Allergy Medicine
My dog had pyoderma, and when I took her to the vet, I was told to bring her in once a month for an allergy shot. Since I am not fond of shots for myself or my dog I decided to look on amazon for allergy medicine and read all the ingredient lists. I found one I thought would help and purchased it. Her sores cleared up in about a month and never came back. Recently I decided to try a different brand that had more ingredients, and they came back almost immediately. The brand is Finn allergy and itch. I know I am not supposed to say brand but this is so hard to clear up to help other poor dogs. Finn has the exact right ingredients. It worked like a miiracle for my dog. I give it to her daily. I love this site, and visit almost every day.
Apple Cider Vinegar
By far, a combination of 50/50 organic ACV and filtered water worked the best. I make a small, fresh batch of the liquid and apply it to the spots with a cotton ball. It is important to use a fresh piece of cotton ball on each spot and then toss it. Do not dip back into the ACV mixture. I gently "scrub" the spot to remove the crustiness and allow the ACV to penetrate the area and air dry.
I believe that the ACV acts as an antibacterial to cleanse the area and counteracts any yeast on the skin and dries the spot. I get immediate results. My dog had a quarter sized spot on his chest, after 3 days of treatment I can barely see the spot. In the past, he also had large areas around his groin. I swabbed to spots with ACV mixture and the skin looked pink in a few days.
You can also create a salve of organic coconut oil mixed with a few drops of tea tree oil. I apply this before bedtime. Frequent bathing with a good quality dog shampoo helps. I also trim my guy so that his fur cannot hide the spots and his skin can breathe.
He eats a commercial frozen raw food. Overly processed food with additives can cause all kinds of allergic reactions.
Coconut Oil
Hi everyone... My golden cocker spaniel has been suffering with lipfold pyoderma for nearly one year. I've tried a lot of natural remedies but I just couldn't keep it at bay. I tried all of these methods for several months before changing to a new method. The main symptoms were oozing wound, stinky lips, rubbing her lips off couches etc. After drinking water the moisture seemed to gather in the folds. If I didn't bathe it twice daily there would be yellowish puss. So I tried:
Cider apple vinegar and warm water wash using muslin cloth X2 daily..dried with soft tissue and followed with organic coconut oil.
Same as above but using Himalayan salt in warm water (instead of cider apple vinegar).
Same as above but used a few drops of MILTON sterilising fluid.
Same as above but using anti-bacterial soap.
Then I tried germolene instead of coconut oil.
Then I tried Sudocreme instead of Coconut oil.
Then I tried to keep the area dry so did no washing and just wiped with a sensitive pet wipe with a small amount of tea tree oil spray on wipe.
I brought her to the vet and he said it was just her breed so he gave her an injection (steroids?) and anti biotic tablets. This didn't clear it and it seemed even worse a few weeks later.
Then..recently I got some cream for MY nose after having blood vessels cauterised. When I read up about it it mentioned that it killed the Staph bacteria which I knew was linked to lipfold pyoderma. I tried it with my dog by wiping a small amount into the lip fold using a Q-Tip twice daily. Within one week it was totally cured. Her lip is dry and clean with no bad smell. The wound is now sealed over and pink like scarred skin. She seems much happier and more comfortable. I am not a vet or doctor and I know human medicines shouldn't really be used on dogs but I was soooooooo happy to find a cream that worked that I just thought I'd share it with other dog owners.
The cream is called Naseptin:
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Jen!
Thank you so much for sharing your journey of healing for your golden cocker!
I had to take some time to review what you used:
Milton = an aqueous solution of sodium hypochlorite and 16.5% sodium chloride [cream strength of 2% sodium hypochlorite]: this is a sort of bleach/MMS.
Germolene = Phenol [carbolic acid] 1.2% and chlorhexidine digluconate 0.25%
Sudocrem = zinc oxide, benzyl benzoate and benzyl cinnamate [these ingredients are formulated to kill mites and other ectoparasites]
All these have all the right stuff - in theory - to knock out the lip fold pyoderma, but did not. the Germolene has the chlorhexidine as does the product that worked for you, but failed to do the trick in this formulation.
What did work for you was the Naseptin - Sourced from link in original post:
Naseptin = chlorhexidine hydrochloride and neomycin sulphate.
"Chlorhexidine gluconate has an antiseptic effect against a wide range of bacteria, yeasts, and some fungi and viruses. It kills the micro-organisms associated with various mild infections of the skin.
