Natural Remedies

Natural Pet Cancer Remedies: Herbal Treatments for Dogs & Cats

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Bladder Cancer
Posted by Ima999 (San Francisco, California) on 09/22/2014

I'm looking for help.

My dog was just diagnosed with TCC (in the Urethra) and I'm looking for any information / medications / dietary help I can provide her. I've been given a prognosis of 6-12 months but she's in such a great mood.

If you have any suggestions I'm all ears.

She has just started chemo and proxicam.

Bladder Cancer
Posted by Jill (Tacoma Wa) on 07/30/2016

Thank you for this information. I didn't think of looking on Facebook!

Posted by Scott (Pen Argyl, Pa) on 08/26/2013

My dog contracted lymphatic leukemia. I went to the vet and she put him on a course of 4 rotating treatments with one week off for 4 months. He wasn't getting any better.

Right from the start I researched alternative cures to supplement his treatments but I'll get to those specifics later. I ran across information that ginger reactivates the mitochondria which shuts down in many forms of cancer. This controls the life cycle of the cell. When they're reactivated the infected cells that were supposed to have died off had they been healthy essentially commit suicide. This only affects the cancerous cells.

I was familiar with this from DiChloroAcetate, a generic drug now being researched at the University of Alberta with significant results on a variety of cancers. The problem with this was it's fatal to dogs.

I started grating ginger into his food twice a day, about an inch of fresh ginger at a time. Within 3 weeks he was clear of cancer. The vet was amazed. Previously she had not been into alternative treatments. Now she uses this and has included others that have been effective on this and other cancers.

Along the way I was giving him a variety of anti oxidants, mostly amino acids. Dylan never appeared sick. The only reason I found out were the lumps on this throat. Amino acids are the building blocks of the body so they helped keep him strong. The anti oxidants in them helped restrain the spread of the cancer.

The doctor said Dylan should have died 4 times and considered him a miracle dog. I credit the antioxidants for having kept him alive until I found the ginger.

Dylan's picture is now displayed prominantly on the wall of the veterinarians office and he's become something of a legend but he was always that way. He was a celebrity back when I lived in NYC. I couldn't walk him a block without someone asking about this big gorgeous giant schnauzer. Soon people were coming up to me asking if this was Dylan. He was known by name throughout the neighborhood by people who'd never met him. He was just a wonderful dog.

Unfortunately, I didn't keep him on the regimen. It seems theres often a reaction to chemo where after the cancer goes away it will come back later as a super cancer. It came on too fast and too strong.

The lesson is, even after you beat the cancer, keep treating it for at least several more months, particularly after chemotherapy.

Himalayan Salts
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 06/30/2021 529 posts

Offer her two water dishes. One with a bit of salt and one without. She'll take what she needs.

Something else that people don't realize is that dogs need sunshine, just like people. They don't absorb vitamin D the same way but it's how they get it. It's made by the skin and distributed into the hair where it's licked off so some sunshine or D3 supplement along with the salt might also help.

Plus, you can't go wrong with "The Bellyrub of Happiness" - I.e. rubbing castor oil on the belly.

Essiac Tea, Diet
Posted by Ryan (Oaklyn, Nj, United States) on 06/10/2012

After receiving the devastating news on Friday that our 8 year old rescue cat "Tilt" has lymphoma, my wife and I began researching our options. Chemo was immediately suggested by the vet, although we won't get the final numbers until we see the oncologist. Personally, I'm not too keen on putting Tilt through the agony of compromising her immune system. According to the vet Tilt has 2 years to live if we don't do anything, I would like to try the holistic route.

I ordered ES Clear(which is basically the same as Essiac) and did further research on Essiac Tea. On Saturday we began the process of changing Tilts diet. We went to a local, all natural pet store and one the managers gave us some helpful information. He suggested we switch Tilts diet from canned food to raw food. We bought a 3lb pack called Balance. Balance is raw chicken with vegetables in the shape of individual patties. Since cats are true carnivores, it is only natural for them to eat raw foods. Because Tilt is so used to crap canned food, we had to mix it with the raw chicken. As we go along we'll mix less and less. The pet health food manager also gave us HomeoPet Cleanz-Detox for the removal of unwanted toxins from organs. Since our vet just removed a tumor on Wednesday, we can't start the detox until Tilt is finished with the antibiotics.

