Health Benefits

Garlic Treatment for Hemorrhoids

Posted by Kristinad (Utah, US) on 09/15/2014

I just read a post that said over the counter preparations for hemorrhoids work just as well, but I beg to differ. My step mom tried several of them and kept going down hill until a kind neighbor brought over some simple garlic capsules. She had been in excruciating pain for weeks. She immediately took the garlic, in the evening, and was hundred percent better by morning. I am convinced natural is definitely best.

Reading that hemorrhoids are a form of Candida makes a lot of sense, as all of these are anti-fungal, antioxidant and antibacterial cures. I have had success in many different ways with all of them. Blessings.

Posted by Heather (Ontario) on 10/14/2016

Anxiety... I can help you there. My anxiety story is much like your hemorrhoid story. I've tried everything, endured horrible side effects. Never really felt good. In fact, over time, I got worse.

Here's what works: double the package recommended dose of lavender oil capsules - just oil, not herb. Plus double dose of Gaba and HTP. It took three months to really be positive it was working, but you can take it with dr.'s meds, so who cares, right?

I do these as extras: long baths in lavender oil & epsom salts, and a swig of magnesium with calcium and K2 at bedtime. Magnesium is a calmer and this gives two ways - absorption through the skin and swallowing. Lavender in bathwater - well, you can smell it and over time it seems to calm me. After a few weeks of these baths, I really don't like to go without. They really do make a difference. It just takes a while of doing it before you notice the difference without.

Posted by Betty (CA) on 10/25/2021

My mother in law has external hemorrhoids. Doc said they begin internal first. I haven't researched it but she takes a vitamin E suppository at night and coats the hemorrhoids with aloe. I will post update as to results when she has been on this protocol longer.

Posted by Desigirl (East Lansing, Mi, United States) on 05/28/2011

Hello Everyone,

I have suffered from a very painful external hemorrhoid for more than a year now. I've tried all possible home, OTC and Rx remedies, but nothing really worked. I tried ACV which seems to be really popular on this site, but that didn't work either.

One day I randomly came across an Ayurvedic blog which claimed that garlic suppositories work wonders. At this point I was ready to try anything and I didn't really have a lot of faith in something so simple. Well I was proven wrong!!! It was the best remedy so far! I basically peel a garlic clove and cut off the tips and rub it on my cutting board to get the juice flowing. Then, I coat it in olive oil and insert it as high as I can (I use finger cots available at any pharmacy). The first couple of times, the pain was extreme and it burned like crazy too! I also couldn't keep it inside for more than 20-30 min due to the pain. But, I kept at it and inserted a pod every few hours until I could finally insert it all night with very little discomfort. The garlic is discharged when you have a BM the next morning. I have done this for 4 nights so far and the relief has been immense! The sharp pain during a BM has been by reduced considerably and the itching/pricking after the BM has also lessened by a great degree. I am not 100% ok, but I intend to continue using it for as long as it takes. It's cheap, easy and safe.

Obviously, I have continued to watch my diet and eat healthy, drink lots of water and exercise. Nothing will work unless you address any underlying bowel issues like constipation, irregularity etc. But, I am truly delighted and hope this can help others out there like me who just can't seem to get any remedy to work for this cursed affliction. I'll update my progress in 7-10 days. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Posted by SLM (Kennewick WA) on 03/04/2023

Dear Dr. Prabhu. I appreciate your post re Garlic (I knew of it but used it LONG ago)but wish to reply psoriasis/eczema immune related "disorders". I already knew about garlic and many other "natural therapies" as long ago a friends grandmother has cancer and they did the Gerson Cancer Therapy (which I later did at age 44 in NYC when a bld fire and 2nd hand smoke "did me in" - well almost as HERE I am.)

My mother was in traditional medicine (RN PA for neurosurgeons) and I have her OLD Merck manual full of natural therapies btw! No longer in the most recent. Medical associations have banned such (long ago in America Rockefella and Carnegie squished natural therapies as they had "chemical companies")

In NYC one could find those who did "colonics" and other forms of bowel cleansing (natural methods as well) as from my own research - Robert Grey, Bernard Jenson the "bowel" is the seat of health (as well 2 degrees, science, art so on and pre MA in OT (occupational therapy as for the most part I don't do Rx) Well til now with the big "C" (old tired) and in a "non medical freedom state".

Even an MD I saw in MD long ago (served in Vietnam as an MD and toxicologist) and state tried or did take her license away (rants against chemical industry - Bayerx Aspirin, Bayerx pesticides - x to bypass brand names) So in America there really is NO freedom to practice as one wishes. (she was accused of "drinking on the job" lol) That said her link is FULL of information (and warns of toxins in Rx and products!!! And MD is NOT a medical freedom state!


Search Ayurveda, Chinese modalities, Dr. Sherry Rogers (Wellness Against All Odds). In NYC I brought my research to Dr. Majid Ali (think he has a web site) and he set up to do oxygen therapies (I was at an "end stage" from the chemicals at that time)

Fast forward - Not in NYC where one can find all sorts of natural MD's (medical freedom state). And the toxic chemical exposures have cought up with me.

I wanted to mention one MD (online site) a Dr. Axe when I had issues with both (even blood vessels on my face coming to the surface) I can't remember all that I did or where over time but have many natural therapy treatments TURMERIC is esp helpful and I plan to make a "compote" of that with coconut oil??? Time will tell?

Good luck to us both!!!

