Yeast Infections
Natural Remedies

Beat Pet Yeast Infections: Raw Diet & Natural Remedies

Wash Bedding Frequently

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Posted by Kim (New York, Ny, Usa) on 11/30/2012

I've read many of the posts regarding yeast problems with dogs (I have one a bacterial infection and yeast all over his body) but I want to know if anyone knows whether yeast can live on fabrics and then infect the dog again when he lays on his blanket. Should I throw the blankets away and start fresh? Or, is it really an internal problem where the yeast on his coat and skin doesn't actually survive beyond that.

I plan to post in the Yeast section for Pets with a more detailed description of the status and process, but I wanted to ask this question specifically. thanks. Kim

Replied by Balinda
(Orleans, Ont CA)

Yes, the yeast can go on to fabric so wash the blanket.

White Vinegar

7 User Reviews
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3 star (1) 

Posted by Sharon Marshall (Clearwater, Fl) on 11/04/2017

Editor's Choice Jean!! You are absolutely correct. (Jean from San Marcos, Ca on 03/15/2012)

My veterinarian told me that my dog would have problems for the rest of his life with chewing on his legs and infections. He also has very stinky ears and the vet prescribed antibiotics!! So then his body and ears smelled terrible due to the yeast infections. We did out internet research- gave him a bath and sprayed him down with the white vinegar with water rinse that you leave in (50/50). The white vinegar has worked so very well it's amazing. I thought he was going to smell terrible with the vinegar but the vinegar smell quickly went away and so did the yeast smell and he is so much happier now!! I'm not too happy with my vet but glad your baby and mine are doing better! 😊

White Vinegar
Posted by Margaret Ann (Montgomery, Al.) on 02/13/2015


I have a Boston Terrier that was born without a tail, leaving a hole in his back about an inch and a half deep just above his rectum. He has developed yeast there. I clean it several times a day with a paper towel and white vinegar which helps but the itching starts back. HELP!!!!!!!!!

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Margaret!

You might find a couple of things might be helpful for your Boston's tail pocket.

You can flush the area with a solution of borax; add to water and make sure it fully dissolves, and then use a syringe to flush into the pocket; make sure you flush all the debris out of the area - you may be surprised what comes out when you use a syringe. Borax is an effective yeast fighter.

If that doesn't provide the results you want, a stronger remedy would be 1 table spoon each borax, milk of magnesia and epsom salts; mix this into 1 table spoon hydrogen peroxide plus 2 tables spoons of water; flush this into the tail pocket after you clean it thoroughly with plain water and the syringe.

You can also try an OTC women's vaginal yeast remedy - do this after the pocket is flushed clean and then apply as you would for treating a woman.

Additionally, if you want to dry the area out, consider an OTC anti fungal foot powder/jock itch powder.

Lastly, the appearance of yeast on the outside of your dog could indicate a yeast problem building on the inside of your dog. Combat a systemic yeast infection with Ted's borax protocol for pets, or by alkalizing your dog's water with baking soda.

White Vinegar
Posted by Annette (Barceloneta, Puerto Rico) on 06/04/2011

Hello I was reading the comments posted in the site because my two dogs, both females came with a yeast infection which I noticed last night. In both females their groin area became pale and moist and had some gray markings in the skin and some sort of fungus film to it. They have been scratching and biting their paws and under the armpits and showing some brown stuff inside the ears. After reading the comments I realized it is yeast and since I'm out of ACV at the moment I decided to try a 50-50 solution of white vinegar and water and rub the areas where I saw most signs of yeast and hair loss with a cotton. I cleaned inside their ears as well.

Last night my golden Bonnie had her ears hot and red and today her ears and all the areas I applied the white vinegar solution (specially the paw pads and between toes) are pink and not red like last night. Maybe it would have work the same with the ACV but the white vinegar works too. I am a believer. Bonnie and Dulce are not scratching so much today and I decided to go ahead and spray the mixture all over their bodies with a bottle to let it dry. They look so much better overall, less anxious and since they lick a little they are also ingesting some which I believe is good. As for the food I am transitioning them to Wellness Complete Health Chicken from Pedigree (thanks to the new petsmart stores in PR) and the coat improvement is noticeable already. Im going to keep using the 50-50 vinegar solution and start adding the acidophilus capsules and organic yogurt supplements today( I didn't know those could help so thanks! ). If there's improvement I will update with the results.

Take care and hope we can all solve this problem to make our furry babies feel better.

