Where to Buy Remedies
Natural Remedies

Where to Buy Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Iodine, Potassium Iodide

Posted by fm (singapore) on 11/29/2022

hi, I'm from Singapore and need to order iodine and potassium iodide crystals but where can I order them?...........i used to buy from Ebay but now seems sellers are selling from China and US sellers aren't sending to Singapore........

if I can't get both, will potassium iodide be okay?

many thanks

Replied by Bil

Hi fm...You should be able to order both lugol's iodine(LI) and sodium iodide from the Lazada.com website. Using Lazada is how I get my own stocks of lugol's iodine and potassium iodide. I normally get all my chemicals and minerals direct from chemical suppliers(as USP or tech grade) that advertise on Lazada, which is usually good enough.

Whenever I order something from Lazada in the Philippines, the source or supplier is usually also in the Philippines. This means that delivery is normally quite quick.

The Lazada website is used locally and is quite well-known in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines.


Posted by Betty (CA) on 03/17/2022

Just WOW!

I am on my 3rd compounding pharm due to feds shutting down the last 2 for a time for not having all t's crossed, I's dotted. Well, the new pharm is having fed trouble. Now got to go overseas for a lil bit to get certain personalized meds for anti-cancer. Ivermectin is being held at the airport by customs right now.

Advice: Make sure you are good with meds and supplements for several months. SHHTF apparently.

Magnesiium Chloride

Posted by Sheldon (Irving, Tx, Us) on 11/02/2012

Where can I purchase the magnesium chloride that you suggest for dissolving gallstones?

Magnesium Chloride

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Posted by Rudy (Lucena, Quezon, Philippines) on 12/10/2011

From Rudy of Lucena City, Philippines to Bill of San Fernando, Philippines

Hi Bill, where can I buy magnesium chloride flakes in Manila, also is it bad to use magnesium chloride oil transdermal therapy for people with high blood pressure? I often have leg cramp every night and have high blood pressure.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Rudy... You can maybe try to get magnesium chloride or Magniesium Oil at Megamall SM or Mall of Asia SM at their Healthy Options stores there. If you can't find the Magnesium Chloride, get the Magnesium Sulfate(Epsom salts) from Healthy Options -- it is very cheap to buy and only costs 99 pesos per large milk carton. I take the Epsom salts orally and I also put it into a small garden flower sprayer as a solution and spray it all over my body after showers and it is transdermally absorbed similar to the magnesium chloride. This is also a good way of getting alot of magnesium into your body more quickly than the oral route. You can also directly spray over areas that have cramp problems and this will also help to reduce BP.

I do have chemical grade Magnesium Chloride crystals as well, but I bought this in Thailand and only use it for more major problems if and when they arise. Other forms that you can buy for oral use are Magnesium Citrate or Magnesium Gluconate -- which are also definetely sold at the Healthy Option stores.

For high blood pressure there is a herb that is quite useful called Tinospora cordifolia -- called Makabuhay in Filipino -- and you can purchase stem sticks quite cheaply at Quiapo Market in Quezon. This market sells herbs and they will have Makubuhay.

Preparation of Makabuhay Decoction

* Cut three 15" sticks into smaller three inch sticks.

* Bash the smaller sticks and open them up.

* Throw the sticks into 2 liters of water and simmer on low heat until the liquid is reduced to 1 liter.

* Cool, strain and store in fridge.

* Take a third of a glass of this decoction twice a day with any fresh, non-processed fruit juice(makabuhay tastes very bitter).

Makbuhay helps to thin the blood and reduce BP by diuretic action, helping to remove excess cholesterol from the blood and it also helps to remove excess calcium. It is also advisable to take a mineral supplement while using this decoction over the longer term because of its mild diuretic effects.

Also, try and reduce vegetable oils, sugar, dairy products and refined salt in your diet -- these are all causative factors in high blood pressure conditions. Use VCO, stevia(safe herbal sweetener) and sea salt instead in your diet. This will all help to reduce high blood pressure.

Replied by Rudy
(Lucena, Quezon,)

Thanks a lot Bill, I'll try what you suggested, I'll inform you later with the result. Merry Christmas and more blessings to all...

