Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

General Feedback
Posted by Albert (Montclair, NJ,USA) on 01/23/2009

Hello, I was as skeptical as anyone else about the claims of OP but figured I'd give it a try since it's a natural "remedy" and not expensive. This is the first month of OP and I ahve already seen some changes. I swish a tablespoon with refined Sunflower oil for 20 minutes every morning and thouroughly rinse and wash my teeth and gums with olive oil soap. At first it took some getting used but now it comes as second nature... First I had a dull pain in my right foot. As soon as I took my first step out of bed and put some weight on it, there it was a reminder of the pain... I no longer have that pain in the foot.. would say I noticed the pain was gone about 2eeksd ago. I had bleeding gums everytime I brushed my teeth and after a month of OP, my gums are pink and healthy. For two weeks now, I have not used the medication my dermatologist prescribed for the rosea rash I have on my face and the redness has almost cleared up... with continued use I anticipate the redness to be gone in a month or two. My best advise is to have patience. this is something that will not work overnight but keep at it and you might see some real benefit. I know I have.

General Feedback
Posted by Leanne (Atlanta, GA) on 01/22/2009

Just wondering if it's okay to try OP during pregnancy. I'm very interested to see if it could help the nausea.

EC: Leanne - We've passed your question along to Ted.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Edna (Solomon, Kansas, USA) on 01/21/2009


I wanted to add a note concerning the addition of a drop or two of Oil of Oregano during the OP. You'll want to make sure that you get ORGANIC oil, and not only that, but make sure it is labeled as "Oil of WILD OREGANO! What sells under the label "Oil of Oregano" or "Oregano Oil" is really Marjoram, and does NOT possess the wonderful, natural, anti-biotic properties of Oil of Wild Oregano. Don't let 'em fool ya!

It is oil from a specific wild plant (not the same plant known in Spain as "oregano" and used in cooking) that grows on the hillsides of the Mediterranean region which is the real deal. It is the most powerful anti-biotic agent in nature.

I wouldn't have known the difference if someone hadn't once told me, so I wanted to pay it forward. Thank you for the opportunity.

Loving this site! :0)

Be blessed!!

Cod Liver Oil
Posted by Betty Lee (Singapore) on 01/18/2009

hi !!! anyone out there had ever tried EMULSIFIED NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL for oil pulling ?? It contain EPA and DHA--nutritionally supports cardiovascular health,mood health and overall daily wellness.Contain vit A and D, and heavy metal free !!

I would like to know if it is just as effective as sesame oil?? OR even better than sesame oil ---without any side effects and allergies??

I had a bearable pain in the upper molar and had been using transdermal brush to brush the interior of the gum, I found it helps but to draw out the germs and toxins from the body--- which seem to be very interesting ..

I had not try Cod Liver oil yet for swishing in the mouth but I take it internally and it worked wonderfully for me.I had been taking COD LIVER oil for more than 20 years and it is really antiaging supplement for me !!!!!

Would somebody care to enlighten me?

General Feedback
Posted by Kelly (Nashville, TN) on 01/18/2009

I have a Jack Russell Terrier that was diagnosed with elevated liver enyzmes about 5 years ago. We go to a holistic vet who prescribed SamE for her. She has been on SamE daily (200mg) for years and her liver enzymes are now normal.

General Feedback
Posted by Renate (Parrish, FL) on 01/17/2009

I am using unrefined sesame oil. I try to buy organic but can't find all the time. I'm confused about what kind of oil to use in regards to unrefined or refined. Dr. Karach (sp?) states to use refined. I do not eat fatty foods, only veggies, fruit, fish, a little chicken, whole grains. I have organic CO and will use that after a break from OP and currently starting on Ted's response. THANK YOU.

General Feedback
Posted by Lucas (Santa Rosa, CA / USA) on 01/16/2009

I am just starting (today) with the OP remedy and have just one concern: I cannot go the whole 15 minutes without having to spit out some of the oil/saliva mixture in my mouth. The misture had become milky at about the 7 minute point.

This does not surprise me as I have been told by my dental hygienist that I tend to produce more than usual amounts of saliva.

After spitting 2 times (at about 10 minutes into the treatment) I decided to add some fresh oil as I sensed that the original oil had become so diluted with saliva that there was hardly any left. I pulled this for another 8 minutes and then spit everything out (it was milky again).

Any suggestions? Thanks, Lucas

General Feedback
Posted by Lucas (Santa Rosa, CA / USA) on 01/16/2009

I am just starting (today) with the OP remedy and have just one concern: I cannot go the whole 15 minutes without having to spit out some of the oil/saliva mixture in my mouth. The misture had become milky at about the 7 minute point.

