Acid Reflux
I found ginger tea a more pleasant and gentler way of dealing with acid reflux than apple cider vinegar.
Ginger is well known for it's calming effect on the stomach. If the esophageal sphincter is doing it's job the reflux doesn't happen and I suspect that it is allowed to function better when the stomach is churning in a calmer manner.
I make the tea by putting a few slices of fresh ginger into a thermos and let it steep before taking the first cup. I usually have around 3 & 4 cups a day.
Acid Reflux
I would like to add Yes for GINGER.
I suffered from Acid reflux for nine months, tried almost everything, was on NEXIUM too, I did not have chest pain but throat pain, and ginger tea was the most spectacular discovery! Now I drink several glasses of ginger tea daily and the pain is now much much weaker. Nothing I tried before ever made so much difference.
Therefore, strongly recommend ginger.
I buy a fresh one, peel it off, cut it in small pieces and just spill hot water over it, just like I would do with any other tea.
Anyway, that worked out for me. Pain is not completely gone yet (I drink it for three days only) but life became much more bearable since I started.
Good luck to all of you!
(Boulder, Colorado)
I had a few problems going on when I experienced acid reflux: I had helicobacter pylori (got it from eating a bad hot meatball sandwich). It's a bad bacteria. Can cause serious problems down the line. But it is easy to identify in a blood test. Antibiotics cures it. Once that was gone, I found out I had food sensitivities. It took a while to figure out what those were. Also found my gall bladder was a bit sluggish so I avoid high fat foods and do stomach massage. Now the ginger tea takes care of soothing my once again healthy insides.
(Mph, Tn)
You can juice the ginger too.. If worse comes to worse you can cut off and chew.. It's good for cough at night.. When I get sick with sinus I cut with skin on it and juice it.. Also cut into small chunks and eat raw.. It tastes really bad but stops cough and congestion in its tracks! Along with acid reflux..
Arthritis Remedy: Ginger Root/Mint tea. I have found that making tea out of ginger root and mint is more helpful than any capsules. Take about a 1 1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger root, peel and then slice root into mug, add some fresh mint leaves, pour good boiling water over and steep at least 1/2 hour (the longer the better) drink before you retire for the night. This not only helps with the joint pain but has also helped me sleep more sound. The mint is important as it helps the stomach - ginger root tea alone can be a bit difficult if one is no longer 20 . This is an acquired taste. DO NOT get carried away like I did the first week and drink more than one huge mug a night. As my Chinese Dr. friend said "it is like listerine for the body". Cleans out the toxins and it is a natural anti inflammatory. Katherine
I have suffered from very bad arthritis for some years and also osteoporosis of the spine. I used to dread winters even though I was prescribed antiinflamatory pills and painkillers by my doctor. I recently discovered ginger root (I found a newspaper article about ginger that I had put away some years ago) and have been taking it for about 3 weeks now in capsule form from the health food shop. The stiffness has gone from my joints and spine and most of the pain which is gradually disappearing. In fact, the other day I realized that I didn't have any pain or stiffness at all. It is such a great remedy that I am recommending it to everybody I know who has arthritis.
Broad Benefits
Ginger oil ~ I use it for concussion, arthritis, diabetic and other neuropathy. Helps! Rubbed in directly.
Broad Benefits
I find ginger in tea, for example 1 tablespoon pureed fresh ginger root and with tea like rooibos or another appropriate tea, relieves several ailments. I bring the water to a hard boil, add 1 tbsp purreed ginger to a 10 oz tea pot, and let steep more than 10 minutes (usually closer to 20).
Allergy relief: particularly if post-nasal drip is bothering my throat and stomach, I add pureed ginger to nettle leaf and/or rooibos tea. It also helps with sinus headache.
Headache: strong ginger tea relieves a minor eye strain headache.
Menstrual cramps: especially at the beginning of the period. If I drink ginger tea or add ginger to my cooking during the beginning of my period before cramping starts, I don't get them at all. It also works about as fast as asprin if I drink/eat ginger after I feel cramps.
Nausea: ginger really helps my sensitive stomach. A little goes a long way in this case. I usually don't need too much to feel better. I sometimes eat ginger slices after a salty or spicy meal. I also get a stomachache at the beginning of my period and adding pureed ginger to carbonated water helped a ton.
Sore throat: ginger works like a dream. Again, I drink it like a tea. I combine it with cinnamon sticks. If cough is accompanying the sore throat, ginger relieves some of the cough, though I usually need something a little more if it's a phlegmy cough.
Chronic Sinus Congestion
I want to shout this from the roof tops!
My husband has had terrible sinus congestion for months! Because it felt as though he had some sort of barrier in his left nostril, even his CPAP machine wasn't allowing him to breathe. Sleepless night... tons of money on meds... countless nosebleeds because of all of the nasal sprays... he was miserable and feeling a little desperate.
