Anal Gland Issues
Aloe and turmeric for cat hemmrhoids
My cat had a lump next to the base of her tail. The next day there was another on the other side. She would get angry if I touched them. It must have hurt. She held her tail to the side, so I initially thought she broke it. She didn't like me trying to straighten it. She was straining to relieve herself so I gave her some kitten formula mixed with aloe juice and fish oil. I rubbed the fish oil on her fur since she wouldn't drink it with the formula from a dish. She immediately ran to use the litter box. The next day she was more active, but she had a second lump. I gave her some kitten formula with some turmeric in it, and coaxed her into eating some raw lamb. I had to use a syringe to feed her the formula. Today, the third day, the lumps are nearly gone if not gone (I don't want to hurt her to find out for sure). I gave her a second dose of formula with turmeric. In all she got one dose of the formula with aloe and fish oil, and two doses with turmeric. Only a teaspoon or so of formula each dose. So not much aloe or turmeric. But the lumps appear to be nearly gone. They were the size of a small grape. She sits by the water dish and doesn't really drink. The vet said she has kidney problems. She's probably dehydrated. But she's much happier today. Thank you, Earthclinic :)
(Glendale, Colorado)
I have a 3 yr. Old Standard Poodle who has tumors on his left rear foot. This has been going on for a couple of years and the vets have never prescribed antibiotics (though they usually say after the fact that he should have had them) and only say to soak it in Epsom Salts. I've been soaking it in Epsom Salts with Essential Oil of Thyme and it only looks like it's getting worse this time. I don't know how much turmeric to give him and I'm frantic as I'm on a fixed income and can't afford to take him to the vet, especially on the weekend!
Sandi, have you tried any kind of topical ointments? The over-the-counter "Triple Antibiotic" would certainly kill any viral or bacterial infection cancer inducers. The old timers "Porter's Salve" is good for many skin conditions and is quite powerful. Good luck.
(Dunedin, New Zealand)
Hi can you tell me whats kitten formula?
Kitten formula is the same as what baby formula is, but for cats and not people. It's a white powder you buy at the store. I do not recommend it as cats are lactose intolerant and it has milk in it. It also has a lot of other ingredients that aren't necessary. Canned cat food would be better for a kitten, just mix in some water so it's not as thick.
How I get my dog to eat turmeric, for whatever reason. My older dog stopped going up or down steps for a month, so I started putting turmeric in her food to see if that helped. She eats dry dog food. I put her usual amount in her bowl and add hot water to soften it, adding 1/4 tsp of turmeric, 3 shakes black pepper, 1 tsp coconut oil, a couple shakes pink Himalayan salt, a heaping teaspoon of diatomaceous earth, and sometimes a miniscule amount of borax. She looks forward to eating this every day, and goes up and down the basement steps all the time now. Not sure how much it matters, but she weighs 50 pounds.
I am 53 y/o and tried Turmeric to loose weight and found it has many AMAZING side effects. I have had horrible irritable bowl since I was 7 y/o. I mean horrible. It will bring me to my knees and make me throw up forcing me to choose which end should be aimed at toilet. The Turmeric not only assisted in loosing weight but stopped my irritable bowel/spastic colitis DEAD IN IT'S TRACKS - NONE. I had never experienced a day without pain in my colon. OMG it was amazing.
Anyway, I have a 18y/o Border Collie that has a fatty tumor on his side that is so bad it is making him fall from the extra weight on that side and of course the pain from arthritis/old age. I have checked with 3 vets with no good solutions because of his age, no one wants to perform surgery.
Well, I thought, if Turmeric breaks down fat why not try it on Murphy. So, I looked up on the web if Turmeric was ok for dogs. It was ok but recommended a certain type of Turmeric. I compared the recommended Turmeric online to the type I had purchased. It was the same kind of Turmeric. Great! I researched online for the best Turmeric and I came up with, Curcumin C3 (Turmeric) w/ Bioperine - 2,000 % More Bioavailable 500mg, as the best on the market for Bioavailable for best utilization in body.
My point is maybe the Turmeric would help your doggie with his tummy issues?
Turmeric helped also my arthritis pain, my irritable bowl, brain function, mood and over all pain. It has been identified to be an Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Antioxidant, reduce risk for heart disease, cancer, metabolic syndromes, Alzheimer's and various degenerative conditions as well as improved Brain Function and a Lower Risk of Brain Diseases and a Benefit Against Depression.
I am sold. It has made me feels so much better and Murphy seems to move better and happier. The cheapest place I have found the Turmeric was Amazon. The brand I listed above was what I thought was best after my days of researching it.
Good Luck and I hope it makes Doggie better!
EC: Cross-posted from the anal gland issues page in the pets section.
(bloomfield hills, MI USA)
Lisa, I also give my 8 year old Lab turmeric every day. He's had two knee surgeries and it seems to help with arthritis etc. Now, I make Golden Paste turmeric. It's a very simple recipe you can find online. He gets 1/4 tsp twice a day and I take it too for arthritis. The best (and least expensive) place I've found to buy turmeric is Costco, if you have one nearby.
