Vaginal Atrophy
Natural Remedies

Natural Solutions for Vaginal Atrophy: Safe & Effective Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Gracd (Falls Church Va) on 07/22/2015

Hi, over time did you continue using DHEA? Did it affect your fibroids? I've just been told by a compounding pharmacist that DHEA breaks down into estradiol which concerns me. Any insight would be greatly recommended as I'm deciding upon which treatment to embark upon.

Posted by Karen (Florida) on 05/02/2015

I have been using the DHEA supositories and I can't believe the difference. I am a 60 year old woman and I was about to give up sex it hurt and I had lost the desire. Well I feel like this is the magic bullet. I actually feel like a woman again. I know that sounds corny but the DHEA I got from a compounding pharmacy they are little cubes and I cut them in half , they were prescribed, a full one was to much, I started to spot a trace and he told me to cut it in half. Perfect for me. I have moisture and plumpness and a sex drive. I can't believe it has taken me this long to find something natural that works. I don't find it messy and it didn't keep me up at night. Good Luck Ladies

Posted by Tommi (Nc) on 08/15/2015

It is working as today is the 8th day. I have made it easier by making tiny heaps of the mixture made in the above insert written, onto wax or aluminium foil and places in a container, and placed in refrigerator. The dosage is 5 mg (u can get 10 mg or 5 mg micronized dhea capsules) for 30 "suppositories". It is easier after taking out form the fridge and just insert them by hand the q tip. The micronized dhea is best absorbed via mucous membrane and the coconut oil is an anti inflammatory and anti fugal. Needless to say with a dry lining inside, anything and everything caused itching but not this! I tried the DHEA cubes and the estrio cubes both gave me thrush after 4 days but this is the best way I could use and the cheapest. Of course one has to be judicious about using them.

DHEA still is a steroid so cannot use permanently on a regular basis as it does convert to estradiol and testosterone, but because it is vaginal the rate of absorption and therefore conversion is much less in the circulation. But now it has to be herbal pills for oral, extrotone, back cohosh etc, and vaginal moisturizers, VIT e and coconut oil most non reactive and natural and the occasional use of DHEA once the cells of the vaginal lining has regenerated. I do not plan to take my preparation daily everyday once the 30 days are up and in the manner I have already described.

Also, one has to at least do a saliva testing of hormone levels at least twice a year. There are risks for us women taking any kind of steroids for the long term.

Posted by Marcy (United States) on 04/30/2014

I need help. I too suffer horribly from Vaginal Atrophy. I'm 55 and through menopause. Approximately 4 years ago I had a large blood clot in my lung, which the doctors said was probably caused by use of the estrogen patch (can't remember which one I used, I think Premarin). So, I cannot use anything hormone related. I've tried using a moisturizer/lubricant injected 3-4 times a week, at night but it did not help and it was very messy. When I saw the commercial for Osphena I thought this might work but my doctor said because of the blood clots, she would not risk giving me the prescription. I don't know where to start. Is DHEA a hormone and could this be something I might be able to use? Please, any suggestions, I'm desperate.

Witch Hazel
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 04/30/2013

Astringents tighten things up and the vagina is no different, there are two plants known for these qualities and one is witch hazel. Put some into the vaginal cavity with your finger. Put some on a q tip and slightly put it into the rectum , just the cotton part, of tightening the sphincter. Then use good multi minerals with 1-1 ratio of magnesium to calcium with trace minerals and good vitamin and omegas to get vaginal tissue youthful again.

Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 04/29/2013

I was doing some reading in this site last night and found a site that stated that magnesium citrate goes right to the muscle unlike other magnesiums. I have found this to be true for me. My muscles all look amazing and I don't work out , and using very little hormone since my whole body has gotten turned around with the multi minerals and vitamins and use of hormone creams up to this point

( I used progesterone for 6 months and then added phytoestrogen and then added estradiol and then stopped them for a solid month while added full spectrum minerals and then used 1/8 tsp of progesterone cream for two weeks and none in the past three weeks............. And NOW

I add to this post that for three days with the use of witch hazel put into the vaginal cavity with my finger.... This morning is day three and my bladder is UP

(I put it on my finger and insert into cavity and rub around and then repeat 3-5 times in a row) ONLY if the bladder has dropped down .

