Health Benefits

Benefits of Iodine for Health

Thyroid Issues
Posted by Nichole (Stanton, CA) on 12/23/2008

I am hoping you will start a new supplements section on iodine. Also another section on maybe causes of ailments, like fluoride and the problems it causes. Here is my story about fluoride, iodine, and thyroid....

I first noticed my husbands goiter close to 6 months ago, at that time it had become quite noticeable and was indeed very large. Obviously concerned for his health he went to see his doctor, who referred him to an endocrinologist, who then referred him to a surgeon. Strangely enough they told him his blood levels were normal and he didn't have a thyroid condition.... interesting since he has this giant goiter on his neck. lol

At the time there was so little that I knew about thyroid disease and I didn't have much interest in it, I was concerned for my husband but thought that surgery was the only option. Then my husband began to have panic attacks after my daughter was born, and at home no less (I now understand it to also cause and fluctuation of the thyroid hormone)! I honestly thought it was a mind over matter and went searching online to prove that he just needed to stop scaring himself. Instead what I found was that his panic attacks were actually caused by the goiter. Because I had my daughter at home without a midwife, just me him and my mother (planned it that way ; ) I had already learned a few natural remedies, while looking up honey and the wonderful benefits of it I also learned of coconut oil, though I only learned about it being good for pimples. I was interested in purchasing some coconut oil online and that's when I found some of the most amazing information. The site selling it said it helped with thyroid conditions, I wasn't going to believe them, after all they were selling it they would say anything to sell their product right? So I looked up thyroid forums and testimonies regarding the use of coconut oil and sure enough I found out that it was indeed beneficial to his thyroid. Well I ran out to the store and bought some the next day, in the car my husband was exhausted and began to have a panic attack and I told him to take some coconut oil, he only had a 1/4 of a teaspoon and ten minutes later his attack had subsided and he felt energized! After this experiment, we continued treatment and slowly worked up to 3tblspns a day where he's at now. After that revelation and since we had his attacks under control (and in fact after taking it for a week he no longer even experienced an attack) I went back online to find out what we needed to do to shrink his goiter. That's when I learned about iodine and how important it is and how many people are deficient and thus many are hypothyroid and even still many are undiagnosed with hypothyroidism. I also learned about what counteracts iodine, like soy which is a big one since it is in just about all prepackaged foods. When I found out how important iodine was for the thyroid and how the thyroid makes hormones for your whole body I became interested in what else iodine deficiency was responsible for, And do you know what I found? Lots! Here is a sight that lists all the symptoms of iodine deficiency...

But first, after realizing that my husbands thyroid was caused by a change in his diet, I began racking my brain thinking of what on earth has changed over the past year. I've been trying to figure it out for the past couple months and today I found it.

During our big change to all, well almost all, things healthy, I remembered reading about people using toothpaste that doesn't have fluoride in it.. I looked online for the reason why and WOW, what I found is shocking! Fluoride also counteracts iodine, it inhibits the uptake of iodine to your thyroid and we both know (at least by now) how important adequate amounts of iodine are to your thyroid. So I told my sister about it and she said that she didn't think we had fluoridated water, so I searched for the cities that had it in OC and that's when I came across this article ( ). I told my sister what I'd found out and how the time they added fluoride pretty much coincided with the onset of my husbands goiter and the worsening of his thyroid (I believe he has been hypothyroid for a long time as have I and my mother based on the symptoms) and my sister said that she has experienced a worsening of her asthma over the past year!

I am interested in asking friends of mine who have symptoms of iodine deficiency whether they experienced and increase or decrease in their symptoms over the last year (without divulging anything till they have answered so that my findings are not biased) I will report back later with some of my findings, but I am interested if anyone else has experienced similar problems after their area had been fluoridated.

EC: Thanks, Nicole. We actually have pages for both iodine (remedies section) and fluoride (ailments section) on the site! We'll be posting your feedback on both of those pages, as well as on the thyroid remedies page.

