i was looking for a cure for coated tongue and the first posting i read was on salt, i tried it right away and it worked so simple really, i felt foolish because it is also so logical.
that salt trick really worked for my coated tounge I was pleasently surprised at how fast it worked thank you very much!!!
I tried the salt remedy to cure my coated tongue immediately after reading this post and it worked. First I gargle with salt and water, thenn I brushed my tongue with the salt and repeated it three times then amazingly my tongue turned pink and my breath smelled better. I can't believe that what my parents told me a long time ago still works. I poured about a tablespoon of salt and a forth of water for the mix.
Just tried the salt thing on my tongue and it worked! Just used a mouth swab (like a big cotton bud) on it and it all came off! Except that irritating bit at the back, but I can live with that for the time being! Thank you everyone who suggested that little one!
Have had a coated tongue (which goes an attractive shade of brown if I drink too much tea! Lovely) on and off for about a year now-it does get better if I drink more water and don't brush (esp not hard brushing-this can damage your taste buds-not good!). I do think its a dietary think-Dr Gillian McKeith talks about cures for coated tongues in her book "You Are What You Eat"-must dig that out...!
I'm amazing I found something that works. I've had this white tongue issue for some time now and my girlfriend kept telling me to brush my tongue, which I had always done.. and did not work.
I took a spoon of sea salt, put it on my tongue, held it for a couple of minutes.. did it a couple of times.... then brushed my tongue with a little sea salt.. rinsed a few times in between and after... and my tongue is a little sore, but it's pink again after all this time!
White tongue: salt was the best thing i ever tried. i've tried other things but this one simply worked like a charm my tongue feels so good now. thank u everyone.
I have to say, this really does work! I just found this site about 30 minutes ago and tried the salted toothbrush remedy as soon as I read about it(I used sea salt) and no more white tongue! And my mouth feels a lot cleaner! I first used 2 teaspoons of sea salt and rubbed it all over my tongue, I let it sit for as long as I could, about 20 seconds was all I could do. Then I rinsed and gargled with water and spit it all out. I then dipped my toothbrush in a small dish of sea salt and then brushed my tongue. Rinsed and swished with water and then spit it all out. I will try the peroxide rinse tonight and tomorrow to see if it help with my bad breath and report back on the outcome. This is THE best site!!
salt cures white tongue imediately -- i used salt as mentioned in this site. i did this 5 minutes ago and now my tongue almost pink, just mixed a few drops of water to 1 tspn of salt and applied on my tongue within a minute i brushed it off with a brush and a little tooth paste and voila! back to cleaner tongue.
This really works! I did not expect this to work at all. I noticed since I got ill I had really bad coating, dehydration, and worse breath than usual. I am so glad I found this site. I have tried all kinds of over the counter remedies, never worked.
I first gargled with sea salt and water for about five minutes because the coating was quite thick. Then I spit, put sea salt directly on my tongue and tried to leave it on there for at least five minutes coating thoroughly.
I then spit that out and brushed with the leftover remnants of salt, rinsed. Then I did a paste of sea salt, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide and brushed tongue, teeth, roof of mouth and gums.
Lo and Behold! It worked! I've never, ever had a pink tongue and it is pink and I can feel my tastebuds for once! Woo Hoo.
I finished by rinsing with hydrogen peroxide, then flushing mouth out with water. So far so good.
I am also going to try the charcoal to help with digestive tract and the glycerin w/peppermint oil as a way to leave my mouth with a fresh taste after doing the salt/baking soda treatment.
Good luck you guys! This worked for me and I've never ever had a pink, pink tongue. Wow.
Thanks Earthclinic.
It's just because you weren't putting much effort with it. I personally tried doing this and it works like a charm! Try doing it for a little longer and use a bit more salt, if it burns that's actually the white film coming off your mouth, if you stopped then then evidently nothing would happen. If you fight the burn it'll work though!
I tried the "salt remedy" for a white tongue. I just tried it for the first time and see a remarkable improvement! Tongue is a little tender, but I can live with that a lot more easily than that dreadful white tongue!
White Tongue: Yep... the salt worked for me when nothing else did. I used a coarse natural sea salt. I had to re apply it several times a day, but it definately seems to be taking care of the problem. Go figure.... my Mom always said gargle with salt water if you have a sore throat. This almost always worked as a child, but I never really realized the curing abilities of salt until now. The tongue thing was so upsetting and GROSS!!!! I'm glad to have found a home remedy for it. I'm super clean and pay extra attention to oral hygien... so go figure. I'm glad it seems to be going away. My tongue is almost completely pink after only just starting the tx yesterday. Plus I noticed my breath seem just fine first thing in the morning which before I could taste a very bad icky and I'm sure smelly breath upon wakening. This morning I felt my mouth was fresh.... hmmmmm ... good ole salt~ yippie!
Thank you so much! my tongue was so white it made me sick to look at it. After just one use of salt on my tooth brush my tongue was pink and healthy. I'm now proud to show off my tongue ring lol.
Brushing my tounge with salt on my brush worked immediately. Sad part is that I couldn't get to the back without gagging to the point of spitting up. Just gargling isn't helping.
I tried the brushing with salted water and salt on my toothbrush,and presto my tongue turned pink again! of course it is a little hard to reach to the very back of the tongue without gagging but this remedy does really work!