White Vinegar
Posted by Paula (Edwards, Ca (usa)) on 10/31/2009

Question about yeast infection

I have a 4 month old cocker spaniel mix (female) and she had smelly ears and was shaking her head and itching alot. I mixed equal parts of white vinegar to water and cleansed her ears. Okay so now the smell is gone. I had also noticed these black scaly patches on her ears and they seem to be eating away at the edge of her ears. Also the same black scaly patches has spread to the back of her head.

I have another dog that so far isn't having any of those problems so I wanted to find out if she can get the same problems the puppy has?

I need to find a way to treat the pup before it spreads everywhere. I can't afford to spend alot of money at the vet so if I can treat this naturally then that would better.

White Vinegar
Posted by Elizabeth (Villa Rica, GA) on 02/20/2009

We found our puppy at the animal shelter over 8 years ago. When she was about 3-4 years old she started getting ear infections. The vet treated her for ear mites. It kept coming back repeatedly throughout the rest of her years. For the last couple years, she not only had problems with her ears but also her paws and rectum area. It was driving her mad. She would lay around and just whine and scoot across the floor to itch. The vet treated her for worms. This still did not help. FINALLY, after spending hundreds of dollars on getting her better, I read this blog. I drinched her in white vinegar and let it sit for as long as I could and then rinsed. The next day she was amazingly doing better. This was the first time I have seen improvement in her condition. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING A SOLUTION TO THIS ENDLESS PROBLEM. I am also giving her plain yogurt now as she has lived with this condition for so long with no help until now and I don't want it to come back for any reason. THE VINEGAR WORKS!!! I hope that anyone who reads this will give a try. Not only has it saved me a ton of money it has finally helped my poor dog get some relief. THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!

Replied by Kj
(Gilcrest, Co, Usa)

I'm afraid to do this, as my doxy Lucy has a couple open and raw spots on her feet. Her ears are also raw, swollen and bloody. I can't see using vinegar as it would burn like heck. Do you dilute the vinegar any, for bathing?

Thanks in advance -

Replied by 5 Pooches Home
(Houston, Tx)

Don't worry no need to use vinegar if you can't. Just get:-

1. NEEM OIL (from health store or Indian store)

2. COCONUT OIL (Good quality only plz! ) (Also from health store or Indian store)

For feeding:- Give her 4 BIG tablespoons of coconut oil each day. Will start healing the skin inside out!

For application:- Massage 3 times (morning, evening and night) a mix of neem oil and coconut oil.

Feed her homemade diet and put Apple Cider Vinegar in her food.

Good luck!

White Vinegar
Posted by Elizabeth (Calistoga, CA) on 01/12/2009

My 5 year old Lab has been chewing and licking his paws for a year now. He had a yeast infection in his ear 3 times and now his skin on his belly and under arms are breaking out in a rash and the skin is turning black. He seems to be also losing his fur in spots. He broke out in hives all over his body and he now is inflamed around his rectum. Are these all symptoms of yeast infections?

I changed his food, washed him with a wash the vet gave me and antibiotics for his ear. But he is still suffering.

Could yeast come from the grass or the lake water? I just moved to California and it started when we moved. I am ready to go back to Colorado if I can't help him.

What is the dose of Acidophilus for 130 lbs dog?

Replied by Dianna
(Austin, Tx)

i have had VERY good luck with washing my dog and afterwards pouring straight white vinegar on and letting it sit and then rinsing. afterwards i pour on a dilute vinegar mixture and let stay. immediately i saw results and only had to do this a few times and then never again. i do use grandpa's pine tar soap to bathe my dogs too. make sure you get the soap and then afterwards the vinegar everywhere including their paws - you might want to use a bowl for the paws or you could use a spray bottle. for maintenance - every time i wash my dogs i pour on a dilute ACV or white vinegar rinse and then leave it.

hope this helps your dog like it helped mine. one of my dogs was chewing his feet off and this really worked.

Replied by Janice
(Coloma, Mi)

Go to the web-site NZMES.COM and read about yeast infections in dogs and cats. I used them on my Lab and they worked well.

Replied by Donna
(Carlisle, Arkansas)

I have two bulldogs, and the white is always have problems yeast. He does all the licking too! But why I am saying something is you said you had your dog on antibiotics? I have heard so many times that yeast feeds off of antibiotics. I know it sounds crazy. I had to take my bully off the antibiotics. I do believe in white vinegar and ACV.

