Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Eveline (Toronto, Canada) on 02/14/2010

I have been oil pulling for about a year now, switching oils between sunflower, olive, grapeseed. Sometimes it's only about which oil is at a better price. I was quite dismayed to see my dentist this week to find I have an infection in the gum around one tooth. There is a gapping there larger than they like and she said there is some pus in there. She also said that I have less plaque than most people. I would hope that is from using my special toothbrush that I bought last year that is supposed to zap the plague . But this infection thing has me really bothered. I would think that with my religious o/ping there shouldn't even be a remote possibility of this happening. I have been following another famous health practitioners advice and spitting the oil every 4 mins. He feels that keeping the oil in longer will allow the toxins to reabsorb. But reading all the testimonials here and seeing that most everyone pulls with the same Tbs. of oil for 15 - 20 mins. I think I might change that practice. Having been out of work now for 3 months anything that will help save money is a bonus. Using 3 - 4 Tbs. a day makes a bottle of oil go rather quickly.

On an unrelated note, I have been working with a Naturopath to deal with stagnant blood in my system. Not with much success yet but it's been hard to see the Naturopath consistently lately. There are indications on my tongue of liver stagnation. I desperately want to clear that up and since having a very stressful two months moving my aging parents into a seniors home I have had a relapse with very bad pain in both knees (seems to happen whenever I work too hard lifting and schlepping boxes as in a move). They hurt standing from sitting, going down stairs, and when I walk it just feels like the knees are not connected properly and are wobbling all over the place, like a broken marionette. Long walks make it worse. I have tried castor oil packs, take D, E, Omega 3's, ACV, bentoninte clay, drink a green drink every morning with aloe juice, eat lots of raw. I have a suspicion I need to get back off wheat products. I was doing really well on an alkaline diet before Christmas and avoiding wheat but since Christmas have been off the regime there.

Mostly I would wish to have the success many people write about. They oil pull for some weeks and now everything seems cured. As I said, I was shocked and dismayed to find this infection in my mouth. I told the dentist I would work on this and see her again in 3 months. They, of course, wanted to do costly laser repair including freezing etc. I like to have as few "procedures" as possible. But about 2 years ago I lost a back tooth to infection. The dentist was amazed that I wasn't sick from how bad it was when she went in there to extract it. So I was happy to have that out and thought I was on my way to full health. Now another area has got an infection. I just don't get it.

Thanks for any helpful hints. I love this website and have recommended it to many people.

General Feedback
Posted by Kwinans (Tulsa, Oklahoma, Usa) on 01/31/2010

Do you do this rinsing procedure before or after the OP? Sounds good, I just don't know when to do it :)

General Feedback
Posted by Lynn (Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia) on 01/29/2010

I haven't tried the OP yet, but I did read your website, then clicked on the link you provided, http://www.oilpulling.org/

Your website says to do the first OP of the day BEFORE brushing your teeth, but the link says to do the first OP of the day AFTER brushing your teeth, tongue scraping and washing the mouth. Does it matter then whether it's before or after brushing your teeth? Thank you. I just want to get it right.

Kind regards from Australia, Lynn

Safflower Oil
Posted by Lana (Clinton Township, Michigan, Usa) on 01/25/2010

Safflower Oil Pulling

For the past five days I have been swishing my mouth with 1 tablespoon of safflower oil, once a day, about 10 to 15 minutes, before going to bed. I believe this has started a detox for me as I am experiencing mild skin breakouts, lethargy, and mild depression. A naturopathic doctor once told me that detox is emotional as well as physical, and that people going thru detox may experience a bit of melancholy along with some physical symptoms before they feel better. My gums feel less sensitive now. I plan to switch to a different oil after this detox. I believe in oil pulling, and I plan to start with a different oil after this initial detox phase passes. Thank you!

General Feedback
Posted by Judy (High Point, Nc) on 01/24/2010

Besides the EC suggestions, please add if she might be referring to grapefruit seed extract GSE or colloidal silver. I used the silver after long bout of stomach gastritis with Pylori, used Prilosec then Nexium & antibiotics but would always return until I used the silver, never a problem since. Hopes this helps someone.

General Feedback
Posted by Sandy (sandhya) (Bangalore, India) on 01/24/2010

I think sea-salt was refered to as the most potent natural antibiotic.

