Health Benefits

Benefits of Iodine for Health

General Feedback
Posted by Maggie (Calgary, Alberta,canada) on 06/12/2012

Hello again. I just started my family on Lugol's iodine. We are up to 3 drops in water/orange juice in AM. Last night my husband's back/leg pain was worse than usual. Would this have anything to do with an iodine detox? Also, this morning he was very irritable, probably due to pain but wondering if one has anything to do with the other. We also take a liquid multi each AM and hopefully there is enough supplements (selenium, boron) to help with the iodine reaction. Please advise if there are any suggestions to our current protocol and if we should just continue on this course, slowly working up to more drops each day. Thanks for any help. It is so nice to be able to heal ourselves from the inside out. Also, an interesting observation, our dreams are much more vivid after starting lugol's.