Neomycin sulphate is an antibiotic of the aminoglycoside type. It kills bacteria so is described as bactericidal in action. It works by entering bacterial cells and interfering with the production of proteins that the bacteria need to divide and multiply. This rapidly kills the bacteria.
This combination of ingredients is used to eradicate a type of bacteria called staphylococci from the inside of the nose. The cream is applied inside the nostrils both to treat and prevent nasal infections with this type of bacteria."
So it took combining the chlorhexidine with the neomycin to knock out the staph infection in your dog.
It appears this product is only available in the UK -darn it, as I would love to try it out on a few of mine! For those in the US the alternative remedy would be Ted's Anti-fungal/anti-staph solution, followed up with a OTC neomycin ointment.
Thanks so much for sharing!!
Hey Jen & Theresa
My dog had a couple of small crusty spots appear behind her ear which then spread to her cheek & neck in just a couple of days!! The vets diagnoses was Superficial pyoderma, he prescribed a 10 day course of Rilexine 300 (antibiotics) and to bath her in dilute hibiscrub. He was insistent on clipping my dog back to the skin, ear, face & neck!!!! Is that normal procedure I wonder? I couldn't allow him to do this as surely her long thick coat has served as some protection against the scratching & spreading of infection.
Not feeling overly confident in our vet I did a little research and came across your posts & I have to tell you I'm convinced that 'Naseptin' did the trick, the scabs have gone after only 1 application & a bath, she still feels a little bumpy but the skin doesn't look angry at all, it hasn't spread further and the scratching has almost stopped. So thank you both so much for the detailed info :)
The story so far:
Day 1 (Arrived back from the vet too late in the day for a bath)
Applied Lucy Bees coconut oil & fed 3.6gms of tumeric mixed with raw feed, rolled into balls and hand fed (white coat, orange hands!! )
1 Anti biotic
Day 2 (Not much change prior to having a bath)
3.6gms tumeric
Mixed 20ml of hibiscrub, 60ml 'Earthbath' Oatmeal & Aloe shampoo (great for skin problems), diluted to make 300ml.
Gave 2 good shampoos (not forgetting in between the toes! ) & left on the coat for 5 minutes, dried thoroughly on a cool setting then applied the 'Naseptin'
She threw up the antibiotic! I dont know whether to continue with these, I know you are supposed to complete the course but she has only kept 1 tablet down...decisions, decisions
By the end of day 2, following the bath and Naseptin the improvement is quite amazing :)
I obtained the prescription only 'Naseptin' from the doc to treat a tiny little spot just inside my nose that would come and go, a common ailment, so quite easy to obtain ;) The prescription costs 2.30 if you get it online here
Will keep you posted :)
(Bourne Lincolnshire)
Hi my cocker is also suffering with this. We've had it nearly a year and also had a lip fold removed but it's the same as before! Can I ask what exactly you did to treat your dog? Thank you.
(St Joseph, Mi)
Boy, can I ever sympathize with all of you. My dog has had problems with her lips for years. I have actually been to four vets trying to find the answer. I heard surgery didn't work so I avoided that. The last vet I went to said he had never seen a case so bad. He gave me a prescription and it cleared it up asap. The label is worn off a bit but I believe it says 5CC Gentocin, 5CC Dex SP added. It says to apply a generous amount to the affected area twice daily. I put it in an empty nasal spray bottle that misted the stuff out onto her lips and it really worked well. It eventually came back but I just misted it again for a couple of days and it went away again. The vet told me to do that. Oh, and I also tried many many natural things and homeopathy and nothing would clear it up. I hope this helps.
(Raleigh, Nc)
I have a new dog who had this but do not think the owner continued care of it as she was dealing with her own health issues. I did not know what she had but bathed her in TJ's Tea Tree n Peppermint Shampoo and then used my expensive 6 13 WEN product as it helped my other pup when I rescued her (to the Vet's amazement, hair growing back in 2 weeks). This one she is licking n scratching less, I added salmon oil to her food, ACV to the water alternating bowls w/Bob's Red Mill's Baking Soda. She is getting garlic pill, calming pill and also longevity from Springtime Inc. All are working so far these past 3 weeks. She's getting another bath tonight, keeping her blankets clean as well. I did find this product when I searched holistic for the condition and it's sold on chewy and maybe in other stores. I have not used it but will consider it and then also adding Silver Wings 500PPM Colloidal Silver to her water and maybe topical as I use it for all virus' and infections. (The 500 PPM to be used for severe illness' etc for about 7 days then off for 7, on again if needed. I've used it often for so many things even my Mom's Shingles). I'm slowly adding Coconut Oil to her food and will consider brushing their teeth after seeing the other reviews. I can't do that personally, I've tried it on my own teeth.
