Where to Buy Remedies
Natural Remedies

Where to Buy Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Coconut Oil

Posted by Hoola (Jeddah, Makkah, Saudi Arabia) on 07/26/2012

Hi everyone, I'm enjoying reading everyone's posts and I would really like to continue using virgin coconut oil as I did in the UK but I have recently moved to Jeddah and I haven't been able to find any yet. The only coconut oil I can find in the supermarkets is Parachute oil which smells like coffee and I would prefer not to eat it, I'm using it on my skin as body oil as I can't find any thing else but it really isnt very pleasant. Please can anyone help me find a local supply of virgin oil. Many thanks

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ibtisaam (Doha, Qatar) on 01/24/2012

Does anyone living in Qatar know where I can find Virgin coconut oil? I've checked out Megamark, LuLu hypermarket and the Philipino supermarkets near Souq al-aseri but haven't managed to come accross anything. I'm not looking for the refined oil in the blue bottle oil but virgin coconut oil.

Replied by Lisa
(Rabat, Morocco)

I lived in Qatar a couple of years ago and did find virgin coconut oil at Mega Mart. I don't recall the name, but it came in a clear plastic bottle with a green label, originating from the Philippines. It also had the USDA organic symbol on it. I noticed that it was not always in stock, but you might be able to ask for it.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Amal Murali (Kollam, Kerala) on 09/06/2011

We are one of the producer and exporter of virgin coconut oil in India. The coconut oil is one of the best medicin for proper, healthy, and stable life.

amal.bluemoon(at)gmail.com is my ID

Coconut Oil Capsules

Posted by Julie (Perth, Western Australia, Australia) on 07/14/2011

Can anyone tell me where I can buy organic coconut oil capsules please?

Comfrey Root

Posted by Sumeet (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/16/2012

Where can I buy comfrey root in a store today in la?

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Herb Products Co. located in Anaheim should have it as I have purchased it by mail a few yrs back.

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Sumeet, I am not sure where you are in LA but, have you ever heard of erewhon? It's a great health food store right near The Grove which is a landmark in LA you most likely know of. If you don't know of it, it's a great discovery! They have a tonic bar there that is amazing and worth checking out. Well, anyway, they carry comfrey but in the bulk form. I believe they also carry the tincture. The actual address is: 7660 Beverly Bl.

Hope this helps! Lisa

Decolorized Iodine

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Tamara (Houston, TX) on 03/25/2007

I had a lot of trouble finding decolorized iodine also, but I found it online. Try searching 'iodo blanco'! Good luck all!

Replied by Joan
(Coos Bay, Oregon)

You can find Decolorized (White)Iodine at Amazon.com. Enter search term "white iodine". You may also be able to find "Todo Blanco" another type of White Iodine at ebay.com by entering search term "decolorized iodine"

Diatomaceous Earth

Posted by Tatiana (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 09/16/2011

You can purchase DE at the Carrot Common in Toronto.

Dichloroacetic Acid (DCA)

Posted by Deb (Whangarei, New Zealand) on 05/15/2013

DCA (Dichloroacetic acid) Just wondering how to obtain this? Deb

Digital pH Tester

Posted by Sunny (Mtl, Ca) on 01/13/2012

I am looking for a digital ph tester for both saliva and urine, easy to use. Google price from are $25-300, any suggestion?

Replied by Carly
(Seattle, Wa - Usa)

Hi Sunny - I have not bought a PH tester yet... But was looking also. I looked on Ebay to see what was out there, get ideas of different models... and what they were selling for.

THEN I went to a search engine and to Amazon (dot) com to see what they were selling them for.

I still have not decided on one, but I do believe that Ebay is a good place to research an item.... but not necessarily to purchase.

Good luck!

~Carly :-)

Replied by Linda
(San Francisco, Ca, Usa)

Hi Sunny/Carly, On Ebay and elsewhere you can find the Hanna "pH Checker" digital pH meter. It's about $30.USD. Mine came off Ebay.

