Borax, ACV
I am so grateful to have found this website! Thank you to everyone who post such helpful information.
I have a 3 year old Shih Tzu who is suffering from yeast. I have stopped taking him to the vet to avoid all the steroids and commercial foods they try to force on me. I have stopped dog food & treats. He gets Stoneyfield Organic Probiotic Yogurt before his meals twice a day. I have been giving cooked ground beef with white rice, carrots & green beans, but will be starting him (in the next 2 days as soon as the supplements arrive) on a yeast starvation diet that I found on another very helpful website, It consist of raw organic grass-fed ground beef, hard boiled eggs including the shells, Supromega omega 3 supplement, and Dinovite supplement. I have also started putting 1/4 tsp Borax in 1 liter purified water for him to drink. However, I find him not drinking as much water as he used to. Maybe because it isn't cold water from the fridge anymore but the borax wouldn't dissolve in cold water so I switched to room temp water.
I bathe him with PetHonesty Chlorhexidine shampoo for yeast and have tried wiping his skin with the 50/50 Braggs ACV with “mother”. He doesn't like to be sprayed and will just run which is why I tried using cotton balls to wipe the mixture on him. I then found Ted's Borax for Mange bath rinse and saw someone posted they used it for yeast. I have done that now twice within the past 5 days. I have also been using the Borax in with my laundry detergent (which is the All Free & Clear brand with no fragrance) to wash his bedding and anything he lays on.
He is still scratching himself raw if I'm not with him and constantly telling him to stop scratching, which works for about 5 seconds until I turn my head. He's starting to get red raw spots from so much scratching and I know he's absolutely miserable.
My questions: Can I use the 50/50 ACV mix in between the borax rinses? Should I stop the borax rinses and just rinse him in the 50/50 ACV mix? Should I try ACV in his water instead of the Borax since he doesn't seem to be drinking as much and if so how much ACV? I feel like he wouldn't drink that because of the strong smell but I would be willing to try if that would help.
I don't want to bring him back to the vet but I find myself questioning if I'm doing the right thing when I see him scratching so much his skin is almost bleeding. He does get relief after the Borax rinse or ACV wipe downs but it's very temporary. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Brewer's Yeast
I gave our dog brewer's yeast and his coat came back so pretty and he healed quickly. My son was so pleased that he offered to pay me for the whole bottle.
Today was the first day my Labrador dog, Winston, got chlorella. I've been looking for something easy and not terribly expensive to improve his diet. It was mixed with some warm water and stirred it into his dry food. He's never been so excited about his food and even licked around the bowl to get every bit of it.
He has a yeast infection on his belly and the vet said there isn't anything that can be done for it, but I'm not giving up. The chlorella can't hurt. If the infection improves, I'll certainly report back.
Hello, one of my dogs had many chronic skin issues over the years. If the chlorella doesn't clear the yeast infection (and I believe diarrhea can be a side effect of chlorella, so start with a very low dosage of that), what helped tremendously was daily Colloidal Silver (20 ppm). However, this was a temporary fix. What cleared all of his skin issues, including a yeast infection on his chest, was a raw food diet. I used freeze-dried raw food patties and rehydrated with warm water instead of frozen patties as he preferred the taste of freeze-dried when he got older. It took a few days before I started to see improvement and about a week before he was totally clear.
Note: Once the condition is cured, you can add a few raw food patties to grain-free kibble to save $ since this diet is enormously expensive for big dogs. Mine was 55 pounds.
Chlorhexidine Shampoo
For chronic yeast infected skin, try going to the Feed store and bathing your dog in Chlorhexidine. That's what worked for my 8 yr old Shih Zsu who was chewing her skin off and her thick beautiful multi colored coat got so thin and wirery but now the sores and black spots are gone and hair is growing back. :) So happy to see her feel better. I learned this from grooming in a small shop.
(Santa Cruz, California)
Chronic Yeast Infection Remedies
Have been dealing with the yeast issues for years (second dog). First of allm I would suggest allergy testing for food/environment. Cost is about 150.00. This way you know for sure.
