Grape Seed Extract
Health Benefits

Grape Seed Extract Benefits: Natural Health Booster

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Posted by Art (California) on 03/26/2023 2391 posts


Both Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract (GSPE) and Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) have shown benefits against UTIs. GSPE is more specific to certain bacterial strains whereas GSE has a broader spectrum effect. So the original poster likely found GSPE effective for their particular UTI bacterial infection.


Posted by Michelle (San Anselmo, Ca) on 01/18/2012

Grape Seed Extract for bladder infections -- Yes! Isn't it wonderful, and it's so much cheaper than D-Mannose and Doctors! I just posted about it on my blog. So glad to see others have tried it too.

Posted by Leriejane (Seattle, Wa, Usa) on 07/17/2010

Grapeseed Extract cured my Urinary Tract Infection

I scheduled a doctor's visit for what I thought was a UTI (frequent urination with discomfort, bloated abdomen, back pain, etc) but they could not see me til the next week. So I bought grapeseed extract capsules and took 2 daily in conjunction with drinking water at every opportunity. (To help flush out any bacteria. )

The day before my appointment, my symptoms had stopped and I was never diagnosed with a UTI, though the doctor said my symptoms matched a UTI diagnosis, and that mine had probably cleared on its own. I didn't mention the grapeseed extract; I was just glad my symptoms were gone. It took about 5 days of grapeseed extract daily.