The mag has also made the outer part of the vagina come back to life and the tissue in the muscle is full and well hydrated.

Evening Primrose Oil
Posted by Teri (Dallas, TX) on 06/14/2009

Evening Primrose capsules help amazingly well with vaginal atrophy. through trial and error, trying over the counter,perscription drugs, and other natural methods, I finally came around to trying Evening primrose capsules and it was the perfect solution for me. Most of the medical and holistic formulas I tried caused an allergic reaction in my vagina. But a simple Evening primrose capsule once at night brought the tissue back to normal. I suggest inserting it at night so it can absorb while you are sleeping. Otherwise you will need to use a thin pad for protection as your body heat melts the capsule. Good luck.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/23/2015

Dear Jennysmom2,

Yes, here is my recipe for something like Dr. Shultze's Ladies Formula:

Mix together the following herbs in the amounts explained.

1 part Dong Quai Root (Angelica)
1 part Chaste Tree Berries (Vitex)
1 part Wild Yam Root
1 part of the following mix - (3 parts Damiana leaf, 1 part Hops Flowers, 1 part Licorice root)

Take 2 ounces of the dried herb and put into a mason jar. Pour 16 ounces (2 cups) 100 Proof Vodka (50% aqueous-alcohol solution) over the herbs. Put the lid on the jar. Shake twice a day. After two weeks (up to six weeks), strain through a clean piece of muslin or t-shirt fabric or coffee filter. Store in a cool dark place.

When I made this tincture, I skipped the Hops Flowers and Licorice root because I didn't have them on hand and there was not a lot in the mixture. So I just used equal parts of Dong Quai Root, Chaste Tree Berries, Wild Yam Root and Damiana Leaf.

I usually get my herbs from Mountain Rose Herbs. You can just get 1/4 pound of each. Between that and the vodka, the up front cost seems like a lot. But you will be able to make oodles of this tincture. The tincture will last a couple of years. So you could make a lot of this stuff up at once and not worry about it for a while.

A general way to dose this is 1-2 droppersfull (35-70 drops) 3 times a day. This should not be taken in pregnancy.

The website where I got this information is: How to Make Female Formula

There is more specific dosing information there.

I am glad it helps you. I think it is helpful, too!

~Mama to Many~

Slippery Elm
Posted by Kristine (OH) on 08/29/2024

When I started suffering from vaginal atrophy I experimented with coconut oil (specifically coconut oil suppositories) and thought that would eventually take care of it for good, I was wrong. The suppositories do help immensely but after taking 1600mg of Slippery Elm daily I am almost back to my pre-menopause self. There is still some dryness up there but not at the level I was at before taking the Slippery Elm. I take 1600mg of Slippery Elm daily and use the coconut oil suppositories before sex.

Royal Jelly
Posted by Houdini (Chicago, Il) on 01/26/2021

Anyone have any experience with topical royal jelly for vaginal atrophy? There was a study that it worked as well as topical estrogen. Would like to make diy. Have tried EVERYTHING.

Posted by WT (Asheville, NC) on 01/30/2022

Susie, this may be a late reply to your post. I am also bipolar II. I have not had any negative mood swings in response to topical vaginal use of DHAE, beginning at 6.5 mg two times per week. I am just beginning to drop my dose, though, as have started having mini hot flashes in the evening, so I feel my tissues are now saturated. I'm going to cut my inserts in half. It's important to work with your mental health provider on this issue I would think.

Posted by Lee (Ireland) on 04/23/2018

Susie, You may also have high oxalates, which can cause vulvodynia. (vulvar pain foundation). I had excruciating vulvar and vaginal atrophy from 1994. In 2014 I found out about my high oxalates: see I am, as a result of this earthclinic conversation, now completely free of vaginal atrophy. Here's how:

I am having great success with making my own vag suppositories with enzymatic therapy Youthful you DHEA 5mg capsules - each of which, I split in 4 parts into a silicon ice cube tray, and then pour hot melted coconut oil over the powder - give it a quick stir to distribute evenly in the oil - and pop into the fridge for a couple hours. I then keep the tray of suppositories by my bed and pop one in at bedtime when I'm already lying down. I started slow - 1 a week - 2 and etc. I find that there is a systemic improvement in DHEA levels - and I now occasionally pop one of the supps into my mouth for over all improvement. So - no vulvar pain - no vaginal pain (combo of low oxa diet and DHEA).