White Vinegar
Posted by Judy (Crystal River, Florida) on 03/09/2008

I read one time about white vinegar for dog ear yeast. Mine has allergies and it shows up frequently getting expensive as vets wanted to see him everytime I needed a new tube. I first clean the waxy build up with a water moistened qtip not going deep then put vinegar on a cotton ball and rub it around the inside of ears,not going deep as it runs into the ear. Dog will shake his head. I do it for a few days until the ear is no longer red with no more wax.I love this site. Thanks everyone!

Replied by Jena
(Upperco, Md)

Be sure to dilute the vinegar with purified or distilled water - straight vinegar stings!

White Vinegar
Posted by susan (charlotte, nc) on 09/30/2007

re: Apple cider vinegar for yeast in dogs. My dog has had allergies and yeast for years. I just recently found out when you have yeast you must have more acidic foods than alkaline. I used ACV for years with horrible results but the white vinegar is non alkaline so it works much better. Hope this helps someone.

Replied by Amanda
(Kalamazoo, Michigan)

How much do I use on my dog and how often do I do it?

White Vinegar and Aloe, Probiotic Yogurt

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Posted by Chrissy (Roslyn, New York) on 02/19/2009

Hi, My little Shih Tzu suffers terribly from yeast, however, I've been spraying him down with white vinegar and Aloe Vera Juice (The organic kind made to drink). The Aloe seems to be healing up the scabby skin. Even the Vet remarked that he looked better. I am also trying the probiotics and keeping him away from all grains and veggies, just meat and fish (some raw organic meat as well.) I've seen some improvement with this protocol, and hope to have him cured or at least have this stuff under control with the acidophilolus - I added yogurt today (although he doesn't like it).

Thanks for this site, it helps me to see what other people are trying.

Replied by shelly
(Kelowna, British Coloumbia)

Hi I have a shitzu that is 6yrs old and when he was 3yrs old I discovered he was getting red and itchy under is arms and by his lower adomen. We struggle with the vet and he wants me to check for thyroid. I dont have that kind of money and was hoping to try the Acidophilus. The only thing is how much of it do you give a 15 lb shitzu and how much yogurt do you give. Please if anyone can help my little Nemo and what kind of food do you recommend. I hear not to give him grains,veg,and even some meats like chicken. So what can he eat then? Please I need some help .Thank You

Yeast Infection Cream

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Carol (Dallas, Tx) on 11/20/2016

My little terrier was tortured with yeast infections for quite some time. Black skin, hair loss, broken skin, incessant itching and chewing. Between the vet and every remedy I could find, some worked a bit but no cure until I found a comment on line. The vaginal cream women use for yeast infections! Yes, it works! I bathe him 2-3 times a week, dry him completely, then smear it on, focusing on the armpits, rump, feet and wherever I see black. Voila!

Yeast-Free Diet

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Posted by Barbara (Toronto, On, Canada) on 12/16/2009

Yeast Free Diet for Pets with Yeast Infections

I used to have recurrent yeast infections that were really painful and debilitating. They completely stopped about five years ago when I stopped eating all yeast including yogurt, and all fermented products. The same is true for pets. There is alot of yeast added to pet foods and a diet free of yeast will have the same amazing results for them as it did for me. Give it a try. You may have to make your own pet foods as most pet foods use yeast as a nutritional and flavor supplelment but it is worth it. Vet bills are costly and sparing your pets the pain of yeast infections are well worth it.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Jerry (Paris, Texas) on 01/16/2013

I have started giving our 6 mth old English Bulldog 2 large tablespoons of organic yogurt daily and you wouldn't believe the difference it has made in the smell, itching and has also softened up her coat. I've tried changing foods, and everything and finally it occurred to me perhaps it's a yeast problem and yogurt aides in creating good bacteria to kill the bad. She's also more playful, even to point to where I sometimes wish she still

Posted by Jewel (Epworth, Ga) on 03/07/2010

Yeast infection on dogs. Apply cold yogurt directly to the effected area.Try to keep the dog from licking untill the skin warms back up . Let the dog lick. It will relieve the itch plus digest the yogurt. Bath before to remove loose hair. This is a very messy process but is effective on the heat process which is the underlying cause (yeast loves heat). In between treatments sprits with cool plain water on hot spots. This is not a cure but a helpfull relief for the dog. Good luck and God bless.