Magnesium Chloride
Posted by Tom (Midland, Texas) on 06/09/2007

Source of Magnesium Chloride: You can get natural Nigari which is mainly Magnesium Chloride plus trace minerals. It is what is left after the Sodium Chloride is removed from sea water. Used a coagulant for making Tofu. You can order it from GEM Cultures ( www.gemcultures.com ) cost is $8.00 for 12 oz. or $21.50 for 4 lbs postpaid. This is a very small business so please consider this fact when ordering. They only accept money Orders and Checks mailed to them by snail mail.


Posted by Patrick (Lime Acres, Northern Cape, South Africa) on 05/28/2012

Where can one buy Matula in South Africa?

Milk of Sulphur

Posted by Purelife (Columbia, Sc, Usa) on 01/11/2010

this is for Ted or any one who could answer it. I have heard of milk of sulphur. If anyone has heard of it and where it can be found please let me know. I think it is a blood cleanser. Thanks

Replied by Maureen
(Royal Palm Beach, Fl)

I found it in an oriental store in the Bronx. They only had 2 bottles. Some asian stores have it as well but not at the time I went to get it this weekend. Apparently, with Whitfield Ointment together this helps the white spot on your skin. I'm going to try it for my daughter to see if it works. I will try the oriental stores in Florida to see if any carry it.

Replied by Purelife
(Columbia, Sc)

TO: Maureen from Royal Palm Beach, Fl

I did found the milk of sulphur in an asian market in baltimore.have not used it yet.My friend who told me about it said it is good for cleaning the blood.have not got how you mix it up though,but I am looking up some info.on molasses and sulphur on the net which they said is a good blood cleanser.You can google molasses and sulphur. God bless.

Mineral Water

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Posted by Adele (USA)

What is the best mineral water? The Super Market has Perrier, Evian, Fugi this one has a high pH of 7.5 is this to much? Also one from Germany, Italy. It seemed after I started to drink mineral water last month that my skin on my jaw looked saggy

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

Some mineral waters is high on calcium. I prefer ones with more magnesium and less calcium. So to correct them just add magnesium chloride to it. One flake will do. The calcium from both the milk AND the water (with high calcium) is responsible for your sagging skin. You need plenty of vitamin c, b and magnesium and citrates for improved skin.

If you are low on budget, then drink tap water, but you MUST ADD sodium thiosulfate and borax to your drinking water. Since now they add chlorine and fluoride, which is well known to stunt plant growth and cause sickness in a lot of people.


Posted by Lucas (Phoenix, Arizona) on 11/27/2012

I am an HIV patient since 2007 and I am on anti-retroviral drug. I have 2 kids who look up to me for everything. I would love to stay healthier and stronger to provide support to them. I would like to order MMS or apple cider vinegar. Can anyone tell me where this is located in Phoenix, Arizona?

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Lucas: The ACV can be found at your local grocer, or health food store for the "mother". MMS you will find from Online vendors. You will need the 25% Sodium Chlorite and an "activator". I use Lemon Juice Concentrate from grocer.

The HIV>AIDS connection seems more a "modern myth" (syndrome) than fact (after a thorough research). One noted virologist says, inexplicitly, that HIV is nothing more than a "harmless passenger virus".

Replied by Anon
(Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Actually the person who said that HIV is a harmless passenger virus was the discover of the virus itself, 2008 nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier:


Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Also read: Inventing The AIDS Virus, Peter H. Duesburg.

Posted by K Barnard (Coligny, South Africa) on 07/31/2012

Where can I buy the ingredients for MMS in South Africa?

Posted by Mysterri (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 08/08/2011

I ordered a bottle of the MMS along with a bottle of the activator from Project Green Life and was ripped off by a woman named Tammy. I never received the product and am out 45$ for the experince. I hope in the future to be able to actually order and receive a starter kit from a reputable source. Any ideas on where I can find a trusted seller of MMS?

Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Hi Mysterri - From what I understand, Project Green Life isn't answering anyone's phone calls, emails or sending out their products right now (http://www.mmsfacts.com/project-green-life-closed). See second paragraph. If you paid by charge card, you should be able to get a refund. I don't use MMS but, from what I understand, the FDA raided a number of natural or alternative markets in the USA recently - maybe Project Green Life was one of them.

Replied by Val
(Dubai, United Arab Emirates)

Hi there - Me too! Lost US$100 in the same manner. Sent several emails checking on delivery status and got no response at all.

Not sure how I can reverse the charges, will have a try with my bank and see if it is that simple.

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne , Australia)

If you paid by a bank visa card you may be able to get a refund from visa/mastercard. I know in Australia if we notify visa that we did not receive the goods we get a refund. I used to work in an insolvency accountants office and if a company went bankrupt, the only creditors to get their money back were ones who had paid by credit card.

Replied by Zorro
(Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

Please Google Jim Humble his website will exlpain what happened with project Green Life. The Feds closed them down as they are doing with other places that sell natural health products.



Posted by Dawn (Singapore) on 05/21/2011

Hi All, Have been reading so many positive testimonies on MSM powder. Unfortunately I can't seem to locate any health or organic store that sell pure MSM powder here in Singapore. Can anybody advise a reliable online purchase that would ship to Singapore? Would be grateful for any reply. Thank you.

Replied by Teo Sh
(Johor, Malaysia)

You can purchase MSM in tablet form from Cosway. They come in 100 tablets each bottle of 750mg each.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Hi Dawn,

MSM is very difficult to find here in France as well and quite expensive, the same in the UK and in Switzerland (next door to us) they aren't even allowed to sell it so when my husband had a business trip to Singapore a while ago I did some research on the Internet to see if he would be able to find it close to his hotel. In the end he didn't bring any but I believe that I found a few places that sold it. Why not Google MSM in Singapore? Sorry I can't give you any definate information. We don't know Singapore well.

Multiple Products

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Rs (Uk) on 06/03/2015


I am a regular reader of your website and making changes to my life by adhering to some of the general remedies posted by Mr Ted. I have found a chemical supplier online 'Intralabs' to order few of supplements in natural form but am doubtful about grades of few so wanted to make sure if it is safe to use them by mouth (with water) or not.

1. Borax (Technical grade) 99.9%

2. Sodium carbonate (Technical grade) 99.3%

3. Sodium thiosulphate (Photographic grade) 99%

4. Dead Sea Salt

I would appreciate if Mr Ted or any senior member having knowledge of same clarify the same. You could check the grade and specification of above in www.intralabs.co.uk so as to advise correctly. Thank You.

Multiple Products
Posted by Laura (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 01/13/2013

I found several of the items needed for Ted's cures at sciencecompany.com:

sodium thiosulfate, 500 g, $6.50

sodium nitrite, 500 g, $28.95

methylene blue, 1 oz, $3.50

Hope this helps others!

Replied by Laura
(Atlanta, Ga, Usa)

I also added from sciencecompany.com:

sodium carbonate--as it seems NO stores in my area sell Arm & Hammer Washing Soda anymore!

pH paper that is specifically for checking urine and saliva pH: $8.50 for a 15 ft roll. The man said it is very finely calibrated for the range of values that urine and saliva should fall in, so you get very accurate results. Sounds like it should be easy and cheap.

Finding this site made shopping for things for Ted's remedies much easier!

Multiple Products
Posted by Artistb (Ny, Ny, USA) on 07/02/2012 3 posts

Magnesium Citrate: PURE BULK. Com: 1 888 280-0050

Zinc L-Aspertate: PURE BULK. Com: 1 888 280-0050

Potassium Perborate: SOAPGOODS. COM, (404) 924-9080)

Potassium Citrate: PURE BULK. Com: 1 888 280-0050

Sodium Carbonate: SOAPGOODS. COM, (404) 924-9080)

Sodium Thiosulphate: SKU: 8542-35 800282-3248 www.scienceshopusa.com or Amazon

Hyaluronic Acid: PURE BULK. com: 1 888 280-0050

Sodium Hyaluronic: 800 419-9524 www.valleyvet.com for horses

C Vitamin: www.purebulk.com 1 888 280-0050