Thanks everyone!

Pomegranate Oil
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 09/18/2016

Recently on an essential oil summit on the internet, one of the lady presenters said that the best oil for vaginal atrophy is pomegranate. I found a source in the UK via eBay.

Posted by Marcia (Denver) on 05/17/2016

I found silicon ice cube trays that are perfect for making suppositories. (They are for water bottles, long and narrow.). I warm coconut oil and pour into the trays, then freeze. I cut into thirds and insert. Easy! Will purchase another for the dhea. Thanks ladies!

Posted by Lucy (Usa) on 09/18/2016


You might give the herbal infusion of oat straw a try and see if it helps restore your hormonal balance, as per herbalist Susun Weed. You can buy a pound of oat straw herb on amazon. Measure out one ounce of the herb and place in a quart jar. Boil water and fill the jar. Allow to steep for at least 4 hours or overnight. Strain out the herb and drink from 2 to 4 cups of the infusion daily. Refrigerate remainder for up to 36 hours. Easy enough. It is recommended that you purchase the loose herb and not tea bags or capsules, to obtain the best effect.

There is a liquid probiotic product called Flora PM rich in humic minerals that may also restore your balance. It is made in the USA so it may be costly to ship to Canada.

I have a friend who is a breast cancer survivor who was helped in this department by the Flora PM and I think it works in the same way as the oat straw infusion, by providing nutrients to the body.

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 09/01/2016

HI U WYDO,,,,,,,,,, my integrative doctor has his wife on Nattokinase because she has A fib. I also take this along with Taurine and Cartizim. I don't like doing pharmaceuticals, but I also don't like going to the ER in the middle of the night when my pulse hits 180 and I can hear my heart beats in my ears.

I have a better solution......... don't get old.


Pelvic Floor PT
Posted by Rani (Berkeley, Ca) on 06/26/2013

Re: Help Requested for Constant Pain from Vaginal Atrophy

I had a very mild case of this (and also had a hysterectomy a few years ago). I found by far the most helpful thing for me has been pelvic floor physical therapy. Look around for pelvic rehabilitation therapists. It's good to also work in conjunction with your GYN. I have found between some estrogen therapy and the PRT my issues have almost completely gone away. The PRT work has been amazing.

Posted by Sue (Cambridge, Oh, Guernsey) on 05/07/2013

Yes, it is still working for me. I have upped the dosage, so I insert a whole 5mg tablet every other day. It works great. Believe me, I've tryed everything--estriol oil, progesterone oil, various other oils, etc. Much too messy, estriol made me spot. This takes like one second and there is nothing there after it dissolves and it dissolves pretty fast. And it's not bad for the man like estrogens. I've been doing this for a long time and have no side effects.

Estriol Cream
Posted by Tumbleweed2 (Houston, Texas) on 05/28/2012

Hi, I'm new to Earthclinic and I was totally dumfounded to read that some docs prescribe estrogens stronger than Estriol for vaginal atrophy. Estriol is the weakest of the 3 types of body estrogens and according to my OB GYN, the safest... Especially if you've had cancer. He also said that an estrogen stronger than estriol is overkill for vaginal atrophy. Know your body and take time to do your research!

Total Hysterectomy in 2001... uterine cancer.
Fact: I'm allergic to aloe vera and discovered that some of the compounds I tried contained aloe vera. So, I am going through the "process of elimination" to discover what is causing the irritation. Also, I do not want a "delivery" cream that contains paraffin, or alcohol. A delivery system can be 2 or 3 creams or a gel that is mixed with the estriol power (USP) to deliver via plunger.
Current trials:
I begain researching the contents of these creams and below is my findings w/ comments.

The 1st cream I tried.
USP Estriol and Vanicream (messy). Vanicream is an OTC cream.
After prices skyrocketed with my old pharmacy under new management, I switched pharmacies. So far, they are working with me, as noted below:
First compound from new pharmacy:
USP Estriol
cream from MEDISCA and
a vanishing cream (?)

The cream did not absorb well and it caused a mild burning sensation... Vaginal walls got dry and thin... Sensation was like the beginning of a urinary tract infection


Changed ingredients:

USP Estriol
cream from MEDISCA (ingredients: Deionized water, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Laureth-7, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Polyacrylamide, C13-14 Isoparaffin, Tocophyeryl Acetate), and
Vanicream (continues to be messy)
Cream, still, was not being absorbed well - and burning continued. So, I asked the new pharmacy for the list of MEDISCA ingredients... Also, went to doc to rule out U. Tract infection.