Again, I'm not used to writing all this health jargon but I will continue posting Tilts progress. Hopefully it will help others.

Milk Thistle, Reishi Mushroom, Rooibos Tea
Posted by Darcy (Hemet, California) on 02/29/2012

Try doing a parasite kill. Flaxseed and cottage cheese works well but you first have to do a parasite kill, but to do it you have to know what you are doing and I don't know if I can mention the person but I did this under Hulda Clark's direction's. My dog had bone cancer and was given 3 to six month's to live, this was over three years ago and he is still here. Look up mapel syrup and baking soda, sound weird but when you read the article you will find it makes perfect sense. All the luck and blessing in your venture of fight this horrible disease.

Rooibos, Reishi, Milk Thistle
Posted by Patricia (CA) on 05/22/2023

Thank you Dan. How much did your pup weigh and how many drops of the milk thistle did you give them. I am trying this combination now along with a low carb dog food by Dr Harveys called Paradym and my Jack Russell mix is starting to do better.

Skin Cancer
Posted by Michael (Chicago, Il. Usa) on 11/28/2011

In response to Luis from Lynwood California-Skin cancer can be easily cured by applying and rubbing hydrogen peroxide 3-4 times daily with a Q-tip. I know this because I took off a cancerous mole from myself about 1cm in size. It took around 3 weeks of rubbing. Cancer cells cannot live with oxygen and when hydrogen peroxide is applied it stimulates healing because it contains oxygen cells.

FucoTHIN Supplement
Posted by Brenda (San Antonio, Texas) on 06/25/2010

Editor's Choice

This is not about essiac tea. it is about tumors in animals.

I have seen at least 6 animals get over cancer tumors by taking a weight loss product containing brown seaweed Undaria Pinnatifida, Laminaria Japonica, and Pomegranate seed oil. its called fücoTHIN.

The dose for small animals is 3 daily and for larger animals 4 a day. I was shocked that it worked so fast. 3 weeks at the most.

I am sorry to say it does not seem to work as well on humans.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Gayle (Tulsa, OK) on 12/31/2006

Over 3 years ago, our cat, Flora, developed a mass (tumour) in her abdomen and lost a significant amount of weight. She was about 12 years old at the time. I started giving her a dropper of concentrated essiac tea once a day and mixing about 1/2 teaspoon of the powdered herbs in her food. The tumor went away and she put weight back on. She is now 15 years old and doesn't look or act like a 15 year old cat. I've continued to give her the dropper of concentrate at least once a week up to every other day. I've also given the powdered essiac herbs to our dog for allergy eye drainage that would easily get infected. Since we started the dog on this, her allergy eye problem has been gone for over a year now. Again, about 1/2 tsp once a day.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Amy (Pennsylvania) on 11/06/2015

I understand this is much later then the posting, however, I wanted to note to verify that the sheep sorrel used has the root included in the mix. Most mixes will state if a root is included and in many of them the root is not stated for sheep sorrel. The roots are the important part of the plant.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Jeff (Nj) on 11/04/2016 5 posts

Hi Nicole,

I have been treating my 9yr old dog with it, about 5oz. a day along with Avemar 1 pck a day, and 6 caps of Transfer Factor Plus. My pup is 9yr old male bull mastiff weighing 185lbs. We did not go thru a bone marrow test so don't know for sure, but they said its either Leukemia or Lymphoma. He is doing ok for now but his lymph nodes are still enlarged. He has been on it for about 5 weeks now. I have been hoping for better but if I can help him kick it, I am in it for the long haul no matter what.

As for your cat, I think if you search around either further up or on this site, I saw at least one person that was giving some via a dropper bottle and it worked for them. Also another that was mixing a small amount of the dry herbs and I think that also worked. I never heard of doing it that way. I know some people keep the sludge and use that to mix in with the food. Good luck with your kitty!

Yunnan Baiyao
Posted by anomala (Georgia) on 10/05/2023

Yunnan Baiyao for Hemangiosarcoma

Our sweet red heeler (13 yo) was feeling lethargic and had mostly lost her appetite, and on the second evening of this we noticed a slight abdominal swelling. After bringing her to the vet hoping it was just a stomach ache, and then being sent to the emergency vet, we discovered she had suffered an abdominal bleed. They found a mass in her liver as well as additional nodes in her liver and one in her lung through a CT scan. Diagnosis likely Hemangiosarcoma in liver with metastasis to lung, not a candidate for surgery or chemo and a very poor prognosis, vet said that its hard to tell but she may only have days left. This is a very aggressive cancer that is prone to causing internal bleeds, and not usually discovered until a bleed happens. She put her on Yunnan Baiyao tablets, a combo blend of traditional Chinese herbs that are supposed to help stave off the bleeding and possibly slow the cancer a bit.

