I want to shout this from the roof tops!
My husband has had terrible sinus congestion for months! Because it felt as though he had some sort of barrier in his left nostril, even his CPAP machine wasn't allowing him to breathe. Sleepless night... tons of money on meds... countless nosebleeds because of all of the nasal sprays... he was miserable and feeling a little desperate.
Then, as the last resort, I searched and came across your ginger root remedy. $2.00 for a huge ginger root that I peeled, cut into chunks and steeped for 4 hours in a pot of water with 2 green tea bags. Dan sipped on the surprisingly yummy tea all evening, and for the first time in MONTHS, he's completely clear! There wasn't a dramatic loss of mucus, but for whatever reason, I believe it shrunk the swollen nasal passages, and for the last 3 nights in a row, he's slept ALL night, clear as a bell! He didn't even snore! I can't even begin to tell you what a HUGE blessing this remendy is for us.
I work with a Japanese woman who told me that ginger root also helps digestive issues and menstral cramps. We've decided to make ginger root tea part of our daily routine. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
Chronic Sinus Congestion
Sinus Cure I had really bad sinus congestion about a month.After trying all kinds of over the counter products I decided to try a natural remedy using fresh ginger root.I cut about 2-3 onces off the ginger root, peeled it.Then I placed it inside a tea cup of water and put it in the micro wave for 3 minutes and allowed it to cool a little before sipping.I did not notice the results until three days later, I went to blow my nose and lots of brown mucus came out of my nose.I drank a few more cups after that and now I feel clear and more better.