my dog aged 12 yrs has been suffering from Pyoderma (between back legs) for last 2 years. The Vet gave him antibiotics and isaderm cream.With the latter he improved but never healed completely. I read the articles about Naseptin cream and would like to try it as a last resort. From where can I get the prescription on line with a cheap price as our Vet charges Eur18.Thanks for your help.
Coconut Oil and Vaseline
Also make sure you wash bedding with no perfume/sensitive detergent. After 5 months of trying to treat a retired nursing dog, 4 vet trips and frustration with pills, ointments - this actually works!!!
Colostrum, Quercertin
(Temecula, Ca)
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Sonjafly!
You are responding to a post that is a year and a half old; in case the original poster does not see it I found this info for you.
Recommended dosage is for one month minimum, then give as needed.
- 1/3 teaspoon powdered form/25 # body weight twice daily or:
- Small dogs and cats ?1 cap twice daily
- Medium to large dogs- 2 caps twice daily
From the same source for Quercitin:
The dosage for Quercetin supplements is often provided for humans weighing approximately 125 pounds and is around 1000mg. Here?s how to convert the dosage for your pet:
Take the weight of your pet and multiply it by 1000mg, then divide it by 125 to get the milligram dosage your pet needs.
Let?s take my 70-pound Shepherd as an example: (70lb x 1, 000mg= 70, 000 then divide by 125 = 560mg).
The recommended dosage is 560mg all day. Rounding that to the closest whole number, the dosage for my girl is 500mg per day (best if split in half, meaning one 250mg dosages twice a day).
Raw Diet
I writing to help those of you who would like to start a homemade diet in order to cure your pup's pyoderma. I have two healthy happy dogs (ages 1yr and 4 yrs) that have been on the raw diet since birth. It is actually very cost effective in comparison to that expensive kibble, and they have never had a single health problem to speak of.
I don't know if you could call it "preparing" their food, but I do pull it out of the refrigerator or freezer every morning...haha. It's really easy, and with a bit of guidance/education, you'll be on the right path in no time.
Example Day of Meals for my 4-yr-old Shepherd/Lab
1 raw chicken back (yes, with the bones!!! She can easily rip through these in seconds!!)
1 slice of raw beef liver
1 capsule of fish oil
1 large raw turkey neck
4-5 raw gizzards
1/4 lb raw ground bison, beef, or lamb
1 raw chicken leg quarter
You don't have to cut it up, tenderize it, or grind it--you simply hand it to the dog, and that's that.
If you're JUST starting a raw homemade diet today, make sure to start gradually! Start with one protein, like chicken, and feed that only for one week. You could feed raw chicken backs or necks in the morning, and then kibble in the evening--that would be gradual. You need to give your pup time to build up his/her natural enzymes and stomach acids. NEVER EVER mix dry food with raw food--the digestion rates are so different that it would make your pup's tummy unsettled.
Also, if you run into a little bit of diarrhea, don't be discouraged--YOUR PUP WILL ADJUST--I PROMISE! In order to combat loose stool, simply add 1 tablespoon of plain canned pumpkin (not the pie filling) to the food. You can also add a probiotic capsule and a capsule filled with cayenne pepper to help with the adjustment.
Let me know if you have any questions.
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Diane!
What works for some may not work for all - but it might be just perfect for you!
I say this because I know many raw feeders who feed chicken necks, frames, backs, wings and thighs with no issues whatsoever.
I believe what is key is that your pet who is used to kibble be carefully introduced to raw bones so they learn how to eat them. Puppies started on bones this way have no issues with chicken bones.