Our 42 lb dog is on a maintenance dose of 1 pill 2x day, her bleeding had slowed or stopped by the time we brought her home (they had dosed her during her overnight stay as well while she was still actively bleeding). That was 5 days ago, I've been feeding her cooked chicken livers and red meat to help build her blood back up and she is almost back to acting her normal self. Abdominal swelling has resolved and her gums are pink again. Because of the nature of this horrible disease (having no way to know when a bleed would happen) I wont really know if the Yunnan Baiyao is helping her, but the vet said there would be no ill effects using it. Nothing to lose. I very much appreciated the advice (especially given this is a conventional medicine vet) and wanted to put it out there for other people. Hoping this may buy us just a little more time. I have slowly started essiac and some other supplements as well, to hopefully slow down the cancer.

As a side note, the vet showed me the tiny red "emergency pill" in the center of the package. The package is mostly in Chinese and I wouldn't have known it was there otherwise. I fortunately have not needed to use it, and the vet said she wasn't sure of its efficacy, but just wanted to let others know it was there.

Multiple Supplements
Posted by Heimdal (Vanderbijlpark) on 08/29/2023

German Shepherd

He is almost three. Now has aggressive advanced lung cancer. And. Myocarditis. And I am taking him to to the vet today again. Is chewing through a spot in his skin by his hips. Overall since starting supplements and feeding raw only he seems better. Less hunched over struggling to cough out something. Haven't found any blood anymore. He is no longer panting terribly. Only occasionally. His eyes seem less glazed over. His mood better. More energy. I am supplementing very widely, lots of the best and different supplements. Appetite good.

With all the supplements he still eats up absolutely everything. The main issue now is the terrible itching. And the spot he has managed to damage. I am spraying down his coat with ACV, and alternating with colloidal silver. Today I brushed in DME. He has also lost a lot of muscle! I am concerned adding twenty supplements in one meal may interfere with absorption. He is on pancreatic enzymes. And I add DMSO to his meal. I am heavily supplementing sulfur. As long as he has good moments I will keep fighting. He sleeps snuggled on the bed nightly with me. As massive as he is. Such a sweetheart. I live alone. I am struggling to keep positive. My other GSDs coat maybe also affected. Will see what vet says in a few hours.

Fenbendazole Dewormer
Posted by Renee (Sandusky, Ohio) on 06/07/2022

our 9 year old Yorkie was diagnosed with Plasmacytoma, degranulated mast cell tumor, B-Cell Lymphoma, discrete cell tumor. A mass was found on his leg and when they did an xray and ultrasound there is a 3cm tumor between his heart and lung. We have no idea where to start to see if there is anything we can do.

We were told he had 2 weeks to 2 months to live. Our hearts are broken.

Fenbendazole Dewormer
Posted by Schnauzer's Mom (Los Angeles, CA) on 06/14/2022

Renee, did you try essiac tea? I wouldn't buy at the store, I would buy the authentic one, which can be purchased online. I would contact the makers of black salve - cansema, the real black salve - and ask if giving my dog a tiny bit of black salve internally would help. I gave my dog black salve internally, which was only a rice-size, and the 2 warts he had on his back dissolved.

A woman on the fenben's facebook group for pets mentioned that she used 7% lugol's iodine to heal melanoma on her husband's head. But that is the only report I ever read about it related to cancer.

DMSO and Colloidal Silver
Posted by Deirdre (Connecticut) on 01/01/2022

Update on my dog with a cancerous anal gland tumor, diagnosed in early August 2021.

I tried a number of different protocols, as detailed in this thread:

None of them seemed to be helping. THEN I started doing DMSO and organic and raw (Bragg) apple cider vinegar topically dropped in near his bladder because he seemed to be having issues there and he looked remarkably better a few minutes later with increased energy. The amazing Art from CA recommended I try DMSO with Colloidal Silver.

Here is what Art wrote - incredibly helpful!!

