Rotator Cuff, Torn
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Torn Rotator Cuffs

| Modified on Nov 04, 2024
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Torn Rotator Cuff Remedies on Earth Clinic.

by Art Solbrig
Published June 24, 2020
Updated July 3, 2020

I was talking to my neighbor Jay one day. He was telling me that he had a torn rotator cuff in each shoulder, and his doctor had said to him that it would take surgery to repair them properly and that physical therapy was not going to help in his situation. He went on to tell him that because of his age and a pre-existing heart condition, he would not be able to have his shoulders surgically repaired. He said the doctor could prescribe pain relievers, but that they may create more health issues with long-term use.

Jay had always gone to the gym every morning around 5:30. With his shoulders so painful and significantly reduced range of motion, his gym visits were now mainly to talk with other early morning regulars at the gym and maybe some stationary bike use.

After telling me everything about his shoulders, I thought of an old and trendy remedy here on Earth Clinic, Magnesium Chloride Oil for topical application, which is also referred to as Mag oil or MO.

I mentioned it to Jay to see if he would be interested in trying it or asking his doctor about it. I told him it may help reduce the pain and possibly slightly increase his range of motion. I told him that if he was interested in just trying it, I would go home and make some Magnesium Oil for him right then so he could try it, and he seemed delighted with that idea so I told him I would be back in a half-hour with some Mag Oil for him to try. I made a two-ounce spray bottle for him to carry around in his pocket to apply to his shoulders as needed. I gave him the bottle, and he told me he would try it that day.

I didn't see Jay for about two weeks, and when I did, I asked him if the Magnesium Oil offered him any relief for his shoulders? He got a big smile on his face and said look at this, and he raised both arms straight up in the air and started rotating both arms in a circular motion and making other motions that he said he had not been able to do for a long time and he said he calls Magnesium Oil his "secret sauce"! We both smiled at that, and I was very happy for him!

He continued telling me that he couldn't believe the difference that Magnesium Oil had made for him and asked If I could make him more, which I agreed to do. He also told me that he had let a friend try it and wanted to know if I could make some for his friend even because whatever his health issue was, it helped him too!

This time I made Jay a mason jar full of Magnesium Oil to give some to his friend and keep refilling his spray bottle. After that, every time I would see Jay outside, he would raise his arms in the air and make different motions with both arms, and then he would smile, and I would smile too! Everyone can appreciate the relief from pain!

Benefits of Magnesium Oil

So if you are not yet familiar with Magnesium Oil, there are probably at least a hundred mentions on Earth Clinic of people using it for muscle cramps, sprains, muscle tension, especially in the neck and shoulder area, mild to moderate arthritis pain, joint pain and tension headaches. Some people find it helpful for Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), but this aspect seems very individual.

According to one study, it can also give some limited relief for Fibromyalgia pain.

Magnesium Oil Alleviated Nerve Pain After Stroke

In one friend who I had try it, she had had a stroke that made her whole left side super sensitive with nerve pain that her doctor had not been able to resolve without endangering her kidneys from the potent pain relievers, which actually offered her little to no relief. She told me that the relief from Magnesium Oil for her was like night and day!
She would apply it first thing in the morning and then just use plain water over the same area when the MO would start to wear off. The water activates whatever magnesium was still on her skin. She said she could add water up to twice before having to apply more MO.
Overall, she said it made life bearable again for her because without MO, she was in pain 24/7! Initially I made her a gallon of MO from the Magnesium Chloride Flakes and then I would just make her a quart/liter every now and again. It is hard to believe she had lived with that pain everyday for well over a decade! Now her life is simply better thanks to Magnesium Oil.

There are other potential uses for MO, and I should mention that topically applied Magnesium Oil can reach localized tissue levels that oral magnesium products can not, without likely causing diarrhea.

Magnesium Oil applied topically is also absorbed right through the skin reasonably rapidly and will add to your total magnesium intake.

Even if you are already taking an oral magnesium product, it cannot do everything that Magnesium Oil can, so Magnesium Oil is an excellent thing to have at the ready in your medicine cabinet.

If you apply Magnesium Oil to a very large area of your body, some people can get diarrhea, but I can't imagine why you would ever need to use that much. Epsom Salt can also work but is not as well absorbed as Magnesium Oil. However, Epsom salt (aka Magnesium Sulfate) is perfect for a bath soak!

Where to Buy Magnesium Oil

Inexpensive and Large Size Magnesium Oil

Here is a link to an inexpensive large size (12 ounce) Magnesium Oil spray bottle on Amazon that will be plenty to do all the testing you want to see if it is helpful for you or your family.  It's currently retailing for $14.

