

(Rio Piedras, San Juan, Puerto Rico)

Prednisone for long time use can harm your pets liver. No doubt. I have a 17 1/2 years female dog and after some infections, prednisone, phenobarbiturics etc... she is suffering liver & kidney failure. But after 2 years since last "treatment" and prohibition to give vaccines, antibiotics etc, she is still here. Is true she is very skinny but she eats a lot and dances and barks to whoever comes near the house(she never did this before).she is also almost blind but she goes around the house and to the front patio on her own.She doesn't tolerate vets food.I make her food every two days(she loves fresh made food!) And supplement with omegas, spirulina(protein!!),antioxidants,4Life Transfer Factor Plus, NO tap water, NO sugar, No junk, NO EXCUSES TO GIVE MUNCHIES and NO COMMERCIAL NOTHING.You can search and talk to Pet Alive and NZYMES.They have remedies. I use some on my oldie and on my own. Others are from HEEl lab.(homeopaths) Again,be careful with food. EXTREMELY. There are a lot of things that stimulate the inmunologic system (allergens)and a lot of venom. If you need more info come back to the page. And if you want, leave an e mail for contact.
(Philadelphia, Pa,usa)

Temaril P

(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Diane,
The drug you are giving your dog contains prednilisone, a form of prednisone which is a steroid. The panting/feeling hot all the time leads to tanking up on water/excessive drinking. Some might consider it a normal side effect as it is very common. If your dog must be on steroids expect continued panting and perhaps offer a fan for her that she can use to cool off when she wants. One concern is to cut down on the dose too quickly; steroids doses should be gradually tapered down to avoid steroid withdrawal symptoms [weakness, joint pain, fatigue]. Due to excessive thirst you will need to make sure you factor in extra potty breaks to avoid accidents in the house. Keep in close contact with your vet if you remain concerned. Have you gotten to the bottom of why your girl is having allergic reactions?

Unknown Medication

I got myself a JRT and now she developed a bladder infection and I can't trust the vet. I am giving her ACV and hope that this will go away.
(Ione, Wa)
(New Jersey)
I have 4 dogs, 3 Dachshunds and 1 Chihuahua, I cook their food and mix my own flea and tick spray, the coughing is a scary thing and should be checked for heart problem if it ever happens again.
I do not trust the dog food companies and would never again use flea and tick drops, they poison our animals. I have had no problem with using my spray made from essential oils, dogs smell good too.
Vibramycin / Doxycyclin
I just thought that she was ill due to the respiratory thing and since I don't usually give cats any conventional meds, thought that perhaps it just takes some time for them to kick in... But today she is really tilting her head to the side, she was not able to keep her balance and actually fell to the side... I looked at the side-effects and saw that it said something about "pressure in the head" (translating from Greek medication notes... ) and that if one feels it to immediately stop... I have stopped it and hope she gets better... I called the vet and he said he had never heard of this happening with this medication and that she could have already had something underlying causing this... I just don't believe it, she was absolutely fine with her head and balance etc... I know it is the antibiotic and feel very sorry that I gave it to her... I mean it says "don't give to pregnant women" and "don't give to children under 8" in the medication notes!! What on earth would make anyone think it is ok to give to small animals!!! ???
ok, so it turns out the the Vibramycin somehow caused an inner ear thing to get going in my cat... So perhaps it wasn't a "side-effect" as such, but didn't cover what was causing the ear infection and let it get out of control...
She is now on baytril and cortisone for ear infection - seems to have cleared up a great deal - but yesterday started collecting fluid under her skin at the base of her OTHER ear... And who knows what has caused all of this and whether she would have been better off on no medication in the first place...
I am going to wean her off cortisone and stop antibiotic soon... I just hope the ear infection won't come back and that the fluid will go away... and try to never ever put her on meds again - I have managed to avoid them for all of my other cats and dogs...
Xylazine and Atropine
(West Newfield, Maine)
(Nice, France)
I am so sorry to read about your loss and the horrible way your vet treated you. Your motivation to do something is the same as mine, my dog died in great suffering, and that can't be undone, but other potential victims can be warned. I agree, go to it, but don't expect lots of help from the authorities. You need to file a complaint with the veternary licensing board, and you will need the results of your necropsy. I presume it was not done by the same vet. He would not incriminate himself. Do include in your complaint that you were threatened with a lawsuit, in order to keep you silent. You might also contact one of a number of associations that have the courage to help with advice regarding complaints against vets. Here's a good one : , email : [email protected] . The only way to make vets more responsible, since their professional associations aren't doing the job, is to call them to account. They operate a business like any other, but worse because they can and do kill our loved ones. You might also consult a lawyer about filing a complaint, first for the death of your pet, then for the threats. Hope you had witnesses, but even if not, file the complaint because the vet will have to give an explaination, and even if he lies and it's your word against his, he will think twice about doing the same thing again. Be brave!