My dog, dachshund now 6, has a chicken as well as seasonal allergies so I give her venison or bison and vegetables. If it is too protein rich, her pH gets out of balance and she gets a UTI so read the protein # on the label.
I bathe her twice a week with Virbac Keto-Chlor Ketoconazole. She will get break outs under her forelegs and vaginal. The baths give her great relief.
We do the baking soda and vinegar rinses, also. She takes enzymes, from health food store, sprinkled on her food, for her stomach. Sometimes she will eat the yogurt, especially goat yogurt. Her water, purified, as our water has chemicals and disrupts the stomach flora. We saw an allergy specialist for 1 1/2 years and have run the course. Someone mentioned their dog was vomiting yellow. This is most likely bile from stomach upset and Pepto has sweetner in it that promotes the fungus. Not good for the flora.
Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil: This stuff works wonderfully. My fur baby kids had a yeast infection so I bought the cold pressed virgin oil and give to them in their food everyday plus I rub this on their skin and two are already cleared up the rest are clearing up. It works a hundred percent! Love it!
I use it with food, now raw lamb and probiotics and other stuff, taking me 45 minutes to prepare one meal. 2 days ago I chopped up lamb's shoulders from Whole Foods (I know, poor lambs) and added coconut oil, hempseed oil, kelp, and anyway, that took 2 hrs not having a meat grinder. About coconut oil, I been using it in and around her interior of ears. I feel it does help but I always felt applying coconut oil to their fur, underneath, as wouldn't it make their fur all greasy like, leaving residualsoon all over the house and car? I have a 4 yr old female golden retriever that has been ITCHING 3 plus yrs. Frustrating and makes me hate veterinarians that vaccinated her, esp with 5,6 shot combinations. I at the time didn't know what definitely I know now. Vaccines are the culprit. Unnecessary vaccines cause all these headaches and ITCHY DOGS.. I do so much research and Dr. Ronald Schultz, professor of immunology at the University of Wisconsin knows more than any vet on immunology, for sure....had to put in my insert..Gary and Brandy of Kaneohe Hi
Thanks very much, I have a 31/2 year old G S that I love very much soon after all his shot and boosters he started itching like he was eat up with fleas, but you can not find one flea I have had him to three vets, Apoqul the newest allergy medication does help but it's a mask, I have tried everything nothing really helps that much, if vaccines is the cause no what can I do? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Darell,
Just want to make sure I understand your post timeline. You got a GS puppy and after he got all his puppy shots and boosters, he then experienced itching and now after 3 years and three vets you have found this site? Is that how things unfolded? While it is certainly possible vaccinosis is the root of his problems, the first thing is to look at his diet and to rule out food allergies and issues caused by a grain based diet. What do you feed him? Take a look at the ingredient panel on the current bag of kibble, and if you see grains then your first step would be to upgrade the groceries to a grain free diet. Once you have upgraded the chow, you can address the resultant systemic yeast from the vaccines. This can be done with the aid of a holistic vet skilled in vaccine repair, or you can try remedies on EC that may help such as alkalizing the drinking water, Ted's Borax protocol for dogs, and others.
I have found that Apoquel does more harm than good. While it is not a steroid, it is still an immunosuppressant. I am currently nursing my sick dog back to health after having her on Appoquel for several months. She now has hypothyroidism and is one big bacterial and fungal infection. My vet wanted to just ‘up' the dosage of Appoquel, and I had to press to have a thyroid panel done. Be very diligent and monitor your dog for any weight gain or autoimmune issues. Best of luck.
If I give anyone a picture of my dog could they take it to their veterinarian and ask if this looks like a cushings syndrome condition. A few years ago when Veterinarian said that he thought she had cushings disease and I didn't follow up with that her coat was beautiful shiny and healthy. About four years ago she got stressed when her daddy left and we split up and we were driving back-and-forth to a friends house where she had to lay on the floor instead of the bed and had two other dogs to compete with. It began with yeast infections all over her body and I treated them accordingly she still has very bad yeast infections in her ears and I treat them with what the veterinarian gives me and they seem to clear up for a while but that is not my concern Last month I got a Diflucan pill and gave her one and her yeast infections on her body cleared up but she had already lost all this hair and if you notice she carries her weight very much under her stomach. I will try to get a picture if I can. Not sure if it will let me do it here.