"On the alternative cancer sites and in science, DMSO is itself known to have anticarcinogenic effects and in some cases has shown the ability to revert cancerous cells back to normal cells.

Here is a quote from the review :

'Our results suggest that DMSO may be an important stimulator of the tumor suppressor protein HLJ1 through AP-1 activation in highly invasive lung adenocarcinoma cells. Targeted induction of HLJ1 represents a promising approach for cancer therapy, which also implied that DMSO may serve as a potential lead compound or coordinated ligand for the development of novel anticancer drugs. '

... The effective DMSO dosing is in the 5 to 6% area at direct contact with a cancer cell, so you will have to dilute it with something and CS seems good because of its known anticancer effects by itself. You could see if he can tolerate 50% DMSO with 50% CS. If he doesn't tolerate that ratio, try 40% DMSO with 60% CS. I think when you go below 40%, DMSO is not nearly as effective as a transdermal penetration enhancer, but I would consider further reductions to reach tolerance by him.

So after Art sent me that, I began the DMSO and Colloidal Silver starting with 1 droppersful of each mixed together once a day. I am up to 3 droppersful at the moment with a day off once or twice a week.

I use a dropper and drop the solution right where the lump is on his bum and the rest of it on his stomach where there isn't much fur.

This is the remedy combo where we've been making progress. His appetite returned in full force after two weeks on the protocol and he started gobbling down his freeze-dried raw food, which he refused to eat starting in October.

Now he seems to be doing quite well for an old dog with a tumor. The freeze dried raw is so much better than the kibble he was eating, which made him terribly thirsty.

Also, I put removable sticky paw pads on him to help him walk as even the carpet is slippery at this point. Those pads have helped him tremendously. Here are the pads on Amazon if anyone is interested.

One thing I realized recently is that I don't think people really understand how much assistance dogs need when they get older. Because they become increasingly unsteady on all fours, they have a harder time drinking water. I suspect some get very dehydrated and the owners might not realize it and think their dog is ready to be put down when, in fact, they just can't drink enough water on their own anymore. Just my two cents caring for two big elderly dogs! I make sure my dog gets plenty of water throughout the day and I also keep a belly support under him while he drinks so he doesn't lose his balance. I've seen him just give up on the water because he can't hold himself steady if I don't help him.

I think my vet would be surprised that he's made it this long after diagnosis at his advanced age. Of all the protocols I have tried for my two dogs since the summer, the DMSO and Colloidal Silver have been the most effective, with no side effects other than slightly increased thirst a short while after applying the DMSO/CS. Sorry I didn't know about this for my other dog's shoulder tumor but it may have been too late for her anyway.

Thank you so much, Art!!!! APPRECIATE YOU!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Nicole (VA) on 10/31/2020

How much were you giving your dog and what is her weight? I've been giving this to my cat and have been seeing some def improvements but it's slow. For months no improvement so I know it's the silver water. Just wondering how much I can up his dose safely…

Reishi and Dandelion Tea
Posted by Andrija (Serbia) on 05/30/2018

First of all I want to apologize for my bad English. Vet said that my cat has bone cancer. He still eats well, acts like complete healthy animal. I would like to ask you about few things. People told me that I can try to give him Reishi tea and dandelion tea. How many ml of tea he should drink? Would it be effective still if I combine tea and water? I think he will not drink just tea because of taste of it. He has about 5 killograms. Whole familly love him and we want to try everything for his health. What do you think about petroleum cancer treatments? I heard few possitive examples of people who took it.

Regards from Serbia,


Essiac Tea
Posted by PEG (Minnesota) on 01/10/2023

3 oz 3 x day you can take 6 oz for severe. you really can't over do it. Good stuff for cancer!!!

Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
Posted by Adrienne (ID) on 03/07/2024

Which would be better, Apple Cider Vinegar and molasses or Apple Cider Vinegar and maple sugar? Seems sugar, even maple sugar, would not be good for a dog with cancer.

Colloidal Copper and Aspirin
Posted by Susan (New York) on 09/26/2016

Hi, can you please give us more information about this cure that you used for cancer? How much colloidal copper and aspirin did you use, did grind the aspirin and add it to cc? How often did you give it? How long has it been since you started this protocol? Thank you in advance.

Chaga Mushroom
Posted by Terrill (Salisbury, NC) on 10/26/2020

Did you mix the Chaga mushroom powder or almond seed powder into the fish and how much?

