ointment and saline eye drops as there are days you will need them and listen to your eyes and take a day off if need be.

Improved Vision
Posted by Justin (Dallas, Tx) on 04/10/2018

You are totally over thinking the idea of sun gazing. As long as you do it consistently you'll be fine. It doesn't matter what time of the day as long as it gets done. It's like saying, does it matter when I work out?

Sun Gazing Tips
Posted by Elijah (Bristol, RI) on 04/04/2018

Stare peripherally!!!

I actually gazed at the sun but not directly but peripherally to the left and right meditatively staring at a tree or something your eyes if brown will absorb and change color (light brown). It's like drinking carrot juice and changing your skin tone it goes away after awhile. Its a good asset for the ladies though. Don't do it often I reccommnd . no real benefits maybe. twice a month.

Improved Vision
Posted by Wilson (California) on 02/23/2018

I believe it is because of detoxification process in your body. AS toxins are released, your body will experience the effects of such toxins like allergies and or itching.

Sun Gazing in the UK
Posted by Rainbow (U.k. ) on 11/19/2017

Hi. I've only been sun gazing for about a month, and because of the weather in England have just got up to 2 minutes. I would like to know if there's anybody else just starting out? Especially in the uk?

Fountain of Youth
Posted by Undercuts (Savannah, Ga) on 10/04/2017

I stared at the sun on long trips as a child. I remember vividly: crescent shapes rotating in circles, then in opposite cocentric circular paths. I recall there being three or more of these overlapping shapes occurring all at once in different patterns. I would stare for what seemed like hours straight on the 4 times yearly trips from Savannah, GA to the NC coastline.

Just now I looked quickly at the sun and witnessed a single long arc along the bottom. Also, in Clemson, SC for the eclipse in August (21st? 2017), I glanced a few times and saw these same arc shapes circling the sun. Mind you I only look for a milli-second so I don't see much movement.

Anyway, for any of you sungazers, I would appreciate any feedback on what is happening within my own eyes (inner pineal, etc) or within the sun itself.
Thanks much.

Improved Vision
Posted by No Name (Earth) on 08/21/2017

^^^ You Never mention HOW MUCH BORAX!!!

Sun Gazing and Solar Eclipses
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 08/21/2017

Hi Marilyn ....I'd like to know more about your sun gazing practices. I occasionally sun gaze and here is how I do it: As the sun rises, there is a window of opportunity for about 30 minutes that is optimal. The reason for early gazing is because of the refraction of detrimental rays at that early time of day. That is the theory I read years ago. That is: sunlight is photons....but there is a range of photons and the radiation varies in type and intensity. I may be totally misinformed on this...but know that the range of visible light is not the only type of "light" there is and early non refracted photons are beneficial. The less refracted means more damaging radiation photons are getting through the atmosphere.

I "gaze" for about two minutes in these very early morning conditions. I could do the same at sunset.

So I think that is your question. Without more research, I'm only giving you what I read about "somewhere" thirty years ago. I've been doing this kind of very limited gazing for thirty years. And not every day.

If someone knows about what I have discussed and wants to disabuse me of misconceptions please do so.

Sun Gazing and Solar Eclipses
Posted by Marilynn (Oregon) on 08/19/2017

Trying to find out what the difference is between looking at the partially eclipsed sun and looking at the full sun, the only cogent response I saw ANYWHERE on the internet was that the pupils would start to dilate as the sun disappeared behind the moon, possibly allow damaging rays to hit the retina. Whether or not this is true I wouldn't know, but at least the theory took more thought than "you'll go blind! " repeated ad nauseam.

I've been sun gazing for a number of years, not according to any formula, just barefoot whenever possible, usually for about 10 minutes or so. Where I live the wooded hills make it impossible to view the sun shortly before sunset, so I've been gazing when it is fairly high. At 73, no problems and I've never needed glasses (except for reading). No sign of cataracts, glaucoma or macular degeneration. Eye doctor says my eyesight has actually improved since the last exam. I can attest to the fact that my night vision, which had started to deteriorate slightly due to age, has recovered.

One interesting effect is that, whenever I have been sleep deprived, sun gazing makes my eyes want to close, not because the light is disturbing, but my eyelids will feel heavy and close. I honor what my body and the sun are telling me and simply bask in the sunlight with closed eyes.

Sun Gazing and Solar Eclipses
Posted by Chris (North Carolina) on 08/19/2017

I'm wondering about the fear mongering over the eclipse. I don't see that the sun could be any more or less potent during an eclipse then normal. I'm wondering if you had any experience looking at eclipses/.

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