Coconut Oil
My dog is a Lhasa-Apso, and he has had a recurring ear infection since we adopted him about a year ago. We took him to the vet several times and tried different ointments. We tried a homeopathic ear drop too, as well as an ear flush made of alcohol, white, vinegar, and Betadine. The flush helped, for a day or two at a time, but did not cure the infection. Finally I took an old medicine dropper and filled it about half-full with some organic EVCO. It stopped the itching immediately. After about a month the ear that was infected the worst started bothering him again. The other ear seemed fine. I repeated the dose again, and the dog immediately stopped scratching his ear. I do believe that this works better than anything else we have used, including prescription drops and ointments. I think that the one ear is completely cured. I will keep an eye on the other one, and dose with EVCO again if any sign of infection returns.
We too have a Lasa Opso and we adopted her when she was about 2. She right away began having terrible ear infections. Nothing has seemed to work. She now seems to have a serious yeast infection. She has scratched her whole body, making sores everywhere and has lost most of her hair. She smells awful and is miserable. We managed to get her ears clear via antibiotics and drops...but I know that the infections will be back. What is EVCO? I am working on her yeast but would love to be able to keep her ears clean permanently.
EC: EVCO = Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
I too am having trouble with my Lasa Opso same problem with ears and itching. But also have green mucus coming from his eyes. I feel so bad for my dog. I take him to the vet and they just give him prednisone shots. Which seems to make everything worse. I'm afraid to take him to the vet anymore. Can someone please help
One of the best remedies for healing your pet's bacterial and/or yeast EAR infection is the Healthy Ear Recipe (from Arcane). Do a search on this site for "Arcane", and you'll find it. The ingredients to buy are very inexpensive, and easy to mix. And your pet will love you for it!
(Kyle, Tx)
What is EVCO? My yellow lab (2 yrs.) has a terrible ear yeast infection. We have tried vet treatments, only to have them re-occur. I am now trying Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. Thanks for sharing and hope we all find help for our precious pets.
EC: ECVO - Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Susan,
Recurring ear infections may be the result of the wrong diet. Please check the ingredients on your bag of kibble - if you see corn or grain ingredients they may be causing these infections. Try switching to a grain free diet, and consider Ted's Borax Protocol for dogs to fight the yeast from the inside out.
(Washington State)
Grain free kibble is still a problem. It's over processessed carbohydrates. I went this route and despite this we battled bloody swollen painful ear infections for several years. Put him on grain free canned food. Helped but then went to RAW food diet ( frozen in a bag product ) and that fixed it, along with A homeopathic drops which contained essentially witch hazel, white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, marshmallow root etc. Then Flash forward a year or so and I move to France and my dog gets harvest mites from running through the tall wheat fields. Such a terrible infection not even shampoo for it helped. Vet gave him that damn Apoquel ( I have no idea how bad this is for pets ) and an antihistamine shot and antibiotics ALL at once. Temporary fix ... back in the USA again, back on his miracle raw food but this time he didn't seem healthy and had the scratching again despite no fleas or mites . No amount of aloe or vitamin E oil has helped but to soften his elephant like skin slightly . Now I'm reading it's a yeast infection in his skin due to the apoquel drug. Let's hope these natural remedies work. I no longer trust vets as they just want to throw harsh drugs at him without regard to the after effects.
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Jessie!
I agree with you 100%! While grain based diets have been linked with many ear and skin issues, and grain free diets have been seen to resolve many of these issues, maintaining a dog's health is a constant effort. So while a dog's ear infections may be resolved with the introduction of a grain free diet, they can and do recur for many reasons - reasons that can be tricky to find out. Grain free is superior to a grain based diet, however it is just one piece of the puzzle to maintaining good health.