Low Dose Naltrexone
Posted by Windingdown (So Ca, US) on 02/25/2015

Low Dose Naltrexone low low dose of 0.03 per pound call Skips Compounding in FL for exact dosing and ways to find a vet who will prescribe it.. Google it for humans and it does have info about cats and dose on LDN too. BEST OF LUCK TO ALL OUR BABIES

Cesium Chloride
Posted by Darius (Bradenton, Fl) on 07/08/2014

Cancer - it is on the market for human use product call -Cesium Chloride, alternative cancer treatment Cesium Chloride, Google for web pages for information, very good.

Bone Cancer
Posted by Pam E. (Riverside County, California, USA) on 12/16/2023 153 posts

Garlic is in the same family as Onion, BUT, they are very different in how much of the toxic substance they contain! Onion has a LOT of it compared to Garlic, so it takes much less Onion than Garlic (which has a tiny amount) so it is much more likely to harm a cat or dog! Also, dried forms are much more potent than fresh.

"About 95 species of native or cultivated leeks, chives, garlic, shallots, scallions, and onions are present in North America, and more than 80 ornamental Allium species are available.

"All Allium species and the products derived from them CAN be toxic to dogs and cats1; HOWEVER, relatively FEW Allium species are of important toxicologic interest.

"Trauma to the plants, such as chewing, converts the organosulfoxides [TOXINS] to a complex mixture of sulfur-containing organic compounds.... Cooking or spoilage of Allium species does not reduce their potential toxicity.

". .. Garlic preparations that have not been aged cause direct damage to the gastric and ileal mucosa, resulting in pain and diarrhea.

"Allium species toxicosis typically ensues after consumption of a single large quantity of the material or repeated small amounts.

"Dogs and cats are highly susceptible to onion toxicosis: Consumption of as little as 5 g/kg of onions in cats or 15 to 30 g/kg in dogs has resulted in clinically important hematologic changes.

"Onion toxicosis is consistently noted in animals that ingest more than 0.5% of their body weight in onions at one time... ."

More details can be read at:

Toxicology Brief: Allium species poisoning in dogs & cats

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lily (Canada) on 10/07/2016

Reishe mushroom, inisitol IP 6, colloidal silver, as we'll as Essiac tea will heal your kitty. Research on how much to give to him. My friends cat similar situation. He is alive almost two years after vet said he would not last more then two weeks. Good luck.

Ozone Blood Replacement Therapy
Posted by Dan (London U.k.) on 06/06/2018

Jeffrey, I wish you'd shared where you got the treatment. I can't see anywhere in London doing it for animals. I'd like to try it for my cat.

Ozone Society didn't reply to my query.

Nor a 'compassionate Buddhist Vet of the year'. Incredible how coldhearted some ppl can be.

Essiac Tea, Diet
Posted by Ryan (Oaklyn, Nj) on 09/13/2012

So it has been been 4 months since my last post. My wife and I decided to do a mix of homeopathy and tradtional treatments. The thought was to take out the intitial tumour and do chemo with the essiac(ES clear, now called life gold) to keep her balanced. We completely changed her diet to a low carb, non grain, all organic canned food and some freeze dried raw food.

Because it is mammory cancer, our vet gave Tilt a year with chemo. The vet was also concerned that the cancer would spread to the lymphs. Which it did.

We were told there would be a strong possibilty that Tilt would be lethargic, lose her appetite, vomit, lose weight and her immune system would be compromised. Since we started her on the essiaic, Tilt showed little signs of the chemo. As a matter of fact, the vets have commented on how good she looks. She did lose her whiskers. Her blood work is fine. She dropped a little weight intially, mostly because we were feeding her friskies before the switch, and the operation that removed the tumour. She has since gained back some weight. Her appetite is as strong as ever and she is zipping around the house full of energy.

Last week our vet had discovered that the cancer had spread to her lymphs. And they wanted to start another round of chemo. There are little crusty pimples on her body the vet could not explain. Also a little thickenining of her skin on her belly. The vet wanted to biospy the skin thickening to make sure the cancer hadn't spread there too.

But honestly, I thought all this poking around was getting to be too much. I want to stop the chemo and biopsies so we can fully concentrate building her immune system. My feeling is the ES clear has been working and if given the chance fully go to work, without the toxic chemo, she could have a chance to live longer than the projected year.

