Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Pet Tumors: A Guide

Essiac Tea
Posted by Sarah (Chicago) on 02/12/2018

Hi there everyone. I posted in Sept. of last year 2017 and I have learned a few things since then.

Essiac Tea is wonderful!!! It has almost completely changed my dog's life. My border collie who is 15 has a horrible tumor on her chest, near her front right leg. It started out very small and grew huge. We took her to the vet 100 times but they will not do much for her because of her age. so we started her on essiac tea. 2 ounces a day an hour before or after food.

The minute I stopped giving her her essiac tea she got sicker. So I'm keeping her on it. She always gets the tumor cleaned with peroxide 3 times a day, hot(not too hot) compresses and cold compresses, washed out with lukewarm water and antibacterial soap 3 times a day as well.

I also have her on...enzymes, probiotics, a daily vitamin, Omega fatty acids, a grain free and raw diet, and now I am adding sea buckthorn fruit oil to the mix. I give her garlic and turmeric in her food all organic and I can honestly say without a doubt that she would have been long gone if it wasnt for this site.

I just ordered Colloidal silver because her tumor is opened up and draining. More then half has flattened out and is healing already. Now just in the middle of it is the last to drain and then heal. So I am right now in the motion of preventing infection and boosting her immune system to fight anything off. I just ordered manuka honey because I've researched and read that it will help with pulling all the bad out and helping with healing. I keep it wrapped with gauze, ace bandages, and tape at night which is when I notice she tries to lick it. I have been giving her around the clock care for months now and she is still normal..eating, drinking, pooping, peeing, playing, barking, etc. I know that the tumor must drain before it heals. So I just keep her area clean, dry and make sure she is always comfy. I also give her apple cider vinegar and keep her alkalined. It is indeed alot of work but worth it if you love your animal and want to keep them healthy and happy.

Please listen to the advice of the people here because without I know my baby wouldnt be here right now.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Sarah (Chicago) on 09/13/2017

I would give him a home made diet. ORGANIC chicken turkey some beef veggies and fruits and I would start giving him supplements immune support, cell salts, probiotics, and enzymes. Then ESSICA TEA. My 11-year old almost 12-year-old border collie had two tumors. One fatty and one that scared me. Looked like cancer. I did what I told her and gave her 2 ounces of essiac tea for 1 week and her tumors already shrank at least 2 sizes. The one that is scary looking is already draining and almost completely flat. I make her own food and treats and make sure she gets plenty of spring water. Keep her alkalined and she is doing much better. Do your research. Cancer or tumors can not survive in oxygen keeping him oxygenated is what works the best. Essiac tea is amazing and I will tell everyone I know about what it has done in my dog!! Good food is number one in my book. If he is in pain look up Milk Thistle it helps.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Bill (Michigan) on 02/18/2017

Hi I thank you for the good report! How did you get the concentrated essiac tea? Boiling it down?

Like 3 tbls in a cup of water boiled to 1/4 cup?

regarding : Essiac

I started giving her a dropper of concentrated essiac tea once a day and mixing about 1/2 teaspoon of the powdered herbs in her food. The tumor went away and she put weight back on.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Scentophile (Columbus, Ms) on 08/17/2016

Four months ago my dog (Sam, 65 lbs) had a lip tumor taken off by the vet. He also had several fatty tumors removed. The vet wanted to biopsy the lip tumor because he said it was different from the fatty tumors. I didn't have the money after unloading $400 for removal of very large tumors. I don't believe chemo etc works so I decided not to have the biopsy. One month later the tumor was back and triple the size and growing fast. At that time I also noticed a large mass on the same side that appeared to be in the lymph node area of Sam's neck. Sam was losing weight and energy though still eating.