Agree on grain free kibble being problematic. I bought my dog a sample bag of a certain grain free food and he loved it. I purchased a bigger bag and only recently I realized that my dog's tumor grew during the period he was eating that food. I have pictures of him before and after he started that food and the tumor DOUBLED its size in a month. I don't think canned grain free food is any better, because there needs to be added something in the food to keep it fresh. Better to buy something that can be frozen instead of having an added ingredient to keep it fresh.
My dog now eats one of those subscription foods delivered to my doorstep. the reason why is because in the wild, dogs do not eat raw food. I know most people say raw food is great, but an Indian vet enlightened me by saying that dogs in the wild often eat road kill, and the dead animal was warm at a certain point.
Warm road kill is not raw meat?? My pupper is the healthiest, happiest boy, he eats only raw chicken feet and organic raw eggs. He's never been on grain except when I didn't know better about the supposedly high quality food I was giving years ago. I highly recommend his diet, btw he turns his nose up at the rest of the leg, he must innately know all that collagen and gristle is what he needs.
Colloidal silver. Both in their water, and misted into the face and ears a few times per day - should do the trick. Some use it on their show dogs, just for that yellowing gunk of the hair around the eyes. I like the hairdresser's mist bottle that continues to mist after you pull the trigger. Super fine, feels good. BUT, I ALSO got a pocket, ultrasonic facial mister which is AWESOME. It's weird to inhale through the mouth though. Awesome inhaled through the nose and in the eyes but too fine or something, inhaled through the mouth. But the hairdresser's mister is a wetter mist and a little too wet for the eyes but awesome through the mouth.
Ultrasonic "nano" mist is weird. It's as if the lungs think it's air, at first, and then does a sort of scrambly thing to adjust to it. Which takes a couple of seconds. I don't like it. I don't know if dogs would like it or not. It would probably be fine to run an ultrasonic humidifier near them but aimed into their face...I don't think I'd do that. It seems fine in the ears but I'm human so...LOL!
I did read of a woman putting colloidal silver drops into her dogs ears that then cleared themselves up, as opposed to her having to try to get a wipe in there to clean out the gunk - which her dog wouldn't stand for. So you could try drops.
Coconut Oil
Pure, unsweetened coconut oil works great for yeast infection, parasites, fungal infections, cysts, cuts, and many other ailments for dogs. I have 2 Saint Bernard puppies, one is 100lbs and has a yeast infection. The doctor gave him ear drops, which made him go temporarily deaf (hearing came back). I started to give him coconut oil in his food (I worked it up to 2-3 tbsp a day, no more. Less for smaller dogs, but look up amount on Internet). I give him shredded, unsweetened coconut as well and rub a little of the oil in his ear. It cleared up the infection in 2-3 days. Even though the infection showed in his ear, you have to treat it internally. It comes from inside. Coconut oil is now a regular part of their meals as they love the taste and it has so many health benefits for them (also for us). It has also made their coats incredibly soft and full.
(Northern Ireland)
I was wondering if anyone could recommend one or two good brands of pure unsweetened coconut oil? When I googled it there were so many. I'm finally on the road to recovery thanks to this website. My poor dog has been suffering for almost a year now with horrible yeast in her ears and paws. Many thanks!
(Pittsburgh, Pa)
(Wabash, Indiana)
(Newfoundland, Canada)
Hi, Bandit, my 9 1/2 yr old Shih-Tzu suffers from yeast infection in his ears. Never mind the almost constant scratching, then licking his paws which I figure is just spreading the infection (?), the smell is horrendous! I started about 3 weeks ago w some ACV in water & 1 tbsp of yoghurt in morning food and there's been no improvement. I've also heard about using Coconut Oil in ears is good for yeast infection. Advice? Comments?
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Denise!
Bandit's yeast issue is not just in the ears - it is systemic, so it is in his entire body and simply manifesting in the ears and itchy paws.
