Grape Seed Extract
Health Benefits

Grape Seed Extract Benefits: Natural Health Booster

| Modified on Jan 20, 2024
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Grape Seed Extract Health Benefits

Grape seed extract, derived from the tiny seeds of grapes, offers a plethora of health benefits beyond the delightful experience of eating the fruit itself. This natural extract is gaining recognition for its role in improving cardiovascular health, reducing edema, accelerating wound healing, and more.

The Rich History of Grape Seed Extract

Grapes and their components, including seeds and leaves, have been utilized for medicinal purposes since ancient Greek times, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Today, grape seed extract, often sourced from wine manufacturers, continues this legacy as a versatile folk remedy for various health issues.

Key Health Benefits of Grape Seed Extract

Grape seed extract is the essence of the grape, concentrated with flavor and nutrients. It is particularly rich in antioxidants and oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs), making it effective in treating and supporting a range of health conditions such as wound healing, cholesterol management, atherosclerosis treatment, cognitive function enhancement, and cancer prevention.

1. Accelerating Wound Healing

Rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, grape seed extract promotes cell regeneration, leading to faster wound healing. Research in the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine supports the topical application of grape seed extract for dermal rejuvenation.

2. Lowering Cholesterol Levels

Grape seed extract aids in the breakdown of fats, potentially reducing cholesterol levels. Studies suggest that the extract, particularly when combined with chromium, effectively lowers total and LDL cholesterol.

3. Combating Atherosclerosis

With a high concentration of antioxidants, grape seed extract protects blood vessels, enhances blood circulation, and helps dissolve arterial plaque.

4. Boosting Cognitive Function

High in proanthocyanidins, grape seed extract may help prevent cognitive decline and even improve brain function, especially in aging individuals.

5. Cancer Prevention

The extract's antioxidant potency shows potential in inhibiting the growth of various cancer cells, including breast, stomach, colon, prostate, and lung cancers. While results in test tubes are promising, more research is needed to confirm these effects in humans.

6. Supporting Heart Health

Grape seed extract's antioxidant properties may contribute to overall heart health. It is thought to help lower blood pressure, reduce oxidative stress, and improve blood flow, which are all beneficial for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.

7. Anti-Aging Properties

The high antioxidant content in grape seed extract can combat free radicals, which are linked to aging. Regular consumption may help in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and maintaining skin elasticity, contributing to a more youthful appearance.

8. Managing Diabetes

Some studies suggest that grape seed extract may help in managing blood sugar levels, making it a potential natural remedy for people with diabetes or those at risk. Its ability to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism can be particularly beneficial.

9. Boosting Kidney Health

Grape seed extract may aid in protecting the kidneys from damage, especially damage caused by toxins or drug-related side effects. Its antioxidant properties play a crucial role in safeguarding these vital organs.

10. Anti-Inflammatory Effects

The anti-inflammatory effects of grape seed extract can be beneficial for reducing the symptoms of chronic inflammatory conditions. This makes it a potential natural remedy for conditions like arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and others.

11.  Enhancing Skin Health

Grape seed extract is increasingly recognized for its benefits in skin health. Rich in antioxidants, particularly proanthocyanidins, it helps protect the skin from damage due to free radicals and environmental stressors. This protective action can aid in preventing premature aging, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and maintaining skin elasticity. Additionally, grape seed extract's anti-inflammatory properties may help manage skin conditions like acne and eczema, making it a valuable addition for those seeking natural skincare solutions. Its ability to enhance collagen production and improve skin texture further underscores its role as a beneficial supplement for overall skin health and vitality.

Using Grape Seed Extract

Generally well-tolerated when taken orally, grape seed extract is safe for use up to 8 weeks in clinical trials. Available in capsules, tablets, or liquid form, look for products containing 40 to 80% proanthocyanidins or an OPC content of at least 95%.

