Apple Cider Vinegar for Fat Burning and Weight Loss

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Brenda (Bear, DE) on 03/18/2005

After retiring, my weight soared quickly from 140 to 175. Two months ago, I began doing vinegar (heinz) and water 3 times a day. I am down to 152 and am not dieting any other way. Arthritis is much better, no sinus or headaches, and I feel much younger at 65. I have lost 23 lbs. in 2 months. I use 2 TBS. of vinegar in 6 oz. water twice a day. I find it helps me more to take it right after lunch and supper. I don't feel so bloated after my vinegar drinks and swear this has took the weight off and makes me feel better overall.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Midnite Rose (Mishawaka In) on 02/19/2018


I'm trying to weigh this out. I'm taking two caps full of ACV and putting in v8 juice but it's a 3 oz can so instead I can put it in 64 oz of water n I have that goal daily due to rny gastric bypass I had in 2007 so it doesn't matter the dilution part of it u still get the benefit from it

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Jill (Wisconsin ) on 04/09/2016

So interesting! I also have higher aldosterone. How much apple cider vinegar do you take?

Thanks so much!

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Anne (London) on 04/15/2016

Thank you for sharing your research. I too did low carb, but was so lethargic and had a continuous feeling of starvation even though I was not hungry. It was a strange feeling. Too low BS.

I changed to a Keto diet. Steady weight loss, up to a point but stalled after 3 weeks. I also had terrible break outs of cystic acne.

I reincorporated some fibre grain carb, and I feel steady again. Cystic acne diminished but am wondering what to do now to get rid of the excess fat.

Will try ACV now and see how that goes.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Kearra (Cincinnati ) on 04/17/2016

Have a question - how much ACV should a person start off drinking or add to their water?

General Feedback
Posted by Nikki (London, Uk) on 02/24/2015

First day of taking ACV - how do you disguise the taste and smell????

General Feedback
Posted by Benna (Ny) on 08/05/2015

V8 (or regular tomato juice). Some people use orange or grapefruit juice but I like the tomato better and don't want the extra sugar. You can also put it in tomato soup or pasta sauce.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Shiehaam (Cape Town) on 06/10/2014

wow ....linda how often did you take it and how much did you use?

i also have a underactive thyroid and have been battling for 10 years with my weight.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Linda (St Amans De Pellagal, France) on 06/11/2014

2 tablespoons in a glass of water. It may be coincidence Shiehaam, but I don't see what else it could be.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Linda (St Amans De Pellagal, France) on 06/12/2014

I take it once a day usually late afternoon, but I don't think it matters when.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Mithila (Bangladesh) on 09/07/2014

Hey everyone, I want to lose weight by drinking ACV but I am not sure whether it will work on me or not, I am 21 years old and my weight is 75 kgs and I have hypothyroidism and acidity problems. I am confused about how to drink ACV and plz give me some recipes, so I can dilute ACV with something else to taste better.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Linda (St Amans De Pellagal, France) on 09/08/2014

I am currently wondering whether I should have posted this, I am now 12 lbs underweight and my doctor is sending me for tests. So I am sorry if perhaps I have misled people.

Having said that, a lot of people do swear by it for weight loss so I still feel it is well worth a go.

Mithila, take say 1 tbs (or less to start) in a glass of water, you can add a teaspoon of honey and use warm water if you don't like the taste. Also look through the site for other people's ideas.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Resemarie (Philippines ) on 08/16/2017

Hi, if I put Apple Cider Vinegar in a 1 liter bottle for weight loss how much should I put?

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Siri (Hyderabad, Andra Pradesh,india) on 06/18/2013

I started using of apple cider vinegar from last 5day, I gained my weight due to lack of exercise, rice and chicken, oily foods, I got realised after I gained 25pounds extra from last 2 years. I dont know where can I get this organic one but presently I am using american garden (natural Apple Cider Vinegar on the label) Apple Cider Vinegar from a grocery, is it possible for weight loss with this one please suggest.

EC: Hi Siri, You might find some helpful information on our "Where to Buy Apple Cider Vinegar" internationalpage here:

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Jayne (Vernon, Ca) on 03/22/2013

Your weight loss is a result of the carb-cutting, not the apple cider vinegar.

