Apple Cider Vinegar
I have been putting apple cider vinegar into my cat's canned food because two had developed urinary tract infections which would have ended their lives if it weren't for veterinarians. But, when I picked up Oliver from the vet school the vet told me not to be surprised if he relapses. That is when I started putting the ACV in all my cats' food, and so far no more urinary tract infections, yay!
In the meantime, I ran across an article on the web about people in China who work in or near vinegar factories having fewer incidents of cancer. In searching for more information about that I came across this".
This is the National Institutes of Health website and a scientific article entitled "Effect of esophageal cancer- and stomach cancer-preventing vinegar (or OSCPV) on N-nitrosoproline formation in the human body."
This article is not easy for me, a jazz singer, to read, but I love that it is presented on a government website for an agency of the Public Health Service of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, especially after have a doctor and then a nutritionist tell me that alternative remedies are useless! I beg to differ!
Here is the conclusion of the article: "OSCPV is an effective agent that can block the synthesis of NNC. It is effective in blocking the synthesis of NPRO, which can induce cancer in the human body, making this agent capable of preventing human cancers in an effective manner."
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have 2 Shelties I love dearly,Dakota and Cheyenne they are 9 years old. Last year we found out Cheyenne had tyroid problems and she was started on medication.At the same time I started adding ACV to her food in mornings only and Dakotas food also on account of his age. The next time Cheyenne had her blood tested she had her medicine decreased,and she is doing great. Then last summer Dakota was very sick and we found out he had colon cancer and maybe 1 to 3 months to live, after we got him better and his infection cleared he has been doing great 8 months later. He is on bladder medication and I give him ACV every morning in his food and we would never know he is sick.I am a firm believer in ACV. My problem is not knowing how much ACV I should be feeding them, they are both around 25 lbs. I also drink ACV daily and I feel very healthy, any info you can send me would be greatly appreciated
(San Antonio, Tx)
Hi Karen.
We have a Schipperke mix she's 7 years old and approximately 40lbs.
A couple of days ago an ex-ray at the vet seems to show cancer in the hind left leg area. We should have a second opinion from ex-ray specialist Monday 1/5/18.
We have used ACV in the past and are willing to use it to help Bindi.
If you have any suggestions on how much and how often it would be greatly appreciated.
Christine and Steven
EC: Hi Christine,
Unfortunately, Karen's post is from 2007 and she is unlikely to see it, sorry! Perhaps one of our other wonderful pet lovers can advise.
Hey Christine! I keep a bowl of water in the floor for my dog's and that's the way I give them the vinegar. I use Bragg's apple cider vinegar. I would say the bowl I use holds about a quart and a half and I started them out with 2 tsp in their water, that way they could get used to the taste and then I increased it to about a tblsp after about a week. I hope this help's. I know some people put it in their food. I haven't tried that yet.
(South West Africa)
Don't forget to add a pinch baking soda (food grade) to the water to prevent the acid (ACV) from stripping the enamel off the teeth.
Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
The protocol for Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking soda) for dogs over 100lbs is 1tsp a day. You mix one part baking soda (Bobs Red Mill Brand - no trace aluminum in the product-VERY IMPORTANT) with 3 parts organic maple syrup. So for 3 Tablespoons of baking soda you will mix 9 Tablespoons of Maple syrup. Heat over stove not in aluminum!!! . I use a stainless steel pan with water and put the mixture in a Pyrex (glass) measuring cup and heat for 5-10 minutes over med heat, don't boil. You just want the mixture to blend. I put in a sterilized glass jar and put in the fridge for use over 1 week. Discard after the week and make a new batch. If your animal is less than 100 lbs, like 25lbs, I would use a quarter of a teaspoon a little less for 17lbs. I use a child's medicine syringe to disperse into my dogs mouth. This will help you to measure for a quarter teaspoon. My dog has cancer and responds phenomenally to this treatment. Like a new dog. I use this once a day for 6-8 solid weeks. Go to the vet monthly to check blood work, you want to know that your pet is in the clear. I might even use the protocol once a week as a preventative.
My dog's diet consists of ground turkey or chicken (NO MEAT, NO DAIRY, NO GRAIN) Fish is also acceptable, wild salmon a good option for cats.