Probably the easiest bone to introduce is a chicken neck; this is also perfect for cats and does a great job on cleaning their teeth. A raw chicken neck fed to a cat who needs a dental usually results in a cancelled vet appointment :)
(Vet School)
PLEASE DO NOT FEED YOUR ANIMALS BONES OR RAW DIETS! Unless someone provides you with a complete nutritional profile and AAFCO certified diet, DO NOT feed it to your pet! Where have the feeding trials taken place? What were the results? Formulation errors are common and result in nutritional imbalances. It could contain excessive protein or fat and/or have nutritional deficiencies such as EFA, calcium, micro-minerals, vitamins, etc. AAFCO has established the nutrient requirements for our beloved animals and it is not "random numbers". It is based on science, what we use to treat our animals and ourselves in order to live healthier lives. For example, 86 homemade/raw diets were compared to AAFCO standards and 87% of them were inadequate in at least one nutrient. 55% were inadequate in protein. 62% were inadequate in vitamins. 86% were inadequate in minerals. DO NOT FALL FOR THE RAW DIET FAD. People think dogs need to be fed like they are in the wild. Well, why do you think that those animals only live a few years? DO RESEARCH WITHIN A SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL LIKE JAVMA!!!! JAVMA studies report 47-100% overall incidences of foreign bodies (bones stuck in the intestines). It also reported 20-35% of poutry carcasses for human comsumption are positive for Salmonella spp and 50% are CONTAMINATED with Campylobacter spp!!!! AAHA does not avocate or endorse feeding pets ANY RAW OR DEHYDRATED nonsterilized foods! Even the FDA warns pet owners about feeding animals raw diets "the FDA is cautioning pet owners about feeding raw diets, warning that those who do may have a higher risk of getting infected with Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. Please, people, do NOT follow this fad! Leave pet food work-ups to the trained veterinarians and animal nutritionists who have devoted their lives to taking care of your animals. THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE THERE FOR!
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Kristen from Vet School!
I have personally fed raw bones to my many dogs for 20 years with no ill result. I have yet to make the full transition to a raw diet, but plan on doing so very soon. I personally know breeders and kennels that feed a raw diet exclusively - from weaning on up - and have done so for decades with no ill effect. While I commend you for caring about pets, and your plan to become a vet, I have some advice for you: please remember that your job is to be a partner with your clients. This means that you are not always right, and that you can learn from your clients, just as you are doing now in the classroom. Your education does not end once you get your diploma - it has only begun. Please be open to the actual hands on experiences of your clients, and remember that breeders are specialists in their chosen breeds and along with your clients can be your *best* teachers.......if *you* let them.
Good luck in vet school!
(Sydney, Australia)
Well said, Theresa, I agree with you fully.
(Hope Bc Canada)
From my personal experience I have to agree with Kristen about feeding bones to dogs. Too much heart ache prevents me to explain further. I remember one vet speaking from experience and his facial expression said enough about the experienced trauma.
About raw, I have experienced cats afflicted with tapeworm and altogether, meat today is thoroughly poisoned and has definitely its amount of GMO as feed. So I have given up on arguing the case.
Namaste, Om
(Reading Pa)
My Vet recommended Hills prescription dog food J/D , here are the ingredients, Whole Grain Corn, Chicken By-Product Meal, Flaxseed, Soybean Mill Run, Brewers Rice, Soybean Meal, Pork Fat (preserved with mixed tocopherols and citric acid), Chicken Liver Flavor, Powdered Cellulose, Fish Oil, Lactic Acid, Potassium Chloride, L-Lysine, Calcium Carbonate, Choline Chloride, Iodized Salt, DL-Methionine, Vitamin E Supplement, vitamins (L-Ascorbyl-2-Polyphosphate (source of vitamin C), Vitamin E Supplement, Niacin, Thiamine Mononitrate, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Biotin, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Folic Acid, Vitamin D3 Supplement), L-Threonine, Taurine, Soy Lecithin, Glucosamine Hydrochloride, minerals (Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Copper Sulfate, Manganous Oxide, Calcium Iodate, Sodium Selenite), L-Tryptophan, L-Carnitine, preserved with Mixed Tocopherols and Citric Acid, Chondroitin Sulfate, Phosphoric Acid, Beta-Carotene, Rosemary . Main ingredient CORN followed by CHICKEN BY PRODUCTS , every thing but the meat, SOYBEAN MILL RUN, what is left after the beans are processed that used to be thrown out in the trash. POWDERED CELLULOSE, sawdust. GARBAGE!!!! HILLS NUTRITION COURSE HA HA