Potential Side Effects

  • Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may be allergic to grapes or grape products, including grape seed extract. Symptoms can include itching, redness, swelling, or difficulty breathing.
  • Blood Thinning Effects: Grape seed extract can have blood-thinning properties, which might increase the risk of bleeding, especially in those already taking blood-thinning medications.
  • Gastrointestinal Issues: High doses of grape seed extract can lead to gastrointestinal problems, such as nausea, diarrhea, or upset stomach.
  • Dizziness and Headaches: In some cases, grape seed extract can cause dizziness or headaches, particularly when taken in large amounts or on an empty stomach.
  • Interference with Medications: Grape seed extract can interact with certain medications, including blood thinners, pain relievers, and cancer treatments, potentially affecting their efficacy.

Discover how our readers and contributors have benefited from grape seed extract by continuing to read below!

Related Links:

Asthma and Grape Seed Extract
Grape Seed Extract: A Powerful Ally Against Atherosclerosis

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
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Posted by Joyce (Santa Monica) on 11/07/2016

Editor's Choice

I found grape seed extract after I had been taking Pycnogenol for 1 yr in 1995. It has been 21 yrs of taking these OPCs. I got rid of all allergy and sinus meds and never back to an allergist since Sept 1995. The main reason I got on OPCs, we were told MAY prevent cancer(s). One happy camper here.

Broken Capillaries

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Posted by Casafina (Sedona, Az) on 07/10/2012

Broken Capillaries on my nose for ever!!!! I just recently added Grape Seed Extract to my supplement list and it would appear to be working. I had first thought too much caffiene so I cut that out, then maybe I had a "booze" nose cut that out, then it was o still there must be years of sun damage. I had been covering with concealer and with in the first week of adding grapeseed extract I was able to go out with out any concealer. I take plenty of other supplements but my thinking is that it was the only thing that I had added after reading on here about it as a possible solution.


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Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 10/12/2012

I take Grape Seed Extract for my ezcema - along with evening primrose oil and it seems to help. Only been doing it for a few months but little to no patches have appeared of late. Cheers, Bess


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Posted by Karling (Los Angeles, CA) on 06/08/2008

Well, Let me first say, I've had fibroids and ovarian cysts for over 7 years. They have progressively gotten worse and worse as far as heavy clotting periods, PMS, and weight gain. Basically my life revolves around my periods. I don't "do" western medicine so I only go to the doctor to find out what's going on. I'm also a vegetarian. My job is that of performer, so I've had to be meticulous about scheduling shows around my cycle. I'm so excited right now I had to share this immediately. It's early days, I'm only into day 4 of my period, but the change has been incredible. For a whole week before my period I did castor oil packs over where I consider the fibroids are. I rented movies, and spent every evening for about an hour and a half with the pack on my belly, and a heating pad over the area. Also, from the first day of my period I've been taking 2 (100mg) grapeseed extract tablets 3 times a day. They give me a bit of lose stool, but that's the least of my problems after all the bleeding I've endured over the years. Ok the report is: So far my bleeding has been cut in half, if not even more. A few very small clots, as apposed to huge clots. I feel different. I don't feel exhausted, and I'm thinking a miracle has happened to me. I don't know if it's the grape seed or the packs, but I am going to continue this procedure. I'm not sure how often I should do the packs, but I read in this forum that the grapeseed should be done only during your period to keep it's potency on your system. Oh, also something else. I had been taking BSM for over a year, (no decrease in bleeding, but other very good effects) and I read on this forum that House of Herbs had the most iron, so I orderd a whole case of it.. but the label is very sparse, and I think it might be sulfured, and that is not good because it thins the blood, so the only other thing I've changed is that I've cut OUT the sulfured BSM. I will update as I find out more, but right now I'm extremely happy. Day 4 and it's been a walk in the park!!!