Eliminated MEDISCA and Vanicream. MEDISCA contains aloe vera, and paraffins.

Currently, I'm trying
USP estriol and
Versabase gel (Ingredients: purified water, ammonium acryloyldimethyltaurate/VP copolymer, aloe vera, edetate disodium, allantoin, methylchloroisithiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone (preservatives)

I'm still in the trial stages of the gel. It's too early to draw a conclusion that the atrophy has been eliminated. I'm not aware of any burning sensation.
FYI: Another pharmacist I spoke with said that after hearing my HRT history, a suppository would work better.

I'll continued on with my research.
Good luck to you.

Posted by MARIA (SPAIN) on 08/18/2024

The information you give is completely wrong... DHEA vaginally is not absorbed ONLY in the local tissue... it is absorbed throughout the body, just like vaginal progesterone or vaginal bioidentical estrogen, I affirm it because I use the three bioidentical hormones periodically and I do periodic hormonal control tests. Be careful with the information we give to others

Posted by Bo (California Usa) on 08/12/2017

I've read that we should try to do DHEA in a.m. as it can cause sleep/insomnia issues.

Posted by Carol (Arizona) on 08/01/2018

Mar from Mexico - I have been using a natural sleep aid called Melatonin, ... in tablets or sublingual drops for insomnia. I only use 3-4 drops under my tongue at bedtime. if you use the tablets, I found the dosage harder to control & had to experiment more to figure out what I needed 5 or 10 mg. Available Over the counter. not a prescription. It's been around for years. easily available in health food store, natural products, sleep aids, also available online from amazon & ebay.

Posted by Louise (Nsw) on 03/28/2016

Thank you for sharing and I am trying to find a solution to atrophy also.

I am just trying to understand your response.

You will insert vaginally a low dose DHEA capsule? I am unsure what a Carlson is. Any information would be most helpful.


Posted by Caroline (Uk) on 04/29/2016

It is so comforting to read these posts. I have been suffering from vaginal atrophy for a few years (I'm 62) and given up on Vagifem to replace my oestrogen because it gave me severe abdominal pains and left the skin burning and sore once I reduced the doseage. If DHEA can do the job, I will be delighted.

Sandra, can I just ask you to confirm. You buy DHEA from Swanson as 10g capsules which are meant to be swallowed. Instead, you use half a capsule and mix it with half a Vitamin E suppository, using Sylk lubricant as a mixer.

What is the little plastic tub you mix it in?

How do you then get the mixture inserted into your vagina??

Posted by Sara (London) on 04/30/2016 3 posts

Hi I was so interested in your progress so guess who also got Carlsons, and swansons dhea. I also purchased a dilator kit. Day one of using all 3. Dialator for ten mind gently probing sore spots as per instructions. It's such an upsetting and embarrassing condition that I felt compelled to join the thread and will keep you updated. Thank you for sharing x

Posted by Margaret (California ) on 01/28/2017

Thank you so much for all these helpful suggestions! So encouraging! If you can't find Carlson's, try melting a bit of coconut oil and adding a mg or so of the dhea powder (mix even amounts of the dhea to coconut oil)- (i.e. 1/2 tsp oil to 1 mg dhea powder) pour into ice cube tray freeze for an hour then pop em out for storage in baggie and use a couple times a week.

Posted by Barbara (Tn) on 04/12/2017

Walker! You don't have to go thru the hassle of using the vitamin e, you can order the DHEA suppositories and just use 1/2 a cube nightly for 12 nights and then just twice a week after. The people from UK can't get the suppositories. This is what I do.

Just an idea.