This lightly cooked poultry is mixed with a little rice, 1 cup of raw spinach cut up it will wilt, 1 cup of raw watercress cut up and grated carrot, 2 cloves of minced garlic, minced fresh ginger, teaspoon of turmeric, sea salt, tablespoon of organic coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of ground beet root and some black strap molasses.
Poultry for B6, Spinach and beet root is for Iron as well as black strap molasses, turmeric and ginger are anti inflammatory, garlic is to boost immunity, watercress has B17 which fights cancer, coconut oil is anti bacterial, and sea salt for minerals.
Our vet wanted me to put my dog on Prednisone and do chemo/radiation. I said no, I can kill the cancer with baking soda and maple syrup, the anemia and inflammation are addressed with the ingredients in his food instead of the prednisone poison. Prednisone side affects include cataracts, loss of bone, loss of sleep, weight gain, headaches...... I only pay the vet for a diagnosis, I prefer to conduct my own treatment.
This works if you want to save your pet or a person with cancer. DO NOT DO CHEMO OR RADIATION it will kill. Go watch Dr Leonard Coldwell on youtube.
This does work. I did it with my 13yr old papillon who had liver cancer. This stopped the tumor and to the vet's amazement, restored normal enzyme values for his liver.
How much and how often is the baking soda/molasses given and is it given on an empty stomach?
(Funkstown, Md.)
How much do you give them 15 years old
(New York)
I would like to treat my dog with the baking soda and maple syrup concoction. She is btw 60 and 70 lbs. So should I give her 1 teaspoon per day?
She has 2 tumors on her liver.
(Seminole Florida)
I have a 15# doxy who was just diagnosed with cancer of the spleen..
She is not acting sickly. The vet gave her 4-6 more months to live. How much and how often with the baking soda and maple syrup.
I am trying the maple syrup baking soda treatment on my older dog to remove some tumors. The vet says they are not cancerous but I am unsure.... Will this treatment work on non cancerous tumors? In addition, when I warm the syrup and baking soda, it hardens significantly. It turns into more of hard carmel substance. I have read people being able to put the mixture into a syringe. Not the mixture Im making, I can barely tear it apart. Am I doing something wrong? In advance, thank you for your response. Bryan
Great advice! My dog is dying from cancer. How soon did your dog started reacting positively to your baking soda treatment?
I just gave my dog first dosage last night and a few hours later she started getting sick, and today a to throw up, especially after drinking allot of water, I can't get her to eat anything today as well... Did your dog have any reaction to their first dose?
There are a few maple syrups made with xylitol, be sure yours is not one of those, as xylitol can kill dogs and at a minimum make them very sick.
In any case, it does not sound like a protocol you should follow.
You can use colloidal silver in the drinking water and apply topically with DMSO as Deirdre has described. Dogs can tolerate DMSO orally in very small amounts, but there are no studies or guidelines for that use.
How do I make this for a 25 lb dog, please?
(Nova Scotia)
Thank you so much!! So much info and I appreciate every bit of it. Going to follow your protocol on my 14 year old beagle that has tumors. We were going to put him down, so this is my last Ditch effort to save him. Fingers crossed this helps, even just a little bit.
How much water do you use?
(North Carolina)
If you give more than needed, will it not be as effective or harm your dog? He is fluctuating between 96-89 lbs. The calculations are too much for my brain. If I give 1 tsp a day, and he is not 100 lbs, will it be ok?
What is the dosage for cats?
Which would be better, Apple Cider Vinegar and molasses or Apple Cider Vinegar and maple sugar? Seems sugar, even maple sugar, would not be good for a dog with cancer.
(New Hampshire)
Great advice about the animals diet. A whole food diet it is the best thing for any living being, not processed foods like kibble. Blah! (reference: I don't have any experience using Sodium Bicarbonate for my pet but I have heard about its use numerous times. I am really interested in what kind of results others have had. It's not expensive and is definitely worth a try in my book.
Black Salve
Black salve, properly formulated with no acids, just with bloodroot, sheep sorrel, gangalal, and red clover WORKS!
I have very sensitive skin and scar from everything. Tried this on a patch of the sensitive skin on my inner forearm. No reaction other than discoloration after 24 hour application. Had an abnormal mole the doc said was most likely cancerous. Put the stuff on that and WOW! Immediate reaction. After pain for days, the body pushed out the entire mole and its roots. Biopsy on my arm confirmed clear of cancer after that.