ACV has no effect on weight loss whatsoever. Believe me, I tried it long enough to know--months. Four of my friends did, too. None of us lost weight with just the ACV alone.

What often happens is, people hear that ACV might help with weight loss, so they begin the ACV but also begin watching what they eat more than usual and that's what causes the weight loss, which then gets credited to ACV, when it's not the ACV.

This is exactly what happened in your case, too. You started ACV and you started watching your carbs, hence the weight loss.

Those carbs will get 'ya every time. ;-) When I'm careful with them, I lose weight, too.

I'm not knocking ACV. I take it every day to help manage my high blood pressure. It's great stuff that serves a lot of purposes. Unfortunately, weight loss isn't one of them.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by S'tracy (Utah, US) on 11/17/2014

FOLKS NOT SORRY TO TELL YA'll, but I must agree with JANE, CA. I worked with this ACV advice and have to tell ya that I actually GAINED more wt while on the ACV. It may be that ACV works different for everyone. BUT must say I GAINED more and even got into a depression. I have read the benefits of vinegar just like in the good ole days they used it even in pipes to clean and shine and even drain which does seem what it does for us. However, it seems as though it must be a daily act for months and months; possibly for the rest of your life. It further seems like sugar found in whatever it is in; is like a drug addiction and even worse-CANT STOP! I remain in search and do not give up to find a safe, healthy, accurate fast beneficial home remedy to lose wt. All Take Care and GOD Bless us all!

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by John (Sc Usa) on 11/17/2014

S'tracy, search "Joe Delivera" on the Net. He is an elderly unorthodox self taught Homeopath in Sri Lanka. He helps people with many issues and will not accept payment. I think he has a good remedy for weight loss. I have seen it posted on his website a number of times. Just look through the November posts.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Amsa (Sydney) on 01/23/2023

ACV increase my throat pain. If we used lemon juice with ACV for lose weight. Would not it be too stingy?
Please educate.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Mahi (India, New Delhi) on 01/19/2013

I just have question for you. You said you put two tablespoon in 16 ounces of water and sip. so do you drink this liquid three times or each single time two tablespoon with 16 ounces of water you drink.

So for my understanding 6 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 48 ounces of water whole day (three times). Please clarify two tablespoon only one time or per whole day you onlly drink two table spoon of apple cider vinegar. I am trying hard to lose weight please help me.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Mahi (New Delhi, India) on 01/21/2013

Thank you so much for replying me back. I am vegetarian and I lost 10 pounds before with gluten free meals.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Danielle (San Antonio. Tx) on 05/18/2013

Hello, I read your post about losing weight in 5 days. Sounds great & I'd like to lose 6-8 pounds I've gained in past 5-6 months. Can you share your daily routine with the ACV? Thanks! Danielle

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Wendy (Columbus, Oh/usa) on 05/19/2013

Danielle: Please read the above post dated 01/18/2013 by Via Vapor from Seligman, Mo. She describes the daily routine perfectly.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Lori (Toronto, CA) on 09/21/2014

How are you doing now? The weight stay off?

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Sandra Ford (Summerville, US) on 10/14/2014

Do you use bragg or regular apple cider vinegar?

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Tara (Boca Raton) on 10/24/2014

Must be "RAW" organic unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar. Pasteurized or "regular" vinegar will not work.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Blessedmom (South Orange, Nj, Usa) on 06/15/2012

Hi everyone, I would like to know how drinking water wit Acv works when you're trying to lose weight. I've been drinking 1-2 tspn every morning and night b4 bed for the past 2 months but it's def not working. Can someone pls tell me what am doing wrong or suggest a better remedy. Since I been taking the Acv and water I only feel lighter like a real Detox but I seem to have a bigger appetite. I get hungry real fast from drinking acv & water, maybe it just dosnt work for me. Need advice soon, thanks.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Kelly (Cambridge, Ma) on 06/17/2012

I have used ACV every single day for about a year now for aches, pains and lowering my blood pressure. I haven't lost an ounce (unfortunately) during all the time I've taken it. I believe its weight-loss claims are 'greatly exaggerated'.