Posted by John Wood (Stanardsville, Virginia) on 02/05/2012

I need to share what happend to my black lab, Teddy Bear. Maybe some of you reading this will be able to help your pet recover. Teddy developed a knot on his rectum around age 9. I thought it was just a hemmoroid but after several weeks it began bleeding. The area around the opening took on a bruised appearance with yellow, orange, reddish, and black colors and he began to act like he didn't feel well. I took him to the vet and was told it was cancer. He had surgery but withing a few months it was back. I took him in for more surgery. They removed several thumb size tumors and stiched him up. I was told that they didn't think they got it all. At that point I began praying for his recovery. The next day I received a cassete tape in the mail about a product called Pycnogenol. I listened to the tape on the way into work the next day. The narriator talked about all these folks that had cancer and other serious diseases taking this stuff and recovering completely. I had bought some of this stuff for myself about a year earlier in the hopes it would help me with chronic fatigue. It did nothing so I put it in the medicine cabinet and forgot about it. Anyway I heard the narriator tell that the most important thing about taking Pycnogenol is to take it 1 mg per pound of body weight. Well I figured Teddy weighed 90 pounds so I did the math and found that 5 capsules were needed to get close to his weight. I sprinkled the contents of the capsules on his food. Honestly I could not believe what happened next. Within one day of consuming just the first dose his rear end began to turn pink. He began to act like he felt a bit better. I gave him a second dose the next day and again daily from then on. By the time a week had passed you wouldn't believe it was the same dog. He was running and barking like he was a pup again. I kept him on the product until the bottle ran out. Withing a couple of weeks he began getting another spot on his butt so I put him back on the product. The knot went away. He stayed on Pyconogenol the rest of his life but he lived to the ripe old age of 17. I had to put him to sleep because his hips gave out, he couldn't walk, and he couldn't control his bladder & bowels any longer. I hated to do it but I had tried all that I knew to do. I stiil miss him....... But he lived 8 years longer than he would have if I hadn't had my prayer answered. Thank you Lord.

Let me say that there are differences between Pycnogenol and pine bark extract. Pine bark extract is a little bit cheaper than Pycnogenol but did not produce any effects for Teddy. I did not notice any difference between Pycnogenol brands.

Posted by Amber (Pa) on 08/22/2013

Me again. I can't believe the difference the pycnogenol is making. The lump is very obviously shrinking. She's now able to comfortably lay on her left side again. I didn't think she was in pain before, but it must've been bothering her because now that the pycnogenol is in her system, she has her "puppy bark" back and is acting like a dog half her age. I just can't believe it.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Karen (London England) on 11/18/2017

Where do I get all of this stuff?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ingrid (Geneva, Ohio) on 07/19/2009

I'm resending as I don't see the original post I sent a few days ago. Hope this can get posted. The lady's dog has the same cancer as my dog has. It does have products and websites if you need to delete them that's ok. I just want her to at least know what I used even if you can't list the brand names. It's sort of hard though since the name of the product is the brand name on some of them.

