Hydrogen Peroxide
First I created a bowl of water, mixed 3%, over the counter peroxide in, then I used the cap to pour it up my nose. It burned since I didn't have distilled water at that time. Using the distilled water won't sting. Within 5 mins. the vibrations had stopped. I was able to breathe through my left nostril for the first time in months. Then I pored some in my left ear. I experienced vertigo, never had that before. But, it did tell me I was dealing with an ear infection. The vibrations stopped. It has been 24 hrs since I started the treatments. When the vibrating starts, I know it's time for another dose.
I also created the spray for my throat and added some to my water. It is amazing how much clearer my airways are. I can also see a very small improvement in my vision. I've been told that I need cataract surgery. Hopefully all of this will help that clear up some too. And! I have had a huge reduction in my desire for a cigarette. I've smoked 15 cigs. today, whereas I normally smoke 2 packs. I just haven't wanted one. Amazing. I believe the infection is coming from a tooth, so I've also started rising my mouth with HP. At least it is giving me some relief until I can get to the doctor. I will continue use and I will keep you posted. I'm also passing your web address to family and friends. Hopefully they will check you out. Thank you so much for your site and I am so grateful for all the people who have taken the time to share the experiences.
If H2O2 is used in the sinus area the solution should always be kept at a low concentration such as 1% or below in being the safest, if it is for some reason put into the nose. Most people seem to make a mistake of using 3% which is dangerous and causes nosebleed and this is something that must be avoided. A tiny amount of sea salt added so it tastes like your tear drop also reduce the irritation. It is strange that distilled water is used because those are the most irritating when added with H2O2, perhaps the concentration of H2O2 is too high. An ear infection leads to vibration sensitivity, but a noise sensitivity is due to both acidosis and high heavy metals, which are also conductive of the sound and sensitivity. I had a couple of cases of a person who simply can't sleep because of ringing of the ears and sound sensitivity, which turns out both of those condition were completely cured when taking 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 3-6 drops of H2O2 in one glass of water, plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water before sleep. Ringing of the ears and sensitivity to sound is due to lack of magnesium, and hence 250 mg of magnesium 5 days out of a week helps. TO discourage further ear infection some vitamin E and vitamin C also helps, in ways most people don't expect, since ear infection is due to fungus and vitamin C has a limited antifungal properties, but I prefer the sodium ascorbate one, while vitamin E is an antioxidant and helps with the circulation, which helps the blood detoxify the infection better.
You can drink Hydrogen peroxide? Even in tiny amounts, I thought it was not supposed to be ingested. I have been suffering with tinnitus with "ear fullness" and "head fullness" sensation, and a slight hyper sensitivity to noise, for over a year. It began after I had gone one full year with no menstrual cycle, thought I had started menopause, but then no - I got one period, then another one, and it was right at the start of this first period after one year without them that the tinnitus began. Because of this I believe mine is due to menopausal hormone imbalance.
I also wonder now if it related to heavy metal build up, although I don't think I have the typical symptoms of that except I drink well water, which has a lot of iron in it (the water is safe to drink, has been tested, but it has a slight "iron" color and chalky taste. So now I wonder if I have too much iron from my well water. But the main ear-hearing problem seems to be related o hormone imbalance. I have been trying to get relief from many things, nothing works, and I am trying two OTC hormone creams (Progesterone and Estriol), both of which contain only very small doses of hormones, so might not make any difference at all. My doctor is no help at all. I would like to try this remedy here with the water, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide, but I want to be sure it is safe to drink. Thank you for any advice.
Inflammation Triggered Tinnitus
I was told that it was the inflammation in my ear that was causing all the noise.
Just to share my experience. Hope that helps.
(Somewhere, Europe)
NAY!! I put a drop or two of very diluted lugol's in my ear and a moment later it started to HURT!! I stuck it out hoping it was doing something positive, but the pain got stronger and I washed out my ear with warm water. It didn't help. I then put a piece of cotton with a drop of olive oil on it in my ear and lay down with the painful ear on the pillow. It took a while but the pain subsided. So I do NOT recommend this treatment. And my tinnitus is the same.
I do have a white-noise maker but its quite uncomfortable to wear for 8hrs p/day (I have small ears lol).
I can't tolerate a lot of iron (had large bowel removed) so I take it in a multi-vit AM & take a 14mg ferrous sulphate or 2 straight after my evening meal. This keeps it quieter.