Just wanted to report that I am having great results on my 14+ year old german shephard mix who has arthritis (especially in the hips). I think that one of the most helpful and important things I'm doing is exercising him without fail every day. I take him on walks each day, usually about 3.5 miles total. Considering his age, he's in remarkably good shape and, except on steep hills, keeps up with our other 2 young dogs. We used to walk by a neighbor's golden retriever who was let outside in the front yard several times a day to do her thing. She hobbled around in obvious pain, barely able to walk. I never once saw the owners taking their sweet dog out for a walk. She was only about 10 years old when they put her to sleep. Just my opinion, but I think early deaths happen with some frequency to yard-only dogs. Exercise keeps those joints lubricated!
Supplements: I also recently started adding turmeric, msm and glucosamine to Max's food. Dosages: 1/4 teaspoon of powdered turmeric in his food in the morning, diluted with chicken broth. At night I crush a 1000 mg tablet of MSM and give him half of it (500 mg), plus a full capsule of glucosamine blend from Trader Joe's (glucosamine sulfate 750mg and glucosamine HCI 750 mg). My vet mentioned that she likes the combo of MSM and glucosamine for dogs with arthritis, which is why I started him on that a few weeks ago. The turmeric has helped heal up a benign cyst that had burst through the skin on his front paw. Very glad one of EC's readers reported a cure for dog cysts recently -- thanks! At any rate, Max seems to be doing better on the supplements -- walking faster, wrestling with the other dogs, less confusion at night when the lights go off. Yea, yea, yea.
(Atlanta, GA)
Thanks for your posts, Chloe and Dianna. They reminded me to update EC about turmeric and my dog Max's burst cyst. I have continued to add about an 8th of a teaspoon turmeric mixed in chicken broth to Max's breakfast kibble each morning since October. The cyst on his right paw was quite large and had burst a few months ago. As I mentioned, the turmeric started to heal the cyst within a few days. It took about 2 months, but the lump is now completely gone!!
I would have started Max on turmeric ages ago had I known how helpful it is with benign cysts (he has them all over his body). Many thanks again to Lisa for telling us about this great remedy.
(Palm Desert, Ca, Usa)
I have three dogs and I want to give them Turmeric but I need some idea of dose to weight. Thanks for your help.
(Eau Claire)
Can you please tell me what tumeric I can give my German shepherd? I have pills but they have a pepper added to them for absorption. Is that ok? My girl is almost 10 and her back legs just started failing her this week. Thanks so much.
(Pasadena, California)
Dear Kara, I was feeding my dogs powdered turmeric with a few grinds of black pepper and a splash of olive oil. It sounds like your dog will do fine with the capsule form but you can always buy turmeric powder at any grocery store in the spice section and mix it in with her food, along with black pepper and a little vegetable oil. I would soak it in her food along with plenty of water. One of my dogs only tolerated this for about a week and then started to throw up. I think the turmeric made him too acidic. If that's the case, you can do it a few days on, a few days off. Massage and acupuncture can help dogs tremendously with this issue as well. Good luck and many blessings.
(Mandan North Dakota)
Pepper should not be ingested by dogs. It irritates and inflames the digestive system. Best to use just tumeric, with virgin coconut oil for bio-availability, thou I'm not entirely sure what THAT means. LOL. I read blogs at ottawavalleydogwhisper and have found some invaluable info there. My Annie is like a child to me and I started her on low dose (1/2 tsp each) tumeric/coconut oil about 2 weeks ago for cysts on her legs and arthritis, and plan to increase it to recommended dosage for her weight. No changes yet, except that she will now allow me to feel them without trying to get away, and she is more mobile and not limping NEAR as much. I am struggling to keep up with her on our walks. Vet want to remove the lumps and not only can I, as a single mom, not afford it, it would be very tramatic for her to be away from me. She does not eat or play or interact with anyone when I am not home. What I HAVE noticed is that she pants a lot more. She is a mixed breed with layers and layers of black fur so she does get overheated easily, but we are in North Dakota-below zero temps. She is a bit overweight too. I think it may be the coconut oil as it boosts the metabolism. I will probably increase the tumeric to 1 tsp and leave the coconut oil at 1/2 tsp.
This dog is so smart, we can't even SPELL words anymore and she knows what it is. We now say 'walk' backwards (klaw) because if she hears the word, she will bug you until she gets her 'klaw'. Lol. wonder how long before she knows klaw and walk are the same.
Bio available refers to the fact the coconut oil is a medium chain triglyceride, that means it does not go through the whole digestive system, it immediately crosses the blood barrier and goes directly to the liver them systemically through the body, that is why coconut oil is important also for helping absorb nutrients as well as the tumeric. It is essential for any boy to have fats, I take 5 shot of coconout oil a day and my cats get 1 tsp twice a day, you may also want to check out food grade diatomaceous earth, it does a LOT removes parasites (YES WORMS even heart worms with no ill effect, it also absorbs toxins and like coconut oil crossed the blood barrier, it can be found and where but I use they have free info videos and a 99 page pdf on it, I also used it when I got food poisoning, it worked in 8 min.
I have read turmeric in capsule form is no good or worse still dangerous to dogs as the curcumin is too high, so best to use the powder and mix a little 1/4 tsp to start with olive oil and a little pepper corn from the grinder!
My cat has heartworms and want to start him on the turmeric...can I add coconut oil to his food too and if so how much..
(Sydney, Australia)
Juliette, yes you can add to food. Start with half teaspoon per day then eventually give 1 teaspoon per day.
