Apple Cider Vinegar for Fat Burning and Weight Loss

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Lashay (Houston, TX) on 12/14/2006

I have only been using it for about months and it has helped lose four pounds. Just by using one tablespoon before each meal. Thanks for letting me know about it.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Sharicka (Jax, FL) on 10/14/2006

I have been on the ACV diet and lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks. I went from 256 to 244. I will be continuing this diet and spreading the news. I do 2 tlbs in 8 oz of apple juice or orange juice followed by a full cup of water before or right after a meal. If you really cut back the first week, the second week you won't even want the things you did before. Don't get me wrong, it still takes me a while to drink it because of the smell but it has done a great job for me and my co-worker. It really works!!

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Sandra (Summerville, GA) on 09/13/2006

acv 2tbs 8oz of water three times a day -- lost 4 lbs, got more energy. i love acv

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Becky (Wichita, Kansas) on 08/06/2006

I have never had a weight problem, before after retiring from my job at the age of 46, and being a house wife, I've gained about 50lbs. I have tried everything to lose the weight, walking, joining health clubs, low carbs diets, grapefruit diets, you name it i've tried. Then one day my sister told me about the Hollywood diet which I was suppose to lose up to 10 lbs in 48 hrs. Well I did try it and lost about 3 lbs in 48hrs. Well that wasn't good enough for me since the product was a little expensive way out of my budget to continue to buy it.. Then I just got a thought of what was in the Hollywood diet the main ingredients was vinegar and fruit juices. So I thought it must be the vinegar that causes you to lose the weight and decided to look of vinegar and came up on your website. To make a long story short I tried one the reader recipes for ACV diet and how amazing it was. I have been on the ACV diet and have lost 10lbs in one week. Thanks to you for sharing your website with me and thanks to the readers for putting their experiences with ACV on here for us to read. Keep up the good work! God Bless You!

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Ricky (Walnut Creek, CA) on 08/03/2006

I'm 27 and recently came across this site for acid reflux and saw all the talk about ACV. At first i thought "what a scam" but i'll try, i was desperate. I've been taking acv for about 2 weeks or so, i can't be believe it but i've really lost about ten pounds in 2 weeks. I've stuck to a healthy diet, lots of greens and lot and lots of water. At first i started taking it for acid reflux and digestive problems, and it's works. I thought something else was wrong when i started dropping the weight but it's the acv. It didn't work right away but after a week or so i noticed results! Try it yourself, just remember everybody's different what works for one person might not work for the next.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Doris (St. John NB) on 06/21/2006

I started taking 2 tbsps. in 8oz of water once a day 3 months ago and lost 20 pounds. I have more energy as well. Am going to start taking it 3 times a day with meals. I was glad I went to this site as I thought that you only took it once a day. I think it it is just great!

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Phee (Louisville, KY) on 06/13/2006

Trust me when I say I am a huge skeptic of just about everything! I happened upon an article about ACV aiding with weight loss and since I am 54 and at the end of my rope trying to lose even 20 of the 50 pounds I need to, I decided to give it a try. I started taking a tablespoon 3x's a day and I am being totally honest I started feeling "different" almost immediately. I first noticed I had energy for the first time in a long time. I wasn't sluggish after lunch and didn't want to hit the couch the first thing after work. Then miracle of miracles I started sleeping better, maybe that is due to having more energy to take brisk walks in the evening but whatever the reason, I am liking it. Now the biggie. My appetite has decreased unbelievably! I am satisfied with much smaller portions and sweets have lost there appeal to me! I got on the scale this morning and am down 5 lbs, without suffering one bit! I am almost afraid to tell people about this because I still can't believe it myself. Where has ACV been all my life? The puffiness in my face and hands is going down so quickly I can hardly recognize myself. I am convinced the ACV is flushing a lot of toxins out of my body. I am totally excited about this and for the first time in a long time I actually feel hopeful about losing some weight. All of the other benefits are a bonus! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Bob (Los Angeles, CA) on 03/05/2006

Promoted weight loss, more energy, relieved the pain in my legs and feet, and helped me to feel better. I have found that if I use a 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with a large glass of apple juice plus a soy protein energy supplement powdered meal, my appetite all but goes away. I am now eating very small meals. I have had a very large appetite for most of my life and I was 300 pounds just three weeks ago. Now after only three weeks, I am 288 pounds and I feel terrific. I just do not seem to have an appetite any longer. My friends are amazed. Me too.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Nia (Georgia) on 02/13/2006