General Feedback
Posted by Rani (Port Townsend, Washington) on 01/23/2010

Hello...Rani here, yes I was reading on the borax remedy for pulling fluoride from the body and organs. In the process I jusmed over to oil pulling...but i remember reading one of the post that mentioned a remedy, oil, herb, ? that is the most potent natural antibiotic. I was on the oil pulling post and the one on borax and fluoride removal if that helps. If you know what I am talking about please let me know, I would so appreciate it. Thanks, Rani

EC: Can't find it, but we're guessing it's either oregano oil or garlic.

Here is a page which may be helpful: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/natural_antibiotics.html

Walnut Oil
Posted by Laverne (Honolulu, Hi) on 01/14/2010

I tried walnut oil and it was pleasant enough (I thought the oil was going to be gross). I only used 2 tsp but could feel the difference in the mouth after I finished. My mouth felt clean and fresh and I couldn't wait to do it again. And 15 minutes goes by fast when I'm on the computer doing my OP business. I like this thing.

Black Cumin Seed Oil
Posted by Skye (Melbourne, Australia) on 01/14/2010

i am have implant surgery in a month for 3 teeth and was wondering if you did it with your partial plate in or out. i havnt had the meeting yet to go through how it all works so it might sound like a stupid question but figured it was worth asking :)

General Feedback
Posted by Slim (Tacoma, Washington) on 01/09/2010

Hi OP'S.. I haven't had taste or smell since last May. I use bronchio inhalers and drink too much whiskey and seemingly have developed thrush mouth. Yuk.. I'd pee on a spark plug right about now to fix this taste problem, so if OP work's, WOW. Going to try the Oil of wild Oregano and Sesame Oil.. I'll post later if it works :-)

General Feedback
Posted by Earthling (Dallas, Usa) on 01/05/2010

From what I was reading about OP on other sites, mixing oils is no problem.

General Feedback
Posted by Lavender (Seattle, Usa) on 01/05/2010


using organic unrefined oils should eliminate the concern of pesticides and insecticides.

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Mike (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) on 01/05/2010

Cure for the dentist!

I've been oil pulling off and on for over a year with sesame/sunflower oil. Extreme tooth sensitivity (hot, cold, and warm) completely gone, toothaches from 1 troublesome tooth completely gone, teeth ridiculously clean smooth (stains tartar are gone). I dont think im ever going to the dentist again! I use in combination with a few drops of oil of oregano as i no longer use toothpaste (tried every brand/type of toothpaste, they all aggravated sensitivity and toothache and don't do squat for healthy teeth (in my opinion)).

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Mae (Cape Neddick, Maine) on 01/04/2010

One week in...

I discovered OP while researching a natural remedy for sinus infection. I started with olive oil, three days later switched to sesame oil, then to VCO. While the sinus infection is in control, it is not by any means cured. I have also been using ACV in warm water with honey twice a day and neti pot 3 times a day. I wish I could say I have had the results some of you have had in eliminating tons of mucus. I will stick with it though.

My question is: I have read many blogs over the past week and don't see that anyone is talking about blending oils. I am thinking about mixing sesame with coconut. Is there any reason why I shouldn't?

EC: A few people have mentioned adding a drop of clove or wild oregano to their Sesame, Olive, Coconut, etc. oil.

General Feedback
Posted by Emily Page (Maysville, Ky, USA) on 01/01/2010

On Oil Pulling, Do you do it with or without dentures?

General Feedback
Posted by Sharon (Peoria, Arizona) on 12/31/2009

Today was my first day of oil pulling. I just found out about this today from a book on loosing weight. I am using sesame oil. I would like to know if thickening of a lung would be helped by oil pulling. Would it also help with the prostate? Can teeth become healthier if they are not? I didn't see anyone post these types of conditions.

General Feedback
Posted by Beautyqueen (New Haven, Ct) on 12/29/2009

Exactly what type of oil did you use? I have a problem with ingrown hairs (keratosis pilaris), and I'd like to use what you used for optimal results.


Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Paige (New York, United States) on 12/25/2009

Hello, to Catalina from puerto vallarta, mexico:

I have read your oil pulling success story, congrats! anyway I was wondering, you mentioned a few types of oils but which oil had the affect in decreasing your gray hairs and did it decreased your gray hairs completely?