This does not surprise me as I have been told by my dental hygienist that I tend to produce more than usual amounts of saliva.

After spitting 2 times (at about 10 minutes into the treatment) I decided to add some fresh oil as I sensed that the original oil had become so diluted with saliva that there was hardly any left. I pulled this for another 8 minutes and then spit everything out (it was milky again).

Any suggestions? Thanks, Lucas

Cedar Nut Oil
Posted by Louise (Windsor, Ontario, Canada) on 01/15/2009

hello, i staretd oil pulling 3 days ago,all i can say is WOW, my teeth are whiter already and the black streaks on them disipated, by the way i still drink coffe,presently i use Siberian cedar nut oil (cold pressed)and only use a sip of it for pulling and 1Tsp, internally for tonifyng the organs. amazing !!!

General Feedback
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 01/13/2009 391 posts

A liver has a poor tolerance to oily foods in general and may cause some congestion of liver. In which case I would likely do three things:

1. One tablespoon of granulated lecithin a day.
2. No oil pulling for now.
3. Take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda twice a day or three times a day.

An apple cider vinegar should always have 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda added to neutralize the acidity. Otherwise it will cause burning tongue. Usually a burning tongue or acid mouth is caused by the body's need for more potassium bicarbonate or potassium citrate, which usually neutralizes the acidity of mouth quite fast. A baking soda will require more time, but the apple cider vinegar may aggravate it.

If there is any better alternative to oil pulling (O.P.)without any problems then it is alway the P.O. (Pulling Oil) remedy, which usually the use of granulated lecithin to remove the excessive oil accumulation, usually not from oil pulling itself, but from generally high dietary oily and fatty foods. Any addition of any oil may have broke the camel's back. The effects of Pulling Oil reduces excessive fats and congestion in the liver, while baking soda is supportive to liver function.


General Feedback
Posted by Rosy (Orlando, Fl) on 01/14/2009

I read some place that Coconut oil isn't metabolized in the liver, while all other oils are. What kind of oil are you using? I would try to change to Virgin Coconut oil if your liver is getting grumpy from the oil pulling. I would also suggest organic, as some pesticides/herbicides affect the liver.

General Feedback
Posted by Renate (Parrish, FL, USA) on 01/13/2009

I have been OP for about a month in am for 20 minutes. My gums and pockets are better! Many 3s are now 2s and gums are not bleeding during the cleaning. I also have been doing ACV for Acid Reflux and Molasses for anti-aging (I am 56) and general well being. The ACV gave me burning tongue and very burning throat. I did the BS remedy and now do the EC receipe of 2 TBL ACV, 1 TBL Molasses in hot water w/1/8 tsp of BS. I add the turmeric and cayenne pepper as well.

My liver enzymes are elevated for the 1st time ever and the doctor seemed concerned and I have to retest in 3 weeks. I read in one of Ted's comments that some of the oil in OP settles in the liver. Has any one experienced elevated liver levels or heard of this? Not sure if Ted's comment is a bad thing or not. Thank you EC for this site and to all that contribute.

EC: We're also going to cross-post your feedback to the Remedies Side Effects page (under Multiple Remedies Tried, page 5): https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/side_effects.html

Safflower Oil
Posted by Winnie (Washington, DC) on 01/08/2008

I stumbled on your site when searching for side effects for coconut oil. I took coconut oil for about 4 weeks and gained about 10 pounds, I was really hoping for the reverse; anyway I found your site and a lot of good information. I started oil pulling the very day I read about it, I have tried with extra virg. olive oil, sunflower, I didn't notice any real change after just one try. then I tried Safflower oil, did it in the morning just after brushing, then I felt sleepy, I decided to lay down on the couch, and slept for 3 hours; I didn't make a connection then until this morning I tried safflower oil again, same reaction. I slept so soundly, good thing I had the day off today. I'll try it again tonite, looking forward to a great night's sleep. I took 1TBSP for 20 mins. So if someone out there has problem sleeping, this might work for you. TED, whoever you are, I wish you radiant health and prosperity. Your kindness and generousity is written all over your words. Thank you. Winnie

General Feedback
Posted by Sandy (Bangalore, India) on 01/04/2009

Hi, it will be very useful if the oil pulling feedback page can be split up based on the type of oil used. For eg, 1 page for OP with coconut oil, 1 page for OP with sesame oil, 1 page for OP with sunflower oil, and so on. This is because various oils help with various ailments. It will be immensely helpful to know which oil we should use in OP to cure which ailment. Thanks!