My mastiff was diagnosed with cancer on his elbow 2016. Put some on my dog that had a cancerous tumor on his elbow. Took a lot longer to treat because the bandage would not stay put. The tumor drained and then fell out. He should have died in a year or less. It is now 2020 and he is doing fine. The idiots that claim black salve is a hoax and dangerous are the idiots who are toting the pharmaceutical industry's nonsense. There are bad batches out there that put acid in their mix. Do not buy from them. Research and find a reputable company to get the good stuff.
The bloodroot ruptures the protective sheath around the cancer so the body can recognize it as bad. The body then appropriately attacks the cancer and shoves it out. There is a crater at first. Keep it clean, moist, and covered. Use a comfrey based salve on it. It will fill in, heal, and have little scarring if you follow the directions.
Black Salve
Black salve, properly formulated with no acids, just with bloodroot, sheep sorrel, gangalal, and red clover WORKS! I have very sensitive skin and scar from everything. Tried this on a patch of the sensitive skin on my inner forearm. No reaction other than discoloration after 24 hour application.
Had an abnormal mole the doc said was most likely cancerous. Put the stuff on that and WOW! Immediate reaction. After pain for days, the body pushed out the entire mole and its roots. Biopsy on my arm confirmed clear of cancer after that.
My mastiff was diagnosed with cancer on his elbow 2016. Put some on my dog that had a cancerous tumor on his elbow. Took a lot longer to treat because the bandage would not stay put. The tumor drained and then fell out. He should have died in a year or less. It is now 2020 and he is doing fine. The idiots that claim black salve is a hoax and dangerous are the idiots who are toting the pharmaceutical industry's nonsense. There are bad batches out there that put acid in their mix. Do not buy from them. Research and find a reputable company to get the good stuff. The bloodroot ruptures the protective sheath around the cancer so the body can recognize it as bad. The body then appropriately attacks the cancer and shoves it out. There is a crater at first. Keep it clean, moist, and covered.
Use a comfrey based salve on it. It will fill in, heal, and have little scarring if you follow the directions.
Bladder Cancer
I'm looking for help.
My dog was just diagnosed with TCC (in the Urethra) and I'm looking for any information / medications / dietary help I can provide her. I've been given a prognosis of 6-12 months but she's in such a great mood.
If you have any suggestions I'm all ears.
She has just started chemo and proxicam.
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Ima999!
Check out this research on TCC:
Om has experience with Essiac tea - let's hope she chimes in on her use with this herb.
Please also check out EC's page on Essiac:
Also check out EC's bladder cancer page:
Please keep us posted on your girl's progress!!
(Los Angeles)
There is a facebook page dedicated to helping others whose dogs have this cancer, a lot of great info and feedback. I hope your dog is still ok.
Facebook page-- Dog Transitional Cell Carcinoma (TCC) -Bladder Cancer
(Tacoma Wa)
Thank you for this information. I didn't think of looking on Facebook!
Jill, this link is a video testimonial of a man who cured himself of cancer with baking soda and molasses. I am trying to figure out how much and how to give baking soda to my cat for her kidney disease. Here is another link from Dr Sircus' site on healing the kidneys with sodium bicarb.
I realize this is an old post, but anyone reading this, please know you are supposed to limit sodium for cats who have kidney disease, so I would not be giving them baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)!
Bone Cancer
My family golden retreiver was kicked by a deer for the second time a few months back. So when the site (joint of her paw) really swelled up, it was thought it was broken or damaged. Our amazing vet, who I refer everyone to, took one look and said "thats not swelling thats bone cancer". I was shocked, literally never expected anything like that. He is always right but I got the x-ray to confirm. Our poor Sadie has been really neglected. The sibling of mine that bought her and is supposed to take her to the vet does not work, is very wealthy, and apparently very selfish. The last time our dog Sadie, had been to the vet, I had to drive my boyfriend to work 40 minutes away so I could use our car, and my brother, my newborn baby, and I took her and paid for her appointment. This time, I had to take the kids I watch with me during work. She is such a good dog and deserves so much better so I am really driven. It has been a week and 2 days since the x-ray has confirmed and Sadie has gone from barely being able to get out to use the bathroom (we had to carry her up and down the stairs) and even crying at times... to running around, looking like a puppy again, and her paw has gone down half the size.