Replied by Janice Gilliard
(Tampa, Fl)

I'm trying the grape seed extract this month. I have fibroids and have tried everything I've read it heard about on the t.v. or the dr shows. I'm expecting the miracle also. I'm tired of going through 2 packs of over night pads in 3 days of my 5 day cycle. How I long for that lighter 3 day cycle. Thanks for sharing


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Posted by Cortney (Albuquerque, NM) on 12/02/2008

I recently moved to Albuquerque, NM from Colorado Springs, CO. I was working as a consultant and had to drive back. The morning I woke up, I had a lot of mucous in my throat and thought it would go away. An hour into my drive, it was still there. Two hours into my drive I started sneezing. After 6 hours of driving, I got to my mother's house in the Springs looking half dead and feeling absolutely terrible. I had cold symptoms. I was at the point that I knew if I went to bed, I would awake up feeling 20 times worse. My mother suggested "Grape Seed Extract" pills. She had gotten the idea from my sister who had found out about it the same way I had... word of mouth. It was 4pm when I took the first one. I was staying at a friends house and warned her I was getting sick. I forgot about the pill. At around 8pm, I wasn't sneezing and actually felt a little better. I took one before going to bed dreading my wake up. I can honestly say I woke up feeling great. I took three more that day as instructed on the bottle. Never got the symptoms again. This happened in September which is when I usually get that bad cold of the year. I have tried all the remedies on here from the tomato tea to plain ACV, to hydrogen peroxide. Nothing ever worked like this has. Unbelievable really. I am testing my theory again with my son. He is almost 5 and is getting very sick. He took one tonight and I feel due to his age, I will keep it to one a day. We will see how he does in the morning.

I bought my bottle at whole foods though I imagine most health food stores carry it. Take 3 a day, 1 in the morning, afternoon and before bed. It's just a capsule, though my mother had solid pills. This was a life saver for me and I imagine if ACV doesn't work for all, this might. Literally took a few hours for me to feel better and more energized.

Ganglion Cyst

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Posted by Toourlady89 (Hayward, Ca, Usa) on 09/13/2011

Years ago, my daughter had a ganglion cyst in her right wrist that was in the way and painful when she writes. A surgeon advised surgery to drain it but he said it could recur. Instead, at a friend's suggestion, I started her on grape seed extract (Tru OPCs ) other name is Proanthocyanidin.. Dose suggestion is 1 mg per kg weight once a day before meals or divide the dose and take it twice a day.. The cyst cleared in about 6 weeks.. Or longer, there is no definite time... Another friend had a big one in his right foot and has been unable to wear shoes for months.. It also cleared after taking Tru OPCs and never re appeared.. We used Nature's way Tru Opcs but they are also available at Costco as grape seed extract...

Grape Seed Extract Side Effects

4 User Reviews

Posted by Tassi (Berkeley, Ca) on 04/01/2017

WARNING: Grapeseed Extract could CAUSE venous insufficiency in some.

Googling, I found this disturbing link. Disturbing especially because the problem with my legs' circulation did start AFTER I began taking the yummy & expensive organic grape seed extract powder I ordered. (I started taking it for pancreas problems, which it also did not help.)

Most things on google say GSE is GOOD, to get rid of the problem but here were supposedly 5 reports of cases caused by it -- and this link came at the TOP of the google results. SEEDS AND%20PHOSPHATIDYL CHOLINE%20AND RESVERATROL-causing-VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY.php

About this FactMed analysis covering adverse side effect reports of GRAPE SEEDS AND PHOSPHATIDYL CHOLINE AND RESVERATROL patients who
developed VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY. FactMed provides MD-approved analysis to help both patients, researchers, and physicians accurately assess the risk profile for more than 20,000 different pharmaceutical products. The below report offers compiled information from Food & Drug Administration and FactMed user submissions.

Between January 2004 and October 2012, 5 individuals taking GRAPE SEEDS AND PHOSPHATIDYL CHOLINE AND RESVERATROL reported VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY to the FDA. A total of 5 GRAPE SEEDS AND PHOSPHATIDYL CHOLINE AND RESVERATROL drug adverse event reaction reports were made with the FDA during this time period. Often the FDA only receives reports of the most critical and severe cases; these numbers may therefore underrepresent the complication rate of the medication.

