I have a 12-year old female Beagle who has had one cyst on her leg for a 1-1/2 but started growing other cysts/tumors on the same side but in the back lower hip/stomach area. I took her to the vet and could only afford the vet to aspirate and send in a sample to the lab to test for cancer. A week later one of the cyst/tumor filled back up again the size of a grapefruit. I was sick - didn't know what to do. To remove these was going to cost an additional $1200 and the vet could not guarantee the removal of the "problem" tumor which he felt was a mast-cell tumor.
Came onto earthclinic.com and read everyone's suggestions on turmeric. Thought I would give it a try. 1-1/2 months later the large cyst reached a head and either it burst or my dog bit into it. All I know is that it was a mess. After I cleaned it and her up there was a hole 2" wide. Morning and evening I cleaned the wound with neosporin and colorless iodine and bandaged it until it was time to let it heal unbandaged. Went to the feed store and bought antibiotics and gave it to her twice a day until it was gone. She also had to wear a cone on her neck so she would leave the wound alone. It took 4 weeks to heal completely and so far the cyst/tumor has not filled back up again. Still giving her turmeric.
The only thing I have just noticed is red blood when she urinates and when I have checked her with a cloth. I give her the turmeric; milk thistle; prednisone and chlor-tabs for her allergies. What could be causing the fresh blood when she urinates? Any suggestions?