I decided I had nothing to lose and started him on Essiac tea powder. I would decoct the tea and give Sam 2 oz/ once each day. I added some sardine juice and he would slurp it down each time. I also changed his diet from commercial dog food to cooked chicken, cooked eggs, beef, sardines and canned wild caught salmon and sometimes a cooked sweet potato or other veggies that dogs can have. Immediately his tumors begin to swell. I knew this would happen but it was still difficult to watch. I cut back the dosage a tiny amount if I thought they were getting too big and threatening the integrity of his skin. Eventually there was a point where the tumors begin to shrink. I did notice the beginning of an ulcer on one of the tumors but when I backed off the dosage for a day or two it got better. He did have diarrhea but we just tried to give him access to the yard as much as he needed it. Essiac (the company in Canada) does sell something else to combat that, but with essiac at $50/box (includes 15 in shipping from Canada) I couldn't afford another remedy.

It's been three months since we started Essiac. The lip tumor is gone. The throat tumor is almost non-existent. I am beginning to wean him off the essiac. I don't know if that is necessary but it seems logical to me. As a side note, his coat is unbelievable since he's eating good food. His bad breath and inflamed mouth is gone. I think commercial dog food is a horrible idea after trying meats and eggs and seeing the difference it made in Sam. He has so much energy and he is not plagued by any arthritis or pain. Sam is 12 years old going on 5 or 6 now!

Essiac Tea
Posted by Carla (Grand Rapids, Michigan) on 02/11/2009

11 year old female cat diagnosed with hemangioscarcoma on 12/3/08. Tumor was on her spleen and was the size of a clemantine. Because of tumor size,the vet gave her 1 to 3 months to live. He removed both tumor and spleen, ultrasound showed no mass anywhere else and lungs were clear but gave no hope. Couldn't find much info on feline cancer/natural cures other than this site. They only do studies on dogs and cats respond differently. I made my own plan of treatment and she is thriving as of 2/11/09. She plays with her toys and runs around after my other cats daily, hasn't done this for years! Coat is the most beautiful I have seen it.

Immediately got her on Essiac Tea (Esiack Caps 450mg by Now Foods) 1-450mg cap in morning 1 hour before her breakfast and 1-450 cap 1 hour before her dinner. It is important to take on an empty stomach, 1 hour before meals or 2-3 hours after eating. I mix 1 cap in 1 ml of water in a small glass that I allow to sit for hours (while at work and again over night). To administer, I suck the Esiak Tea back in the plastic syringe. I kneel and sit on my feet, trapping her between my knees with my ankles crossed so she can't back out. I pull her chin up slightly and squeeze it into the side of her mouth between teeth and cheek. I also have her on 1/5 cap (at both feedings) of maitake mushroom (NewChapter Organics veg cap- 1000mg?) to build immunity. She takes Transfer Factor Tri-Factor Formula (4Life) which is only natural transfer factor from cow colostrum and egg yolk (think mother's first milk) also a powerful immune booster. This is not lactose free but 4Life makes one that is for cats with inflammatory bowel. A 300mg cap Tri-Factor administered 1 cap per day first week, 2 caps per day 2nd week and 3 caps per day week 3. Stop at 3 caps daily. This will pass the blood/brain barrier important for brain cancers. All above are human grade elements that will do no harm. All (except Esiak) are mixed in with her food. Vet prescribed a pet vitamin in liquid form-Pet-Tabs Iron-plus due to her severe anemia, 1 ml daily for 21 days after surgery which I also mixed in her food and stll give her half dose of till the bottle will be done. Very important* took her off all grains and cheap grocery store brand foods. I feed Pet Guard brand (health food store). She can't tolerate chicken so she eats only the Premium Choice beef at the moment. I credit Essiac Tea, Transfer Factor and my begging prayers to God daily as to why she is still with me.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Gayle (Tulsa, OK) on 12/31/2006

Over 3 years ago, our cat, Flora, developed a mass (tumour) in her abdomen and lost a significant amount of weight. She was about 12 years old at the time. I started giving her a dropper of concentrated essiac tea once a day and mixing about 1/2 teaspoon of the powdered herbs in her food. The tumor went away and she put weight back on. She is now 15 years old and doesn't look or act like a 15 year old cat. I've continued to give her the dropper of concentrate at least once a week up to every other day. I've also given the powdered essiac herbs to our dog for allergy eye drainage that would easily get infected. Since we started the dog on this, her allergy eye problem has been gone for over a year now. Again, about 1/2 tsp once a day.