Magnesium Oil Spray by Essential Mineral Source  
Large 12oz Size - Extra Strength - 100% Pure for Less Sting - Less Itch - Natural Pain Relief & Sleep Aid -   Made in USA

Most Popular Brand of Magnesium Oil on Amazon

Ancient Minerals is a popular magnesium oil product on Amazon that sells for a few dollars more, but they have many other brands to choose from. I recommend that you read some of the Amazon reviews to get an idea of all the things that people use MO for and what type of results they get from it. You quickly see the variability from person to person.

Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil Spray Bottle of Pure Genuine Zechstein Magnesium Chloride 
8 Fluid Oz
Topical Magnesium Supplement for Skin Application and Dermal Absorption




Magnesium Oil Flakes

If you decide that magnesium oil works well for you, you can make your own from Magnesium Chloride flakes, and it will cost less than half the price of the commercial products!

Magnesium FlakesHere is a link to the magnesium chloride flakes if you decide to make your own instead of using a commercial product.

Another advantage of using MO at around 50% is that you can also add Methylsulfonylmethane or MSM to the mix right up to saturation for potentially more relief. Still, MO can be effective on its own.

Ancient Minerals Magnesium Bath Flakes of Pure Genuine Zechstein Chloride - Resealable Magnesium Supplement Bag That Will Outperform Leading Epsom Salts (8 lb)

How To Dilute Magnesium Oil So It Doesn't Cause Stinging

I would also like to mention that if Mag Oil works well for you, but you don't like the feel it on your skin, which is sometimes the case, there are a couple of options that you can consider. Many of the commercial products are stronger at about 70% magnesium and can take longer to dry.

I have found that a 50% Magnesium Oil mixture is just about the same effectiveness and is a little better of a feel on the skin and dries a bit faster.

Another option is to use vodka when you mix your Magnesium Oil instead of distilled water, which makes it dry a bit quicker and offers a little better feel on the skin.

A basic MO mix using magnesium chloride flakes is 50% MO flakes with 50% distilled water and shake well until the flakes are completely dissolved. You can substitute vodka for the distilled water for faster drying and a slightly better feel on the skin.

Magnesium Oil Video Instructions

Here is an Earth Clinic video that shows magnesium oil and witch hazel for those who prefer visual instructions.

Alternatives to Magnesium Oil

Theraworx homeopathic sprayIf you like Magnesium Oil, but are not happy with the feel on your skin, there is a homeopathic product that works about the same, but with an even nicer feel on the skin. Amazon carries that product also, and it comes at a price premium, but is a nicer feeling on the skin. Some Walmarts also carry it. Here is a link for that product :

Theraworx Relief Fast-Acting FOAM for Leg Cramps, Foot Cramps and Muscle Soreness

Theraworx is a proprietary blend of ingredients includes magnesium sulfate, colloidal silver, citrus grapefruit extract, aloe, allantoin and vitamin E.

I have no idea if Magnesium Oil will work the same for others in my neighbor's situation, but it may be worth a try!

If you try the magnesium oil remedy for a torn ligament, please come back and share your experience! We are all different, and things affect each of us differently, including supplements, herbs, prescription medications, and alternatives.

Related Links:

Collagen Supplementation for Torn Ligaments and Tendons
Maximize Health with Magnesium Oil: Benefits & Uses
Maximize Health with Magnesium: Key Benefits & Sources

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Bone Broth

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by sumner (sewickley, pa.) on 01/07/2023

As someone who was always athletic what surprised me most about my bad shoulders was how simple things like getting a night's sleep or my robe from my closet were so impacted. A good night's sleep seemed impossible. I would roll over and it seemed there was a broken off piece in one shoulder that would catch suddenly and the pain would be enormous. My shoulders seemed loose and broken, like an old, old car with hundreds of miles on the ball joints.

On a financial site I read an article on bone broth. After a time, my favorite recipe emerged, drumsticks with the all important apple cider vinegar, an Earth Clinic favorite. The ACV dissolves the cartilage from each end of the drumstick and eventually the bone itself.

This is the all-important elixir that allows for the correct rebuilding of the damaged parts and, in my case, the dissolving and replacing of the broken off piece. I wore out one crockpot and replaced it. It stayed on for over a year. I only cleaned it when the old bone fragments in the bottom became too deep to allow room for new chicken legs. Yes it might be viewed as somewhat monotonous drinking so much bone broth but with the right spices and nutritional yeast added for a cheesy flavor, I always relished drinking it, and today, at 64 my shoulders feel as they did when I was young. No longer do feel broken down or old. I love my workouts and weight training again. The old proverb has been proven true, "bone broth will raise the dead". Today I am headed of over 30 things that were all 5,10, or 15 year problems.

Replied by GertJr

Yes, bone broth is wonderful! When my husband was so very sick and couldn't eat, he could drink this broth. I, too, kept a crock pot going. I even got to keeping chickens so I'd have the makings! He's gone now, and I still keep the broth going for myself. I even jar some of it up to give away, it's wonderful and so nourishing.