EC: Thank you, Sandy, what a great idea! Starting to work on it now -- should be done in another hour or two. It's slow going, have to read through and then rename each post!


New titles for the table of contents:

Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Safflower Oil
Sesame Oil
Sunflower Oil
Multiple Oils Tried
General Feedback (no oil specified)

General Feedback
Posted by Mithun (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 01/02/2009

does oil pulling help in curing hairfall if so which oil sould i use....

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by J Smith (Lawrenceburg, IN) on 01/01/2009

I just started Oil Pulling 1 week ago, I have been using Seasame Oil and Virgin Coconut Oil. I came to Earth Clinic looking for something to help the inflamation of Sciatica, that for me, comes and goes.

I also had this pain in the heel of 1 foot that just started, only painful when I walked, and that also seemed to come and go.

The heel pain seems to be a lot less, and the sciatica is getting better in this short time. I need to wait though before I see if oil pilling is helping, but the ineresting thing is, no matter which oil I use after the first 5 minutes, the taste becomes salty. I am taking it as a good thing and maybe it is drawing something out. I even read the ingredient label of these oils to see if there was anything else that could be causing a salty taste, and nothing just oil. Let me know if anyone else has experienced that please.

General Feedback
Posted by Marguerite (Chapel Hill, NC) on 12/28/2008

Ashley, Could you be having an allergic reation to the actual oil you are using? Perhaps change the type of oil or go to a different brand? It is hard to have red eyes during the holidays. Hope you are doing better soon!

General Feedback
Posted by Ashley (Durham, NC) on 12/05/2008

I have been oil pulling for the past 6 weeks with sesame oil in the beginning and for the past 4 weeks with sunflower oil. In the beginning everything was ok. for the past 3 weeks my eyes have been red and glossy. thought i had pink eye as I used to have mucos coming out of eyes that went away. Went to the doctor a week ago, he said it was allergies and perscribed some drops. WHat a waste of $70. My eyes are no better than before. Could oil pulling be causing my red eyes. They don't hurt just don't look good. Please help me make them go away!Thanks.

General Feedback
Posted by Cassandra (Byron Center, MI, USA) on 12/26/2008

Regarding avoiding dairy to help reduce asthma symptoms, I have tried rice milk, almond milk, and hemp milk. My favorite is Blue Diamond almond milk - you can even use it for baking or instant pudding in place of dairy milk.

General Feedback
Posted by Janice (Austin, TX) on 12/25/2008

Did the bump appear soon after a visit to the hygenist? If so, is it possible that the procedure at the dentist's office caused the problem? After a visit to the dentist last year, I had bad breath for weeks afterwards. I suspected that either the equipment wasn't adequately cleaned or that she pushed bacteria into my gums during the scrapping part. Yuck. Try holding a hydrogen peroxide soaked cotton ball to the area 3x a day for 5 minutes each time. Sounds like something got embedded in your gum and now you have an infection. Good luck!

General Feedback
Posted by Nancy (Brighton, Michigan) on 12/24/2008

after op for a month my last visit to the hygenist was greatly improved. she said what ever i was doing to keep doing it. i didn't tell her about the op. now yesterday i noticed a bump about the size of an eraser on the inside of my gum near a tooth. it isn't painful but it has me concerned and wondering if i should discontinue. can't get in to the dentist as it Christmas.

General Feedback
Posted by Chris (Austin, TX) on 12/23/2008

Unrefined oil does not mean cold pressed. The oil MUST be cold pressed in order to work. If it does not say cold pressed on the label, then it's not cold pressed. Do a search and buy it on line if you can't find it locally.

General Feedback
Posted by Chris (Austin, TX) on 12/23/2008

No, it must be cold pressed oil. If it is not available where you are, search the internet and buy it on line.

General Feedback
Posted by Chris (Austin, TX) on 12/23/2008

Be careful of soy as many people have soy allergies...plus it's not as healthy as it once was thought to be. Also, it tends to be even more mucos producing than dairy.

I did my very first OP today. I'm hopeful!

General Feedback
Posted by Ellen (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) on 12/23/2008

I would continue to oil pull, but I would add a couple of drops of oil or oregano to the oil...this should clear the infection pretty quickly. Also try applying coconut oil to the area and then add a drop or two of the oregano oil as well. This will relieve any pain pretty fast and heal the area quickly as both oils are antiviral and antibacterial...keep apply this to the area throughout the day.