Arthritis, Tumors
My dogs both have conditions that I felt would be helped by the addition of tumeric. After much research, this is what I settled on. One dog is 85 pounds, the other is 45. I'll include dosages so you can convert to your pet's weight. My larger dog (10 years old) has benign tumors, arthritis, and hip dysplasia. My younger one (8 years) has the beginnings of a fatty lump, and what is probably a sebaceous adenoma. Treatment began two days ago and I feel both dogs are beginning to improve. I will update as time goes by, and if I remember to I'll take photos.
Recipe: Tumeric "Golden Paste" (there are other recipes if you want to research.)
1 cup water, plus 1/2 cup organic tumeric, mix both together in saucepan on LOW heat, minimum 7 minutes. Do NOT boil or burn, so stir.
Add 1/3 cup organic coconut oil. Can substitute almost any healthy fatty oil available.
Add 2-3 tsp ground black pepper. I cook an additional everything together one minute, then let it cool. Keeps 2 weeks in fridge, few months in freezer.
Now, dosages. 40lb dog= 1/8 tsp, gradually increase to 1/4 tsp. 80lb dog=1/4 tsp increasing to 1/2 tsp. This is PER DOSE, not per day. I give twice daily. You can start your dog more gradually then this if you think there'll be issues. I feed with meals so it's easier on their stomachs.
FEEDING...depends on your dog. I've one that'll take a frozen 1/4 tsp 'blob' of paste and just eat it out of my hand. ;) My other one needs his mixed into something. Generally I grab some cottage cheese, or broth and mix it with his paste into his food to kinda hide the taste a bit. Use whatever your dog likes.
I've seen a definite improvement in arthritis, and am expecting it to also help the tumors. I'm debating adding blue kote and castor oil to the tumors, but I'm holding off on those for now. I'll update when I think of it. Good luck to all and blessings to your beloved pets. :)
Broad Benefits
Our golden retriever went to the vet recently to have a large hematoma (swelling of blood on ear flap) drained. We were told he might need to have it drained again and then could need surgery. The next morning the ear was beginning to swell again so I mixed roughly half a teaspoon of turmeric in his morning and evening feed. By the next morning the swelling was reduced and within the next couple of days disappeared completely. I'm a great fan of turmeric as I'm convinced it saved my other dog's eye. (See ruptured retina) I still give him a little turmeric every day and people comment on his wonderful glossy coat. He's now 14 and can walk and run with ease and shows no signs of arthritis like many dogs of his age.
(London, UK)
I have an 8 yr old border collie Labrador. He has one lump on his chest for about 1yr and now two smaller ones next to it. And have just found one on his side. Will Turmeric work to get rid of them? I have been giving a quarter teaspoon a day and also glucosamine cause he gets aches and pains. I only just started the Turmeric. He had the diahrea today.
(City Of Glasgow)
Plz look at the "Turmeric Users Group" on face book. Its a closed group but easy to join and there is LOADS of fantastic info and help on best way to use turmeric for animals and humans. I give the "Golden Paste", recipe on site, to my 8yr old boxer dog who had lumps like you describe. 3 weeks later no sign. His arthritis greatly improved. Back to being a happy bouncy boy again where as previously he could not walk upstairs. Hope this helps. Novice on computer or I would post links.
Broad Benefits
Turmeric (Ruptured retina): I gave my dog turmeric (1 teasp) mixed in with his food and some tasty gravy after the vet said he would have to have his eye removed. There has been a dramatic improvement and the vet is no longer talking about removing the eye. He still has drops from the vet but the turmeric seems to have reduced the inflammation. It also seems to have shrunk a large fatty lump on his chest. This was not a tumour, but unpleasant to touch and you can hardly feel it now.
Broad Benefits
Turmeric (Ruptured retina): I gave my dog turmeric (1 teasp) mixed in with his food and some tasty gravy after the vet said he would have to have his eye removed. There has been a dramatic improvement and the vet is no longer talking about removing the eye. He still has drops from the vet but the turmeric seems to have reduced the inflammation. It also seems to have shrunk a large fatty lump on his chest. This was not a tumour, but unpleasant to touch and you can hardly feel it now.
(Ny, Ny)
My little maltese is 16 and also has a large red mass on the side of the eye. The vet will not do anything for it, due to his eye. I have been searching everywhere for help for him. He weighs 8 pounds. I will begin giving him tumeric in his food today. I so hope this will work for him. I have also put some castor oil near the tumor, since I cannot put it on his eye. We are also switching to raw meat today. He naturally loves this.
(Fort Worth, Tx)
Cat Sarcoma
My 12-year-old cat has inoperable sarcomas on her back. This is the best everyday care routine I've discovered so far:
I wash the area using a spray bottle containing sterile saline (1/2 tsp salt boiled in 1 cup of water) and blot with kleenex, gently probing into the cracks where the foul leakage comes out. When the area is clean I spray with strong turmeric tea (boil water, turn off heat, add turmeric and a little black pepper, steep half an hour or so, filter out solids). I keep the spray bottles in the refrigerator. The tumors are hot so I think the cold spray is good. She is more energetic immediately after the treatment and the tumors are leaking less. To keep her from licking the part she can reach I loop an elastic bandage behind her front legs and tuck paper towels under it to cover her back. I tried castor oil poultices but her energy was down after the treatment and it gummed up her fur. The gummy texture made it hard to keep the area clean. What goes on the skin gets into the bloodstream and I'm not sure castor oil is mild enough. I don't worry about the turmeric. This routine is working well enough for maintenance. I am still trying to find the best way to actually shrink the tumors.