Posted by Shlomo (Los Angeles, California, USA) on 12/12/2008

need brief complementary info re: weal thyroid

I have a question (not a comment): What kind of sea-weed is the one that has the the iodine balanced with bromine and where can I get it? Thanks for providing the answer. Shlomo

Iodine Warnings
Posted by Pamela (Houston, Texas) on 12/04/2008

I thought I would add my 2 cents. There is an article on the internet by Dr. DeForest Clinton Jarvis, from his book Arthritis & Folk Medicine of him recommending using avc and iodine together. See attached link on article:

It is a good read all about iodine very informative. Thanks for your input. It takes all of us working together and sharing information. Keeping looking for where you got your information so we can get the whole picture.

Iodine Warnings
Posted by Sharon (Valdosta, GA) on 02/11/2008

Lana from Ormond wrote that ACV inteferes with Iodine consumption. This confuses me and causes some concern as the bottle of Lugol's I'm using has this instruction printed on the bottle: "take on an empty stomach 20 minutes before eating in an 8oz glass of distilled water with a teaspoon ACV for slight acidification". So does ACV interfere or help????

Iodine Warnings
Posted by Lana (Ormond, USA) on 11/13/2007

Ingesting ACV has long been used for medical treatment and is sometimes very effective.. HOWEVER, one should also take an iodine supplement, such as kelp tablets or kelp extracts while using this therapy. Extended ACV consumption can remove iodine from the body, and can result in thyroid problems. (Salt also causes the same problems which is why commercial salt has added iodine.) I learned all this back in the early 1970's, and have not found this important information on iodine/ACV interaction in any articles or books recently. However I have not covered your entire site. So in case no one has mentioned this yet, it really needs to be addressed.

Food Poisoning
Posted by Pamela (Houston, Texas) on 11/16/2008

I had a chronic case of salmonella food posioning. I read in Dr. Hulda Clarks book 6 drops of Lugol's iodine 4 times a day would get rid of the salmonella. I forgot how long she said to take it. I usually take the iodine for a couple of days after I feel better. Lugol for me works every time I pick up any salmonella bacteria from eating out.

Skin Ailments
Posted by Winfield (Pringle, USA) on 09/04/2008

excellent website information by the bucketfulls stuff we all can use. I had a itchy spot on my chin 6 months. Finally scratched it raw and applied two dime size spots of iodine, 2 nights before bed. Spot is fading and no more itch. Gone. If it ever comes back it will get three treatments. Thanks for this knowledge.

Bruises, Bumps, Scrapes
Posted by Anne (Lithgow, Australia) on 08/10/2008

We had a product called FORNEX in Australia when I was a kid (now48). Mum used it on bumps and scrapes and we never had a bruise let alone a mark where the bump was. This clear iodine solution was put onto a cotton wool ball and dabbed on bump. I am now trying to find another product of clear iodine solution for my daughter to use on her son who i just starting to walk.

Posted by Ashley (Cambridge, MA) on 08/03/2008

Fran, what sort of tumor do you have and where is it located? Has the iodine worked for you? Has it left a scar? What is the purpose of the chickweed? Are you applying it topically or drinking it?

Posted by Fran (Rocky Face, Ga) on 08/03/2008

I am using Iodine to cut off the blood supply to a tumor also, Saw Palmetto, as well as Chickweed, kelp has so much to offer.

EC: Fran, what type of tumor are you trying to treat? Thanks...

Hot Flashes
Posted by Tammy (Pleasant Grove, Utah) on 06/07/2008

I have been having the hot flashes from Menopause the last year. I had been taking estroven or similar products, but found that Lugol's Iodine was more helpful and cheaper.

Fibrocystic Breast Disease
Posted by Linda K. (Palm Desert, CA) on 05/27/2008


It should be clarified that an iodine that is ingested be safe for internal consumption. NOT to be ingested is the iodine that is used for treatment of cuts, etc. on the skin. IOSOL IODINE is safe for internal use.