(Reading Pa)
Wolves, dogs descendants, can live into their twenty's. Dogs have changed in appearance but their physiology hasn't . A hundred years of commercial dog food, shots, flea & tick and heart worm neurotoxins have compromised our beloved dogs immune systems, all in the name of money. Many Vets nutritional education comes from dog food funded courses. Why don't you at least learn what goes into the preparation and ingredients of commercial dog food. Look into the horror of rendering plants. At least offer a viable alternative to a balanced raw meat diet and I don't mean HILLS RECALL DOG FOOD!!! Robert
(Reading, Pa)
Hi! Namaste, Om, Weight bearing bones are too hard for dogs. Cooked bones are bad for dogs as they become hard, brittle and splinter and the pet food stores are full of them. You've seen them , basted and cooked bones, the Vet Dentists dream. I have never had any problem at all giving raw non - weight bearing bones because they are soft, pliable and easy to digest with no splintering. I have heard of some small dogs that gulp their food down choking but in truth their eating habits can cause them to choke on toys , sticks, etc, I hope this info helps someone. Thanks, Lovemyamber
(Reading, Pa)
Hi! Kristen, Have you ever seen or heard of dogs and other animals burying excess food to eat later? Maybe next week. They don't get sick because their intestinal tract isn't thirty feet long like ours. Food passes through them too quickly due to their short intestines for salmonella to have time to be a problem for a healthy animal. Maybe that will be covered next semester. Have a happy day Yours, Robert Lovemyamber
(Mpls., Mn)
(Reading, Pa)
Hey Theresa,
It just couldn't have been said any better Theresa. Many of the acronyms Kristen quoted are bought and paid for by the big commercial food companies, and sadly, many Vets don't even know it and even more don't care.
Yours, Robert Lovemyamber
I've read that bones may be a problem if they have been frozen.
For those who doubt the wisdom of raw and are swayed by the Pet Food Industry marketing ploy, should perhaps research the following:-
That's not to say I approve of Dr. Pottenger's study. His treatment of animals was abominable.
Meat these days is probably inferior to that in the past as animals are fed numerous antibiotics etc. and raw milk isn't that easy to obtain.Pasteurisation kills many important nutrients and homogenisation makes it indigestible.
I generally agree, Kristen. Probably not a good idea to give bones to a dog. A large cow bone is probably okay, and they generally gnaw away at them. I used to give my GSD a whole rack of ribs, and as far as I know, it never hurt him, but I wouldn't do that again. The risk isn't worth the reward.
On another note, wolves kill big animals all the time, and when they're done, the skeleton is laying there. So obviously, wolves are not eating that many bones.
(Bedford, Tx)
I, personally would not recommend a raw diet. They can get salmonella amongst other things and dogs who have wound up with a compromised immune system have died because of it.
I surely do not want nor am I trying to start any drama, I have just done my reading and have read things that have suggested otherwise, but if it works for you then that is great.
Ted's Remedies Reader Feedback

Ted's Remedies Reader Feedback
So our problem, this Pyroderma is around her eye. Can your recommendations be safely used around her eye?
Also, I don't have a clue on how to make her own food. Is there directions somewhere on the web?
Thanks for considering my e-mail
(Brighton, Ontario, Canada)
Give you dog Bee Propolis in liquid form from the health food store or from china town herbal store you can use it on the outside and also put it in to the food.
Want to cook, take vegetables from your fridge, whatever you have, take chicken liver, a cup of lentils, cup of rice, cup of noodles cup of millet add sea salt, pepper corn and Kelp buds.
boil cut the chicken liver in small pieces store in the fridge. Gives you 5-6 days' food when you serve heat a portion add fresh vegetables, fish oil, flax seed ground, spirulina, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar ( Glass Bottle ), brewers yeast and digestive enzyms. Don't give onions or Raisins.
In the morning bake a sweet potato or apple in the micro, add some plain Yogourt, cinnamon ,cloves, cardomon, dab of butter. For a treat give him some real bones he needs the calcium. No bad breath no constipation. he will never eat the take out food again.
(Sandwich, Il)
Is it safe to use borax and baking soda remedy on cats? My cat has pyroderma and is not responding to multiple natural approaches- essential oils (diluted of course), probiotics, ACV, olive leaf extract, herbs, and a couple other things. I'd like to try the remedy listed for pyroderma and mange. But they are only listed as helping with dogs. Just want to be sure my cat is safe. Thanks!
