Grape Seed Extract
Health Benefits

Grape Seed Extract Benefits: Natural Health Booster

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Nerve Issues
Posted by Al (Alvena, Sk., Canada) on 10/08/2012

I am astonished that there is nothing on this website about grape seed extract. I was taking 9mg of hydro morph contin plus 900 mg of gabapentin four times per day for pain from peripheral neuropathy when I was told about grape seed extract (pycnogynol) and upon starting to use it at three doses of 50mg each per day I was able to reduce the other medications to two of each in three doses per day, a reduction of 50%, with a resulting lessening of the pain and numbness. On researching it I found that it is supposed to help any nerve pain, including arthritis, and helps ADD &ADHD symptoms. It also helps with behavior and attention problems in people with autism. My cousin used it for her autistic son and found that a dose of less than 1mg per pound of body weight was optimal as too much made her seven year old chatter non stop.