I began giving my little bird 3 drops of HP in her water and increased it daily until she was getting 40 drops... Gastly to taste, but that tumor within a couple months completely vanished. I began to cut down the dose but continued to give her the drops. Early this year, I realized that tumor was growing again so I started to increase the dose. It didn't seem to work this time so I poured the HP over my hand and realized, it was not strong anymore, my hand didn't burn or turn white. So, in early April, I reordered and the lady who took my order at Guardian of Eden told me that by keeping it for the year in my kitchen cabinet, it had lost its effectiveness because it was too warm. She said, however, I could use it to feed plants which made sense.
I began feeding my bird the new HP but it doesn't seem to be working and last week, I poured it over my hand and it was like pouring water on me... No burning, no white... So I called and the lady I spoke with said it probably had lost some of its strength and was perhaps 32% rather than 35% but to keep giving it to my bird. She also told me she was taking 17 drops a day and felt terrific, so I took 2 days of it with 3 drops and I did feel good. Whether 2 days made a difference, I don't know before I get into following this routine, I decided I wanted to talk to Don, whom I spoke with last year. He is the expert. I placed a call and anticipate a response as soon as he can, since his comments on this website indicate they are swamped with calls and cannot get back to anyone immediately.
In the meantime, my little bird continues to get 40 drops a day and actually, that tumor does look smaller. I recommend to everyone to read the article "The One Minute C--e" which I know Guardian of Eden now sells... I purchased it over a year and a half ago from another site. Hope you all get the great results I got last year and this year, once that tumor disappears, I will continue the same strength... obviously I cut the strength down too soon.