Posted by Tt (Norristown, Pa) on 11/02/2017

Thanks to the ladies on this board regarding DHEA and using the 5 mg micronized tabs from Douglas Labs. I take one 5mg tab and cut it up into 4 tabs. I take the 1.25 tab with a little Replens, vaginally. Using DHEA vaginal 1.25 mg has improved my quality of life. I no longer have constant feeling of a UTI and no longer have constant vaginal burning. I had a hysterectomy (no ovaries left). The doctors had me on estrogen till I turned 45, and then would no longer px estrogen. They would not even px vagifem. However, I finally found one doctor that would px vagifem. Even with vagifem, I had horrible vaginal dryness, and a feeling of a constant UTI (even though I did not have a UTI) and vaginal atrophy. I just started DHEA vaginal in September and DHEA has improved my quality of life. I still have vaginal atrophy, but the feeling of UTI is gone and constant feeling of vaginal burning is gone. I have not had any side effects on this dose.

Please remember, everyone is different and what works for one person, may not work for another. Of course, one should first check with their doctor, if they are considering using this.

Estriol Cream
Posted by Lisa (Los Angeles, California) on 01/25/2015

I'm so happy to find this site. I'm in menopause and just turned 50. I'm also a newlywed. On our wedding night I experienced painful sex for the first time ever! We abstained from sex for a month before our wedding. Nobody ever told me that could bring on vaginal atrophy! I never even heard of this term! I didn't realize I had vaginal dryness. I saw my Gyno and she told me this. I just started using bio identical Estradol cream. I'm on day 4 and I can tell it's helping. I'm hopeful it will reverse the atrophy and I can have sex with my new husband soon without any pain. It's crazy that this issue hasn't been talked about more! None of my friends had heard about what could happen as we age either.

Posted by Indigo (Massachusetts) on 04/22/2015

I was wondering if anyone here who is using DHEA cubes or the Estriol cubes, if you have been able to have a vaginal orgasm? I have no problem with a clitoral orgasm. I figured before I spend the money on the cubes, I would ask to see if anyone who had suffered from vaginal atrophy was able to achieve vaginal orgasm after treatment.

Posted by James (Denver, Co, Usa) on 07/27/2012

Update - I learned, from doing more research, that 1mg Vaginal E3 Suppositories were more commonly used than the DHEA ones (that is, they have a longer track record; the DHEA suppositories, though, are up-and-coming it seems. ) So I ordered some E3's on-line, after searching for E3 suppositories, or 1mg E3 Vaginal Suppositories. One Naturopathic Doctor who was kind enough to reply, suggested starting out with 1 a week. So, this is our first week. I'll report back later.

Posted by Elfgoo (Buffalo, NY) on 11/18/2012

Check out Dr Greenbean website which explains reason you can't find E3. look under heading New Evidence Supporting Safety of Bioidentical hormones. It's FDA that pulled the plug because they're more interested in giving Big Pharms more money than helping people.

Posted by Babs (Palmyra, Va) on 02/15/2013

I wanted to update my earlier post about using dhea vaginally. I have been inserting 1/4 of a 5mg dhea tablet (sublingual and purchased off of Amazon) vaginally for 4 weeks now. The results are fairly dramatic. The dryness and pain with intercourse is GONE!! I have also notice an increase in my libido. I have had no other side effects and would recommend this to anyone who is suffering with vaginal atrophy and dryness

Posted by Downs (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) on 02/24/2013

How often do you use this? I am having a little anxiety from it if I use it everyday. And a little meanness. I think I will try every other day and suggestions

Posted by Joy (Battleground , Washington) on 03/07/2013

Hi, I have found that the progesterone creams are all different, I use the one made by E...... on my fat. Other brands made me moody.

I use 1 tsp. 3wks. a month - Plus 1/8 tsp. of the phytoestrogen .... (plus a small dab of the estradiol> I get a stiff neck with a bad headache if I use too much ).

At first everything on me tightened up and then it seemed less effective, but still an improvement. Then I started adding more things. I am cautious and add stuff slowly and journal results. Half the books at the library seem to recommend natural hormones and the other half are the advice you get from the ob/gyn.

I read the book by John Lee, he was an ob/gyn whos patients were symptomatic and he looked for answers. My hormones tested normal for a menopausal woman. I add the hormones based on the symptoms listed in the books I read. There are a lot of good books at the library about hormone imbalances with LISTS of symptoms based on each hormone deficiency or excess.

I like it when two books can agree on stuff. I go read book reviews on it... get other peoples opinions. I read reviews on the hormone creams and other products before I try them.

The magnesium citrate by S..... , is amazing for muscle and tone. I use a multi enzyme, all the B's. folic acid, selenium, mulit mineral, D-3, C, Betafood, Lecithin, coconut oil, yogurt, iodized sea salt, and I just learned today that I need to take amino acids in the form of protein powders (from rice, peas and soy) so my body can make collagen, so my skin can flex.