(San Francisco, CA)
Update: A paste of turmeric, manjistha powder (Rubia cordifolia root) and moong dal is working to break down the tumor. I am seeing gradual progress over repeated treatments and my cat is acting like she feels much better. I found this remedy at I have posted details on how I am using it under the pet cancer topic. The post will appear pending approval.
My 8 year old neutered cat Alex, cough badly especially after eating. He had UTI. I thought that was the cause. He sounded like he had the croup. He brought up his meal or any hair with bile. He lost weight, fluids. But still wanted to play and have his belly rubbed. I took him to the vet many times. The glands on his neck was swollen on his right side. When the doctor touched it, he went into a violent coughing fit. Bile and all. They gave him steroids, shots for the coughing, medications for the UTI, etc.. The UTI was gone, but Alex still coughed up bile. One day, he coughed and would pee on himself. I always preferred natural/organic healing with my animals and myself.
The vets bills were killing me and no results, I stopped the steroids and did with turmeric. Instantly he stopped coughing and kept his food down. I had him in a huge cage with a little box so I could watch him. When he did cough he stayed in the little box instead of the floor. He started to gain weight and now is on his way of making a full recovery.
(Sparta, Tenn)
How much tumeric do you give your cat? Sprinkle on the food?
I put 1/8 tsp. Turmeric in the ragdoll's food because he has a cyst in his ear. He refused to eat it all day and in the evening he threw up a very small amount of the food. Will have to try putting it in his poor ear. He now eats a raw diet, also. He is 15 years old and been on dry food most of his life, and grain free and wet food the past few years.
Could take 1 or more mos, look for decrease in size, down to a scab, may have many scabs before it's gone, bless,
I have a 14 year old beagel. Maki has a tumor as large as a football it has sprung several leaks and all I do is wash it with water and antibacterial soap and also Betadin which is an atiseptic. The vet has given her some antibiotics too. I cover the leaks with gauze and give her vitamin C and I am on my third bottle of nutravetplus but I have not seen any improvement in the size of the tumor.
When I took her about a week ago to the vet, they want to put her down-
She eats, her vitals are all normal, she pees and poops and walks around the house. The only thing is the huge tumor and the leaks. I have been reading everyones post regarding turmeric- so I told myself to give it a try "why not"-
I gave my dog just this morning a quarter of a teaspoon though she doesn't like it-
What would you suggest how I could give it to her so she will take it together with her food?
Is there anything else I would need to do to help the tumor come down or minimize the leaks.
I told myself, just as long as her spirits are high and she manages to walk to eat and pee, I will help her fight this-
I need your suggestions-
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Dee!
You can try hiding the turmeric in the middle of some soft food - cream cheese, quality brand of canned food come to mind.
Also consider applying the turmeric topically by making a paste out of it by adding a few drops of distilled water - enough to form a spreadable paste and coat the tumor with this paste. You could also use castor oil mixed with turmeric as a topically applied paste as well.
(Riverside Ca.)
You don't mention if your dog has cancer or not but this is my dog's tumor story.
Sandy (A Black mouth Cur) started out with a tiny red pimple on her front left foot and I thought nothing of it because it was so small. But it started to grow and eventually grew to about the size of a large gumball! Her tumor had the prettiest colors, pink, light pink, and white! It actually looked like a large beautiful gumball but it was still unsightly and would move around when she walked.
I began spraying her tumor with Dr. Naylor's Blu-Kote. this is an Antiseptic-protective wound dressing, and Germicaidal-Fungicidal spray. It sprays purple. I bought it at the local feed store.
Anyway I noticed after awhile that the tumor was shrinking. After a week or so it wasn't there anymore. Sandy was back to normal.
Blu-Kote is ok for Horses and Dogs but NOT FOR CATS.
(Hope Bc Canada)
Turmeric has an affinity to oils. In Asia, turmeric or haldi is usually cooked with oil and other spices. Just use a small container. It can be done in a fire proof dish.
I read about castor oil minimizing tumors. See Edgar Cayce. I would mix it with turmeric. I have always had dogs and this is what I do: the chief treatment is to give Essiac tea twice a day for several weeks/months. Before a tumour disappears it would look quite bad but that happens before it dies. It does expel/kill tumours even when advanced. Why not read up on it.
There are several herbs or methods. It needs to be googled. My latest discovery is the turpentine/kerosene healing treatment. A couple of drops internally twice a day and externally. Read Walter Last and "Kerosene experiences. Plus lots of love for your friend. Om
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Diane!
I have used Blu-Kote also; turns everything BLUE but its a nifty way to treat a large area with an antifungal.
The tumor on your dog's toe sounds like a histiocytoma - a benign tumor, but scary looking. They can resolve on their own, but some folks also like to remove them surgically as well to be sure.
So glad the Blu-kote helped in your dog's healing process!
Thank you for your suggestions- if I started to give my dog Essiac tea, how much should I give her? should the human tea be given or the one for pets?