What are you feeding Bandit? In many cases a systemic yeast infection can be linked to a grain or plant based diet. The first thing you need to do to address the systemic yeast is to read the food label and if you see grains and/or potatoes is to switch to a grain free meat based diet. You should see changes in 6 or so weeks by changing the diet; if you do not see any sort of result consider rotating the protiens - so chicken based diet for one bag of food, next bag of food fish based protiens and so on; keep a diet log to monitor results to see if Bandit does better on one protien over another.
Remove any treats or biscuits that are grain based, not made in the USA, and contain food dyes of any sort; these same treats may contain lots of sugar - which feeds yeast, or nitrates which are not healthy for Bandit.
It took time for Bandit to get to this point, so expect it to take time to get him back to health.
Some folks have had good results for systemic yeast by dosing olive leaf oil capsules - am and pm with the food. This remedy may take 6 months to effect good results - again, healing takes time.
You can also try alkalizing Bandit's water with baking soda, and rotate the baking soda water with borax water which is an antifungal/antiyeast.
Consider medicating Bandit's ears with Zymox Otic which you can buy online, or Ted's anti-fungal/anti-staph remedy. A bath with Ted's Mange remedy may help with the paws, as well as dipping in Ted's Anti-fungal/Anti-staph remedy.
You are on the right path with adding the probiotics via the yogurt, but you might consider the encapsulated form which has a greater concentration of bacteria without the dairy.
Good luck and please report back!
I have two westies. One has recently been diagnosed with diabetes. She has a yeast infection in her paws at the moment. She does not get any treats because she can only have meals twice daily before insulin injections. Would giving her a yogurt on her food help or is there something else that would help? I am also looking at changing her food does anyone know what would be the best for diabetic dogs? I hope someone can help. Thanks in advance
(Newfoundland, Canada)
Thank you for the detailed response. Bandit does eat grain & chicken free food as our 7 yr old German Shepherd needs that for his sensitive digestive system. Bandit can & will eat anything so his treats sometimes have chicken in them. I did not realize about the food dyes & sugar. So, again thank you & I will let you know the progress.
Please look into giving your dog a probiotic supplement. You will most likely start seeing results in just a few days with continuous improvement ovet the next few weeks. Read some of the other reviews about probiotics and you will see many people struggling with the same issue who found great results with the product. My dog is doing great on them.
(Highland, Ca)
For a dog who is in such bad shape and so miserable, I'd recommend starting with conventional treatment to get some relatively fast relief. That would include oral anti-yeast prescription drugs, ear drops, and bathing in an anti-yeast shampoo like Mal-a-ket every other day and applying a topical spray from the Mal-a-ket line. It would also include good careful tests to identify whether therfe is more than one problem.
I adopted a small dog sight unseen at the vet when some people brought him in to have him euthanized because he was scratching. They were trying to figure out how to prove they owned him when I said, just give him to me. When the vet and I got him out of his crate, his skin was bright red, his ears were full of wax, and he had a terrible yeast infection. (I later discovered he also had too many of the mites that cause mange, which had not shown up in the first skin scrapings - apparently mites don't show up in 40 percent of the skin scrapings even though they are there.)
Two months of "conventional" treatment finally made things look better, but a few months later he was licking his paws, his foot fur looked pinkish, and he was scratching. Sure enough, I found out that red yeast lives in the fur/hair cuticles and also in the toenail beds, so it is very, very hard to get rid of permanently. So I am now back to the conventional baths followed with a rinse with vinegar plus water, have added probiotics (kefir mixed into soft food along with purchased dog probiotics), work Vicks Vapor rub into the nails and paw pads (this stuff totally kills human toenail fungus without damaging the liver, unlike anti-fungal pills, if applied morning and night for a month), and now will be adding olive leaf and EVCO to his diet. It's reported that Listerine applied topically will kill yeast (and reportedly the kind with menthol also soothes itchy skin.)
Cod Liver Oil
Dogs with Yeast Infection - try cod liver oil on their food 2 tablespoons a day. My pet had a full coat of hair in 2 weeks!
Cod Liver Oil, Butter Oil
I am currently having some success with a blend of High Vitamin Butter Oil (HVBO) with Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO).