Grape Seed Extract Side Effects
Posted by Paula (Montreal) on 02/03/2016

I started taking Grape Seed Extract recently and soon afterward began having anxiety (which is not usually a problem for me in the same situations I am currently in), heart palpitations that I thought would never end on some days and when there were no regular heart palpitations it felt like there was congestion or rumbling in my chest (similar to what I might have felt if I was congested with bronchitis).

I didn't link it to the Grape Seed Extract right away, but after a week or so I stopped taking it and within 36 hours I was back to how I usually feel. I waited a few days and took it again, and that day and into the next the symptoms were back so I won't be taking it anymore.

Grape Seed Extract Side Effects
Posted by Sarah (Toledo, Ohio, United States) on 02/12/2013

I'm currently six months post partum and decided to start taking Grape Seed Extract for general health and younger looking skin. I was told to take 1mg for each pound I weigh (120lbs/120mg). The pills are 100mg each, so I was taking two a day with the understanding that excess would be excreted through urine. That day I started having heart palpitations, severe night sweats and anxiety/depression spells. This continued for two weeks (I thought it might be an adjustment period) before I reduced to one pill a day (100mg). The issues continued. I then stopped taking the GSE and all symptoms disappeared by the next day. I waited a week and tried it again. All negative symptoms came back in full force. In all my research on the internet, I'm not finding anyone with any issues like this regarding grape seed extract. I have two theories regarding my reaction and wanted to hear everyone else's feedback.

1. I'm thinking I might have post partum depression and the grape seed extract is amplifying it.

2. I had an epidural and petocin during my labor and my body is reacting poorly to all those drugs leaving my system.

These are merely guesses.

Age: 32, Weight: 120, good general health - no diagnosed issues, moderate exercise and a fairly healthy diet consisting of many fruits, vegetable, minimal meat and minimal processed foods. I do have alcoholic drinks almost every night (typically 1-3).

Thanks all!

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Sarah: GSE doesn't actually "detoxify" a free radical, but simply sequesters or mobilizes it to the liver for detox. I have had similar side effects from the antioxidant Lutein. Your symptoms suggest inadequate liver detox. Try supplementing NAC, Selenium, and 3mg Melatonin before retiring. Milk Thistle Seed Extract may also be necessary.

There is a wide range of antioxidants the body needs so I would also suggest dropping the G. S. For an "antioxidant complex" (which may contain some G.S.). Vit-A, E work well with Selenium and NAC. Zinc and Niacin help with the alcohol detox.

Replied by Rosanne
(Toronto, Canada)

Are you using Grape Seed Extract, or Grapefruit Seed Extract? They are two different things.

Replied by Sarah
(Toledo, Oh)

Tim, thank you for your suggestions. Rosanne - It is Grape seed extract I was taking.

Replied by Octagon
(Chicago, Illinois)

You may have gotten hold of a contaminated batch. Perhaps trying another highly rated brand would make a difference.

Replied by Snowbell
(Minneapolis, Mn)

Just wondering if you ever tried taking Grapeseed extract again. I have had some anxiety issues with possibly Grapeseed extract as well but never find anything online when I try to research.

Replied by Kat
(Gj, Co)

Number one I suggest you you address your alcohol consumption. The amount you listed is excessive and terribly hard on your liver. I know from personal experience and that of thousands of others that when asked about our alcohol consumption we down play it, if that is what you've done then I suggest you contact Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) at your convenience. Your child deserves a sober mother and you deserve to be conscious and aware of your life. It passes quicker than you think my friend!

I was a young mother to three when I began my journey with AA. It's been 26 yrs and I love my life. This site is a great place to start your search towards health, but until you stop poisoning yourself with alcohol you chances are slim for long term good effects.

