Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Pet Tumors: A Guide

Posted by Carol (Texas ) on 06/07/2019

I was a little skeptical about using turmeric at first. I was rubbing my cats belly and noticed a cyst the size of an egg -it felt like it was attached to the sternum - and did not move around-and it was not hard or soft. I checked those things as I have had cysts on cats before and these are all the things vets check.

Any of my pets that had cysts removed in the past did not recover- even when they were diagnosed as benign. So there was no way I would have this removed and no way I would put my baby through chemo or radiation (if it were cancer).

So I researched and found an article on Earth Clinic for turmeric- and read the reviews as well. My baby didn't have anything to lose (except a cyst)...so we had to give it a try. I researched the best turmeric brands as well. One reviewer had mentioned Thorne research group products, and I actually had that on hand. I had bought it for another cat that had ruptured 2 discs in his back for the inflammation.....it had worked great! Now I would try it for this cyst. It is in capsule form and is a special formula so that it is well absorbed by your pet.

After only 4 days the cyst shrank from the size of an egg to size of a marble, and now it felt mobile under the skin. It has now been 12 days (at one capsule daily) and it appears to be COMPLETELY GONE . I will dose him for another 3 days to make sure ... my cat did not seem to have any side effects at all- I pilled him and It has been a stress free experience for us all.

Thanks to “Earth Clinic “for the wonderful article!!!

Posted by Deanne (South Australia) on 07/13/2016

Editor's Choice I have been giving my dog who has mast cell tumor.. ( already removed surgically & returned with a vengeance just weeks later) TURMERIC .. along with a cancer diet and many other herbs and supplements .. I have been using turmeric powder and also curcumin capsules ( concentrated turmeric extract) twice a day .. she was given 8 weeks to live and the vet said he could only make her comfortable.. that was 4 weeks ago and she was in poor state.. barely moving barely eating... she is now looking normal.

I know I am not out of the woods yet BUT..she has put on weight is eating like a horse and back to her usual self. I also have been using castor oil topically on the tumor and it has just started to open up and weep and bleed .. so using colloidal silver to prevent infection and continue with the oil and see what happens.. but she is happy and shows no sign of pain...so Turmeric has helped her tremendously.

Posted by Deanne (South Australia) on 07/07/2016

I give my ( cat sized) dog turmeric.. she wouldn't eat it if I mixed with food ... so I bought empty capsules and fill the small part with turmeric powder plug the end with steak I minced in the blender and rolled a tiny ( small as possible) ball of meat with the half capsule inside . If I make the meat balls small she gulps them down capsule and all -IF I make them bigger she has to chew and she discovers the capsule and spits it out .. so keep them small .. even if you have to do it twice to get the dose into her. I do this for all the supplements she is on for cancer .. so far tumor shrinking and she is doing well .. vet said she was dying but she's looking good in the last 2 weeks.

Posted by Linda C. (Telkwa, Bc) on 03/13/2016

Hi, so happy to read these success stories. I have one too. Doubted myself before now. My Rottie/shep/border collie cross had a horrible growth right at the tear duct on his eye and it was growing. I read about the castor oil and aloe combo to shrink tumours. But around the eye, I was terrified to do anything. Got brave and dabbed just a tiny bit plus started giving him tsp or so of turmeric with olive oil to eat. They like the taste of turmeric. The tumour shrunk to almost nothing. I have also noticed that my dog's tumour grows when he eats any food with wheat in it-so I read the labels on dog treats, only choosing ones made with rice. Makes a big difference.

Posted by Johnnaswiger (North Carolina) on 11/09/2015

I have an older white lab that developed a tumor beside his genital area and he kept it inflamed by licking it. I started him on 1 teaspoon per feeding, twice a day, of turmeric on his food. He did not reject it at all, and the tumor has now shrunk and he no longer pays attention to it. It's not totally gone but it's definitely shrunk and no longer inflamed. Turmeric works. I did not add molasses.