You are doing a good thing with the oil pulling...so don't stop. I also had amalgams for 1.5 years when I was o-pulling and did not have this reaction so I think you had a deep rooted infection that is surfacing which is good. The o-pulling will also attract and remove some of the mercury in your system.

Hope that helps.

General Feedback
Posted by Jeffrie Ann (Brookfield, CT. USA) on 12/21/2008

I live in CT. as well. I have septic and am wondering why it is harmful to septic and plumbing. You mentioned that you can not spit it(oil)in the sink or toilet or you will be calling a plumber or septic man. Why is that? I just learned about OP and have not yet tried it as I need to go get an appropriate oil. I have no real serious health issues (very minor osteo arthritus in one wrist) that I am aware of so I am just interested as a way to maintain and enhance my health. A reply regarding my septic question would be most appreciated!

General Feedback
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 12/21/2008 495 posts

To Judy and Deb with aches & pains from oil pulling:

Hi there, I don't think I read what kind of oil either of you are using, so there is a possibility of a reaction or allergy to the oil being used. I also have lots of head/chest congestion because of allergy, but have no problem with using EV olive oil. Try switching to a different oil and see if that helps with your aches & pains.

I do have the answer to the Lecithin granules. They are taken internally - just stir them up in milk, juice or water & drink them. My preference is buttermilk.

General Feedback
Posted by Judy (Hicktown, GA) on 12/20/2008

It might be me, but I do not understand the reply to Deb from PG, UT. I also have the same symptoms she does, lung problems, and extreme joint pain after 1 month of oil pulling 1x per day for 20 minutes. I also have gum problems that have gotten much worse since op. Does anyone know why this is happening? Also, is granulated lecithin swished as with oil, or taken internally? Thanks to all who can help.

General Feedback
Posted by Sri (NJ) on 12/19/2008

I always had Sinus issues as far as 12 years now. Allergies manifested as really quickly. Oil pulling is a god send for people with any of these issues. It became a routine for me before brushing and makes my day a whole lot better. It loosens up the phlegm in the sinuses that accumulates overnight and make it easy to sneeze it out. It seems to also take care of the stubborn plaque and teeth cleaning. Sometimes, if the brushing in the evening does not make me feel clean on teeth, i get to another round of oil pulling to clean up.

However, do not oil pull without at least 3-4 hours after eating and 30mins after drinking anything. This is also mentioned elsewhere. Please follow the instructions meticulously. One thing i noticed is that the amount of time you swish it in mouth depends on how stuffed you are. If you are good, oil takes a while to liquify and if you are stuffed, it liquifies quickly and you can feel it thinning.

This also helps me manage my allergies and I stopped using the sprays and now i am on accupucture treatment to completely get rid of these problems.

If you have that feeling of phlegm stuck in your lower sinuses even with oil pulling, you may want to use netipot. Use kosher salt and warm water. That should give you relief for atleast 24 hours, free of any stuffing what so ever. There are advanced techniques with neti pot (drug stores call it sinus rinse) which can effectively clean every part of sinus over time. Good luck!

General Feedback
Posted by Suzanne (Houston, Texas / USA) on 12/17/2008

Headaches are often caused by a food allergy. You might try using Sunflower oil and see if you have better results. Good luck!

General Feedback
Posted by Mike (Dublin, Ireland) on 12/16/2008

Hi Abby from Chicago, I had a similar detox-type reaction when I began to OP. I had a constant severe headache, persistent nausea and real difficulty eating. These symptoms became more severe over a period of about a week and I wondered was I doing the right thing in persisting with OP. Similar to yourself I had an upcoming family event so quit OP, and the symptoms disappeared.

However I re-started OP about a month later and have been doing it daily for the last 6 months. My teeth are whiter and feel less sensitive when chewing hard food such as muesli, and my oral health is generally better.

It is also the middle of winter here in Ireland and I have been less affected by colds than most years, with the last cold clearing up without needing a trip to the doc. My sinuses, which have given trouble over the last few winters have also not bothered me this winter. I have also had a number of people remark on my healthy looking complexion and have even asked if I have been away on vacation - strange because I'm normally milk-bottle white in winter!

One of the reasons I started OP was to see if it would cure the keratosis pilaris on my upper arms. Although I can't yet say as I am still using my last dose of prescription cream, the condition seems to have improved over the results I saw using the cream alone. The real test will be when I stop using this tube of cream!

