Chanca Piedra
Health Benefits

Chanca Piedra Herbal Benefits

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Calcium Buildup
Posted by Ed2010 (Oakville, Canada) on 02/14/2013

Chanca Piedra is a stone breaker. It can help. In addition you need to take foods rich in vitamin K. Vitamin K makes sure that your body's calcium is evenly distributed. It prevents deposit of calcium in one particular area.

First you can opt for food rich in Vitamin K. Natto, (japanese fermented soy) is the ideal food to supply Vitamin K. It is rich in vitamin K than any other food. But the taste of Natto is quite different. you have to acquire it. You can have a cup of natto with bread or rice daily.

Also do at least 20 mins of full body exercise daily.

Good health

Calcium Buildup
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/14/2013

Editor's Choice

Hi Jo... I also had calcium deposits in the tendons in my shoulder joint that caused me great pain problems -- especially in the morning. In the early 1990s I also went to see a tissue specialist in UK about this problem because it had become such a painful problem. I spent two hours waiting to see the tissue specialist only for him to tell me that he could do nothing to help me. He also told me that his own wife had the same problem as me --for over 15 years!! This from aso-called specialist!! This did not engender much confidence on my part. He did offer to operate on my tendon and individually remove calcium particles but I thought this was a ridiculous solution that would never gaurantee an actual cure to the problem -- so I said no to the op. In the end I cured myself by deliberately and physically damaging my calcified shoulder(I did aikido at the time) -- figuring that if I deliberatey damaged this shoulder area then this would attract the immune system to the area and the calcium particles would be removed. It worked but I wouldn't recommend it!!

Your problem is essentially caused by a high calcium low magnesium diet as well as by lack of other nutrients in the diet.

A better way to deal with the calcified tendon problem would be to supplement the following:

Chanca Piedra - This is a wonderful herb which has a diuretic action that specifically helps to remove excess calcium from tissue and bone sites as well as from the blood. CP is also hypoglycemic (lowers excess blood sugar), and hypolipidemic (lowers excess blood fats). It has many beneficial characteristics:

Dose: Capsules -- 1000 mgs at every meal or drink the tea form 3 times a day. Avoid the the alcoholic extract form - not as good as the aqueous form.

Magnesium -- In the form of magnesium chloride (best form to take), magnesium citrate or mag gluconate. Essentially magnesium helps to regulate calcium in the body. Dose: 250 mgs twice a day.

Vitamin K2, Vitamin A and Vitamin D. This combination also helps to regulate calcium in bone and teeth. Weston Price determined through his own research that in all healthy primitive cultures which had perfect bone and teeth -- this particular combination of healthy vitamins was perhaps the main characteristic reason. These primitive cultures used fats like palm oil(high in vitamin A), coconut oil, butter oil(as clarified butter or ghee) and real grass fed butter -- which all contained healthy amounts of vitamin K2. The Japanese eat natto(acquired taste!! ) which also contains large amounts of Vitamin K2. The human gut flora also produces small amounts of vitamin k2. Weston Price, in his research, also noticed that these healthy primitive cultures had perfect teeth and bone structure right up to and beyong the age of 70 y o. No cavities in the teeth and no bone thinning or bone wasting at old age.

The dosages for these vitamins should be in the proper orthomolecular dosages(not RDA -- way too low) :

Vitamin K2: 1000 mcg per day. You can also get adequate amounts of K2 buy just eating grass fed butter everyday and not margarine.

Vitamin D3: 5,000 iu per day. If you live in a sunny tropical climate -- you wont need to take Vitamin D because your skin plus sun is abe to manufacture up to 20, 000 iu of vitamin D in your skin per day.

Vitamin A: 2,000 iu per day

Perhaps an easier way to take the Vitamin D and Vitamin A together is just to supplement good quality fish oil -- which contains both vitamins in the correct proprotions.