2 days ago she developed a bloody diarrhea. I think but not positive since she tears off the gauze that has turmeric and castor oil she could have licked the castor oil thus resulting to her bloody diarrhea. - She is still alert and is drinking lots of water but has been very picky with her food.
I feel I am running out of options- I read about the pumpkin puree which I will go and try that for the diarrhea-
I will continue with the turmeric paste but will start using it with distilled water since the castor oil she licks-
I shall get back to give some progress report regarding her-
Thank you again!
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Dee!
Can you have your dog wear an Elizabethan collar/"lamp shade" so she cannot remove her bandages and lick off the castor oil? IMHO the castor oil is a critical component.
Also consider this contributor's input:
"[YEA] 03/07/2009: Kathie from Mesa, AZ: "Cancer and Essiac Tea and FOCC (Flaxseed Oil and Cottage Cheese):
My boxer pit bull mix was diagnosed with osteosarcoma of his right shoulder last September. This is extremely metastastic and spreads to the lungs quickly, and in 95% of the cases, by the time of diagnosis it is already in the lungs. I initially did not amputate because he was 12-1/2 years and the vet said the prognosis was so poor. I immediately started him on 1 cup total a day of essiac tea (made by Resperin company, as research on internet said you should buy from the original company) and 1 cup total of cottage cheese a day mixed with 4 - 6 tbsp of fresh cold flaxseed oil a day, divided in 2 doses. He was still alive 5 months later which is almost impossible, but the bone tumor did not disappear and was causing him pain. I decided to amputate but docs wanted x-rays first to see if his lungs were full of cancer. There was NONE. He is a 3 legged, cancer free 13 year old happy dog today. The vets can't even explain it, and will not acknowledge it had anything to do with holistic treatments, only to say it is a fluke that it did not spread. They said he will at this point die of some other old age related dog disorder. :)"
Read more experiences on cancer and essiac on EC:
I don't see a need for a separate pet tea - human should work just the same, but others may have a different opinion.
The bloody diarrhea is a new concern - keep your eye on it. Bright red blood means that the bleeding originates from the end of the GI tract - so near the anus; black, tarry looking stools indicate the bleeding is much higher up in the intestinal tract. This time of year - the wet, the snow, the thawing and refreezing - always seems to bring protazoal bugs out, ie any of the myriad strains of giardia that immune compromised seniors and new puppies seem particularly susceptible to. Pumpkin can help firm up stools and has antiparasitic properties, as does tuna. You also might consider Rescue Remedy - to start. If this were my dog I would try tempting her to eat a tablespoon or two of canned tuna and in that tuna have mixed:
2 raw baby carrots [avoid Bunny Luv Brand] grated and shredded
1 table spoon sunflower seeds [raw or cooked]
1 teaspoon C&H Brown sugar
Get the 3 ingredients of a consistency and texture so they integrate well into the tuna. If she takes the tuna, monitor the results. Either you will see her noticably perk up - which for me would indicate giardia is the culprit, or she won't - which means its probably not giardia giving her the tummy upset. If she perks up and the appetite improves, continue with the tuna [can also hide the turmeric in the tuna] - *up to 1 can* 2x day for 2 days. Make up the carrot/sunflower/brown sugar for each meal so its fresh each feeding. If she seems like her old self again after 2 days on loaded tuna, you can then switch back to her old diet and include the carrot/sunflower/brown sugar in the old diet for a total of 8 days. Again, keep an eye on it; if this were my dog and I saw the bloody stools for 3 days and no appearance of stopping or improvement I would see my vet.
A picky eater may be picky because its time... or because their tummy hurts [due to parasite bugs or whatever]. At the very least, for a dog who doesn't want to take one bite - you might consider dosing Rescue Remedy and then waiting to allow it to work without conflict, and then brewing the essiac tea and adding some honey [1 teaspoon into a cup of brewed tea] and using a syringe to get the tea down. Tilt her nose to the ceiling, pull the corner of her mouth out to form a pouch, and insert the syringe and slowly depress to let the liquid seep in; you should see her start to swallow. If you depress too fast the liquid will gush out and possibly enter her lungs and cause choking, so easy does it with the syringe.
And as for that 'running out of options' feeling, we've all been there and I feel for you; you are a good dog mom for nursing your girl so carefully. Do consider taking the Rescue Remedy for yourself. And use it on your girl often if you feel she is on a permanent downward spiral.
Please do report back on her progress!
Hi Theresa,
I got my beagle to eat 2 spoonfuls of pumpkin (Libby's)- I actually had to spoon feed her. She ate it and liked it and soon after a few moments she felt a bit energized.
Three hours later, I tried giving her the Tuna with baby carrots and she did not like it. She would cover her face with her paws. I thought of giving her 2 more spoonfuls of the Pumpkin Puree but after a few minutes she threw it up-
At the moment, I am puzzled what to feed her- I give her water and she keeps on drinking lots of it-
I bought the Essaic tea by Nurse R. Caisse- I couldn't get what you recommended quickly as possible- I will start this tomorrow with her. Tomorrow, I shall try giving her some cottage cheese or Yogurt with honey and I shall see that that goes- If you have any other recommendations as to what else I could feed her that would be great-
I thought of baby food like the sweet potatoes, the carrots and beans- but I wasn't sure if any would be okay for her stomach. I am open to suggestions- I am not sure if I am feeding her too much too often? Though the first time I gave her the pumpkin puree, that stayed and she didn't throw the up-
I cannot thank you enough for your help and suggestions- I continue to hope for the best for her each day- talk to you soon-
Thank you Dana- I stopped for 3 days using castor oil because she had diarrhea and I could only think it was because she would pull out the gauze and start to eat it.