And which one cleared your keretosis pilaris?

I was using organic toasted sesame oil unrefined and I've stopped having lower back pain, I was suffering from a chronic muscle spasm that has stopped and I dont recall ever having headaches since I started oil pulling or having trouble with my vision, when I would read I see the words do this weird thing, I dont know how to explain but when I concentrate the words seem to do this 3d'ish thing its weird its like the words pop out of the background and it would happen more when im tired out but no more. I would greatly appreciate your help.

Thank You So Much For Your Time. Paige

General Feedback
Posted by Arlene (Meredosia,, Il) on 12/23/2009

I tried the oil pulling, am only on the third day. My schedule is erratic, so it's hard to arrange to do this if I have to wait four hours between each time. Is there a reason for this? I haven't seen any results that I can swear are from this yet, since I have also started the acv treatment, and have had excellent results with it. I can breathe again, the first night, first time in months, my husband also tried it and had the same results. We are sold on the acv, hope to have good results from the OP. If anyone can tell me why we have to wait 4 hours in between OP, I'd greatly appreciate it.

General Feedback
Posted by Jagadeesh (Bangalore, India, Karnataka, India) on 12/23/2009

I have been doing oil pulling for 3 days now and I feel freshness. It seems to be helping in my general conditions too.

General Feedback
Posted by Kitkat (Macon, Georgia, Usa) on 12/21/2009

Simon, try deleting all breads/sugar and milk from your diet, all refined foods, basically for a while stick with vegetables, fruits and meats. give it a few weeks to see if it gives you some relief. Kathy

General Feedback
Posted by Mira (Oshawa, On, Ca) on 12/11/2009

@Simon from Guildford

Simon, I don't think oil pulling can give us relief from going back and forth to the washroom! I am pretty sure it has the opposite effect but I think maybe that's how it cleanses the system. Read my post from today. I am back to oil pulling after I stopped during the peak of my gluten intolerance problems. I remember when I started having IBS in the spring it was just after (maybe one month maybe less) starting oil pulling. I was very diligent with oil pulling as I find that it is a very easy technique to incorporate into my schedule. And now after a few days of oil pulling, I am having some symptoms back like itchy skin and I am having difficulty to fall asleep.

My guess is that oil pulling precipitates the process of cleansing gluten from our system. In the spring, maybe it was the trigger to something that was already there but that I had no symptoms for. Let's not forget 50% of celiac people have 0 symptoms, others have less than the typical celiac.

I am no doctor but maybe you should interrupt oil pulling until you at least get rid of all gluten in your food and get back to oil pulling 2-3 months later. I am back after 5 months. It is just a suggestion.

General Feedback
Posted by Mira (Oshawa, On) on 12/11/2009

Hi EC,

I use sesame oil and it says unrefined, organic and traditionally pressed and filtered. When I was researching on oil pulling and found this site, sesame was the oil that most people recommended.

EC: Thanks!

General Feedback
Posted by Mira (Oshawa, On) on 12/11/2009

Oil pulling and Celiac/IBS

Hi there,

I am glad I have found this site last spring. I started oil pulling in February March this year and I stopped doing it when I became gluten intolerant in late spring. I was overwhelmed with all my symptoms and what to do about them. Anyway, I am now back to oil pulling for the last 5-6 days. I do it in the morning for 20 minutes sometimes more and sometimes twice a day. I love how my mouth feels after oil pulling.

But I am a little worried because I started having soft stools and diarrhea for the last 2 days. I wonder if my oil pulling wasn't what triggered my IBS this spring too. I don't know if that's because the oil is pushing my system to get rid of the last bits of gluten too. Anyway, after going gluten free in the summer, I was getting back to normal and having between 2-3 bowel movements but this morning by 12am, I already had 3 and around 1:00pm it was about 4 BM! I don't know if it is because of the cosmetics I use too.

I would appreciate feedback from anyone and specially those with gluten intolerance.

EC: Hi Mira, would you kindly tell us what oil you are using? Thanks!