In fact, one week when I skipped two days, I lost 2 lbs! It made me wonder if it has the opposite effect on me.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Cat (Bop, NZ) on 06/17/2012

Kelly from Cambridge, Ma - Kelly, I don't even think the fantastic apple cider vinegar will help our weight (and other health issues) unless our diets change in ways also. So many people these days consume what they consider 'food' and it comes out of a box, goes into the microwave etc when we all know this highly processed, high sodium 'food' is not really FOOD! You didn't say what you eat or go into any details but could this be the problem? Are you consuming plenty of fresh fruit/veges and drinking 2L water each day or eating processed goods?

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Alexandria (Mesa, Az) on 06/23/2016

Maybe it's the dosage. I've just started this myself but when I was reading up on it, it said to take 1-2tbsp not tsp. Idk tho, just a suggestion. Do you take it with or without mixing into water?

Metabolic Increase
Posted by Chris (Rocky Mount, North Carolina, United States) on 05/01/2012

I'm a super busy graduate student with very little time to work out, and too much time spent sitting and reading notes/writing papers. I try to work out when possible, and to eat healthy, but time constraints and very limited funding keep me from doing so consistently.

I've decided to try ACV to see if I can yield any positive results to help me shed the weight I've gained from years of sedentary study.

I have been sipping the recommended 16 oz of water with 2 tsp of ACV (the B* organic raw-unfiltered apple cider vinegar with "the mother") with honey in it for a week and a day now (I started Monday April 24).

Almost immediately I noticed that my appetite shrank, I'm eating smaller portions, not having cravings for sweets. According to a calorie tracker I'm consuming less than 1400 calories a day, and only over the weekend did I have anything sweet. I also pee a lot but that isn't entirely unusual for me, so I'm unsure if it is related or not.

I don't have a scale, as they tend to breed more insecurity in me more than anything, so I can't track my progress that way. I may look into a cheap one soon. So far I haven't lost any inches, but it has only been a week so I'm still hopeful!

I'll try to post any progress, any advice would be welcome!

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 01/30/2012

Janet, I have read a lot on this site about ACV with the mother and if I understand well "the mother" is something that floats in the vinegar. Well, here in Europe I have never, ever seen it anywhere and I travel to quite a few countries. ACV is sold in the supermarkets, pharmacies, health food stores but... Nowhere have I have seen any "mother". So, what are we to do? I just use organic one as it is either that or else the regular one, I assure you! Is the "mother" so beneficial... No idea as I have never seen it but when you don't have the choice either you ditch the stuff either you make do with the second best! Why we have no "mother"? My guess is as good as anyone else's, maybe here they think that the "mother" it is something highly dangerous.... That is usually now the reason to ban something!

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Lauren (Cape May, Nj) on 02/02/2012

Fransisca from Zug, Switzerland, "The Mother" is referring to [organic] Apple Cidar Vinegar, it's raw and unfiltered which is why you have the floaters. I know it's available on amazon and a million other online shops, I'd send you a link but I'm in the U. S. and doubt that any sites I use would be helpful to you. I'm not sure if it's available in Europe if not just look for the same parameters: organic, raw, unfiltered and it should do the trick.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Moonchild (Seengen, Switzerland) on 02/16/2012

@ Francisca from Zug - I believe "mother" refers to the vinegar being "trub."

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Squaregum (Geneva, Switzerland) on 03/16/2015

I don't know where Zug is. But if you live near the border with France you can find one in a store called Satoriz, it is unpasteurised and I believe it has the mother on it. In fact, while I was writing this post I went to my cupboard and checked, it doesn't say anything about it but it definetely has the cloudy stuff.

You can find it here:

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Thomas (Ca) on 08/27/2017

What is "the mother"? And what brand of vinegar is it? I use plain apple cider vinegar, two shots classes every morning with coffee chasers.

EC: Most likely a raw and organic brand which all grocery stores carry these days.

For an explanation on "the mother" see this page on Earth Clinic.


Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Aura (Austin, Tx) on 04/07/2012

Caitlin, thankx for your inspiring post! Your food sensitivities and the stuff you needed to do spoke to me. I am 5'11", about 80-90 pounds overweight, hypothyroid, and currently trying to do many of your same things. Because of my size, I am supposed to drink 130 oz. Of water each day. It is easy to get the first 4-16 oz bottles down, but the second four bottles are a lot harder. Since finding out that EC is recommending drinking the ACV mixed w/water throughout the day, I need to switch my doses from morning and evening to sipping slowly throughout the day. Because of work and commute being 12 hours, getting the walking in is an effort, but anything in life worthwhile will be a bit of effort. Just wanted to say thx. And thank you EC for hosting this site for everyone. It is a wonderful place to come in very confusing (meidcally) times of our life.

Apple Cider Vinegar Dosages
Posted by Momna (Islamabad, Pakistan) on 10/22/2011

Hi can you plz tell me the proper procedure and quantity of using Apple Cider Vinegar for bad mouth odour and weight loss? I have read your remedies but its all confusing. Plz give me a proper reply. That would be really helpful. Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar Dosages
Posted by Cvbhossian (Doha) on 01/29/2013

Hi, Bad mouth can be eliminated by regular brushing of teeth and tongue cleaning. compulsorily while going to bed. Also change the food style and chew your food properly sense the taste of the food and then swallow. Hope that will serve your weight problem. Take half table spoon of ACV every alternative days for a trail of one month. If you found no side effects you can continue for 2 months. Then stop for another 3 start again. Long time consuming ACV is not good. Always give periodic break.

Apple Cider Vinegar Dosages
Posted by Marcy (Coon Rapids, Minnesota) on 04/12/2014

To Momna in Pakistan: For bad mouth odor, may be caused by problems with teeth and plaque and bacteria imbalances in the mouth. My friend from Pakistan has clean, white teeth and always good breath and no problems and has never been to the dentist in his life and grew up in a farm life in Pakistan.? He is 40 yrs old and does brush his teeth, but has always used occasionally, neem root. He chews on it for a few mins a couple of times a week. I can not find this to buy online anywhere. He gets in from Pakistan when he visits.

Metabolic Increase
Posted by Rala (Mississauga, Canada) on 08/12/2011

I have taken ACV first thing in the morning for one week, instead my appetite increased tremendously, I could not stop eating and it burnt my stomach. Can you help?

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Bob (Warrenton, Mo, 63383) on 07/01/2011

I'm just trying to shed some fat from my belly. My solution and you might think I'm crazy, I drink it once a day: about 2 ounces of Apple Cider Vinegar I a 32 oz. Cup

I add one package of grape koolaid mix- 4 artificial sweetners, fill the cup almost to to top with cold water and add ice. You taste the grape coolaid with a bite from the Apple Cider Vinegar but you can drink it like regular koolaid.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Austin (Wilmington, De) on 08/23/2011

I'd try to dilute the ACV with just water (2tbs in 8oz of water x3 a day). Adding cool-aid to me sounds counterproductive with all those empty calories. If anything try to add some honey to the concoction, but try not to go over 2 tbs. The key for weightloss for me is frequent meals high in protein low in carbs w/ lots of greens and water in between.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Taim90 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States) on 02/25/2012

Have you heard of Stevia? If you search Amazon you can usually find flavored Stevia, I am sure they would have grape (especially since they have flavors like root beer). It is healthier artificial sweetner, thus without all the bad press. I currently have cherry flavor and vanilla flavor; the former I add to lemonade, and the latter I add to coffee and some tea.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Peggy (Santee, Ca, Us) on 06/11/2011

I've began drinking the ACV in water just sipping it throughout the day as instructed on this site. Questions; Is there a diet plan to go with this? How does this work to lose weight? AND, gas..... I've had terrible gas since drinking this! Is this normal and how to prevent it?