Then, as the last resort, I searched and came across your ginger root remedy. $2.00 for a huge ginger root that I peeled, cut into chunks and steeped for 4 hours in a pot of water with 2 green tea bags. Dan sipped on the surprisingly yummy tea all evening, and for the first time in MONTHS, he's completely clear! There wasn't a dramatic loss of mucus, but for whatever reason, I believe it shrunk the swollen nasal passages, and for the last 3 nights in a row, he's slept ALL night, clear as a bell! He didn't even snore! I can't even begin to tell you what a HUGE blessing this remendy is for us.
I work with a Japanese woman who told me that ginger root also helps digestive issues and menstral cramps. We've decided to make ginger root tea part of our daily routine. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
Chronic Sinus Congestion
Sinus Cure I had really bad sinus congestion about a month.After trying all kinds of over the counter products I decided to try a natural remedy using fresh ginger root.I cut about 2-3 onces off the ginger root, peeled it.Then I placed it inside a tea cup of water and put it in the micro wave for 3 minutes and allowed it to cool a little before sipping.I did not notice the results until three days later, I went to blow my nose and lots of brown mucus came out of my nose.I drank a few more cups after that and now I feel clear and more better.
Chronic Sore Throat
a friend of mine had chronic sore throat and couldn't speak. she was due to give a lecture the following day.. i got a small piece of ginger (about the size of half a thumb) and sliced the ginger into fine pieces. put it in a pot & added a glass of water, boiled it down to 1/4 glass of water. once slightly cooled I added honey and squeezed in a teaspoon full of lemon juice. gave this concentrated liquid to my friend,. believe it or not, the next day the sore throat was completely gone.. she couldn't believe it too.. as she was resigned to canceling the talk...
While ginger seems to restore energy in most cases, however I find capsicum powder (cayenne peppers) mixed with fresh ginger works the best as it helps with circulation. Especially works well if you are drowsy and raises oxygen level to those tiny capillaries which receives little or no blood flow.
If you can find them, fresh ginger and fresh cayenne peppers (finely chopped) work the best due to higher bioflavonoids, vitamin P content, as well as vitamin C, etc.
You would not believe that the amount of vitamins in FRESH vegetables are MUCH MORE THAN THOSE THEY GIVE YOU IN VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS!!! Cooking destroys nearly everything the vegetables have to offer and end up paying more buying vitamin supplements, and much much more going to see doctors.
Coughs and Colds
Ginger works really well for sore throats and coughs. My family uses the following ways:
-Boil a 1 inch piece or a few slices, then add honey and lemon.
-Drink 'ginger juice' or 'instant salabat'. (Salabat is a not a brand name, but what the drink is called in the Philippines. ) This is a powdered, hot drink mix that you can find in Asian stores and it gives your throat a nice 'heat'. It has sugar in it, so if you don't want that you could probably mimic the powder by mixing ground ginger with black pepper in hot water.
Coughs and Colds
The best use of ginger I have found is for common cold and cough. Take one spoon ginger juice mix it with one spoon honey. Take two times in a day.
For any ailment related to stomach take a mixture of ginger juice, lemon and black salt (total quantity one to two spoons two times in a day).
(Arlington, TX USA)
How do you make ginger juice? Thanks.
(Paris, Ile de France)
fresh ginger-juice:
peel ginger and put it through the juicer, then add the juice of 1/2 lemon & 3 oranges, and honey. and be aware that this is a concentrated mixture that needs to be deluded with water! adding strawberry-juice along with the water (1:1:1) is delicious.
the amount of ginger depends on how strong you wish your ginger-juice to be.
(Estacada, United States, Oregon)
I have always found that when it comes to the common cold or a cough, wild ginger root is my knight in shinning armor. To help with some of the symptoms use equal parts of ginger juice, black salt, lemon, and either orange or honey.
I recommend the orange if the person can eat citric fruits, otherwise honey will be fine to make the younglings want to take their medicine.
Coughs and Colds
I make ginger tea whenever I feel a cold or cough coming on and it works every time. I boil ginger root in water and once boiled, I steep tea in it. I had honey and lemon to the ginger tea. Drinking four cups a day for two days will cure any cough or cold you have. It always works. A table spoon of shreaded ginger root in two cups of water (you can make it stronger/spicer by adding more ginger), two tea bags, 1/2 lime or lemon and a couple of table spoons of honey (I like my tea a little sweet). Drink two cups in the morning and two right before bed.
Ask me about turmeric next!
Coughs and Colds
Ginger root -- remedy for cough caused by cold. Clean and wash the root, chew a couple and swallow the juice. Although it burns, but works very effectively.
Coughs and Colds
Sucking on a .5 sq. inch piece of dried ginger cures my sore throat and other cold/flulike symptoms at their onset.You have to however bear the hotness as much as you can, until the sensation is gone. I have not suffered from a cold or flu for the last 10 years or so. For more aggressive forms, a total water & juice fast for 2 or 3 days straight does the trick for me. My roomate had a bad flu recently, it never touched me. When ending the fast, eat only raw fruits and vege for a day or so. Notice how the gradual resumption of cooked food lowers your mood and vibration.
(Beaufort, South Carolina)
I have a question. My son just came down with a nasty cold and sore throat. I have no fresh ginger, but I have powdered ginger from the spice rack at the super market. Can I use that?