I had a stressful job that I believe contributed to "ringing in the ear", I wound up leaving the job but also taking a lecithin capsule either after lunch or after supper-the 1200mg dosage. This worked for me, I'm talking a couple of days! I find that Vit E (400) added can also help, my ear canals feel cleared out instead of perhaps stopped up.
My blood pressure is on the low side right under average, my cholesterol runs at 200 (last time had that checked). If lecithin helps break down cholesterol, this should help circulation.
I showed a coworker some lecithin capsules-I believe they were 800mg/per liquid-cap at the big blue retailer, for right at $8 a bottle. He is very young-18 or so, was mentioning ringing in the ears. We live in a humid area where many people have sinus problems, ear clogs, kids need tubes in their ears, etc.
I showed him the bottle of lecithin, told him to try two at night after supper or one after lunch, one after supper the first few days. Two days later I'd seen him, he was surprised yet told me "hey that stuff works! " I told him you can back off to one tab a day, explained to him if he eats fatty foods, cheeses, meats, etc, that his diet might have something to do with this, get more fruit, greens etc. on his menu. So he was surprised but happy.
I've read that earwax is a byproduct/contains cholesterol, so if it is 'dry, like small dry tiny blocks' instead of 'waxy or oily', it can stop up the ear canal instead of naturally pushing through to the outside of your ear. Makes sense to me.
The Lipoflavanoid tabs that have a red package run $22+, in my opinion the effective ingredient is lecithin.
On another note, I just did my first oil pull earlier, did with sesame oil, added a little oregano to my bottle, shook it up will let it settle. It is allot more palatable than I thought it would be, did this for right at 18 minutes. I did brush before with a little dissolved salt/baking soda in warm water, rinsing after. I repeated the same rinse after the OP, but then brushed with the dissolved salt & baking soda/warm water after, rinsing again. So far, so good!
Interesting website, thank you! ko57
Linked to Beta Blockers

Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
"There is a very simple technique you can use on yourself that can quickly relieve tinnitus, vertigo (dizziness) and, in may cases, allergy symptoms.
"The key to the technique lies in your anatomy. Your armpit appears hollow when you lift your arm because there is a front muscle (Pectoralis Major) and a back muscle (Teres Major) forming the borders of the armpit. This front muscle holds a collection of lymphatic drainage points for the entire upper side of the body.
"Lets say that you have tinnitus in your right ear. Take your left hand, reach across your chest and curl your first three fingers around the right front armpit muscle. Your index finger should be snug against the inner arm. Press in very lightly and hold. Soon you'll begin to feel a faint pulse in your index finger. As the fluid begins to drain, you'll feel the pulse in all three fingers as the flow increases. Lightly press the tips of your middle and ring fingers into center of armpit. You'll feel more pulses.
"The first thing you'll notice is that your left nostril starts to clear and it frequently "pops open." Sinus pressure is relieved. With ear congestion, you'll feel or hear bubbling or crackling in your right ear. Continue on. As the swelling drains from in and around your ear, the tinnitus stops, the vertigo lifts, and the pain and pressure clears. Your ear "pops," sometimes for the first time in years. If you keep going, it will feel like the right side of your face is deflating... and it is. Now do the other side. Take a deep breath through your nose. How are your allergies?
"If you've had swelling in your right hand, that's gone too. Notice how easily you can remove your rings after you're done. If you had upper back pain, how's that now? It drains the lungs too. How's your asthma?
"Precautions: In pressing these points you are draining accumulated lymphatic fluid from around the cells and returning it to your venous circulation. With many people, this fluid has been stagnant and accumulating for years. In other words, you are draining murky swamp water. While draining your fluid, you may detect funny smells or funny chemical tastes briefly as these toxins drain out. If too much of this swamp water gets into your circulation too fast, it may trigger a healing crisis by overloading your system. If you try this in little bite-sized sessions, you can prevent an overload.
"The lymphatic circulatory system plays a big role in your immune system. Normally the fluid slowly flows through the lymphatic glands which filter the fluid before passing it on. If the fluid contains bacteria, cancer cells, or any other bad things for your immune system to address, it happens in these glands. This drainage technique opens those glands and lets everything flow through. Which means that if you have an infection or a cancer... don't do this.
"Be patient. Sometimes if you're really clogged up, it may take a while to get going. Also, it's best to do this at home... and not at bedtime. Your kidneys will be very busy afterward and having a nearby bathroom is a must!"
"How many times and for how long do you have to do this treatment? Are there other treatments like this?"
"It may take a few minutes to get the flow going. Once the drainage starts, you continue until you have improvement. It usually takes less than 10 minutes on each side to clear allergies. Since tinnitus and vertigo are usually one-sided, it's less than ten minutes until you get relief.