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Suggabae (Riverside, California) on 12/30/2010

I remember my mother telling this hint to me when I was younger, now that I am in my middle years, I really am happy that I read your article. I will be trying this tea type idea cause I had a problem with the 2 tsp in 16 oz of water too. Hope it works. I will let you know in about 2 weeks. Thanks for the encouragement.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Eileen (Sto. Dgo, Dr) on 02/06/2011

Hello, I am happy for you! Great testimony. I would like to know what type of ACV you bought. Where I live I was only able to find the Heinz, will that work as well? Thank you

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Ivy (Allentown, Pa) on 04/25/2011

I just wanted to be clear as I want to try this. Do you put 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in a 8oz tea, like green tea or 8oz of water and drink it like a tea? I was doing the cold or room temp acv/water mix as intructed on the b----- Apple Cider Vinegar bottle, but apart from burning and feeling nasty I saw no health benefits at all. I also started drinking tea throughout the day and this alone makes me urinate often. I wonder if combining my green tea with 2tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar would be beneficial. Hope you reply.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Ti (Houston, Tx) on 04/26/2011

What worked for me and weight loss with ACV is this...

mixing 2 tablespoons ACV with mother in 8 oz of lukewarm water and sipping this through the day in between meals.

It helps you stay/feel full so you eat less during meals and hence lose weight.

It also is very good for your gut with bacteria, etc so it is beneficial in losing weight.

Additionally, I stopped eating rice, potatoes and friend foods. Stuck mainly to veggies and lean protein with occasional piece of fruit twice weekly.

You must change your eating habits to lose weight with ACV and incorporate some form of walking 45 mins daily to get the body moving.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Ank (Herndon, Virginia, Usa) on 10/28/2010

I am taking ACV from last 1 week but seeing no diff. Pls tell me the way I should take it. I am 5'4" and weighed 131 pounds I am not overweight but wnt to lose 7-10 pounds to look better. Thanks

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by New Guy (Westwood, New Jersey ) on 10/29/2010

This is in reply to "Ank" from Virginia regarding ACV & weight loss. As with any new supplement, the results will vary from individual to individual. In the case of ACV it is a slow process that changes your metabolism which encourages weight loss. Typically one would expect to yield results in 3 - 6 months for weight loss. It is the long term benefits that you should desire by using ACV, you know that stuff you dont actually see. If you are looking for a quick 7 - 10lb drop then ACV is probably not your best choice. Best of luck to you.

Apple Cider Vinegar Dosages
Posted by Candy (Manhattan, Ks) on 10/22/2010

I could not handle it in water either it made me want to vomit. I started taking straight shots of it until I read about someone adding it to juice. I will add 2tbls to about 16oz of grapefruit or orange juice(only juices I like) & you can't even taste it. My husband drinks it in Apple so I'm assuming any juice of your choice would work. Make sure you use a straw to get past the teeth as it does break down enamel. Hope this helps!

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Meenu (Vancouver, Bc Canada) on 10/09/2010


Firstly my sincere regards n thanks to all of u for this truly amazing site. I've been reading for almost 3 months n at last started taking ACV (ORGANIC WITH MOTHER) 2 tsp daily to begin with then 2 weeks ago started cooking with Virgin Coconut Oil (ORGANIC) NOW I'VE added Blackstrap Molasses (organic unsulphered). I feel nice small changes like no muscle/joint pains less acidity mood is cheerful, most of the time I feel fresh n alert, but I seem to be more constipated, n gaining weight, looks like as if I have swelling especially on my face n neck. Please advice if I need to do anything differently. Once again THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 10/09/2010

Try taking the BSM first thing in the morning. That usually helps ease constipation. Or else try drinking more water, eating fruit first thing in the morning or a cup of tea or warm water. If nothing helps try a few prunes every day. I suppose that after a while your body will get used to the new diet. By the way, I never take ACV for a long time in a row. I take it for a while, then I stop as I have read about people on this site who had health problems.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Janie (Pasadena, California) on 10/09/2010

Hi Meenu,

Each teaspoon of coconut oil has a whopping 130 calories, so that might be the cause of your weight gain.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 10/09/2010

You don't get fat from coconut oil..... If you want to know more about it please read one of Barry Groves books, for example! Coconut oil is one of the best fats you can take.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 10/09/2010

