Rooibos, Reishi, Milk Thistle
I have an 18 year old jack russel that was diagnosed with cancer in November 2011. She was very weak and little appetite with at least 5 visible tumors, the vet said the only option was to put her down. Sooner rather than later.
I visited a chinese herbalist who recommended I feed her milk thistle, reishi mushroom and a herbal tea high in antioxidants (rooibos), I started giving her 5 drops of reishi liquid extract and 100ml of strongly brewed rooibos tea along with the milk thistle.
I can't put into words but the results were simply miraculous. Her tumours shrank and her appetite increased tenfold. After three weeks there was no visible tumours, the vet couldn't believe it when the MRI scan came back clear. Just wanted to share my story and hopefully you can add this to the pet cancer section.
Thank you Dan. How much did your pup weigh and how many drops of the milk thistle did you give them. I am trying this combination now along with a low carb dog food by Dr Harveys called Paradym and my Jack Russell mix is starting to do better.
Dan, I would like to thank you once again. It's been one month since my Jack mix's liver cancer diagnosis. The Dr Harvey's Paradigm mix is working well. I add pastured meats, wild caught sardines, let cool, then top with ground flax seed and olive oil. I add your Reishi, Roobois, and Milk Thistle to his water. I also have another bowl of water close to his be with Essiac tea and Chaga. This routine has extended Bo's life another month. He was bouncing and running a bit yesterday. I cannot thank you enough for posting your remedy. Thank you!
(Santa Cruz California)
How did u give the milk thistle to ur pup? Please let me know.
Skin Cancer
(Chicago, Il. Usa)
In response to Luis from Lynwood California-Skin cancer can be easily cured by applying and rubbing hydrogen peroxide 3-4 times daily with a Q-tip. I know this because I took off a cancerous mole from myself about 1cm in size. It took around 3 weeks of rubbing. Cancer cells cannot live with oxygen and when hydrogen peroxide is applied it stimulates healing because it contains oxygen cells.
(Co Clare)
(Hope Bc Canada)
Regina Co Clare ---
If you use ESSIAC tea, yes, it is used internally and externally. Beware of non genuine products and use Essiac West online which I am using.
Namaste, Om
I can't find the posts on remedies for colon cancer in dogs. I've been using tumeric for last 3 months on my mini schnauzer.
My 'peaches & cream' cat, Jasper, has just been diagnosed with skin cancer on one of his eye lids. I've begun painting the area with turmeric & aloe (from my garden) with a make-up brush. I am adding turmeric to his food (1/4 tsp. 2x a day). Will let you know how this goes, but so far, so good!
Turmeric, Aloe, Castor Oil, Manuka
My 10yo kitty is battling mammary cancer, and I've read somewhere in here that CoQ10 is good for heart health during cancer treatment. She is on a raw diet, and is not receiving any standard treatments from a vet. She currently has an open wound on her belly that is responding extremely well to the application of a mixture of turmeric, fresh aloe, castor oil and manuka honey. The open tumor is shrinking daily and infection is down a lot, but I remember reading somewhere on here about giving CoQ10 during cancer. Can anyone give me a dosage or any info?
Turmeric, Baking Soda and Aloe Vera
I have a remedy that has worked for my cat. She's a elderly kitty she is my sweet soulmate. Shes been very patient but it was tiring her out all this treatment . So its taken a matter of few months of patience I will say to finally cure heal her skin cancer. Also her mites on her nose to make it even more stressful have come over the last week on her nose and in her ears. I was at my wits end praying for help. She is a fighter of the age of 19 years she is still holding on now well now. She has the sqaumous carcinoma on her ear tips. I noticed lots of posts on it on the nose but none on the ears. So like to be the first to help other beloved cat owners in the world.
I applied first turmeric for one month. It was a messy process but helped it calm down on her ears after 1 month. It was the golden paste: mix turmeric, olive oil and a bit of spring water heated up and cooled in fridge, then applied with a make up brush brushed on. Then after that it started to inflame up bit again when I stopped it.
So second month I applied bicarbonate of soda, just a tiny bit mixed with the purest aloe vera gel. It was very soothing for her and she didn't lick the ear at all this time anyhow. So it was safe to put on skin I researched it but not to lick it off. So to be careful that kitty cannot lick at it.
Well after a few weeks her whole skin has improved the red sore has gone. At the end of ear scab. just scabbed over for a week red inflamed. I kept going and then finally now by my amazement new fresh skin is growing now. Finally pink but that's new skin so I am v pleased relieved so far.
Red skin cancer gone new skin growing.
So to help others if your cat gets it don't give up, keep going if used twice a day small amount pasted on you will beat kitty's skin cancer naturally no operations.
Also I treated her mites in her ears and swarmed on her nose all over her face with colloidal silver sprayed on nose away from her eyes gently. Then I applied cats sunscreen over the site twice a day. The cats sunscreen drowns mites and is safe if using a cats special sunscreen can bye online. I really hope I help cat owners. I will update on her progress. So far so good.
Namaste. Nicky UK
Yunnan Baiyao
Yunnan Baiyao for Hemangiosarcoma
Our sweet red heeler (13 yo) was feeling lethargic and had mostly lost her appetite, and on the second evening of this we noticed a slight abdominal swelling. After bringing her to the vet hoping it was just a stomach ache, and then being sent to the emergency vet, we discovered she had suffered an abdominal bleed. They found a mass in her liver as well as additional nodes in her liver and one in her lung through a CT scan. Diagnosis likely Hemangiosarcoma in liver with metastasis to lung, not a candidate for surgery or chemo and a very poor prognosis, vet said that its hard to tell but she may only have days left. This is a very aggressive cancer that is prone to causing internal bleeds, and not usually discovered until a bleed happens. She put her on Yunnan Baiyao tablets, a combo blend of traditional Chinese herbs that are supposed to help stave off the bleeding and possibly slow the cancer a bit.
Our 42 lb dog is on a maintenance dose of 1 pill 2x day, her bleeding had slowed or stopped by the time we brought her home (they had dosed her during her overnight stay as well while she was still actively bleeding). That was 5 days ago, I've been feeding her cooked chicken livers and red meat to help build her blood back up and she is almost back to acting her normal self. Abdominal swelling has resolved and her gums are pink again. Because of the nature of this horrible disease (having no way to know when a bleed would happen) I wont really know if the Yunnan Baiyao is helping her, but the vet said there would be no ill effects using it. Nothing to lose. I very much appreciated the advice (especially given this is a conventional medicine vet) and wanted to put it out there for other people. Hoping this may buy us just a little more time. I have slowly started essiac and some other supplements as well, to hopefully slow down the cancer.
As a side note, the vet showed me the tiny red "emergency pill" in the center of the package. The package is mostly in Chinese and I wouldn't have known it was there otherwise. I fortunately have not needed to use it, and the vet said she wasn't sure of its efficacy, but just wanted to let others know it was there.