Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Pet Tumors: A Guide

Vaccinations and Tumor Link
Posted by Pete (Ontario, Canada ) on 02/24/2016


I spent a few hours reading all these posts on the Pet Tumor page and no one mentioned the cause of these tumours, growths lumps. I hope people read all the way to my post. STOP GETTING YOUR PETS VACCINATED! These "shots" are what is causing the ailments in your pets. I have researched this for over a year. Research what is in these vaccines, toxic poisons like phenol, anti freeze, mercury, polysorbate 80, live and dead tissues from aborted babies as well as dogs & monkeys etc...

Many of you out there don't even realize that these lumps develop right in the same spot or close to where your animals received their shots! Look up Dr Andrew Molden MD on YouTube. He tried to warn everyone about ALL vaccines causing harm, in people and in PETS. A few years ago this brave man was killed by the powers that be to "silence" him. It is up to us to spread the word. We have the right to say NO to any vaccines given to us or our pets. Dr's and vets were trained by these pharmaceutical companies. Also the government's pass laws so we the people can NOT sue, so what incentive is there for these pharmaceutical companies to spend millions if not billions on research to see if they are actually safe? None!

Also look up testimonials on vaccine damage to people and hear their stories on how they or their children were perfectly healthy until they received a shot. It almost makes one physically ill to be honest. So next time you are coerced by your vet to get your pet vaccinated say No thank you. Our two dogs will never get injured by a needle ever again.

You see I am the owner of a vaccine damaged dog. She is 12 and had shots years ago but now she is covered in lumps and bumps one of them even popped on her neck. I came here for knowledge on how to try and heal my dog. I'm hoping my post here will open some eyes and save many people the heart ache of having to deal with a vaccine damaged loved one. YHWH (God) bless, Peace & good health to all. Amein.