Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Pet Tumors: A Guide

Seabuckthorn Oil
Posted by Beanie (Ca) on 04/26/2017

I don't know about rubbing it on the tumor. The postings did not say that. You may want to re-read the posts. You should give it by mouth. My dog licked it from the bowl but you can add it to yogurt or something else. My dog was about 20 pounds and I gave her a whole dropper full daily for three to four weeks when I noticed that the tumor had pretty much disappeared. Make sure to get the 'berry' oil not the 'seed' oil. While the seed oil might work, I had results from the berry oil. Good luck.

Seabuckthorn Oil
Posted by Beanie (Ca) on 12/14/2015

I am so happy the seabuckthorn helped Boppo :) I know how much Joy our pets give us and I know this supplement lengthened my little Daisy's life by a few years. I lost her in 2014 at 15 years old to cancer. She still lives in my heart and I still love her so. Good luck to all and God bless you

Seabuckthorn Oil
Posted by Jss (London, England) on 03/08/2015

Seabuckthornberry berry oil is for human consumption and as my dog has had no adverse reactions to it I would assume it's safe for all dogs. As I truly believed I'd be saying goodbye to Boppo within weeks and I was clutching at straws I went for a high dose, a whole dropper a day. When the tumour had shrunk to virtually nothing I decreased the dose to half a dropper a day and I'm giving him that still. Seabuckthorn berry is easily available in oil form and capsules. I bought the oil from the largest online retailer and it's made in the USA and produced by a company in Chicago, Ill.

Seabuckthorn Oil
Posted by Jss (London, England) on 03/05/2015

Editor's Choice I live in London, England and I have a 14 year old American Spaniel, Boppo. In the past year Boppo has lost his sight and his hearing but he still has mobility and he gets around just fine. However in late January 2015 Boppo developed a tumour on his mouth. It grew rapidly and went from the size of a marble to the size of a small tomato. The vet told me that Boppo could not be treated as he was too old to be anaesthesised. Looking around on the net I found this thread from 07/14/2012 describing how Beanie had treated her dog with Seabuckthorn Berry oil (which I'd never heard of) and the treatment had worked. I obtained some Seabuckthorn Berry oil and I've been giving Boppo a whole dropper full every day for 5 weeks. It's quite incredible and difficult to believe but there is now no trace of the tumour. I have now reduced the dose to a half a dropper every day and I'm eternally grateful for having come across Earthclinic and to Beanie in particular.

Seabuckthorn Oil
Posted by Beanie (Newhall, Ca) on 07/14/2012

Editor's Choice I searched this site many times looking for a remedy for a large tumor that appeared on my dog's head above her eye. She is a bichon and is 13yrs old. I tried the castor oil faithfully about 6 or more times a day for weeks but it did not work for me. The lump was getting larger and harder. I stumbled on seabuckthorn berry oil and started giving her half a dropper every day. It's been a little over one month and the tumor which had been there for about 9 months is completely flat!! It just amounts to raised skin now. I wanted to share this because I thought it was amazing and I always come here looking for help so I hope this helps someone. There is also a seabuckthorn seed oil available but I bought the berry oil not the seed oil. It tastes better and has slightly different make up. It is for human consumption - they both are - so it is safe for your pet. I guessed at the amount and it seems fine for my dog who is about 19 pounds. If your dog has lumps please try this. It also gives her more energy. I don't know if I can say where I got this but it is available on the internet. It comes in a small bottle with a dropper. It is easy to administer as she just licks it from her bowl. I sometimes rub some on her gums and it helps to keep them healthy and reduce bad breath odor. Please post here if your dog was helped by this. We need to keep our dogs healthy without drugs.