Yeast Infections
Natural Remedies

Beat Pet Yeast Infections: Raw Diet & Natural Remedies

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Pepper Chanel (Singapore) on 10/15/2012

I use it both orally & externally. About 1 dropperful for 1kg when taken internally & Pepper took a 30ppm colloidal silver. She has since changed over to a patented technology & supposed to be more effective. I've found it works. For her ears I just dropped one dropperful in after flushing and swabbing out her ears.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Beth (Plainfeild, Il) on 11/03/2011

My toy poodle developed a rash on the stomach and next he had cold symptoms. He was diagnosed with sinus and broncitis. They kept giving him antibotics that put him on his death bed and he had days to live. I researched his symptoms and concluded that he had a sytematic yeast infection. The first thing I did was stop all drugs. I gave him 1/4 tsp of colloidal silver 3 x a day for 1 week, after 48 hours he was up and walking. Silver kills yeast and fungis. I ordered Oxy E drops and put one teaspoon in a gallon of water in a steam vaporizer, made a tent and gave him steam treatment in his kennel 3 times a day.

Also got anti fungal med, from vet after scrape was taken from rash, proved to be yeast. Oral intraclozone for three weeks. If your vet won't help, order from Canada, it only comes in tabs that have to be resplit to the weight of the dog. Dog also eats grain free food. If yeast is in nose and eyes I put collidal silver right in nose and eyes, cleared up completely. Dog has relaspes every 3 months which happens, I put a mixture of vinegar and water on rash and give him oral fungus med every 3 days to manage it. He is doing great and very happy.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Fudge (Cape Town, South Africa) on 06/06/2011

After struggling with my maltese's ear yeast infections, my chemist suggest collodial silver. Within 2 days his ears cleared up, and since then it never returned. I'm never without collodial silver now.