To Janie from Midland, TX
I just wanted to share what happened with my dog Snoopy on Tues. He was diagnosed with an inoperable nasal tumor back in Nov. 2008 after having nasal discharge and nose bleeds for 8 months. I was going to try neoplasene but after reading some of the posts of animals being sick I started looking for other options. I started Snoopy on PolyMVA about 4-5 weeks ago. He wasn't really getting the full dose because I was trying to put it on his dry food. I finally after about 2 weeks figured out to put the dry food in a baggie and shake it around until the PolyMVA was absorbed. Then I figured out I could add dry supplements to that also since the PolyMVA was a liquid they stuck to the food also. I added a chinese herb called Dissolve about 3 1/2 weeks ago and then about a week or 2 ago I added Transfer Factor Plus which he used to take but I hadn't been giving for awhile. I've also been putting hydrogen peroxide (12% food grade, it's toxic so be careful!), apple cider vinegar, and eissac tea in his water. He also takes Rimadyl. He had a hard tumor the size of 1/2 a golf ball on top of his head over his eye. Tues. morning he started sneezing, which he usually does when he first goes outside, then his nose bled a bit, which is normal for him, then I noticed the lump turned mushy. I called the vet and was told to bring him in. On the way to the vet I noticed the lump was gone! It had been less than an hours time. The vet said he thinks the tumor got so large the blood supply got cut off to part of it and part of the tumor died off. He said sometimes they drain in and sometimes out, he thinks Snoopy's drained in. He put him on antibiotics to prevent a bacterial infection. Snoopy's head feels a bit mushy on top but no lumps. The vet said he thinks part of it is excess skin from it being stretched so much by the tumor. His nose is still draining, which it has been like that for months. They said this is good. Snoopy seems pretty happy! He did develop some red skin over his eyes yesterday afternoon. The vet said it could be a reaction to the antibiotics. He said he thinks we are making progress and to continue what I have been doing. I wanted to share the experience incase it might help someone else. Snoopy is 14 years old, a mixed breed yorkie, llasha?? or low chen??. He weighs about 15 pounds. Just a note...I used 12% food grade hydrogen peroxide. I mixed it 11 drops to a gallon of spring water. I would fill his bowl with regular tap water 1/2-2/3 full then add the hydrogen peroxide mixed water. Then I would put 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, and just pour some eissac tea in, I never really measured the tea out. He gets 6cc of the PolyMVA, about a teaspoon of the Dissolve and one capsule of the Transfer Factor Plus once a day. He takes 1/2 tablet of 25mg Rimadyl twice a day. He eats Natures Variety NO GRAIN dry food and has started eating cooked chicken again plus he eats NO GRAINERS dog bisquits which I get at Walmart. The dog food is available at Pet Supplies Plus, hydrogen peroxide at the health food store or I think it can be purchased online too. Dissolve is from, eissac tea I get at a tea shop near me, you might be able to find in health food stores or online too. Apple cider vinegar I buy at the regular store (Walmart or wherever), PolyMVA is sold online polymvasurvivors. com. I get the pet formula. And Transfer Factor Plus is thru 4Life. I can give you the lady's name I get it from if you are interested in that. I hope Snoopy continues to improve and I hope that this will help someone else's dog or cat as well.

Essiac Tea, Supplements, Grinded Apricot Kernel
Posted by Maria (Los Angeles, CA) on 07/25/2009

I'd like to post an update on my cat's progress. It has been 11 months since she's been diagnosed with mammary gland cancer and she is doing great based solely on my homeopathic therapy. Her tumor has decreased significantly and at some point I could barely feel it, though it is worth mentioning that there was a time when I regrettably had to pause her supplement treatment, and the lump became somewhat more pronounced. Nevertheless, the supplement regime was soon resumed and she is now once again an energetic, playful kitty. Based upon my observation of her reaction to various supplements, I adjusted her vitamin intake as follows:

She now takes, on a daily basis:
1. 1 capsule of Essiac 4-herb capsules mixed in with food (1/2 cap. 2xday). PLEASE NOTE ******I have stopped giving my cat the concentrated form of Essiac a while ago because despite the fact that I diluted the concentrate extensively, as Anon from UK pointed out, alcohol in any amount may cause liver damage and thus should not be given to animals****** Not to mention, she hated the fact that it had to be fed through the eyedropper, although the above-mentioned rationale still stands as far more critical.
2. Instead of fish oil, I now give her Shark Cartilage (also from - __ capsule per day, which I believe have done wonders since she was started on it (as far as vitality and energy level).
3. I continue to give her Astragalus capsules and Beta Glucans approx. 1 capsule/day in several feedings.
4. I've actually decreased the dosage of grinded apricot to a tiny __th kernel per day and I give it to her with intermittent breaks- approx once in every 2 days.
5. A few months ago I started her on ___ (crushed) Vit. D tablets (400 IU) once every 2 days, and she seems to respond well to it. I've researched its effects widely in theory and in practice, and so far feel that Vit.D has been beneficial.
6. She continues to eat a low-carb, high protein diet (Innova EVO dry food and Wellness canned food). Sometimes I feed her tiny amounts of home-cooked salmon and other fish just because she loves it, but I always make sure to add all of her supplements into it.

Last but not least, I want to emphasize the importance of researching the potential harmful effects of a vitamin or herb before administering it tp your pet!!! I mention this because I recently tried adding a tiny amount of Flax seed oil to the list above, but noticed an immediate negative reaction as in a radical drop in my cat's energy level, and so I discontinued it right away. If anyone has ideas or suggestions as to why this might have occurred, please do share. I am wondering whether flax should not be given to cats by and large, or more likely, whether some adverse interaction with other supplements that I am administering to her has taken place. I'll appreciate any comments in regards to this and will keep you posted on my kitty's healing process...