(Berwyn, Illinois)
My 16 year old dog got pyoderma on her back. I washed the area off with lavender oil soap, rubbed coconut oil on it, and add a tablespoon of coconut oil to her food twice daily (she is 44 pounds). After the affected area dried up and stopped weeping (about 1 week later) I gave her a bath using coconut oil soap.
I am going to continue to add the oil to her food since she likes it and it also adds important enzymes and fats I believe are lacking in her food. She eats a dry food that is grain free.
(Bedford, Tx)
(Nassau, De)
(South Africa)
(South Africa)
(Caerphilly, UK)
Hi Anne, please can you let me know what quantities of each ingredient you used and for what weight of dog. I have a 6 kg toy poodle/bischon mix and she has been suffering for the last 7 months. The vet only wants to prescribe her antibiotics and steroids, and after 3 lots of antibiotics she is still no better. I refuse to give her any more and am definitely staying away from the steroids! Have tried a few various natural solutions and found coconut helps to clear up the pyoderma, but it does not prevent new outbreaks. I would appreciate any and all help for my girl. Thanks.
(North Port Fl)
(Jefferson County, Ohio)
What are the amounts of each of these ingredients you use in the mixture? How long will it keep fresh? How much should I give a 13 lb multi-poo? I've also tried all of the things you mentioned with little to no results. She's also been on Claritin and zyrtec for her allergies with no help there either.
(Dallas, Tx)
(Cedartown, Ga)
(Sydney, Australia)
(Hope, Bc Canada)
(Sydney Australia)
(Hamilton Ontario Canada)
Turmeric, Anti-Bacterial Remedies
(Hope, Bc. Canada)
Lizzy from Asheville, NC -- thank you for your kind words. Really I am waiting for Theresa and her wisdom and experience to take up your concern.
I am doing things differently as I always had to work on a shoestring. I use UT a lot with good results and it costs nothing. It has worked immensely on my present big rescue but he has red mites now and I use a product for cleaning, made from oranges.
Have you used the warm oil on his ear? I know rubbing the entire dog with UT does wonders for skin. But you may want to consult Theresa who is doing an invaluable service to pet lovers. Wish you success with your doggie. Namaste, OM
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Lizzy!
Small red sores on the trunk IMHO are likely a reaction to an inhalant allergy, ie pollen or grass. Typically this time of year I deal with this in my pack -some react to the pollens with goopy eyes that need cleaning and OTC allergy eye drops, some get gunky yeasty ears seemingly overnight, while others break out in the hives that start as itchy bumps that break open and turn into crusty red spots.
I am going to experiment with Yucca that Jean from KY mentioned in posts below; the benefit I seek is in the anti-inflammatory properties/natural steroid. If you can head off the explosive reaction caused by inflammation - the itching and swelling - you have won half the battle IMHO.
So, when my dogs break out in bumps, I think hives and staph and start dipping dogs in Ted's Anti-fungal/Anti-staph remedy. I think its very important to treat the entire dog and not just select parts for the initial dip. It is also very important to monitor skin sensitivity, as if your dog's skin is in a very reactive state the act of scrubbing of the crusty scales around the red spots can actually raise hives. I once tried coconut oil on one of mine that had red spots and hives at the base of her neck; I poured the coconut oil on her neck and massaged down her back - we had a real nice massage session. And the next day her *entire back* was one huge, crusty scab! Gah! I went straight to the vet and we got a steroid shot and a course of antibiotics as at that point I could not see any other route for relief and healing. So, watch how reactive the skin is. Use Ted's anti-fungal/anti-staph dip. Consider alkalizing your dog's drinking water. Consider including yucca if the turmeric isn't providing the anti-inflammatory action you seek. And do consider the vet if you do not see the results you want and the skin goes from bad to worse with your home treatment.
Since it sounds like staph I would try adding 1/16 teaspoon of epsom salt in 1 liter of non-chlorinated drinking water for 2-3 days - max; this is not intended for long term use, just to nip a break out in the bud. When you stop the epsom salt in the water you can then start adding 1 teaspoon baking soda to 1 liter of water; do this for 5-7 days. This is a 'break out' or crisis dose. After a week you can cut it back to a maintenance dose of 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to the water. You can also add can add 1/16 teaspoon borax along with the baking soda in 1 liter of water. In acute and extreme cases 1/4 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water is indicated. Many humans take 1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon borax in 1 liter of water daily as a detox and antifungal/antiyeast, so long term use is not an issue, however all these remedies are something you should 'play by ear' and should be adjusted as you see fit. The water additives address any mineral deficiency issues and should be addressed first.