Yogurt, Omega Oils, Herbs

3 User Reviews
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4 star (1) 

Posted by Barb (Newark, DE) on 05/20/2009

Yogurt, Omega 3, 6 & 9, Herbs

My baby, Bruiser (lab, dane, sheppard mix) has been having worsening symptoms of yeast for two years. Being a massage therapist, I lean towards holistic treatment as much as possible. Our vet was treating his ear infections with antibiotic cream, antibiotiv=cs and prednisone. We were also told to givev him an antihistamine. The prednisone made him CRAZY and heavy (which he can't be with his old injuries). I had enough and began researching to help my guy. I have started him on a proprietary blend of herbs for yeast (that I took myself after a nasty batch of antibiotics), 4 capsules of the Omega oils, and about a cup of yogurt 2x a day. We are having some changes, and I know holistic treatment takes time so I am being patient. The vinegar thing makes him run around the house like a lunatic, but it works well. Feel free to email with more ideas or more information and I will be happy to share our progress.

Replied by Susie
(DeLand, Florida)

I have a Lab that we rescued who came with major health issues. After lots of $$$$ and endless meds from the vet I decided that there must be a better way. After days and weeks of research on yeast infections this is what I found works for Sandy. #1. To control yeasty ears: to start, use a bottle like the ones used to put hair color on, mix 6 oz. of 70 percent isopropyl alcohol, 1/2 tablespoon boric acid and shake well, then add 2 oz. white vinegar and 1 or 2 drops of gentian violet and shake well again. DO NOT get the gentian violet on your clothing it will not come out. You can remove it from your fingers with straight alcohol. Rinse the ears out 3 times a day, squirt into each ear, rub about 30 seconds and then do a final clean out with a cotton ball saturated with the solution. The dog's ears will have a purple tint but it does go away and so will the yeast. Continue this on a weekly basis, once the infections have cleared then just do a once a week maintenance. #2. I use a holistic dog food that has salmon, sardines and anchovies in it topped with 1 cup of PLAIN yogurt. #3. 1 tablespoon of ACV in the water bowl as well. #4. For the hot spots and itchy flare ups I use a 50/50 mixture in a spray bottle of ACV and witch hazel. I spray that on after baths as well. I bathe her with Dawn to kill the fleas. All of the ingredients I have listed are cheap and they work. Be patient, yeast is hard to control and requires fighting it from the inside out as well as topically. Hope this helps!

Replied by Julie
(Apache Junction, Arizona)

I am so grateful for this site. My poor Maggie has been suffering for years with what the vet tagged as allergies. I tried all of the shots and medications with no permanent fix. It just always seemed to get worse. After reading all of the post here I switched her food to a lamb and rice limited diet, started giving her asodopholis pills mixed in her food and put asv in her water. I also started bathing her twice a week with Sebolux by virbac, spraying her with a 50/50 water, vinegar mix.

After about a month the black, scabby spots under her arms and on her belly are almost completely gone, her ears are no longer smelly and infected and she is a new dog. She now plays, chases her ball and is overall a lot more happy. All without shots and medications. Thanks again for another "Happy puppy"!

Replied by Patty
(Independence, Mo)

I stumbled across your website and am in shock. I don't know why I didn't google yeast infection in dogs after I finally found a vet who told me what my dogs problems REALLY were. But treatment was incomplete in that the vet never said change diet etc.

I am devastated now though in that I feel like I killed my bassett hound slowly. I fed him sweet treats and junk food (or he would get into a whole bag of candy or cookies), his dog food was cheap and his ears extra thick. The symptons he had are so EVERY BIT A YEAST INFECTION by what has been described here. Wow! (shaking head sadly from side to side and vowing never to fully trust a veterinarian's diagnoses or cures ever again). Instead of the yeast taking over his body and eventually initially killing my Gus I could have had him back as good as new... :-(

The good news is that I still have a female basset and she has been suffering too. Change in diet immediately and yogurt and vingegar and water are now the order of business. I can't wait to see my Sadie healthy and happy again.

I am so very glad I discovered this website. I know where to go for great information in the future. My animals are everything to me. It's past time I treated them better with a healthier diet and correct answers to any health issues. Thank You so much!

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Patty!

Thank you so much for pointing out that you really do need to feed a healthy diet and seek out the correct answers to any health issue! As a pet owner, it really is up to you to do this 'home work' to keep your pet well. Kudos!

I would also like to add, that while your vet could have advised you to change diet etc., that not all vets are well versed in understanding, much less treating, a systemic yeast infection. The **right** vet will pair with the owner to form a healing team. I hope you can find such a team player and thus create a trusting relationship and healing team for Sadie!

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