I cut out the dog food and have kept it to tuna, meats, and dark leafy greens. I fed her half a bulb of garlic (she was so ticked at me when the olive oil I disguisd it in gave way), I feed her coconut oil, budwigs everyday a few times a day, avaoado. I think the most important part was following one of Ted's regimens for cancer; aspirin every hour for four hours, vitamin c every hour for 6 hours, and lysine every hour until bed time. The aspirin is only supposed to be done one day every four days. Also garlic pills and turmeric. Hydrogen peroxide and kelp extract on the site of the cancer and internally. She does not like the Apple Cider Vinegar but eats the kelp and hydrogen peroxide off her paw and any drop I spill, and I chalk that up as she knows what she needs and give her more. I really think the aspirin is what helped the most. I am looking for the essiac tea and the ingredients ted recomends specifically for pets. We have an assi market right down the street so maybe they will carry the reishi mushroom, sabah snake grass, etc. ? I also want to try ground up egg shells and castor oil topically. Any more suggestions or success stories, I would be so grateful to hear! ? Thankyou to Ted, Earth clinic, and all the contributors!! : )
In my heart I know that Sadie will beat this (positive thinking) but if God wants her with him, at least she will have gotten to spend the rest of her time being spoiled, well nourished, and in no pain. Will update but wanted to let everyone know there is hope for this agressive cancer.
Garlic is in the same family as Onion, BUT, they are very different in how much of the toxic substance they contain! Onion has a LOT of it compared to Garlic, so it takes much less Onion than Garlic (which has a tiny amount) so it is much more likely to harm a cat or dog! Also, dried forms are much more potent than fresh.
"About 95 species of native or cultivated leeks, chives, garlic, shallots, scallions, and onions are present in North America, and more than 80 ornamental Allium species are available.
"All Allium species and the products derived from them CAN be toxic to dogs and cats1; HOWEVER, relatively FEW Allium species are of important toxicologic interest.
"Trauma to the plants, such as chewing, converts the organosulfoxides [TOXINS] to a complex mixture of sulfur-containing organic compounds.... Cooking or spoilage of Allium species does not reduce their potential toxicity.
". .. Garlic preparations that have not been aged cause direct damage to the gastric and ileal mucosa, resulting in pain and diarrhea.
"Allium species toxicosis typically ensues after consumption of a single large quantity of the material or repeated small amounts.
"Dogs and cats are highly susceptible to onion toxicosis: Consumption of as little as 5 g/kg of onions in cats or 15 to 30 g/kg in dogs has resulted in clinically important hematologic changes.
"Onion toxicosis is consistently noted in animals that ingest more than 0.5% of their body weight in onions at one time... ."
More details can be read at:
Toxicology Brief: Allium species poisoning in dogs & cats
Budwig Diet
I would like to try some of these remedies for my 13 year old dog who is exhibiting signs of cancer. The big problem right now is getting her to eat. We have offered her many options which she will eat for a while then refuse. Her latest favourite is hot dogs (I know.....not the healthiest). I would like to use the Budwig Diet so any suggestions as to how I can pique her appetite would be much appreciated.
(Mpls., Mn)
Budwig Diet
Hi I have a rottie male, just turned 3 in January. He was diagnosed with lymphoma. I have him on the budwig diet twice a day - 2 Tablespoons flaxseed oil to 4 Tablespoons low fat cottage cheese along with vitamin b17 (3 ground up) with a table spoon of whole flaxseed ground up twice a day. I include 1 teaspoon of turmeric with the morning dose of cottage cheese.I also have him on brewed essiac tea 4oz twice a day mixed with dog food. God is good. He is doing great. Plus 20mg of prednisone once a day.
Everything organic.
Budwig Diet
My beautiful Shiz-Tzu was just diagnosed with Osteosarcoma of her lower mandible. The vet I had been taking her too, mis-diagnosed her three times over two months. I took her for a second opinion to a new vet and within an hour I had the full diagnosis. So if you aren't getting answers from your vet, please seek a second opinion. It could have given me a two month jump on this. But since my baby is my life, I'm willing to spare no expense to make her better if I can or give her a good quality of life.
I immediately took her off canned / dry dog food and switched her to a keto diet, no carbs, no sugars, no gluten. I feed her an egg/chicken/veggie omelet with her meds and supplements in the morning and evenings. And in between I feed her budwig diet snacks. It has only been a few days but she is already feeling better, where she used to be very lethargic she now greets me at the door and has even went on a short walk or two. The diet if nothing else has at least made her feel better. Its very new and I'm hoping and praying for the best and know full well the worse is always waiting. I hope this can help someone else.