For the staph infection going on, consider bathing him in a solution of Milk of Magnesia; use 1 part of water to 2 parts MOM and saturate the spot to kill off any bacterial or fungal infection going on. If he licks it up he MAY get loose stools as this also when taken internally is used to detox. If the spots are dry and crusty you can apply vaseline after the MOM treatment - up to you. Another consideration is mixing 50:50 baking soda and borax, mixed into 1% hydrogen peroxide to form a paste- apply gently to pyoderma 4 x day [rubbing or grinding the paste into the skin may cause to inflame the skin and make it worse].
(Asheville, Nc)
Hi Om! Thank you for your email. Yes, I did try warm oil on his hematoma in the first week, but that is actually the worst thing you can do for a hematoma since there is no where for the blood to go. You don't want to encourage circulation in the ear. Thankfully both ears are healed now (see my posts on the hematoma page if you're interested in what I had to do, sigh). UT sounds interesting. At first I didn't know what you meant but saw it on another post and figured out it was urine therapy. Thanks again for your suggestions and many blessings to you!
(Asheville, Nc)
Hi Theresa! Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a detailed post. I will bathe him in the h202 and peroxide formula tomorrow. I have to pick up MOM at the store to try. The yucca sounds great too. I will check out her post and locate where to buy it. I think the turmeric has been helping. The bacterial smell went away within 24 hours of giving turmeric (2 1/8 teaspoon doses in food, breakfast and dinner), but I keep seeing new scabs on along his spine. Very bizarre because they appear and then heal very quickly. But I think a visit to the vet (for the 10th time this year, sigh) is in order. You are right about the gunky eyes. He's had them for weeks and we have very high grass pollen at the moment. Do you think dogs can take medicinal mushrooms for immune support that are sold for humans? I think that would help his immune system during this rough allergy season! Thank you again and many blessings!
(Hope, Bc. Canada)
(Mpls., Mn)
(Sw Missouri, US)
(Nelson, BC, CA)
Hi, I need help with my pup. I don't want to put him on meds for his staph infections around his belly area. I've had mild staph and usually keeping it clean and use a common anitibacterial cream used for cuts and scratches. Does any one know any names for any of those creams in canada? I mixed a very tiny bit of oil of oregano into the anti bacterial cream and have been using hydrogen peroxide...just for one day now....i am going to try this before taking him to the vet of the pimples is quite big and I am worried of the infection getting into his blood stream......also...i was under the impression that it was totally ok to give your dog RAW chicken bone...NOT COOKED. I fed my last dog chicken heads, necks and feet as we lived in nicaragua and he loved it no problem! Cooked bones become brittle and that is why they spinter in the dogs tummy......any opinions on this?
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Jerelea!
You don't state the age of your puppy, but it may be relevant as some puppies are troubled with 'puppy pyoderma'.
I would certainly consider Ted's Anti-fungal/Anti-staph remedy - both as a bathing/dipping solution and as a more concentrated lotion. The big pimple is a concern so do watch for infection; it may ease your mind to know that if the pimple can pop and drain outwards [as opposed to a deep tissue abscess that may rupture inwards to the blood] that you are dealing with a very slim chance of blood poisoning at this time.
You can go to your local drug store and get most any tripple antibiotic cream - they contain mostly the same active ingredients: Neomycin, Bacytracin, and Polymixin - so just read the label and look at the active ingredients.
Usually skin conditions take some time to manifest - so it will usually take some time to effect a cure. To that end you might consider alkalizing your dog's drinking water with baking soda, or using Ted's Borax protocol for dogs.
I have heard also that chicken bones are fine when fed raw and I have breeder friends who have fed raw chicken wings, necks -you name it - with no ill effect. I have also had my dogs get into the kitchen trash and help themselves to a big ol' bucket of fried chicken bones and eaten every one of them up! I called my vet, who pointed out the main issue with splintery type chicken bones is when the dog swallows them - the chance for injury is greater in the act of swallowing them than in the act of digesting them. The stomach has strong acids to dissolve the thin, hollow chicken bones. All I know is that my dogs were fine after eating a bunch of cooked chicken bones and nothing that resembled a cooked chicken bone was seen when it was time to scoop poop!
(Santa Rosa, Ca)
(Santa Rosa, Ca)