Apple Cider Vinegar for Fat Burning and Weight Loss

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Beth (Auckland, Middle-Earth New Zealand) on 10/01/2008

I have been using ACV for weight loss for a week now and this is what I've noticed;

1. My hair seems to have suddenly grown an inch and is glossy.
2. My skin is really looking good and that's everywhere even my legs. I've had 1 person comment that I look younger but she didnt know what it was.
3. Sinus seems to have calmed down the head aches, but I still suffer with the sneezing and sore eyes.
4. Energy levels are definitely higher AND that includes libido..?


1. No weight loss or curbed appetite.
2. Always farting and not the 'fun' type either.
3. Sudden salivating in the mouth for no reason.

I will carry on using ACV because of the other benefits and it's only been a week so will continue until the bottle is empty. At the moment, I have to give ACV for Weightloss a 'MAYBE'.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Mary ( San Bernardino, CA) on 09/05/2008

I found this site just over a couple of weeks ago while searching for a natural remedy for high blood pressure. I am extremely overweight but was having trouble exercising because of the effects of the medicines my doctor put me on. I did not want to go back to that doctor, nor do I want to stay on these medicines any longer. I can tell that these medicines are poisoning my system.

I had found several remedies that would cost more than my prescriptions, and was about to order one of them when something told me to keep looking.

That was when I found this site. I read through all of the comments and decided that it wouldn't hurt to try the apple cider vinegar. If it didn't work, I could always try one of those expensive remedies.

I have been taking the apple cider vinegar for just about two weeks now and I have noticed an incredible change in my energy levels. Before I started taking the apple cider vinegar, I was always feeling sluggish and had no energy. I was constantly falling asleep at church and at home in front of my computer. Now the sluggish feeling is gone, I have more energy, and I do not have the problem of falling asleep all the time. I am also exercising now.

Yesterday, I forgot to take my afternoon dose of medicine. I wasn't feeling right (I feel 'off' when I don't take my blood pressure medicine) so I took my blood pressure. The average reading was 145/96. Normally when I forget my medicine, the average reading is 165/101. Today, with my medicine, the average was 123/77 (this is after drinking a couple of glasses of cola!) - normally it is 130/85 or 140/90 if I have had any kind of caffeine.

Not only is my blood pressure beginning to come down, but I have also lost 10 pounds in two weeks! Hopefully, I will be able to come off of the medicines soon so I can finally get healthy again. Thank you so much for this website!

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Bre (Detroit, MI) on 09/04/2008

ACV helps to regulate the bowels and also helps to rid the body of gas, especially if taken before a meal. Therefore, it is quite possible she lost that many inches in one night. I myself have witnessed how someone's stomach can look much smaller after taking ACV for a short amount of time. Please don't call her a liar, especially when you haven't tried it for yourself.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Nina (Oslo, Norway) on 09/11/2008

Honestly. Has no one here heard of bloating? Gas accumulating in the stomach, due to indigestion. Look it up on this very webpage. You'll find a popular cure for it - ACV vinegar. She doesn't sound like a liar to me.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Vanessa (USA) on 05/08/2008

Yesterday a friend informed me about a weight loss recipe from a friend of - vinegar, green onions, garlic and cerena peppers? Put in a bottle and let sit for a few days and then put 2-3 T. in a 32 oz. bottle of pure water and drink throughout day. Have u heard of this? Thanks, Vanessa.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Tracy (Sunshine Coast, Australia) on 03/10/2008

My husband was not happy with his weight, he had always been fit and healthy looking until he lost the lower part of his leg in an accident, so after reading on this site that ACV was good to lose weight he tried that, as he cant exercise as much as someone with two legs, he lost in the 1st week 5kg, we couldnt believe it, he didnt really change his way of eating just had 3 table spoons of AVG morning and night, he also said it takes away the cravings to eat junk food that he may have had on the odd occassion, he is now 94kg and was 104kg that was 4 weeks ago he started this. He has slowed down in dropping the weight now, but I think that is because he has lost what was not healthy, all that yukky fat, we all hate. I hope this works for someone else, give it a go, it is cheap, so you have nothing to lose but FAT!!!

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Isolda Burlesque (Manchester, UK) on 02/04/2008

Whilst visiting Scandinavia two years ago I visited "Overskottsbolaget," a discount store selling everything from axes to ladies underwear, lawnmowers to baked beans, and amongst the vitamins I found tubes of soluable ACV, produced by a company called 'body boost'. I had noticed that ACV was widely drunk in sweden, being available in Tetra packs in the supermarket, and was intrigued.I brought home a couple of the tubes (they were packed like sterident, in plastic tubes) and tried it. Nothing happened and I stopped using it, and for a while they languished in the back of the cupboard. Five months later I found them again and started using them, as a drink in warm water. Believe it or not I lost nearly 28 pounds in a month. I still ate as normal, never dieted, didnt do any strenuous exercise.The strange thing was I never noticed, not at first and it was other people who have said, "wow look at you loosing weight!" Not only this, I suffer from Rhuematoid Arthritis and ME ( only mildly) and during the time of taking the ACV, never had an attack of either. And, even more..a mild skin complaint cleared up and my skin and eyes looked clearer and fresher. I have no other explanation other than it being the ACV. On another visit to Sweden last August saw me emptying Overskottsbolaget of their ACV, and apparently my contacts over there say they havent seen any since! I have recently started to take it again to lose a few pounds before a function in March..fingers crossed!