I think you will find this meter perfect for what you are trying to do. I wound up returning 2 other meters with larger, wider, way deeper (requires a very large testing sample), more unwieldy electrodes before I found this one.

If you are wanting to check pH of Urine/Saliva, the pH Checker has a small, easy to clean electrode and is quick to use and very accurate. The small electrode means it is able to work with a smaller sample in a smaller container, and is also much easier to clean than the models with larger, wider and more deeply recessed electrodes.

I have found the "small sample" capability most valuable when checking the pH of saliva. The sample-container I have found most useful for checking Saliva pH is the plastic snap-on protective top cover which fits over the spray head of a Mane n Tail Brand 'hair detangler' spray bottle. This top is just about the size of a small thimble, and the pH Checker electrode tip goes right into it easily. The bigger pH meters won't fit into such a tiny sample container at all, and made checking saliva pH way too hard to do.

Trust me, at 3AM (or on the road) it will make a great difference how easy your equipment is to use :-).

Just line up your containers (Clean, upside down, on paper towels) on your way to bed, 1, 2, 3... and Done.


Replied by Linda
(San Francisco, Ca, Usa)

Hi Sunny, If you are intending to test saliva, I wouldn't use that one- The electrode is too huge. you'll have to have a lot of spit worked up to get a dependable reading with that one.

Check my post on this thread ref the Hanna "pH Checker", it will explain why.


Replied by Sunny
(Mtl, Ca)

Linda thank you for your advice.
If the checker rang 0-14ph, what buffer calibration solution I need to buy? 4, 7, or 10 ph?

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Vic, Australia)

Hi Sunny, I have this meter and it is great for testing urine but as Linda says not easy to test saliva.

Replied by Linda
(San Francisco, Ca, Usa)

Hi Sunny, Sorry I did not see your question until just now- Since we are interested in greatest accuracy around a pH of 7.0, I'd get the 7 solution to calibrate your meter. It will likely arrive pre-calibrated, mine did. It was fine.

Don't worry, it's easy. Other than that, just follow the easy maintenance instructions that should arrive with your meter.


Replied by Sunny
(Mtl, Ca)

Thanks Linda, I have ordered one from eBay.

Disodium EDTA

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jp (Lake Park, Fl) on 01/11/2010

It seems Ted's suggested use of disodium edta and tetrasodium edta is hard to find. Does anyone know where to find this type ? Thanks JP

Replied by Aurelia
(Pittsburgh, Pa)

I was able to obtain both of these products from ebay.

Replied by Aria
(Port Huron, Mi)

I just purchased disodium edta capsules from Wonder Laboratories online. I got 250 - 625mg capsules for around $20. I started taking them three days ago and I've never felt better! I can hear better than ever too, not sure why but I don't care either. It's awesome!

Disodium EDTA
Posted by Diane (Nottingham, England) on 10/21/2006

Thank you for Ted's comments. I have now moved to Nottingham and have found an holistic practitioner who agrees with a lot of info from your site. I have taken Ted's remedies on board and am feeling a lot better. I am not sure where to get the disodium though as i am not sure what it is. I am on the zinc and B vitamins etc though. I am still oil pulling and have found that my face is a lot smoother. The hydrogen peroxide must be working along with the other remedies but I'm not sure which is the best method, inhalation or drinking. Can Ted help me on this, also how much do I need for prevention once I have been cured. The ACV and Bicarb seem to be giving me more energy also so all in all things are looking up! Thank you

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok , Thailand)
392 posts

Disodium EDTA is a chelating substance which removes free heavy metals from the source, such as drinking water for example. Assuming I am tested positive for free heavy metal in my urine, then adding 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of Disodium EDTA to one liter of water will cause my urine to be free of the heavy metals. One exception to the EDTA is that it only chelates the free heavy metals. I will drink this one liter of water over the course of a day. If I drink more than one liter, I will add EDTA also to the second liter of water, for example.

However, oil pulling is also great for removing heavy metals from your body too, such that I sometimes refer this as oil chelation. However, most bacteria, mycoplasma and heavy metals tend to be oil soluble organisms making oil pulling one way to reduce the problem.