Dear Earthclinic, I have been using ACV for almost 6 weeks. The results have been simply amazing! I feel better @ almost 36 then I did @ 21! I have so much energy now. Within 2 days of using ACV my body started to shrink and my natural body odor started to change! My face, neck, hands feet and stomach areas were very noticeably changing within 2 weeks! I was so pleased I have stuck with it. I have so many amazing changes I have noticed with my body personally that I have become very dedicated to natural ways of curing myself and family members. I have lost a total of 14 pds. I have had people who know me very well just stop me and ask me what am I doing. My body is starting to look pretty good!I am on this website every single day. Yeah, I have my share of skeptics but they surely are curious and watching me that's for sure! Thank you so much for the helpful and supportive information on your website it has truly made a huge difference in my life! I no longer have that line backer look goin on....teehee! You all have much love and support from me. I am a believer in ACV!

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Anthony (Cary, NC) on 01/25/2006

hello everyone i been taking acv for the past month now.. on and off, i went from 285lbs to 258lbs, i also been giving my dad acv pills and it has been keeping his blood sugar at a normal range, and its help with his blood pressure. thanx for this website.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Tiffany (Cahokia IL) on 01/17/2006

Hi, i just started taking apply cider and it has work for me i have lost 3pounds in 5 days so it works and i will let you all know every week how things are going

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Rich (Oklahoma) on 01/08/2006

I drink it straight no water, I actually like the taste. Another great thing about ACV is if you suffer from reflux or heartburn it goes away. Forget the TUMS and Rolaids this is cheaper and natural.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Shonda (Las Vegas) on 01/04/2006

I have been taking apple cider vinegar now for a little over a month. Though I don't know exactly how much weight I have lost it is quite obvious it is a good bit. The first place I noticed it was in the love handle area. Then I noticed that permanent pouch I thought I would have forever disappearing. I was totally sold because I didn't change my diet at all. I am not proud of this part but I am not even working and haven't worked out a lick but yet the weight is just falling off. My neck and shoulders look slim and not all fat and poofy looking and my waistline is totally amazing me. The hidden affect that I was not expecting at all is how drastically it cut my appetite. I have tried numerous potent diet pills just to cut my appetite because I was always hungry and either they would only work for a little while or I would begin to have disturbing side effects. I thought I was a hopeless case when it came to cutting my appetite and the only way I could ever maintain my weight lose would be to burn more calories than I took in. I never thought that anything natural would truly cut my humongous appetite. Sometimes I go until 3 or 4 in the evening without even realizing that I haven't eaten all day. It is the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I was almost ready to give up and just thought I would have a screwed up metabolism for ever. I take 5 tsps. in about 55 oz. of distilled water 2x a day. If I eat a large meal or something that is particularly bad for me then I will do this 3x a day. I use organic un pasteurized unfiltered ACV and I am having beautiful results. I started at about 198 lbs. I will update you when I have a total weight in lbs. for you. It should not take to long at this rate.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Trish (CA) on 12/31/2005

I found this website last night and I was amazed that there's so many others who believe in all the health benefits of ACV. When I was younger (20s) I was dieting and not getting the fast results I wanted, so I drank ACV straight for weight loss. Even though I lost weight much faster, it was so hard for me to drink it because would gag from it. Now I can't even drink it after mixing it with 8 oz of water. Plus I did lose some of the enamel on my teeth (wish I would have known that then). So here's what I've discovered by experimenting a little. Mix 1/8 cup (2 tbsp)in a glass of V8 Juice! Since V8 is tangy anyhow... I can't even tell the vinegar is there. Plus you get all the nutritional benefits of the V8 juice. I sip it slowly with a straw and drink bottle water it between each sip to rinse my teeth. Then I brush my teeth when it's gone. I'm writing a book on nutrition/weight loss and ACV will definitely be one of the chapters!

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Rene (Livingston, La) on 11/27/2005

two months ago,I started using the acv. (_______'s) on a daily basis with 2 tbsp. before dinner. I use it for over-all health and wt. loss. It works, I lost 15 pounds within a four week period. I take the acv. full strength because I have acquired a taste for it. Over the Thanksgiving holidays,I gained a few extra pounds from over-indulging and I was out of my routine of taking the acv. before my dinner. I skipped four nights of taking the acv. and I noticed a difference on the scales when I gained a few extra pounds. On the fifth day, I got back on the acv. and the scales showed a 2 pound difference the next morning. I am a believer! Never leave home without your acv AND Never miss a day!