I have a pit bull/rott mix that is 70 lbs and somewhere around 3 years old (she was a rescue so not certain).
From the moment she came to live with me she had an ear infection;which she spread to her eyes, a recurrent vaginal irritation, anal gland issues, and hair loss. With antibiotics we saw temporary relief and then the ear infections would return. I learned that some people saw the above symptoms as evidence of allergies. So I took her off as many starches as I could (she is eating Castor & Pollux dried food made with duck). We cook liver for her, which we prepare with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. I also give her 2 tablespoons of yogurt a day. It does make her go with a bit more frequently but it is not a watery go (sorry about that detail).
I am somewhat on the paleo diet (still do carbs occassionally). The diet makes some sense for dogs so no more breads, potatoes, pastas, fruits, corn or sweets for her (we use to give her fruits from time to time--bad I know now). I learned about the HVBO (High Vitamin Butter Oil) and FCLO (Fermented Cod Liver Oil). It is kind of expensive but my dog loves it. I bought it from Radiant Life in gel form plain without cinnamon and stevia (other "flavors" are lemon and carob and have stevia added). It is gross to me but I take it too (much larger dosage for me) and the dog really likes it. I only give her .5 teaspoon and she is getting better slowly--I think. She does not scratch her ears anymore. I will wait for a few more weeks to see if that works for her other symptoms before I bump her up to one full teaspoon. I am keeping close watch on a near bald spot on her head. Amazon also sells the HVBO & FCLO blend Radiant Life sells it the cheapest. Amazon can be as much a $20 more.
I was giving her regular cod liver oil but learned that those synthetic versions that are absorbed into the body as easily as the FCLO--which is more a of a food than a supplement.
Hope this helps others. Will be sure to post an improvement with before and after pics if possible.
Best of luck!
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Amy!
It sounds like you are on the right track for your girl!
I would only suggest you consider supplementing with raw sauerkraut for the probiotics- my pack LOVES it! Also if you are dealing with systemic yeast overgrowth, you might consider a borax regimen in the water to knock the population way down to really get on top of the yeast.
(B.C. Canada)
Just to mention, a 50/50 mix of straight apple cider vinegar mixed with clear borax water will get rid of the ear infection and also get rid of the yeast infection on the dog's skin and under its limbs, where it tends to recur and recur, under the arm and leg pits. Got to keep an eye on those sites and just spray under there daily for a while to keep it from coming back.
To make clear borax water, put a heap of borax (twenty mule team, the stuff for laundry) into a jug, add a lot more water and stir it good. Then let it sit for a couple days, you can tell if the clear water on top has a good lot of borax in it, taste it off your finger. It has to be clear, as any borax granules at all will plug up the spray bottle permanently. Add it to the spray bottle with the cider vinegar in it).
(Tampa Bay Area)
I am a little confused on why the oil helps? I rescued a cocker-terrier (supposedly both breeds very susceptible to skin yeast because of their oily skin)mix that has been plagued by skin yeast for a long time. I have done a lot of reading and been to the Vet and have the prescription shampoo and changed food to grain free to eliminate sugar but I am reading the yeast thrives off of oily skin. Wouldn't adding oil to the diet add more oil to the skin?
I have been dipping in various vinegar-aloe-water mixes, using tea tree oil spray which seems to dry her skin and she loves a batch of yogurt in the morning and I shampoo her every 2 to 3 days with the Vet's shampoo but the incessant scratching and biting at her toes is on going weeks into this.
I just found out she has probably had this most of her life and she is 6. You can clearly tell the skin yeast by the smell which I can keep at bay with the above but know she still has the skin yeast as she spends most of her waking time scratching or biting at her paws.
She is a black dog, so easy to see. A couple of days after a shampoo where I am sure I rinse her well, I see what looks like dandruff on her coat. Does anyone know if this is normal for skin yeast or is it the skin yeast dying off?
Thanks for any insight.
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Scott!
I cannot answer about the cod liver oil and yeast except to say that the fermented cod liver oil can be a real immune booster for some. Many remedies are hit and miss - and through trial and error you find what sticks. I find that if you have a gut feeling about something to trust your gut, so if adding oil seems contradictory for your dog, don't do it.