For my other dogs and all other dogs I own in the future they are going to get only the first set of vaccines, and then a homemade diet of fresh ingredients. Also dental care is extremely important, I lacked that on her and now I"m paying a price for it. The vet recommended plaque off and I have my other two dogs on the same diet and plague off and their breath has gotten better and I see increased energy in them as well.
Only God knows if Star will clear this cancer hurdle, the vet gave me a less than 6 month diagnosis, I'm playing the odd's and hoping for more.
The supplements I'm using were carefully selected and I avoided sugars and preservatives in them.
So far she gets.
- Essiac drops
- Milk thistle
- Probiotics
- Tumeric
- doggie greens
- Budwig diet
I also have dmso and msm, but she won't allow me to put it on her, still trying though.
God bless our pets, they are pure love.
Budwig Diet
2 years ago our Labrador/Pitbull X, at that time 12 years old, was diagnosed with Lymphoma. And of course the suggested treatment was Chemo therapy with the added comment that it only would prolong his life by possibly a year, but eventually kill the dog.
As we had trust in natural therapies for cancer and our dog disliked the vet anyway, plus him being so old, we started to research alternative treatment options on and other websites. One of the treatments we came across on Earthclinic was the Budwig protocol, which a few dog owners had used on their dogs with cancer successfully. After more research on that particular treatment we thought we give it a go.
So the regime we followed was that we gave him twice a day with his food 4 Tblsp quark+2 Flaxseed oil (mixed to an emulsion), we added 1-2 teaspoons of turmeric powder after mixing the quark and flaxoil. Also we changed our dog to a grain free diet. In this case we changed to Nutrience dry dog food.
Although the quark is low fat, our dog did gain weight over this time (maybe 4 kg). And also something very odd happened: he started to loose patches of hair all over his body. They came off with scabs of dry skin. At first we thought he is going to go bald, but after a few month the hair grew back shiny and beautiful. Not sure what exactly this meant, but we thought it might have been a sign of detoxification.
After 3 month he had an incident where he vomited a few times and we took it as a sign to half the dosage per day.
Then 2 or 3 month after halving the dosage he had a day where he didn't move, nor eat or drink, and we thought: This is it. He is dying today. Next day he was walking again though and he was back to normal after two days. So we decided to stop giving him the quark and flax oil.
During these 5-6 months he was quite lethargic and not really his normal self (already before he was diagnosed with cancer to be fair), he seemed to be depressed. But after his near death day, he started to be more clear again.
Before the treatment he had lots of fatty tumors all over his body. Today they are still there, but they all have halved in size.
He is now 14 years old, has a nice shiny coat, is in very good spirits and survived by far his 2-months-to-live cancer diagnosis (by 2 years so far). He walks slow because he has arthritis, but hey, he is 14 and even for his breed that's quite old.
We never went back to the vet to get checked if he still has cancer, because what's the point: He is the living proof two years later. We still have him on a grain free diet.
Whatever we did, it seemed to have worked. He won't live forever, but he sure got over the cancer.
Thank you earthclinic. What a wonderful source of knowledge of alternative treatments.
Budwig Diet
In February this year 2011, I had to bring my 8 year old Great Dane to UC Davis emergency and they found a huge mass on his spleen. They did surgery on him and removed his spleen and he was diagnosed with hemangioscarcoma and told me without chemo he would have 19 days to 2 months to live and with chemo 5 to 6 months.
At the time I was in a state of shock and agreed to do chemo but after doing some research and seeing what my poor dog had to go through (5 people holding him down and him crying howling 30 minutes straight!! ) Anyway, long story short, I decided to hell with chemo, I'd rather see him live a quality life for a shorter time than live longer in misery.
When researching the internet I came across "the Budwig Protocol". Basically what it is is Organic Flaxseed Oil (the kind you find in a bottle @ Whole Food's refridgerated section) and Organic Cottage Cheese Lowfat.
I hope you will check in to this because all I know is that it's been 8 months now since my Great Dane was given max 2 months to live and he is doing GREAT!!
