You can juice the ginger too.. If worse comes to worse you can cut off and chew.. It's good for cough at night.. When I get sick with sinus I cut with skin on it and juice it.. Also cut into small chunks and eat raw.. It tastes really bad but stops cough and congestion in its tracks! Along with acid reflux..
Acid Reflux
I had a few problems going on when I experienced acid reflux: I had helicobacter pylori (got it from eating a bad hot meatball sandwich). It's a bad bacteria. Can cause serious problems down the line. But it is easy to identify in a blood test. Antibiotics cures it. Once that was gone, I found out I had food sensitivities. It took a while to figure out what those were. Also found my gall bladder was a bit sluggish so I avoid high fat foods and do stomach massage. Now the ginger tea takes care of soothing my once again healthy insides.
Acid Reflux
I found ginger tea a more pleasant and gentler way of dealing with acid reflux than apple cider vinegar.
Ginger is well known for it's calming effect on the stomach. If the esophageal sphincter is doing it's job the reflux doesn't happen and I suspect that it is allowed to function better when the stomach is churning in a calmer manner.
I make the tea by putting a few slices of fresh ginger into a thermos and let it steep before taking the first cup. I usually have around 3 & 4 cups a day.
Acid Reflux
I would like to add Yes for GINGER.
I suffered from Acid reflux for nine months, tried almost everything, was on NEXIUM too, I did not have chest pain but throat pain, and ginger tea was the most spectacular discovery! Now I drink several glasses of ginger tea daily and the pain is now much much weaker. Nothing I tried before ever made so much difference.
Therefore, strongly recommend ginger.
I buy a fresh one, peel it off, cut it in small pieces and just spill hot water over it, just like I would do with any other tea.
Anyway, that worked out for me. Pain is not completely gone yet (I drink it for three days only) but life became much more bearable since I started.
Good luck to all of you!