Best SLM

Posted by Anon Canada (Canada) on 06/10/2020

Hi Jon from Ireland - Have you tried rutin for your hemorrhoids? You can find it online or in health food stores. Some progressive pharmacies might have it in stock. There are food sources (apples, citrus fruits, figs, etc.) but you would have to eat a lot of them. There are people who take it in combination with Vitamin C and have had very good results with 500 mg twice daily with a glass of water. Others had to go up to 1,000 mg twice daily but everyone is different. Perhaps start with 500 mg and increase gradually. It isn't an instant fix but, if it does work, you may start seeing results within a week.

Also, it's important to stay hydrated (perhaps the people who had the best results were the ones taking it with a full glass of water). I hope it works for you and you don't have to put anything "up the pipe" again!

Posted by Sherry (Kennewick WA) on 03/05/2023

Re Candida - I know this is an OLD post but wish to mention (having had Candidiasis and had blood work done - this was post bld fire when many toxic chemicals were used) it is NOT the same as Hemms! (There can be a "coexistence" however.) (ie breaks in the skin and so on). In simple terms, it is a form of "yeast". ("Oral Thrush" and other conditions esp for women". (can be in the skin, under the nails so on).

Posted by Brenda (San Antonio, Texas) on 06/30/2010

For hemorroids - Take a small garlic clove, cover with olive oil or any non toxic oil, and insert up the anus overnight. Yes you might feel a burning sensation, but I have tried this on many people with success. Usually one or two times is all that is needed. In the morning the clove is expelled when you use the restroom. The burning does not damage tissue. And the worst bleeding hemorrhoids will get better. I also suggest any kind of bioflavinoids, rutin, citris or grapeseed daily to keep them away. No, it does not cause garlic smell on the body.

Posted by Kola (Alberta) on 04/16/2018

I have had hemorrhoids for almost 15 years. In fact, I have only been managing it with different supplements, over the counter drugs as well as prescription from Doctors. I have used virtually almost all types of drugs and suppositories. I also go through the internet daily to read, but never came across this page. I am presently at work now, once I get home, I would try this method.....if it works for me, its going to be a testimony which I would broadcast to all....need I had, I have lost much blood from this which lead to me being admitted sometimes in 2014, got 3 pints of blood.....I would be bad once all is good.

Posted by K (California) on 05/21/2018

Hello Kola - did you try the garlic to relieve the internal hemmoroids? Did you have any success? Would love to hear if you received any benefits or even if you discovered that it was not as effective as you hoped. Thanks. K

Posted by Blanche (Iberia Parish, Louisiana) on 07/07/2010

Here it is the next day and I am back to normal. I am thinking now that I could put the oils into a store bought suppository in some way. Would be easier

Posted by Naynay (Greater London) on 10/29/2022

How many times a day do you do this?

Posted by teresa (Ontario ( ON )) on 12/23/2021

did u try to blend the garlic with olive oil and water and apply to external hemorroids

Posted by Ram (Melbourne ) on 03/31/2021

Can you elaborate please? Just the raw peeled garlic straight up there? I have been in pain for 3 months now.

Posted by Noni (Okotoks) on 10/24/2021

Hey I just want to know is it really works. I have a external hemorrhoids and im suffering from 2 years almost. Nothing goes right. Pls let me know should I use this remedy? Im just little scared coz my hemorrhoids is just a size of grape and I dont want any more problems with that.
Please let me know is it safe to use??

Posted by Lay (Manila, Philippines) on 08/18/2018

Hi, I am suffering from internal and external hemorrhoids and already did lots of natural remedies at home. Aloe vera works for me, but I was just hoping that my hemorrhoids would be gone forever and aloe vera is just giving me some relief. So I came across this reviews and read all of it about the garlic suppository. I was desperate, so I tried it. The first and second nights were good. Then on the third night, I think I got a problem because my period came so I have to put some sanitary napkin. I still did garlic suppository that night, but the next day my hemorrhoids flared up. :( I dont know if it was just irritated from my period or because of the garlic? I still want to do this garlic suppositories. Or can anyone tell if boiling the garlic in a water and applying it on the external hemorrhoid is really effective? Thanks.

Posted by Grace (Papua New Guinea) on 07/30/2020

Hi there,

I am amazed by your story. I suffer from this currently and sometimes find it so difficult at times. But reading your story I am willing to give it a try and hope it works for me too.

Posted by Chipo (Zambia) on 09/20/2016

Thx for sharing, after the birth of our third child who weight 4.3kg I have been in constant pain, so much that I could not even go for work.

Posted by Blanche (Iberia Parish, Louisiana) on 07/06/2010

Hemorrhoids - I wasn't getting relief from the excruciating pain with the commercial ointments I had been using, and it was the middle of the night. I concocted this on the fly with what I had handy, and it gave me relief within a couple of hours, both from the constipation and the really bad pain of the hemorrhoids.

I punctured about a dozen or so of garlic oil capsules and squeezed it out into two tablespoons of coconut oil in a little condiment container. Then I added two drops of tea tree oil. I only guessed at the amount, but I knew I didn't want the tea tree oil to burn.

Took a little square of clear plastic wrap and dropped a spoonful of the mixture onto that and put it in the freezer. When it was partially hardened, I shaped it as best as I could through the plastic into a suppository shape. It took a little practice. Then I put it back in the freezer a little while, and inserted it the best I could. You have to hurry because it melts at skin temperature.

About an hour and a half later I had a bowel movement which was much less painful than the day before, and later not hurting at all.

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