As an update to my previous post: cornstarch DOES seem to be my 'cure' to the dreaded H-word. Any time I've felt it coming on, patting some cornstarch on seems to shrink it within a few hours, and keeping it up gets rid of it entirely in, at most, a few days. It recurred easily for a week or so, then went away and hasn't come back since. I've been patting some cornstarch on preventatively once every day or other day [to keep friction, heat, and moisture down, which seem to be aggravators], and it seems to be working like a charm. Huh.
Corn Starch
Home remedy hemorroid cream - corn starch; cuts out the burning and itchiness, use about 1 teaspoon
Corn Starch
I have tried every over the counter medication for hemorrhoids. Needless to say none work, some even made them worse. The best thing I have found is to gently spray your behind with a squirt hygiene bottle, dry the area gently but thoroughly, then apply corn starch all around the hemorrhoid. Sometimes I roll a few cotton balls in the corn starch and press right up against the hemorrhoid. I will wear this all day or night. It has never failed to bring me comfort. I hope it works for yo