Grape Seed Extract
Health Benefits

Grape Seed Extract Benefits: Natural Health Booster

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Posted by Karling (Los Angeles, CA) on 06/08/2008

Well, Let me first say, I've had fibroids and ovarian cysts for over 7 years. They have progressively gotten worse and worse as far as heavy clotting periods, PMS, and weight gain. Basically my life revolves around my periods. I don't "do" western medicine so I only go to the doctor to find out what's going on. I'm also a vegetarian. My job is that of performer, so I've had to be meticulous about scheduling shows around my cycle. I'm so excited right now I had to share this immediately. It's early days, I'm only into day 4 of my period, but the change has been incredible. For a whole week before my period I did castor oil packs over where I consider the fibroids are. I rented movies, and spent every evening for about an hour and a half with the pack on my belly, and a heating pad over the area. Also, from the first day of my period I've been taking 2 (100mg) grapeseed extract tablets 3 times a day. They give me a bit of lose stool, but that's the least of my problems after all the bleeding I've endured over the years. Ok the report is: So far my bleeding has been cut in half, if not even more. A few very small clots, as apposed to huge clots. I feel different. I don't feel exhausted, and I'm thinking a miracle has happened to me. I don't know if it's the grape seed or the packs, but I am going to continue this procedure. I'm not sure how often I should do the packs, but I read in this forum that the grapeseed should be done only during your period to keep it's potency on your system. Oh, also something else. I had been taking BSM for over a year, (no decrease in bleeding, but other very good effects) and I read on this forum that House of Herbs had the most iron, so I orderd a whole case of it.. but the label is very sparse, and I think it might be sulfured, and that is not good because it thins the blood, so the only other thing I've changed is that I've cut OUT the sulfured BSM. I will update as I find out more, but right now I'm extremely happy. Day 4 and it's been a walk in the park!!!