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by John (New York, New York) on 01/01/2008

I like it straight up - no water. ACV daily knocked down my blood pressure and I lost 14 pounds in the process.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Freyja (SLO, CA) on 12/17/2007

Hello. I have been taking ACV that I purchased at the health food store for over a month now. I take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day with an airborne tablet. I have not noticed ANY weight loss whatsoever, in fact, I have noticed a slight weight gain. I have not had a decrease in my appetite. I have noticed an INCREASE in my appetite. However, people have started commenting on how young I look; just yesterday I was telling someone that I had a 12 year old son (I am 35) they were generally shocked and they asked me if I was 9 years old when I had him! That was nice to hear. I have also been called a "young lady" and "girl" quite a bit now as opposed to "lady" or "maam" which was happening quite a bit prior. I also noticed that I was catching a terrible bug that was going around, but, I just increased my ACV for a day and rested for one day and I did NOT catch it! I thought I was gonna get it back because I catch everything and am always sick. I have not been full blown sick since taking it. I am going to continue taking it for my health because I feel in my heart that it is good for me, however, I have not noticed weight loss (or loss of cellulite.... sigh :( for that I think I have to combine the ACV with periodic fasting and giving up my chocolate and substituting green tea for coffee. Also, I have been exercising less since taking the ACV due to scheduling. But like I said before, if it makes me look younger, than I'll keep taking it!

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Belle (Tampa, Florida) on 07/23/2007

Hello All....I just wanted to share my experience with using ACV.I was told about the remedy a few years ago but I didnt take it seriously. I'm 23 and my weight was 269 on July 9th(the day I started). Today I weigh 255. Awesome. I have noticed the cravings for sugary foods has diminished and all i want to eat is salad. Im graduating from college in 3 weeks so I hope to lose another 15-20lbs by then.I take 2 tablespoons of ACV, 1 Tblspoon of honey and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, 3 times a day:sometimes 4 if Im up very late.The question I have is, Is the weight going to continue to come off or will I hit a plateau( similiar to other diets)? And also if I stop taking the ACV will the weight come back? If I put the 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, can it still damage my teeth? or gums?

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Donna (Fayetteville, AR) on 07/20/2007

I stumbled across this website about 3 days ago and began taking 2 tblspoons of ACV in 8 oz. of water before each at that time. What I have immediately noticed is that I am *not* having to deal with "the munchies" in between meals, and I am satisfied with smaller portions and healthier options at meal time. This is coming from someone who *always* has enjoyed high-calorie, high-fat-content, high-carb foods.

In the past 3 days, I haven't *ONCE* craved anything sweet. Incredible!! Yesterday (about 2 full days in), I couldn't believe how much energy I had--I was the energizer bunny all the way up until midnight last night. I only went to bed because I knew I shouldn't stay up any longer! The only downside I have noticed so far is that I have had diarrhea several times today. Also, although my hunger has been curbed, it feels more like I have NO appetite. It's almost like I have an intense distaste for food.

Should I be concerned about this? I'm thinking it's a result of the ACV. Should I decrease the amount of ACV or is this something that will subside (the diarrhea)?

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Dee (Danville, Va) on 07/11/2007

This is a great site! I just want to tell you that the apple cider vinegar and baking soda really works great! I have lost 20 pounds in a little over two months! My mother runs an herbal store and constantly has to order_____ Apple Cider Vinegar! My father-in-law, could hardly get out of bed, and when he did he was in a wheel chair most of the time, but he started the ACV and baking soda and has lost 2 shirt sizes, out mowing grass, and his diabetes is getting under contro! Had a lady today tell me that she is feeling so much better as far as energy and that she is losing weight in abdominal area. Will keep you posted. Dee (

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Fran (Rocky Face, GA) on 02/20/2007

Remedies: Losing weight make a tea, add two tbsp of apple cider vinegar with the mother and then some lemon ....Two tbsp of this mixture three times a day you should lose 2.5 a week as I did it is a chemical melt down

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Debra (Blackfoot, ID) on 01/11/2007

Many years ago there was a diet group called the Diet Center. My mother was on their diet and lost several pounds. The main part of the program was to drink 1Tbl acv with a glass of water each day. I cant remember if it was more then once a day but it worked well. Just a side note. A few years later, I got married and found out that my husband's uncle had written the diet program for the Diet Center. He was a prominent doctor in the community. So there are doctors that know about apple cider vinegar and its benefits.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Jack (Toledo, OH) on 01/08/2007


Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Herda (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 12/27/2006

I take one tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar mix with a glass of lukewarm water to be taken before or after a meal twice or once daily preferably after lunch and dinner. I used to have a gastric problem but believe me after i started taking the ACV my gastric just disappeared. My body feel lighter. I also loose my weight. I tried to convince my family member with the same problem but the word vinegar seems to scare them. Until one day my mother tried my ACV recipe and she was amazed! Her gastric which she was having for almost half of her age (she is 52) is no longer there. For all readers of this column who wants to lose weight please try my recipe plus a minimum of 3 times a week of exercise will see an amazing result within 3-4 weeks.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Juanita (Baskin Ridge, NJ) on 12/16/2006

I just want to say to those people, that are not losing the weight from the avc, maybe your not using the right brand, if its the ones you buy from the supermarket its not going to work. it has to be the raw unfiltered. the health food store is the best place to find it. it the only place that i know of.