Posted by Donna (New York, US) on 11/09/2014

Hi my shepherd mix had a fatty tumor on her front leg. It grew quite large and then the skin started to split. I took her to the Vet and he said it would take 3 surgeries and about $2600 to remove but suggested I go home and research some remedies to get it to shrink. I found this site and began applying a turmeric paste to it and then gave her 2 times a day a teaspoon of turmeric and a teaspoon of black strap molasses in some wet food. In about 3 weeks the tumor started to oooze. It was in the evening so I just wrapped it up and let it drain. I brought her to the Vet. After examining it he said it had shrunk considerable and now was only one surgery and less than half the cost. He had me take her home and let it continue to drain. The next day she had her surgery and she is as good as new! It was amazing, I didn't think it was working but it did and it took awhile and yes it was gross when it was draining but certainly worth it.

Posted by Kaz (Townsville, Queensland, Australia) on 07/12/2013

I would like to thank all the writers here for your advice on reducing fatty tissue tumours in dogs. I started treatment on my 13 yrs old dog two and half weeks ago. I put turmeric in his food every time he ate and rubbed the tumour with castor/tumeric combination. The "size of a golfball" type tumour ruptured after enlarging and shrinking last week. I have been treating with anti-biotic and the castor oil/turmeric pack and wrapping it (i sit with dog for an hour each time because as soon as my back is turned, the bandage is off and he is licking it). The size of the tumour has decreased by 70% at least and seems to be regenerating skin and closing slowly. It looked really nasty but I cleaned it 3-4 times a day and applied anti-biotics. I am happy with what has happened so far and am very thankful for the advice as a I am a pensioner and vets, etc are just too expensive. My biggest problem is keeping him from taking the bandage off. He looks happier and is moving around better. My fingers are crossed that it will be nearly all gone and healed within a few more weeks.

Posted by Carole (Palermo, Me, Usa) on 08/10/2011

At the end of May, I discovered a small lump on my dogs neck just below the ear. I watched it and in July she was scratching it and it had grown quite a bit. I took her to the Vet and they wanted to remove it and biopsy it to the tune of $600. And they couldn't give me any idea of what it was. I decided to try the turmeric and started giving her 1/4 tsp 2 times a day in her food on July 20th.. She weighs 48 lbs. On Aug 5th it developed a dark hard scab which fell off by itself on Aug 8th. Now the lump is going down and I'm hoping it will be totally gone soon.. I will update on it soon.

Posted by Lisa (Vancouver, Wa) on 06/26/2011

Hi Dogs that are fixed & 6 years old just get fat cysts or tumors, whatever U want to call them. Sometimes they pop up over nite. So Ur NOT necessarily doing anything wrong--Its just part of nature.

My ShihTzu had a fat cyst the size of a pea above his ear... it looked gross.

This sounds mean, but IT DID NOT HURT MY DOG.. OTHERWISE HE WOULD'VE YELPED & MOVED HIS HEAD AWAY FAST... He let's me know immediately if he's ever unhappy... He's Not shy... Anyway, I stuck a sewing pin in the cyst... To see if maybe it was sebacious... I then squeezed it... nothing came out, so I assumed it was a solid fat mass.

I put a Curcumin (Tumeric Root) capsule I got at the health food store in a pill pocket. He ate it & ate the 1 for his sister--she refused to eat it. I smelt the capsule & couldn't smell anything, but U know how sensitive dogs noses are.

Then 2 weeks later I gave him another...

1 week later I noticed a crust on the (cyst) bump, so I scraped it off with my finger nail & smelt it... Really Grose Smelling! I then squeezed the cyst from the base--VERY IMPORTANT.. I KNOW A MAN WHO LET THE BARBER SQUEEZE A ZIT ON HIS FOREHEAD... BUT HE DIDN'T GET ALL THE SEBUM OUT... SOME WENT BACK IN THE BLOOD STREAM & HE DIED OF AN ANURISM... SO HAVE UR VET DO THIS IF U THINK SOMETHING BAD MIGHT HAPPEN..