The alum is from aluminum and that would not be good for me.

I got a core ball a couple months ago . I get a good range of motion without hurting myself by overextending. I do motions like hoola hoop, sitting down and bounce and roll back and forth stretching muscles, firming up my core. I also walk an hour a day.

I can only say ..... read, read, read, and then try stuff.... like....measure twice before you cut.

Posted by James (Colorado) on 07/16/2015

My wife uses the Bezwecken Hydration 1x estriol cubes as if they're suppositories. Have you tried that? You probably know this, but DHEA is a precursor to estriol, and progesterone, etc. So, you give your body DHEA and it converts it into whatever it thinks it needs. Not sure why you feel you need both. It may be too much. (I'm no doctor, but from my reading, just my 2 cents.)

Posted by James (Co) on 07/17/2015

You're welcome, Lee. Yeah, I certainly invested a lot of time into this.

You know, we just happened to come across the 1x cubes first. In fact, I didn't even realize there was a 2x version until much later...and the 1x cubes worked by then, so she never even tried them.

Before my wife's Naturopath notified her of the hydration cubes being released, I was searching frantically for a replacement for the old E3 suppositories. And I found some very interesting clinical studies which had been done with DHEA suppositories. I was very excited for her to try them. Unfortunately, the on-line pharmacy from whom I bought them, was either lazy, or cheap, or dumb...and they used glycol as the base or delivery method for the DHEA vaginal suppositories. Well, that's what they put into antifreeze! Needless to say, my wife's body had a reaction. She developed a mild irritation - lots of itching. So I was disappointed, and we had to throw them away. (We even tried it twice! The second time, after she had taken a break for a while. But the same results - lots of itching.)

Before I could find a version of DHEA suppositories that used a more gentle base or delivery method, she got the email from her Naturopath, saying that Bezwecken had just released the hydration cubes.

I'm no doctor...but if you go the DHEA route, please listen to your body carefully, because you won't know for sure what it converts the DHEA it Estrogen, Progesterone, etc. I mean, if like in the clinical trials, it works...then awesome! If it works, it works! (I still remember Dr. Christine Northrup saying that, "listen to your body.")

It would be wonderful for other women reading this, Lee, if you could report back here with your results.

All the best!


Posted by Lynn (California) on 05/12/2017

@Mar - To help with sleep, I've found that 400 mg of magnesium an hour before bed has been a big help. I use a mixed magnesium with Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium Citrate and Magnesium Aspartate - 400 mg. It doesn't cause diarrhea but will keep things "easy".

You can also try magnesium spray. I'm not a fan of the odd kind of sticky, kind of oily feeling on the skin though so I haven't gotten into using it like so many others. They say the lotion doesn't cause that problem.

Posted by Normajean (Nevada) on 07/30/2017

You might look into bio identical progesterone cream to possible help with insomnia. Thanks for the info though will give your suggestions a go.

Posted by Anne (London) on 02/15/2021

Thank you so much for writing out the solution in detail. I was able to get hold of DHEA (post via a reputable supplier) with the Carlson suppositories. Took about 2 weeks of daily use before I felt improvement, and I'm very happy to report, it works! I still have to use it as I haven't yet reached ‘saturation', as some here have, in order to cut back to 3 or 4 times a week. I tested it out, stopped for a day, and the dryness returned in 24 hours. I will probably have to continue daily use for a full month and test again. God bless.

Posted by Shirleyw (Uk) on 08/30/2016

thank you Sandra, I started them last night with the dhea I will update next week. And thank you for posting as this alone will help people in The UK👍⭐️⭐️⭐️

Posted by Pam (Usa) on 08/10/2017

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I had early menopause, am not sexually active, and am on an estrogen blocker post breast cancer. I had a Pap done yesterday and had to bite my tongue to keep from shouting from the pain. The doctor (new to me) could only suggest estrogen creme, which I can't use because of the breast cancer--and don't want to use anyway. I am in grateful tears learning that there is another solution.

