I stumbled across your website and am in shock. I don't know why I didn't google yeast infection in dogs after I finally found a vet who told me what my dogs problems REALLY were. But treatment was incomplete in that the vet never said change diet etc.
I am devastated now though in that I feel like I killed my bassett hound slowly. I fed him sweet treats and junk food (or he would get into a whole bag of candy or cookies), his dog food was cheap and his ears extra thick. The symptons he had are so EVERY BIT A YEAST INFECTION by what has been described here. Wow! (shaking head sadly from side to side and vowing never to fully trust a veterinarian's diagnoses or cures ever again). Instead of the yeast taking over his body and eventually initially killing my Gus I could have had him back as good as new... :-(
The good news is that I still have a female basset and she has been suffering too. Change in diet immediately and yogurt and vingegar and water are now the order of business. I can't wait to see my Sadie healthy and happy again.
I am so very glad I discovered this website. I know where to go for great information in the future. My animals are everything to me. It's past time I treated them better with a healthier diet and correct answers to any health issues. Thank You so much!
Yogurt, Omega Oils, Herbs
I am so grateful for this site. My poor Maggie has been suffering for years with what the vet tagged as allergies. I tried all of the shots and medications with no permanent fix. It just always seemed to get worse. After reading all of the post here I switched her food to a lamb and rice limited diet, started giving her asodopholis pills mixed in her food and put asv in her water. I also started bathing her twice a week with Sebolux by virbac, spraying her with a 50/50 water, vinegar mix.
After about a month the black, scabby spots under her arms and on her belly are almost completely gone, her ears are no longer smelly and infected and she is a new dog. She now plays, chases her ball and is overall a lot more happy. All without shots and medications. Thanks again for another "Happy puppy"!