You can change the diet to eliminate sugar, but you might also consider a diet with minimal starch as well.
First steps for me with a dog with systemic yeast is Ted's Mange remedy followed up with Ted's Anti-fungal/Anti-staph remedy in a spritzer bottle for the trouble spots.
I also do a regime of either borax in the water or baking soda.
Some have had good results in combating systemic yeast with olive leaf oil in the food am and pm.
The dandruff sounds like dried out troubled skin; brushing daily can help stimulate the skin and get the natural oils going; using a vinegar rinse after each bath will also help balance the ph. You might also consider adding oils such as evening primrose oil or coconut oil for the dry skin; the coconut oil has antimicrobial properties.
Colloidal Silver
My toy poodle developed a rash on the stomach and next he had cold symptoms. He was diagnosed with sinus and broncitis. They kept giving him antibotics that put him on his death bed and he had days to live. I researched his symptoms and concluded that he had a sytematic yeast infection. The first thing I did was stop all drugs. I gave him 1/4 tsp of colloidal silver 3 x a day for 1 week, after 48 hours he was up and walking. Silver kills yeast and fungis. I ordered Oxy E drops and put one teaspoon in a gallon of water in a steam vaporizer, made a tent and gave him steam treatment in his kennel 3 times a day.
Also got anti fungal med, from vet after scrape was taken from rash, proved to be yeast. Oral intraclozone for three weeks. If your vet won't help, order from Canada, it only comes in tabs that have to be resplit to the weight of the dog. Dog also eats grain free food. If yeast is in nose and eyes I put collidal silver right in nose and eyes, cleared up completely. Dog has relaspes every 3 months which happens, I put a mixture of vinegar and water on rash and give him oral fungus med every 3 days to manage it. He is doing great and very happy.
(United Kingdom)
Hi, can I ask where you get colloidal silver from please and oxi E .I do all the disinfecting with essential oils and feed him grain free and rub pure coconut oil on him and clove oil etc but on a morning he's so bad he rips at his ears and practically pulls them off even though I clean his ears out 3x a day and do all the other stuff. I would be very grateful as it breaks my heart to see him in such distress. He's a lovely dog but he self mutilates sometimes and creates sores because of his distress.I resort to giving him antihistamines to help him sleep to give him relief sometimes. We are desperate. Regards.linda xx
Colloidal Silver
After struggling with my maltese's ear yeast infections, my chemist suggest collodial silver. Within 2 days his ears cleared up, and since then it never returned. I'm never without collodial silver now.
(Atlanta, Ga Usa)
How did you use the silver? Give to the dog orally or wash out ears with it? Drops in ears? I have a Maltese with chronic ear infections. Changed foods, steroids, you name it and I have tried it.
I use it both orally & externally. About 1 dropperful for 1kg when taken internally & Pepper took a 30ppm colloidal silver. She has since changed over to a patented technology & supposed to be more effective. I've found it works. For her ears I just dropped one dropperful in after flushing and swabbing out her ears.
Control the Humidity
I have fostered more than 150 basenjis, many with skin issues. Usually, I can fix them fairly quickly. This summer, though, I've had one that has a very challenging skin condition which appears to be a yeast problem. I had already incorporated several of the suggestions mentioned here with some success and will try others mentioned here. One thing that I've found to have the largest impact is to control the environment - humidity. This is a challenge in Florida, particularly when living in an older home that leaks like a sieve. My foster dog's skin was noticeably better when there was a break in the heat and humidity. I run dehumidifiers along with the air conditioners to try to maintain less than 50% relative humidity. I also limit my foster's access to sunshine and midday outside heat. I expect to have a lot more success with finally nipping the problem in the bud when the Florida summer weather breaks for more than a few days and hope that I will have his immunity fully recovered before he has to once again deal with heat and humidity next summer.
Cottage Cheese Foot Treatment
I had a dog who would lick his feet until they were red, raw and swollen, I think from yeast.
