Yeast Infections
Natural Remedies

Beat Pet Yeast Infections: Raw Diet & Natural Remedies

Posted by Jerry (Paris, Texas) on 01/16/2013

I have started giving our 6 mth old English Bulldog 2 large tablespoons of organic yogurt daily and you wouldn't believe the difference it has made in the smell, itching and has also softened up her coat. I've tried changing foods, and everything and finally it occurred to me perhaps it's a yeast problem and yogurt aides in creating good bacteria to kill the bad. She's also more playful, even to point to where I sometimes wish she still

Posted by Jewel (Epworth, Ga) on 03/07/2010

Yeast infection on dogs. Apply cold yogurt directly to the effected area.Try to keep the dog from licking untill the skin warms back up . Let the dog lick. It will relieve the itch plus digest the yogurt. Bath before to remove loose hair. This is a very messy process but is effective on the heat process which is the underlying cause (yeast loves heat). In between treatments sprits with cool plain water on hot spots. This is not a cure but a helpfull relief for the dog. Good luck and God bless.