Twice a day I give it to him and I will continue doing so all his life. In addition to the cottage cheese and flaxseedoil, I feed him raw meat (chicken turkey necks tripe etc) supplements like Glutamine, Arginine (spelling?), milkthistle, garlic, multi vitamin). What I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT feed him is dryfood, carbohydrates, rice, processed food etc.
I think the reason for his Hemangiosarcoma has to do with genetics and the toxic environment we live in but I blame in particular all the vaccinations that I unfortunately gave him the first years of his life. If I knew then what I know now.. but I didn't.
I have come across a Great Dane breeder who has a litter of puppies that are 4th generation with no vaccinations! That is the way to go! In the meantime I am loving and appreciating every single day that I get to enjoy with my wonderful companion!
Good Luck! Oh by the way, I have started the Budwig Protocol myself to hopefully prevent any future cancer or other desease.
Yes please do your own research! You will not regret it!
Castor Oil and Turmeric
If your dog has an aggressive cancer like melanoma or has a malignant tumor, avoid turmeric and castor oil mixture.
My male, neutered, senior mini schnauzer has melanoma on his digit. It started small and round, like a wart. I applied castor oil + turmeric and the tumor grew fast BUT, at the time, I didn't make the correlation. I only recalled that now, as I was writing this review. I stopped using this mixture because it was messy and my dog tried to lick it.
When I finally had the money to book the surgery, the vet said the tumor was 40% of his paw and his leg should be amputated. I read many positive posts about applying castor oil mixed with turmeric topically on the tumor, so I decided to try again.
Within only 3 days the tumor grew to a monster size. It is literally WRAPPING around his paw. His footpad is disappearing behind it.
Most people say turmeric and castor oil mixture makes the tumor swell and then one day it bursts open, but those people had dogs who had cysts or other type of cancer or some tumor that they weren't even sure if it was cancer. I continued reading posts on earthclinic and saw a couple posts that this mixture should not be used on malignant tumors. I stopped right away. I tried to add 2 pictures to my post, before and after.
I am hoping to remedy this situation with pycnogenol 100mg, which he started the day after I stopped this mixture. I need the tumor to be a bit smaller to apply the black salve I purchased from altcancer. He is also drinking essiac tea since I stopped this mixture.
(Los Angeles, CA)
I forgot to add: my dog was taking a pill that has oregano oil as the main ingredient. I doubled the dosage within a week. The tumor was changing. It was almost as if it was swollen and losing fluid. The bandage in the morning would be humid and filthy. But you are supposed to take a break, so I stopped for a week, right on the day I started the turmeric and castor oil mixture topically. The mixture reversed the progress accomplished with the oregano oil AND the tumor became much bigger than ever before. He is back on the oregano oil pill since last Sept. 5th, but only one a day.
Ps: I believe the castor oil and turmeric mixture can work for other tumors but unfortunately is a big no for melanoma.
You might want to look up the dog wormer panacur c (fenbendazole) and how people are using it for cancer.
(Los Angeles, CA)
I am on the facebook group for fenbendazole for dog cancer. Most people had to put their pets to sleep. I am wondering if they tried it too late or if they didn't follow the instructions given by Tippens.. I saw the posts here on Earthclinic, I am watching them.
I started my dog yesterday on black salve, today the part where I applied the salve was white, so I am excited. He is still drinking essiac tea and taking 100mg of pycnogenol. The oregano oil pill is out of stock, so he isn't taking those for now.
Knowledge, research, is key. Mine found that the fenben is so safe it had no LD50, even at 10,000x normal dose. Also I have faith. I don't know what feed your dog is on but perhaps change is needed, can't feed cancer when you're trying your hardest to to kill it.
I look forward to your updates.
Castor Oil and Turmeric
We had a problem with a large tumor on our female Rottweilers elbow. I researched everything on the net and came across the castor oil and turmeric remedy. I would apply the castor oil mixed with turmeric and soak a piece of flannel into it then apply over the tumor. Twice a day I would do this for 1 month. The tumor gradually began to open up and it did look worse before it got better. But it shrank the baseball sized tumor down to nothing. It is now all gone. I also only fed her a raw diet. Cancer thrives on processed sugar. If you remove it from their diet it starves the cancer.
Cesium Chloride
Cancer - it is on the market for human use product call -Cesium Chloride, alternative cancer treatment Cesium Chloride, Google for web pages for information, very good.