Posted by Potty (Melborne, Australia) on 12/21/2017

I feel deeply grateful for everyone who has contributed to this thread. In Australia we can't buy DHEA or import it. The only thing that I could find is a homeopathic 6X DHEA so after Xmas will buy some and insert it vaginally and see if it helps. I have thinning and bleed lightly because of this. I have started daily swabbing with coconut oil.

I have also had a ring inserted to correct a vaginal prolapse and it is amazing. Like I'm back to normal after years of having this thing hang out!!! The gyno put me on Vagifem but after 5 months I started to notice a lot of low level side effects -

I'm not sleeping properly and I'm getting night sweats. Also there seems to be a lowering of my immune system and an increase in my pain level – pain is no longer settling overnight ( I have significant degeneration in my lumbar spine). Possible itchy ears and at night face itches plus skin on face seems more blemished. Liver tenderness. I also seem to have low level depression and anxiety and am not as peaceful as I usually am and get thrown by things that usually wouldn't upset me to such a degree. It feels as though I have lost my vitality.

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Jean (Bellevue, Wa) on 06/28/2015

I've been suffering for 7 yrs extreme pain then recently started using 1/2 tsp hydralonic acid gel OTC with OTC syringes, w/o the needle. Uh...was THIS all that was needed ???? I can have sex without pain for first time in years! Frozen coconut oil cubes for lube too I have tried estradiol -silk -Yes- vitamin e - dilators -everything and anything. HA and coconut oil. 1x per day till better than 2x a week. Enjoy life again!

Posted by Anna (Vancouver, Canada) on 07/15/2015

Karen, how long did it take for you to start noticing a difference after using the cubes? Secondly, do you take a break from it or use a half cube everyday?

I've noticed that many of the websites listed don't carry Bezwecken DHEA cubes anymore. I spoke with Linda at Healthy Supplements and they seem to be the only people who have the new formulation. Older branding means the product might be past it's prime. They seem to be the only people carrying the new one. I've got five packages on order and two sent to a friend as a birthday gift! Here's the website link.

Posted by Kathryn4 (Maryland) on 07/24/2015

Suggestion: First go to a very good muscles testing person to see what level of DHEA your body needs.

Posted by Tommi (Nc) on 08/11/2015

I have been off and on hormones as I had menopause at age 41 and first 2 yrs I was on premarin and depo. The next 2 years on compounding bioidentical. Next 1 year of Vivelle patch only, Then 2 years of root/natural concoction by a local (overseas) which really worked wonders as I lost all abdominal fat, breasts perky, and vaginal secretion. Realized that won't be safe in the long run so went off. Vaginal atrophy and serious drenching hot flashes every 20 mins. Got on amazon smoky mtns estriol and progesterone cream. after 3 months off again and now everything is back. I am 52 now and I have atrophy so no sex or even desire. Decide no more estrogen natural or otherwise as I have extensive family history of cancer on both sides.

To make a long story short, I have decided on DHEA after researching on the net. I tried estriol cubes meant for the skin by Bezwecken but ended up with vaginal thrush. So I ordered micronized dhea online (douglas labs brand), bought unrefined extra virgin coconut oil from whole foods (USA) and broke 15 capsules into a large tablespoon (heaped) of coconut oil, blended well wth a spoon and use a q tip to take a small amount (in my mind that tablespoon will be 30 doses using it with the q tips, as much as it would carry on the tip without dropping) and insert in my vagina every morning after breakfast as DHEA, testosterone peaks then. Today is the 5th day and I will continue for a month and if atrophy feels better, will come down to 2 times a week for 2 months then 1 time per week and then once every other week for maintenance. I will write after I see results.

Posted by Charlene (New York) on 06/22/2018

@Susan from Canada and anyone else suffering,

Hi, I read your comment about vaginal atrophy caused by chemotherapy and I too have had this experience. I am a 2 year cancer (nonhodgkins lymphoma survivor, thriver) and had 6 months of chemotherapy which put me right into menopause; no more period, some occasional hot flashes but the worst is the extreme vaginal dryness. I've tried so many holistic treatments; coconut oil, vitamin e suppositories, replens, organic aloe vera gel, nu-eve suppositories and I've even had 4 Mona Lisa laser rejuvenation procedures but still am suffering. I recently discovered the DHEA cubes after much time researching and just ordered some. I haven't started using them yet because I'm still a bit apprehensive due to the overall safety since having the cancer. This is all so very hard. I am trying to trust God to help me make the right decisions.