This always worked. Fold a grocery store baggie in half. In the middle of it place a gauze square. Put a heaping tablespoon of cottage cheese on that straight from the fridge. Place the dog's foot on the cottage cheese, gather the baggie up around his leg and hold it all in place for about 30-45 minutes with Vetwrap (the bandage that only sticks to itself) getting it snug, but allowing for good blood circulation.
Then rinse the foot with plain water and towel dry. The friend who told me about the cottage cheese said it worked because the germs would rather live in the cottage cheese than in you. I've used it to cure infections on myself too.
Don't put cottage cheese anywhere it can't be rinsed off well (never in dog's ears) because the germs multiply in it rapidly and it will make the infection worse if it's not rinsed away.
Dakin's Topical Solution
I love homemade Dakin's Solution - for external use ONLY - it dates back to its use during the Civil War. It is a stellar bacterial killer and it is very effective on yeast. It is also great for cleaning your dog's ears. It doesn't burn. The over-the-counter stuff is costly (for people and for animal use) BUT you can make it at home for pennies.
I started using this solution for a son who developed cystic acne - great results. I then realized this stuff will kill yeast!
I dab the solution on the dog's yeasty spots with cotton balls and the next day, scrape off the dead yeast and apply another dose. It takes a few treatments and my dog is large - so it takes some time. It's so worth it as the yeasty smell is gone instantly and itching is calmed.
Making Dakin's Solution
1. Wash your hands with soap and water.
2. Measure 4 cups of water into a clean pan.
3. Boil the water for 15 minutes with the lid on the pan. Remove from heat.
4. Measure 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda into the boiled water using a sterile measuring spoon.
5. Measure bleach, based on the strength chart below, into the boiled water using a sterile cup or measuring spoon. For my dog's thinner skin, I use the 1/2 strength* recipe vs. the full strength:
Full Strength – add 3 oz bleach
*1/2 Strength – add 3 Tbsp + 1/2 tsp bleach*
1/4 Strength – add 1 Tbsp + 2 tsp bleach
1/8 Strength – add 2 1/2 tsp bleach
6. Place the solution in a sterile jar. Close it tightly with the sterile lid.
Allow to COOL before use. I shake the jar before use to ensure the baking soda is dispersed.
Store the solution at room temperature. It will keep in dark storage for a month. Once opened and exposed to air, the solution deteriorates. Throw away any unused portion 48 hours after opening -- and make a fresh batch.
Obviously don't add more bleach than what is listed. Do not use if there is an allergy to the ingredient(s). Stop using the solution if the situation worsens and get to a vet.
I hope this helps someone else and their beloved dog.
(Mpls., Mn)
I love this! Thank you!
This solution is also stellar on hot spots! It doesn't destroy the skin like some antiseptics.
(Warwick, Ny)
By bleach, you mean Clorox? My 4 year old King Charles spaniel with the chronic, fiery red, rear paw pad and ear yeast infection, licks his paws and scratches his head/ ears incessantly. How dobtoubprevent ingestion of the Clorox. For now we're starting with ACV and yogurt added to his Orijen kibble, which he's been on for years, as well as cleaning those areas with ACV on gauze pads. He's 25 lbs: I presume 1 tsp of ACV AND 1Tbl of yogurt per AM &PM meal IS CORRECT? Thanks.
Hi Steve,
Yes, plain Clorox or any other good brand of bleach - not the scented or kinds that have the gel-like additive. Proper dilution per the Dakin's recipe is required, of course.
ACV can sting like nobody's business on raw skin even at a 50/50 dilution. I use it for our dog's ears (regular cleaning).
Not important but it was first used during World War 1, developed English chemist, Henry Drysdale Dakin, and a French surgeon, Alexis Carrel.
Go easy - it can be drying. I've also been using castor oil on sore/itchy yeasty spots and it is amazing. Great for hot spots. I clean the area, trim hair if needed and apply castor oil. My poor allergic Bernese had an outbreak (thanks to a snack that caused itching) and this has helped him greatly.