General Feedback
Posted by Tashimoto (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 12/11/2009

I don't know if this is mentioned in any of the many oil pulling entries here, but it just might be very important. The site: http://www.curezone.org/forums/am.asp?i=110881 states: Dr. Karach has recommended only refined oil. This has been used by millions of people with wonderful cures and accepted in practice. Regarding unrefined oil there may be ingredients injurious to the body and its taste, color and smell may not be agreeable. It may cause or induce vomiting sensation in some people. Since pesticides and insecticides are used in crops, it is possible that trace elements of such poisonous chemicals are not only harmful to health but also carcinogenic. Since refined oil is colorless, odorless and tasteless, such a situation would not arise. I therefore suggest do not use unrefined oils for OP.

General Feedback
Posted by Roxanne (Youngstown, Oh) on 12/01/2009

I am interested in trying the oil pulling, I was just wondering if I could incorporate it into my current routine (before I brush of course) of brush, floss, then mouthwash, or if the mouth wash would somehow interact or counteract with the oil pulling effects???? I was also curious if it would be at all beneficial to alternate oils ie. one in the am and one in the pm, since different oils have different benefits?

General Feedback
Posted by Simon (Guildford, Surrey) on 11/27/2009

I have been OP for 11 MONTHS now hoping for some relief from severe coeliac disease problems. I am at present crippled over with stomach pain and feeling as though I need the toilet all the time but it brings no relief. My hope is that OP will clear my system and maybe let my body start to heal itself, as I have been suffering severely with coeliac disease for years now.

I am 20 years old, and this is blighting my life and I am desperate for help.

Could this be OP? Im a bit frightened.


EC: Can you please tell us what oil you are using?

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Lita209 (Sanford, Fl, USA) on 11/19/2009

Dear Renate from So. Fla: Your post made me think about an experience that I had about a month ago. My wedding ring started bothering me one day. In the evening when I get home I take all my jewelery off to do my chores. On this day I couldn't take my wedding ring off. I tried oil, soap and still wouldn't come off. Meanwhile I felt my finger was swelling up. I went to bed with that "funny" feeling on my finger and then my whole arm started getting weird too. So I finally got up, woke up my husband and made him cut the ring off my finger. I have been oil pulling for a little while now (maybe like a month and a half). I started with coconut oil and then changed to Sesame oil, but never conected it until I read your post. I am still not sure that is the cause, but your comment about the burning sensation on your finger caught my eye. I just wanted to share this to see if anybody has any input. Thanks!

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Renate (South, Florida) on 11/19/2009

Dear Stephen,

I have been oil pulling for about 9 months. I had a weird thing happen with Sunflower oil - my wedding ring became very HOT and I had to remove it for a few days while the burn on my finger healed. (I have had that ring on my finger for 37 years w/o taking it off). I only used that oil for 2 days. Previously, I used organic, cold pressed or expeller pressed sesame oil (unrefined). While using the sesame oil, I would spit up mucus after oil pulling. I was a smoker, but not a heavy one. I take the mucus as a very good sign.

I would recommend that you change your oil to Sesame. I no longer do it every day. Perhaps your body is telling you to slow down on the oil pulling. Do it every other day and see what happens. I am not sure about the swelling - but again, I would recommend switching your oil.

Good luck!

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Stephen (London, UK) on 11/16/2009

I am really confused, i have been oil pulling for almost 10 months now, once a day i morning mostly sunflower and recently a few with olive oil. About 5 months ago every time i spat out, i did one big cough and bought up phlegm, directly after spitting one big cough. Then about two months ago the cough developed to an hour, once after spittiong out, then later in the day for an hour. That has since got more regular, not worst, but just coughing a lot up.

Also shortly since starting op, i've got some swellings on neck under jaw, no pain just slight swelling.

I am a smoker (been smoking packet a day for 30 yrs), but i'd never been a cougher till recently. i went to the dr. with my 2 months coughing, quick chest examination they said probably a virus. Seemed nothing wrong with lungs. I think it is the op'ing bringing up and clearing my mucus. is that possible.?

I also daily have a salad dressing which has ACV and Turmeric and Cayenne.

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Miss Cast (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/08/2009

Organic is always better but the more important thing with sesame oil for pulling is that it not be toasted.

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Nangtinh (Melbourne, Vic, Australia) on 11/08/2009

Should we use ORGANIC or just normal Pure Sesame oil?