What I would suggest is giving OP another go and see if you experience the same symptoms - all I can say is that I didn't.
Best of luck

General Feedback
Posted by Tamara (BC, Canada) on 12/15/2008

Thanks for the info, I will try the turmeric & rose hip capsules. I have been eating chicken and some red meat but it's interesting because sometimes when I don't eat dinner I feel better the next day? It's been over 2 weeks now and still having flare-ups in areas I haven't had for a long time and am wondering how much longer they will last. I know my arthritis has worsened very much over the last 6 months and is severe so maybe that's why I am not feeling better yet?

General Feedback
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 12/14/2008 391 posts

An alternate oil pulling is possible without use of Oil Pulling, which is Granulated Lecithin, which is a more effective form of oil pulling. Since Granulated lecithin is a fat emulsifier, it virtually pulls the oil out of the system my literally solubilizing them and is excreted via the stool, as well as free heavy metals too, which are oil soluble because they are hydrophobic. It's taken at least 1 tablespoon a day. It is the literal method of oil puling where the oil gets pulled from the body, instead of using the oil to pull out the toxins, while the body accumulates more vegetable oils.

Some people have low tolerance to any oily foods, including oil pulling. What is not mentioned is the enormous effects of health it has on eating foods with vegetable oils. While oil pulling do in few cases cause a person to be sick, if a person has low tolerance to oils in general. This happens sometimes for certain oils or an entire range of oils, including olive oil. Although I report the least problems from olive oil use, however current oil pulling use is sunflower oil. In case it doesn't work, for sunflower oil, it might work for olive oil. However, some people get a skin allergy response just applying olive oil to their skin or the use on their hair. Certain imbalances in higher chain oil is possible and a condition might be reduced by eating a small amount of beeswax, or another form, octacosanol where these very long chain fatty alcohols reduces LDL, low density lipoprotein, and other substances responsible for the negative reaction from vegetable oil use. It seems to help reduce cholesterol too. If an alternative oil pulling is used without the resultant side effects, adding some peppermint oil may reduce the problem, or if the liver has low tolerance to oil, it also helps if granulated lecithin is used instead. Granulated lecithin taken at one tablespoon per day preferably before meal. It should be noted that oil soluble compounds, including benzene, and toxic chemicals that are oil soluble recirculates in our body for the rest of our life and accumulates in the liver. There's no way out, except granulated lecithin which are a fat emulsifer, that helps the fat become water soluble so the body can rid of them much easier. It's the same thing when we take too much vitamin A or vitamin E and is stored by the liver. I have seen instances where long term used of ANY oils, whether they be aloe vera oil, olive oil, causes allergic and body's negative response. The cause is that the liver simply can't hold any more oils that's being accumulated and has to find a way out. One here I mentioned is granulated lecithin, but there's a limited extend of possible removal with the use of drinking ACV apple cider vinegar, which is also solubilizes the oil, as well as borax remedy, and alkalization remedy. They are all surfactants. The French Paradox where they consume more cholesterol then the U.S, but had less maybe due to the fact that a small amount of alcohol in wine may have helped the liver remove excessive oils and fats. However, other avenues in reducing other oils, such as triglycerides exists in drinking unsugared no artificial flavoring, no artificial sweetners such as green tea also. However, I always add a tiny pinch of borax, as some green tea may have fluoride and this aids in the removal.

While I can't say oil pulling using vegetable oil is the best, the one with the least problem is the use of oil pulling by literally pulling the accumulate oils (and bad oils) out of the system using granulated lecithin. In fish pathology, using rancid oils is about the worse things you can do to cause teh fish to be sick, but rancid oils exists in human diets to much greater extent owing to their being long on the shelf, and cooing of vegetable oils further worsen the oil tolerances, whenever the liver can no longer take any more oils from the system.


P.S. This second form of oil pulling might be named Pulling Oil instead of Oil Pulling. It's the second type of detoxification using lecithin.

General Feedback
Posted by Jocelyn (Dublin, Ireland) on 12/11/2008

This is feed back for Sandhya from India who posted in Oil pulling cures on 05/29/2008:

Sandhya if you are still searching for Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar try to contact Auroville it's outside Pondicherry in Tamil Nadu... They have numerous organic farms, health food providers and pratictioners living in the centre...I am sure that if they do not produce it themselves that they have a supplier for the vinegar. I would recommend a visit to anyone in india and in the south already, it is a wonderful place full of wonderful people doing a vast array of incredible things, from the arts through to the healing arts...divine anarchy lives!

love and light to all may we heal ourselves so we may better heal the earth.