Most food processors should have disodium EDTA as a food preservative so you might obtain it from that source, but different countries are subjected to different controls. Most difficult for me, to obtain any chemicals, appears to be the UK. I do not know why. perhaps restrictions in the sale of chemicals.

Once you are cured, maintenance dose of 1/2 teaspoon of bicarbonates are needed, which can be distributed to two doses at 1/4 teaspoon in the morning and 1/4 teaspoon before bedtime. However it is becoming increasingly evident that certain people do need this again around 11.00 a.m. as a preventive of certain symptoms from appearing, which often occurs around 12.00 p.m. to about 4.00 p.m., when the body is most stressed.


Posted by Beryl (Durban, Kzn ) on 10/11/2012

Could you please tell me where I can source DMSO from. Kind regards.

Replied by Megg
(North Vernon, Indiana, Usa)
Replied by Gail
(Henderson, NV)

I bought my DMSO from Jacobs Labratory because its priced well and you can get 99% pure DMSO and dilute it yourself for your specific need(s).

Replied by Brian
(South Africa)

DMSO is available online from www.dmsosouthafrica.com

They are very reliable and ship in a timely manner with a tracking service for delivery

Posted by Raihan (Calgary, Ab, Canada) on 04/07/2012

Does anyone know where I can purchase 90% DMSO solution in a bottle in Canada?


I have a severe fungal infection on my chin and neck that has spread to my scalp. Over the past year I've tried ACV, Iodine, Tea Tree, Garlic paste etc. Nothing natural has worked.

My primary doctor here in Canada first prescribed Lamicil, then Lamicil tablets. This combination slowed the fungal growth but did not eliminate the fungus on my chin. I am now waiting for an appointment with a dermatology specialist which is another 5 months wait. In the meantime I read somewhere applying Nizarol shampoo worked for some individuals and this is also working for me. I apply the shampoo with 2% Ketoconazole directly to the affected areas in the morning and do not wash off until bed time.

The problem with using the shampoo is it dries out the skin and after application, in about 3 days, my skin visibly scales and begins to shed. This appearance is disconcerting and is a concern since I work with clients. I read somewhere someone using Lamisil cream mixed with DMSO applied directly to infected area has worked for them and I want to try that. Using the DMSO as a carrier for Lamisil may be as effective as the Nizarol without the dryness, scaling and peeling.

Replied by Louwrence
(Rustenburg, North West, South Africa)

Hi Raihan, Treat the problem with your own urine, It works & costs nothing.

Replied by Mrb
(Toronto, Ontario)

My understanding is that DSMO is illegal here in Ontario. I had to go to a horse trainer here and he sold me a bottle with the warning not to tell anyone where I got it.

Replied by Noddles Romanoff
(Coos Bay, Oregon)

Try licorice extract, be sure to rub it in for a least 60 seconds [longer is better] It is the best thing to cure singles, genital warts, any skin disorder ...you won't believe how fast it works!!!!!! It has many other healing properties!!!! This is incredible!!!!

Dong Quai

Posted by Tango (Decatur, Georgia) on 12/10/2012

I am trying to locate a facility that carries dong quai tea to help with my mentrual cycle and hot flashes. I am in need of this product due to when my cycle comes on I think I have menorrah because I have to wear a pad and tampoon the entire time my cycle is on. I have night sweats and hot flashes quite often along with insomina. Please let me know if there is a place in Atlanta, Ga I can buy this product. Thanks, Tango

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Tango, You can get dong quai in a health food store as well so, if you have one close by I would check that. It would be in the herbs section. In Atlanta, there's probably a Chinatown in which you could find it as well. Or, you could just order it online by doing a search. I don't know if you would also want to find a Chinese medicine Dr.Of course, they could re- balance this for you and often TCM is very reasonable financially, just ask around. Hope this helps. Lisa


Posted by Barry (Hamilton, Nz) on 06/29/2011

Where can I buy commercial grade EDTA?

Replied by Boris
(Opotiki, Bop)

Hi I'm to looking for EDTA wondering if you found where to buy in nz?

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