Replied by linda

I was interested in the post you placed on earth clinic regarding bone broth with apple cider vinegar. you mentioned warming chicken legs in a crock pot and I'm assuming with the vinegar to break down the cartilage and make the bone broth. I wondered about how much apple cider vinegar you added to a crock pot full of chicken legs and water. just the general ratio would be helpful. my husband has a torn rotator cuff, maybe two and is in a lot of pain. he would drink this. I make bone broth out of venison bones and could add to it. thanks linda

(Vancouver bc Canada)

Hi Linda, not sure if you get your answer. I add 1 table spoon full of apple cider vinegar for about 3.5 to 4 pound bones. I hope this helps. GigI


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Anng (Houston, Texas) on 06/09/2013

I took bromelain weeks before and weeks after rotator cuff surgery and although very painful, I healed quickly and now have full range of motion unlike most rotator cuff surgery patients I know. I have developed trigger thumb and after reading this, I plan to get back to taking the bromelain.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Alexa (Toronto) on 07/03/2020


Thank you for another fantastic article and story! I recently strained the ligament in my thumb by hyperextending it during exercise and it's been very painful. After reading your article, I promptly sprayed some magnesium oil on the whole thumb area. It warmed up, especially at the place of injury, and was very soothing. I had forgotten about this remedy! Thank you for the reminder!

Many blessings to you and yours in California,


Replied by Art
2373 posts


You're welcome!

It's easy to be aware of some of the really good remedies that have been presented here on Earth Clinic and just forget them after a year or two, but the really good ones always come back and remind us of just how useful they can be! MO is one of those remedies and is really versatile. The easiest way to remember it is to keep it on hand in your medicine cabinet.

What would really be handy is if EC had a list that we can just add to every time a person finds a new use for MO! That should turn out to be one very lengthy list! I don't know if that is even possible, but it would be useful. I'm still finding new uses for MO after many years of using and recommending it! Just recently I recommended it to my sister for chronic upper back and neck pain that she has been living with for years. For her it is like a miracle in terms of how much relief it gives her considering she could no longer take the prescription pain relievers her doctor had prescribed for her.

I have another sister with muscular dystrophy who uses it for pain and to help relax tense muscles.


Magnesium Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Little Wing (Boston) on 09/21/2013

Instead of MSM for your shoulder issues, I highly recommend and praise to the sky MAGNESIUM OIL. Try it, rub on every night, see if you see a difference within a week or so. It can be drying and make your skin itchy, so I usually follow up after about 20 minutes with coconut oil, which can also help with joint and muscle issues.

Magnesium Oil Q&A

Posted by Lauren (Usa) on 07/03/2020

Hi Art,

Could you please tell me if magnesium chloride oil, is the same as the de-icing mag chloride for icy roads? Whats the difference molecular wise?

Thank you,


Replied by Paul

I don't know if I'd risk it, there may be other chemicals in there and/or the mag chloride may be non-human consumption grade.

Replied by Art
2373 posts


Same magnesium chloride, but purity is possibly not the best for human use and consumption, If the manufacturers know that their product is going to end up on the streets, how sanitary do they have to keep their manufacturing process? Probably not quite as sanitary as what is used for human use.

Magnesium chloride can be taken orally also and is well absorbed, but the taste is a little rough unless you get it in capsule form.


(Sw, Missouri)

I hope I'm doing this correctly, this is for Art.

I have a bottle of Ancient Minerals magnesium oil.

We take mo internally and externally, but wasn't sure about taking the Ancient Minerals, so I called them. They said no to taking ANY internally. It's just purified water and magnesium, from what I've read.

Still a newby with this, and with an inquisitive mind, why not?

I also have 25 pounds of flakes, so no worries if I can't use the AM. So can one use the AM internally or not?

Much gratitude for any and all answers.


Replied by Art
2373 posts


They may be reluctant to recommend their product for oral use because they have no control over exact dosing in this liquid form of magnesium chloride or some other reason, but magnesium chloride is available in capsules and is used in the magnesium product Slow Mag among many others. Here is a link showing many mag chloride supplements in capsule or pill form :,aps,216&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_4_18

While magnesium chloride is very well absorbed, it can cause diarrhea.

Lastly, given the taste of MO, I would definitely prefer to take mag chloride orally via capsules or pills rather than as liquid mag chloride in the form of MO. This avoids the bad taste issue and should give much more accurate dosing over MO.



1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Linda (New Haven, Ct, United States) on 04/29/2013

Joyce, regarding your shoulder issue, both my husband and myself have rotator cuff issues. We have had very good results with turmeric powder. We take 1 teaspoon 2 or 3 times a day. We either mix it with a glass of milk or scramble it into our eggs. Add a dash of black pepper and some fat (we use coconut oil or butter) for better absorption.

We both noticed improvement starting on the 3rd day or so. It's marvelous!