Fibrocystic Breast Disease
Posted by Barbara (Baton Rouge, LA) on 05/26/2008

I had problems with Fibroystic Breast Disease and the doctor put me on 3 drops of Iodine in a glass of orange juice each day plus a pregestrone cream for the breasts...this more problems.

Posted by Ann (Worcester, MA) on 05/25/2008

Kelp: It works wonders for thyroid disorders. It can be given to cats dogs and humans. What ever the problem it will get the job done. Can be purchased at local heath food store. Used in cooking or can be added to pets food.

Skin Ailments
Posted by Bob (Stillwater, mnMN) on 05/21/2008

I have used Iodine ration to cure common warts and have helped friends to it too. It works I also had a gangliotic cyst on my palm for two years, that a doctor wanted to cut out so I tried Iodine ration for about six months and it went away. Now I can't find the pills yet.

Thyroid Issues
Posted by Ellen (St. Louis, Missouri) on 05/08/2008

I just found this web site. I had my thyroid removed 4 years ago. Do you know if this iodine will work if you do not have a thyroid? I also have liver spots all over my body. This is called Seborrheic Keratoses. Do you know anything about this and a possible thryoid connection? Thanks! Ellen

Thyroid Issues
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 04/28/2008 495 posts

Congratulations to Jan -4/18/08. When more people stop thinking M.D. stands for medical deity and follow their own judgement as you did & took Lugol's solution to cure your goiter instead of taking the endocrinologist's radioactive pill to kill off your hyperactive thyroid. I have a great niece who now has to take thyroid medication because of that mistake. She was only l6 when they gave her that radioactive pill!

Thyroid Issues
Posted by Jan (Buffalo, NY) on 04/18/2008

Lugol's cure for Hyperthyroidism. 2 years ago I went to the doctor for fast pulse rate. Resting it was 105 to 110 bpm. He sent me to an endocrinologist who recommended the radioactive pill approach to killing the thyroid. I asked him about Iodine. He was very specific about how dangerous it would be to treat it with Iodine. I went home and ordered a bottle of Lugol's from the internet and three days later having taken doses for 3 days, my pulse rate was below 75 and the swollen throat had subsided. It was common goiter. The allopathic treatment seems to be kill the thyroid and take T4 for the rest of your life. there should be a law against the quackery practiced in modern medicine. What a waste of 12 years of education.

Food Poisoning
Posted by Jan (Buffalo, NY) on 04/18/2008

I travel extensively and carry a small HDPE bottle of Lugol's for the inevitable food poisoning that occurs in restaurant food. When I get a case of it, I take 15 drops of Lugol's in water and it takes less than 15 minutes to stop the cramps. Dr. Hulda Clark does recommend Lugol's Iodine. I buy my Lugol's in pint bottles at the local pharmacy. I tell the pharmacist that I use it for staining tissue slides for microscopy. It works every time.

Posted by Jeannie (Austin TX) on 02/11/2006


I recently read (in Mother Earth News Archives, 1971) that cats are highly susceptible to iodine poisoning. I think there are safer alternatives to using iodine on/in a cat.

Posted by Dianna (Houston, AR) on 01/14/2006

I have wormed my dogs and cats successfully for twenty-seven years with iodine. Its slower than commercial wormers but safer and with less side effects. I no longer use it only because I found another natural wormer that's even better.

Posted by Catherine (Laval, Quebec, Canada) on 01/07/2006

When I was 21, I came back from the lake with what we call 'ringworm'. It is not a worm but a fungus. An older man I showed it to told me to put iodine on it. The red skin cleared within a few days. Ever since, I have been using it on abandoned cats that come in from the cold with various states of the fungus. It clears within days. Vets panic at the sight of ringworm because of the possibility of contagion to humans. Some will even suggest to put the animal to sleep. They have a tendancy to give chemical pills, I have no idea if they work. Apply the iodine on the rim of the spot as it is where the fungus lies and multiplies.

Catherine, researcher
Lost and Found Pet Network