Today I started using castor oil again with Tumeric- I would make a paste out of Tumeric and castor oil and put it on the tumor leaks or on the wounds. The bleeding has stopped- Thank you and again any suggestions will be great-
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Dee!
What overall shape is Maki in? Is she on the portly side, or is she thin as a rail? She was doing pretty good when you first posted - but now has developed bloody diarrhea - has that resolved? Does she move stiffly with aches and pains, or is she moving easily?
My inclination would be to not force feed in any way a dog that was in good weight or carrying fat that had a normal appetite but now is a picky and fussy eater. I've seen dogs in renal failure "tricked" into eating with anti-nausea drugs only to see the meal fed for breakfast come back up a day or more later; if the food cannot be digested, no amount of drugs to keep the food down will make the food get digested. So, if Maki is in good weight and otherwise feeling OK, I would not push the solid food. If she is getting thin, I would offer her the pumpkin as you are doing - 2 spoons full am and pm, and in addition I would try to get down honey water/electrolyte water with turmeric mixed in. For sure if she still has diarrhea make sure she is getting electrolyte water to keep her hydrated.
And not sure how you are applying the castor oil/turmeric paste on the tumor itself, but consider slathering the paste over the entire "football" and then have Maki wear a customized T-shirt to keep her from licking it off and keeping the paste from getting all over the house.
I rescued a 2 year old (roughly) Boxer on September 26th, 2009 and named him Clyde. He is the absolute best dog I have ever owned! Shortly after I adopted him, though, I noticed that he had a lump on his face beside his right eye. It took me a few weeks to spot it because of his wrinkly boxer face. It didn't seem to bother him at all so I decided to keep an eye on it for a while. About a month ago I took him to the vet to have the lump looked at because it seemed to be growing (about the size of a grape at its largest).
They performed a "fine needle aspirate" to determine what it consisted of and they concluded that it was a "probable keratin filled subaceous cyst". (The test alone cost $250!) They said that it would eventually have to be surgically removed. I was pretty freaked out because I am getting married in May and cannot afford to fork out the amount of money that would be required to operate on him.
I was looking into the problem online and stumbled onto Earth Clinic where I read about using Turmeric as a cyst remedy. I ran to the market and picked up a jar of Turmeric powder and began sprinkling 1/2 tsp of it into his food morning and night (totaling 1 tsp per day). His first dose was on Wed (3/10/10).
On the following Mon night (3/15/10 (tonight)) I came home and found the cyst draining a brownish, reddish goo! Once I began treating him with the Turmeric the lump seemed to grow. I was beginning to wonder if it was going to work but I think it only appeared larger because it was bringing the material to the surface to drain.
The lump is not gone just yet but it is rapidly venting its contents and I am sure it will be gone in no time! (I'll post another comment if I'm wrong).
I am ecstatic with the knowledge that I don't have to spend a gazillion dollars and put by my buddy through surgery!
I don't usually write reviews and I am super skeptical when it comes to alternative medicine but this is no joke! EC saved me big money so I figured it was worth sitting down for a few minutes to share my experience. Turmeric rules and I plan to go tell it on the mountains!
Thanks EC!
(Salisbury, Usa)
Doug from Belflower, Ca. Haha so cute your comment was. I'm happy to see your concerned about your dog/best friend and took the time and compassion to find a treatment. Good luck.
I been giving my 11 year old golden retriever "Hoss" 2 tsp of Turmeric a day for 7 days in his food for a cycts/tumor he has on the top of his neck the size of 1/2 golf ball, with no results yet, only a foul smell he didn't have before, I will post if any change.
(Pasadena, Ca)
I think 2 teaspoons is far too much for a dog that size. No wonder she smells. You don't need so much turmeric to obtain results. Try no more than 1 teaspoon a day.
(Mpls, Mn)
2 teaspoons a day of turmeric spice is what everyone on here said to give him, its been over 10 days no change.
(Mpls, Mn)
First off my Golden Retriever is a "He" and about a 100 lbs not fat just big most Goldens are big dogs i give him 1 teaspoon 2 times a day going by what most fokes say on this site, but his cyst/tumor has not gotten any smaller even with 2 teaspoons a day so its not working like every one is saying, maybe they are Turmeric sales reps?
EC: Not if they are writing about turmeric powder, which only costs a few bucks at an Indian grocer. The posts promoting turmeric capsules are the ones to watch out for! We had a bunch of fake turmeric posts on the boils page about a year ago. It was the company that sells turmeric capsules at the big box store (W-----t) that was sending in bogus testimonials, week after week.
(Fayetteville, Ga)
Our Lab, Beau, was diagnosed with a squamious cell carcinoma in the roof of his mouth approximately 18 months ago. We struggled mightily with whether we should go the surgery, chemo, radiation route or just try to make his life more comfortable and happy. The surgery, chemo and radiation would not cure, and could only give him approximately 6 additional months. I purchased a book on Natural Healing for Cats and Dogs and immediately changed Beau's diet to a high protein, low carb diet. Also added Turmeric. Began with 1/2 teaspoon in his food for several days or week; then added 1/2 teaspoonfuls gradually until he rached 2 teaspoonfuls per day. Beau is a big boy; always has been. We've had him from birth.
