Natural Pet Cancer Remedies: Herbal Treatments for Dogs & Cats

Rooibos, Reishi, Milk Thistle
Posted by Patricia (CA) on 06/05/2023

Dan, I would like to thank you once again. It's been one month since my Jack mix's liver cancer diagnosis. The Dr Harvey's Paradigm mix is working well. I add pastured meats, wild caught sardines, let cool, then top with ground flax seed and olive oil. I add your Reishi, Roobois, and Milk Thistle to his water. I also have another bowl of water close to his be with Essiac tea and Chaga. This routine has extended Bo's life another month. He was bouncing and running a bit yesterday. I cannot thank you enough for posting your remedy. Thank you!

Rooibos, Reishi, Milk Thistle
Posted by Dan (Dublin, Ireland) on 02/08/2012

Editor's Choice I have an 18 year old jack russel that was diagnosed with cancer in November 2011. She was very weak and little appetite with at least 5 visible tumors, the vet said the only option was to put her down. Sooner rather than later.

I visited a chinese herbalist who recommended I feed her milk thistle, reishi mushroom and a herbal tea high in antioxidants (rooibos), I started giving her 5 drops of reishi liquid extract and 100ml of strongly brewed rooibos tea along with the milk thistle.

I can't put into words but the results were simply miraculous. Her tumours shrank and her appetite increased tenfold. After three weeks there was no visible tumours, the vet couldn't believe it when the MRI scan came back clear. Just wanted to share my story and hopefully you can add this to the pet cancer section.