Anyway, it may have gotten slightly bigger after I started giving him the curcumin, but nothing really noticable & there was no oozing & grose open wound like the others said... When I squeezed it... 4... What looked like flat empty sebacious cysts came out... They stunk... There was about 1/4 of the bump/cyst left & no more would come out & he didn't want me to touch it anymore... He was Not in pain, but he was just getting annoyed with me messing with it, so I left it alone... The stretched skin eventually went back to normal & the cyst was totally gone in 2 weeks. Its been 1 month & I'm sure its not coming back.

This is a way more natural & cheaper solution... Than spending $400 like my friend just did to get a sebacious cyst cut off her cocker spaniel's back. From what I read here... they also come back after an operation, whereas, with the Tumeric/Curcumin they don't.

Thanks U Jesus for the Natural Cure! Thanks EarthClinic 4 Being here--Love this web-site!

Posted by Summatra (Reston, Va) on 06/08/2010

My 13 y old dog, Jamie has had fatty tumors for several years, now. When he was eleven, the vet removed one at the "elbow" joint of his front leg but it has since grown back. He was dealing with it though, and the vet recommended doing nothing to the re-grown tumor, due to his advanced age and declining health.

Then about 6 weeks ago I noticed a different large, red, golf-ball growth in the same area. This was in addition to the re-grown tumor. The new growth looked like a water balloon.

That's when I started surfing the net looking for options. One night, I spent several hours reading about herbal medicine, and TCM/TCVM vs Western philosophies about cancer and tumors ... interesting stuff, but I just wanted to help my dog.

Also, as an aside, I noticed that Jamie's breath smelled a lot worse than usual ... (sort of sour.) He was in bad shape, and I was in the middle of a move.

There are "vets" out there selling their special blend of herbs and medicines ... but I wanted to "know" what I was giving my dog. So I was looking for something I could get from any herbal supply store.

Affter reading information here and elsewhere, I decided to try curcumin (which is a turmeric extract) It cost about $10/ bottle, over the internet and comes in capsule form. I take 1 capsule apart and sprinkle it over his food (I feed him twice a day).

After 3-4 days the big red tumor burst IT SMELLED AWFUL (sour like his breath) and it continued to leak for about a week. At first, the liquid that came out of the tumor was clear,and greasy. Later there was pus, but there was less and less each day.

By this time, we had moved, and Jamie was still moping around ... and I honestly did not know if he was in pain, or depressed about the move, or what. I decided to keep giving him 2 curcumin capsules a day (since it seemed to make the tumor go away), 1 with each meal, and I also cleaned the wound area with hydrogen peroxide, and kept the wound covered. Jamie did seem to be getting better, but I did not know if it was wishful thinking on my part ... so I took him to the vet a week later.

The vet said that the tumor had ulcerated, which was not good, and he had lots of tumors... but he did not recommend putting him down at this time. He said that this is just what happens to old dogs. He cleaned and shaved the area around the tumor, prescribed an antibiotic, wrapped the wound and sent us home (and charged $250).

It has been a month now, and Jamie has continued to improve. The (red)tumor has "dried up, there is no pus. He still limps a little (but he limped before). Also, the regrown tumor has shrunk ... he still has other tumors, though. I do not know if this is a "cure" ... but I do think that it has bought us some time.

I wanted to share this because I remember how frantic I was 6 weeks, when I was looking for information that could help.


Posted by Diane (Jacksonville, FL) on 11/16/2007

Feeling it was worth a try... i gave 1 capsule every other day with one tablespoon of peanut butter to my Lhasa Apso. She had a lump that the vet wanted $200. to biopsy. Within one week, the lump came to the surface and drained. It was sooo gross and smelly. But it is gone! I will continue to watch her and report any post symptoms. This is pretty incredible!