Any input, comments and advice from anyone would be much appreciated.

@Susan from Canada, I hope that things have improved for you.

Estriol Cream
Posted by Mary (N.c) on 02/15/2016 10 posts


Yes, age makes a difference. I sympathize with your situation but let me tell you what I've learned. First off though, I just turned 80 years old, and for the first time in my life started suffering with severe vaginal atrophy (va). My doctor immediately wanted to start me on Premarin cream.....of all things... and even as uninformed as I was about va, I knew instinctively that estrogen applied to the vagina is not a good idea because of the cancer risks. The doctor told me not to worry because when used topically around the vaginal opening and very little applied inside, it would not pose a problem. She never did offer any information as to what caused this condition or if there was any cure. I was so skeptical and even angry with her cavalier attitude that I decided I would go by my own gut instincts and not fill the Premarin cream prescription. I also set about doing my own homework about the condition. But to add to my woes, I also have Pelvic Organ Prolapse, which is not surprising since all five of my children were born vaginally, and the births were a terrific strain on the muscles which certainly accounts for the prolapse. But the vaginal atrophe is due to the depletion of cell and hormone production as we age. To my surprise I also learned that sex actually helps keep the vaginal canal lubricated and thus is beneficial.

Posted by Deb (Florida, US) on 03/12/2015

The first Gyno (a man) I saw for vaginal atrophy prescribed lidocaine gel! Can you imagine? Then I went to a lady gyno and she explained what was going on and prescribed estrace cream, which was some help but did not work at all unless I used it all the time which causes concern of side effects, so I want something natural without side effects.

Posted by Mandy (Us) on 10/01/2014

Im self diagnosing myself with vaginal atrophy... im breastfeeding and never had a vaginal birth (which I read increases your chances of it! ) and at a certain point in my cycle I have about a week of insane itching/burning. I find that using a panty liner helps and I do use coconut oil. I tried it once cause I didn't know what else I could use and it worked! Its not long term, but it definitely helps.

Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 06/26/2013

Re: Help Requested for Constant Pain from Vaginal Atrophy

Try magnesium citrate first if you can tolerate magnesium.. Start on half a pill and work your way up to a higher dose... Or an epsom salt bath /soak, might move the bowels but goes right to the muscles to cause them to relax, calcium causes muscle contractions. Multi vitamin, mineral supplements, kegal or core exercise, Deep breathing to help you relax and reduce anxiety from pain, progesterone cream to reduce estrogen dominant symptoms of menopause, daily walks to refresh you and strengthen core muscles. Read more of the earth clinic vaginal atrophy pages.

Vaginal Atrophy Remedies
Posted by Jo (Newport, Ca, Usa) on 06/25/2013

I am 55 yrs old and had a complete hysterectomy in 2008. I have been diagnosed with vaginal atrophy. I am in constant pain, burning and pressure. No medical insurance! Cannot afford. Dr has me on premarin. 5 nightly for 3weeks. Then 2 times a week. I am into my 3rd week and there has been only a touch of an improvement. I am going crazy! I am single so I must work. I sit at my desk and cry. Please, any suggestions to help me? Thank you so much.

Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 03/18/2013

Hi, I have been pondering the use of aluminum for tightening the vaginal region ( I wouldn't use it myself). Aluminum has been used in talc powder for years and cheaper baking powders... Anyway........ they are not sure if it contributes to alzheimer's.

I began WONDERING if anyone has every used a topical of milk of magnesia or another form of magnesium.... to get the vaginal/core muscles firmed up ? Or maybe a magnesium douche... Would there be bad consequences from using it this way?

They call magnesium the heart mineral because it treats muscle conditions. Most people eat more calcium than magnesium and further throw their body out of balance.

It used to be we got more magnesium from the soil into our food, not anymore, and when a person gets stressed the body takes water and minerals to produce fight or flight hormones....thus draining the body/system further.....


Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 03/02/2013

One of the old time remedies was to soak the area in alum, it tightened everything up.

Posted by Glenda (Chicago, Il) on 03/30/2013

Please be very careful with the alum. It can really tighten a bit too much.

Posted by Annie (Davis, Oklahoma) on 04/15/2013

I have heard my grandmother talk about using alum after having her children. As the one lady said, you might be cautious as to how much you use, until you see what will work for you as an individual.

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