I also started him on 1 teaspoon of the maple syrup cooked with baking soda every day. Ask your vet though, if this is OK. All I know is that Beau stopped bleeding from his mouth the day after his first dose of "syrup and soda".
Al, Beau exhibited a foul smell in his mouth and the vets never told us that sometimes parts of the tumor tissue will die and become smelly. Our new holistic vet practices Chinese and Western medicine and gave Beau Clindamycin because of the foul smell. After ONE dose, there was NO smell!!! Honest!!! She also performed acupuncture on him and he was so relaxed. I don't know how it works, just that it does. Good luck to you all, and may God bless you and our beloved pets. If anyone wants to get in touch with us, our E-mail address is [email protected].
Also, don't forget that God loves his animals, too. We ask His blessings on Beau's food, that it will nourish his body, strengthen his immune system and destroy the cancer that is within him. We also know that Beau belongs to God and that he is on loan to us to take care of. I thank Him every day when I look into that beautiful, loving face. What a gift.
Best Wishes,
PS: Don't forget the sardines for the dogs!!!
(Oak View, Ca, Usa)
My weimeraner was dignosed with bone cancer-doc gave her 2 months. I started giving her a homemade hi protein, lo carb diet and she's still with me 16 months later. She has tons of fatty tumors, so I'm starting her on turmeric tonight, will post back in a week or so to tell what is happening.
(Muscle Shoals, Al)
This sounds very similar to one of our furbabies issues. Your entry was years ago, but if you happen to see this, I am very interested in the results. I have already started her on the turmeric, but it is still early.
Thanks all for the information. I just wanted to mention something after reading all these comments..just be careful about how much Turmeric you give to your pets. I use this spice on myself because it helps with depression. I've read in many articles that Turmeric is a spice/supplements you can take every single day of your life. HOWEVER, if you're prone to developing kidney stones, like I am, you'll want to be very cautious. Unfortunately for me..I have to take lower doses and take some "days off" in order to keep my kidney stones at bay. I wanted to mention this in case your pets suffer from stones and too much of this spice might contribute to the issue. Otherwise, it's an amazing anti inflammatory and mood stabilizer.
Ellie...about your kidney stones... Pumpkin seeds dissolve them ... Also, zarzaparilla with arnica and some is high dilution for sediment and it!
Turmeric for cyst on my dog
I found a growth on my 7 year old golden retriever's neck. His name is Zeus, great dog. I couldn't afford a vet and didn't know if it was cancerous or not, it was growing and then it seemed to be getting irritated, even some blood or crust on it, it looked scary and I was upset. It got to be about 3/4 of an inch. So I prayed for a cure and was researching natural cures because quite frankly I believe nature heals and truly cures better than modern medicine much of the time anyway, not that I'm anti-doctor because I'm not, just wish they'd get themselves familiarized with what foods/herbs can help too, instead of only pills and surgeries. SO ... I've been giving him about a teaspoon sprinkled in with his food twice a day, morning and night. I mix with a little water so it mixes in well, sortof an indian dog food gravy if you will LOL. The good thing is, he seems to LIKE it! So I don't have to force feed it to him. I've been doing this since 07/27/09, it's now 08/04/09, so about a week, and mind you the first day or two I gave him less to be cautious in case it didn't agree with him. He has had no issues, and this dog has a sensitive stomach so that's good. Well, last night I check and it's shrunk to less than half the size, now it's slightly smaller than the size of a pea and no crusts, it is smooth and no longer looks swelling and dangerous and scary. It looks like it's just shrinking and healing away. This in a week! I'm continuing until it's gone and then will continue using a smaller quantity, maybe one half teaspoon twice a day as a preventative measure. This is just awesome. I got my turmeric in a big bag from an Indian spice store by the way, it's pretty fresh but I'll bet any will do.
It's good for people too! I think I'll start taking a little every day, too! Good luck! And I'll try to post later with follow up to let you know our results.
(Nj, Usa)
Hi, I wrote August 4th about my golden retriever Zeus' progress with a cyst, treating him with turmeric (a small teaspoon mixed with food, 2 x per day) and said I'd come post again to update on results for others to see. As noted previously I began treating him 7/27/09, by 08/04/09 I saw the growth (which had not improved for months and had been growing) had shrunk very substantially. It is now 08/18/09 and it has shrunk still further, it is less than half the size of a pencil eraser. For it to go from 3/4 of an inch to just a couple of millimeters in 3 weeks is very encouraging. I will try to remember to post again in future with results.
(Seattle, Wa, Usa)
I have read that max daily dosage of Tumeric for humans is 1 tsp. and should be taken with black pepper to aid absorption, or with milk (fat soluable). Remember that Tumeric is a blood thinner so taking too much isn't recommended. So keep this in mind as most pets are substantially smaller than humans. Also, you can apply Tumeric topically onto tumors, then place bandage. For this, you can mix the Tumeric with honey (to make a paste) and place it over the tumor, then top with a bandage to protect clothing or bedding from staining.