EC: Thanks so much for the update, Maria.

Unfortunately our database does not read fractions and changed yours into funny characters. Could you please re-send the dosage amounts again by typing the measurements like this: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8. Thank you!

Essiac Tea, Supplements, Grinded Apricot Kernel
Posted by Susan (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) on 01/04/2012

Hi Maria, From what I understand, Flaxseed oil cannot be metabolized by cats. The only essential fatty acid should be fish based I.E. Alaskan Salmon Oil. This is what I feed to my cats. Hope this helps.


Essiac Tea, Supplements, Grinded Apricot Kernel
Posted by Essere (Nm) on 06/23/2016

Flax oil becomes rancid quickly. Buy in capsules and open as needed.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Gerald (Columbus, Ohio) on 10/09/2010

I would like to add to my other post that if you get a drinking fountain and are adding things to improve your pets health, you probably want to remove the carbon filter that most pet fountains come with.... As this may filter out whatever you are trying to add to the water.

Essiac, Turmeric, Famotidine, Diphenhydramine
Posted by wynnye (Texas) on 01/29/2023

in June of 2022 I took my older dog, Ruby to the vet because I thought she had ingested something in the garage left by the handy man. on x-raying her stomach, the vet found a tumor on her spleen. upon further x-ray, looking to see if the cancer had spread to other organs, multiple lesions were found on her lungs (odd, I thought, since she had no coughing, shortness of breath, low energy, etc). but I saw the lesions on the x-ray. the Vet gave her 2 months at the outside. I took her home and did a little research. I started her on diphenhydramine 25mg twice a day with famotadine 10mg twice a day (I looked up the dosages online, according to her weight). The same with Essiac Tea, also by weight, twice a day. and Turmeric by weight, again twice a day. It is now January 2023 and she is going strong, energy, no symptoms!

Turmeric, Aloe, Castor Oil, Manuka
Posted by Holly (New Mexico) on 07/27/2021 6 posts

My 10yo kitty is battling mammary cancer, and I've read somewhere in here that CoQ10 is good for heart health during cancer treatment. She is on a raw diet, and is not receiving any standard treatments from a vet. She currently has an open wound on her belly that is responding extremely well to the application of a mixture of turmeric, fresh aloe, castor oil and manuka honey. The open tumor is shrinking daily and infection is down a lot, but I remember reading somewhere on here about giving CoQ10 during cancer. Can anyone give me a dosage or any info?

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Nancy (east greenwich, RI) on 07/22/2024

My cat has a tumor like that on her eyelid blocking her eye. All blood work and sonogram and xrays show no cancer yet they want to remove the eye. it's been about 2 months, and it bleeds and looks crusty and blocks her eye. I was having dilemma about whether to have the eye and lod removed!

Flor Essence
Posted by Chantal (Hasselt, Belgium) on 10/12/2018

Flor-Essence for Cat With Mouth Cancer in Lower Jaw:

Hello, I read many testimonials about the effects of the tea for animals with cancer. As I live in Belgium I could only find the 8 formula, The Flor Essence. I read that many people give the 4 formula. Why is this?

Some people mentioned that the red clover in the eight formula could kill a cat. I did some research and I found this : : The red clover may be used as an alternative treatment for cancer; this may slow down the tumor from extending.

At the moment I give between 3-4 tsp (20 ml) per day divided in 3 portions. For cats with agressive cancer they recommended even 2x2tbsp per day.

I read that for the Flor-Essence formula you have to mix 5ml (1tsp) with 5ml water of broth. Is this correct?

There ware some testimonials where catowners mentioned that the tumor was growing accompanied with some bloodloss.They asked for help but I only found one answer : have Faith in the tea and give it the time to do it's work. There was also told that it happens that the tumor can grow and then flatten. This is mentioned in the instruction paper which is delivred with the bottle. As I am from Belgium I purchased it in the Netherlands. Without Paper. Only recommendations for administrating.
Is it possible to receive such instructionpaper?

I began to administrate the Flor-Essence about 10 days ago.My cat is almost 17 years old. He has a big appetite and makes some little walks in the garden

What do you recommend?
I know that there is a very big chance that the cancer can't be cured. But I give the tea a chance.

Thank you.



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