There is something about the coconut oil that does NOT cause a person to gain weight. I don't know if it is because it helps the thyroid, or if it is because it is a medium chain fatty acid, or what, but I have been taking about 3 TABLESPOONS (not teaspoons mind you) of it every single day for over a year now, and I have not gained a pound. I have not lost weight, like other people, but I have not gained either. I am 5'6" (49 yo woman) and weigh 150-155 depending on water weight. Never up or down since starting.... And nothing else has changed calorically. If you will google VCO (virgin coconut oil) you can read the specs on it, and why some people have lost weight using it. I just feel better since I started taking it, and my eyelashes are amazing. When I put mascara on now it is total overkill. Lol.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa Usa) on 10/09/2010

One more thing to look into for joint pain is Boron. Google it. It has helped me in a BIG way with joint pain. It is a very inexpensive mineral - I started taking it about a month ago, and am VERY impressed with how my hand joints are doing. I will continue using it, Magnesium, and vitamin D for the rest of my life - along with ACV and VCO! Best to you!

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Permadavey (Everywhere, World Town, Earth) on 05/02/2011

Apples, along with many other fruits, vegetables, and nuts, are a great source of Boron. Here's an informative table:
Peace and wellness to all!

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Milychka (Seattle, Washington) on 04/14/2012

To Carly from Seattle. Carly you CAN gain weight on coconut oil - I'm an example - I'm a raw vegan , exercise vigorously and a month ago started to add 1 tablesppon of coconut oil in my tonics - before I know it - I gained like 10 pounds .. Wow. That's not good. Now I'm 2 day on a ACV.. Will see what happend. I also wanted to mention, that this site is a tremendous help, so humbly thank you the founder!!! You are the Best!

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Peggy (Colorado Springs, Colorado) on 09/12/2010

Since I drink it now daily, the organic ACV, I am bloated and 2 sizes bigger in the evening. Has anyone experienced that too, meaning getting severely bloated? I wear in the morning size 10 jeans/shorts and later in the afternoon, I need to change to my biggest size I had, size 14. It also feels like a thunderstorm in my belly; this was NOT the case prior to the Apple Cider Vinegar.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Msg (Somewhere, Europe) on 09/13/2010

Take less, of course. Test to see your comfortable tolerance level.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Harmony84 (Portland, Or, Usa) on 10/07/2010

ACV causes candida yeast die off in the body, it's good for you and bloating is natural/normal part of it. It should subside from what I understand. You may want to read on candida, it's supposed to be rather common overgrowth in our bodies with regards to eating higher starch/sugar based diets.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Cindy (Tallahassee, Florida, Usa) on 08/11/2010


This is my very first post on EC so I hope I've posted this in the right place. I'm so happy to find this web site! I started reading about using ACV to treat FMS/CFS right away and I couldn't pull myself away from the computer for the next 3 or 4 hours. I went right out and bought a bottle of organic ACV and began the treatment the next morning. At the same time I got rid of anything in the house that had artificial sweetener or MSG in it. I've been mixing 2 tsp. In 8 oz. of vegetable juice along with a sprinkle of cyanne pepper. I drink this with my morning pills and again before bed. I'm also eating very healthy, balanced meals and drinking lots of distilled water. Results so far - Today's only my 5th. Day so haven't seen any improvement in pain level, but I've lost 3 or 4 lbs. , probably water weight. I'm also eating more healthy. I want to add regular exercise, but I'm going to wait a week as I'm going on a 6 day house sitting job. I'll come back and post an update in a week or so. Thanks you from the bottom of my heart for this web site EC! I plan to spend a lot of time reading and participating on this wonderful site.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Lori (Rapid River, Mi) on 06/17/2010


I started taking ACV (w/ the mother) last summer and dropped a lot of weight. After taking the ACV for a year, though, the loss has stopped, and now I gain weight when taking ACV. Any suggestions? Thanks! Lori

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Austin06 (Austin, Tx) on 11/04/2010


I also experienced weight loss with ACV (about 10-15 pounds, I'm not very overweight), but then noticed the weight loss stopped, and I have gained a bit. I'm wondering why. I know the ACV has other benefits too, but wonder why the weight issues after a year's use.