(Los Angeles)
Just wanted to chime in so that maybe my regimen with my dog could help others.. My 45 lb. pit mix had a large cyst on her head that got infected and she then developed cellulitis and moderate swelling. I started her on a regimen of standardized turmeric (from a powdered supplement in gelatin capsule) mixed with her food (1 capsule 3x/day). Along with this, I put about 1.5 tsp/a capful of purified silver (I used Designs for Health's liquid Silvercillin- can find on Amazon) in her food 4x/day.
There is a veterinary version of silver that you can find on Amazon as well, but it seems to be more or less the same stuff, and I had this one in my cupboard anyway.
These two together have been a miracle for her. I was so afraid I would have to take her to the vet and $600 later she would have a cone around her neck and many stitches on her head.
It has been about 2 weeks since I started doing this and the cellulitis and swelling is completely gone, the cyst has closed up and is no longer weeping, and it is about half the size it was. It is scabbed over and healing nicely. I now have her on 1/4 tsp of turmeric 2x/day and 1.5 tsp/a capful of silver 2x/day, and will most likely continue this until the cyst is completely gone. I have also been putting Vetericyn gel (also find on Amazon) on her cyst a few times a day, but that's just to keep it clean. When I tried doing JUST that before, it didn't seem to stop it from growing.
Careful as turmeric stains everything, so there are spots on my rug and some clothes that are just never going to be what they were... but it was all worth it!
I hope this can help someone else whose dog is in need =D
I just read your feedbacks about cyst's & turmeric for pets. Is a cyst the same as fat tumors? I have a 7 1/2 yr old Golden Retrievor with oddles of fat tumors. Do you think the 1 tsp. of turmeric will work for fat tumors too? Has anyone used it for this?
(Full Time Traveler, Usa)
I used turmeric on my English Springer for his fatty tumors. After about a week the biggest one ( size of a golf ball) popped, totally gross. Had to keep the opening clean but now healed. Two on back legs popped a week later. He still has one on his neck but that one is slowly shrinking. This stuff works. I give him 1 teaspoon mixed in with 1 Tbsp virgin coconut oil. He loves it and looks forward to his midmorning treat. Good luck!
(Norwalk, Ct)
I just started my dog Murphy on Turmeric I use capsules that I open so I am not sure how much I give him (one capsule)I never thought of going to spice shop to get the spice but that is a great idea. He is 15 and has a lot of fatty tumors and arthritis. Other then that he is in great health and is very active. I wish I knew about this treatment when I noticed the first fatty tumor! Any other suggestions to treat arthritis naturally? I also do give him glucosamine with his food and feed him a natural diet that I cook up for him (which of course he LOVES). My dog is about 70lbs and is a mix (adopted from the ASPCA in NYC). I would love to keep him pain free for the rest of his years if possible :)
(Norwood, Ontario, Canada)
My dog is 12 and has a few fatty cysts so I am starting her on turmeric and just wondering if they burst or pop what should you do about that? I hope this works for her, as I love her so much.
(Salisbury, Ma. Usa)
To: Meeganzo from Norwalk, Ct.
I give my pets a probiotic in case if there should be any infections also to help keep their systems clean and active. There is Acidophilus and L-Lysine 500. it's essential for maintenance of nitrogen balance; also helps with providing nutritional support for the body's natural defenses.
Here is a website to help inform you better.
Good luck, and keep up the good work.
(Surprise, Az)
I have a 12-year old female Beagle who has had one cyst on her leg for a 1-1/2 but started growing other cysts/tumors on the same side but in the back lower hip/stomach area. I took her to the vet and could only afford the vet to aspirate and send in a sample to the lab to test for cancer. A week later one of the cyst/tumor filled back up again the size of a grapefruit. I was sick - didn't know what to do. To remove these was going to cost an additional $1200 and the vet could not guarantee the removal of the "problem" tumor which he felt was a mast-cell tumor.
Came onto and read everyone's suggestions on turmeric. Thought I would give it a try. 1-1/2 months later the large cyst reached a head and either it burst or my dog bit into it. All I know is that it was a mess. After I cleaned it and her up there was a hole 2" wide. Morning and evening I cleaned the wound with neosporin and colorless iodine and bandaged it until it was time to let it heal unbandaged. Went to the feed store and bought antibiotics and gave it to her twice a day until it was gone. She also had to wear a cone on her neck so she would leave the wound alone. It took 4 weeks to heal completely and so far the cyst/tumor has not filled back up again. Still giving her turmeric.
The only thing I have just noticed is red blood when she urinates and when I have checked her with a cloth. I give her the turmeric; milk thistle; prednisone and chlor-tabs for her allergies. What could be causing the fresh blood when she urinates? Any suggestions?
(Winnipeg, Mb. Canada)
Your dog has an infection if there is blood in the urine.
Turmeric is great for may things. Lucifer gets one capsule every day. It protects his liver, pancreas, and other organs as well. Have you heard of Chaga?
Chaga is a Mushroom that grows on Birch trees. If you can get some already made Chaga liquid, give your dog anywhere from 1/2 a teaspoon to a full teaspoon of Chaga Mushroom 3 times a day. Chaga Mushroom is great for many things as well.
A herbalist once said, "I would rather have one herb that is good for 30 different things, than to have 30 herbs that are good for only one thing". I agree.
Turmeric is Queen of Herbs, Chaga is King.