God Bless You! Kat

Hay Fever, Food Allergies

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Posted by Jayna D. (Fountain Valley, CA) on 11/20/2023

Grapeseed Extract For Hay Fever and Food Allergies!

Decades ago a sweet lady told me to take 100 mg. Grapeseed Extract to prevent my nasal and food allergies. I ordered Swanson Vitamins' brand of capsules and began taking them. (I had felt like a zombie taking Benadryl. 😡) Taking this Grapeseed Extract solved my problem. Some days I needed to take more. Before this eating corn caused loose bowels. After, thankfully, I no longer had food and nasal allergies. 😁

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

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Posted by crystal (any town, United States) on 04/23/2008

I tried grapeseed extract for menstrual flooding associated with fibroids. I took 3 - 90 mg tablets 4 times a day and my menstrual was the closest to normal it's been in years. Also mother tried it for the same problem and was well pleased! I am happy!


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Posted by Jim (Gary, Indiana Usa) on 02/05/2011

I recently saw a report about trials conducted on grapeseed extract and mrsa the trials were done in kuwait and it said that 43 strains of mrsa were killed by grapeseed extract. I do not know how many strains there are, but it seems like an easy enough test. If I had mrsa I would be taking grapeseed extract not to be confused with grapefruit seed extract. Also Jesus is the ultimate healer so pray when taking it. I would and do. Jim

Replied by Kat
(Gj, Co)

Hi Jim,I wanted to post the link for citation. Thank you for alerting us to it. I will definitely look into it more!!

Nerve Issues

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Posted by Al (Alvena, Sk., Canada) on 10/08/2012

I am astonished that there is nothing on this website about grape seed extract. I was taking 9mg of hydro morph contin plus 900 mg of gabapentin four times per day for pain from peripheral neuropathy when I was told about grape seed extract (pycnogynol) and upon starting to use it at three doses of 50mg each per day I was able to reduce the other medications to two of each in three doses per day, a reduction of 50%, with a resulting lessening of the pain and numbness. On researching it I found that it is supposed to help any nerve pain, including arthritis, and helps ADD &ADHD symptoms. It also helps with behavior and attention problems in people with autism. My cousin used it for her autistic son and found that a dose of less than 1mg per pound of body weight was optimal as too much made her seven year old chatter non stop.

Small Vessel Capillaritis

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Posted by Afitch (Colorado Springs, Co, USA) on 06/07/2012

I was diagnosed with small vessel capilaritis - red spots on my legs that look like pupura. They would appear almost on a daily basis and take a week to fully heal and fade away. I went to 12 doctors and no one could tell me what to do for them. I found an article on the internet that suggested that oligomeric procyanidins OPCs have shown to improve capillary vessel strength.

I have been taking grape seed extract supplements (from the local health food store) for about two years now and have virtually no capilaritis now. I want to share this with people because it seems that most doctors do not know of anything you can for this condition. These grape seed supplements have helped me greatly. Andy


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Michelle (San Anselmo, Ca) on 01/18/2012

Grape Seed Extract for bladder infections -- Yes! Isn't it wonderful, and it's so much cheaper than D-Mannose and Doctors! I just posted about it on my blog. So glad to see others have tried it too.

Replied by Lynn
4 posts

I'm wondering if the original poster meant grapeFRUIT seed extract for UTI?? GSE is used for both Grapeseed Extract AND GrapeFRUIT Seed Extract but they are two different things. GrapeFRUIT Seed Extract is antibacterial so it would make sense that this is what was meant and not Grapeseed Extract. I'd research both and make your decision. I just wanted to bring this up in case someone sees it and may purchase the wrong thing. They are easy to confuse.

2390 posts


Both Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract (GSPE) and Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) have shown benefits against UTIs. GSPE is more specific to certain bacterial strains whereas GSE has a broader spectrum effect. So the original poster likely found GSPE effective for their particular UTI bacterial infection.


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