EC: The only source we could find for the above copy and paste is from this website: http://freehealthsamples.blogspot.com/2008/04/tinnitus-vertigo-and-allergies.html
Luis, can you tell us where this interview originally came from?
(Sussex, Nj)
I have had tinnitus for at least 4 or 5 years. It usually wasn't too terrible, unless I had been to a concert that night, but enough to be distracting when I was trying to fall asleep. I worked at a health food store and tried a few different supplements & homeopathic remedies, but noticed little or no change.
I did this lymph massage a few days ago, and that very night had ZERO noises in my head! I don't know how long it will last, but geez, it's easy, painless, and free! It really did feel like Luis described; at first I felt a very faint pulse under one finger, which slowly got stronger until I felt it under all 3 fingers. Amazing! Thanks, Luis and earthclinic!
(Taipei, Noidea, Taiwan)
I try it too but so far NOTHING. my tinnitus still there ....can't feel any "pulse" there. I'm doing something wrong? there is any video where I can see how to do it?
(Louisville, Ky)
I never felt the pulse either. But, I just generally (and gently) massaged the area. You should be able to feel several lymph glands. My theory is that most people never even think about their lymph system, much less massaging under their arms. But, if you are a woman wearing a bra every day, that area suffers from impaired circulation. It would make sense then to move the area around and restore it.
I also believe the monks can help here. Look up the "5 Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation." The first one involves spinning that helps move the lymph system. I know spinning isn't seemingly the thing one wants to do when the problem involves the ears. But there would seem to be a connection here with the semi-circular canals, balance and opening up our systems.
Best of luck, hope this helps someone.
(Glen Allen, Virginia)
Thank you sooooo much for posting this. I recently started suffering from Tinnitus and tried lottsa holistic methods and medicine. But none worked like lymphatic drainage did. The noise is not completely gone but I did see a huge improvement within first few minutes. I continued doing it for an extra hour and experienced some more relief. I identified more points where lymph node resides and am planning to continue massaging every day.
This is in conjuction to taking following suppliments-
- Aswagandha
- Zinc
- Magnesiusm
- Multivitamin
- fenugreek
- Resveratol
- Sub lingual B12
- taurine
- turmeric (ocassionally)
- seratonin (sometimes at night)
I am planning to start taking gingko.. hope it helps.
Acoustic neuromoculation was exceptionally helpful for short term relief. I found a track on telegraph.Uk website and kept listening to it for hours. IT HELPS, but once you take your headphones off, the dreaded noise creeps in. Atleast it alleviate the pain a little and provides relief even for a short while.
Research is going on in germany for acoustic coordination reset and I can wait for them to come out with results.
Meanwhile I have an appointment next week for Sound Cure, not sure if this is a long term cure but even if it provides short term relief its a blessing.
btw, did anyone had luck with sesame oil? I bought organic one from banyan botanicals and had 5-6 drops in my ear erery day but it seems to increase the noise.
Not sure if I should try garlic oil..
Any thoughts?
That's what I was wondering. I'll look around on youtube to see if there's a vid and keep trying this method.
Found this (and I love Dr. Berg and follow him a lot): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ9L3Lz87ak
Thank you for sharing Dr. Berg's video! I've done it twice in the last couple of hours and I honestly think I can “hear” a slight difference. I've had tinnitus in my left ear for 30 years. I will continue to do this! ❤️ I will also try the underarm lymphatic drainage.
(Hoosier State)
Maureen, my tinnitus went away when I started taking magnesium. There is a lot on the internet in regards to supplementation. Magnesium works. People take it for constipation, leg cramps etc. if your bowels get too loose back off a bit. It is a supplement I take daily.
Magnesium and Citric Acid
(San Diego, California)
I thought I was crazy - it seemed that every time I took magnesium citrate, my tinnitus got worse - this did not happen with magnesium oxide.
So there may indeed be something to this. Everyone says mag cit is more bioavailable, but my lab test rbc levels are just as good when I take max oxide, so I will stick to that.
(Austin, Texas)
You may want to join the Magnesium Advocacy group on Facebook. The group owner is Morley Robbins and he has uncovered lots of interesting research on magnesium citrate and why it is NOT a good form of magnesium to take.
Essentially magnesium citrate is a magnesium molecule that has been attached to ascorbic acid-- a synthetic form of Vitamin C. This synthetic C has been found to disrupt the function of an enzyme called Ceruloplasmin, which has as an important job the regulation of iron and copper in the body.
In addition, Ascorbic Acid is known to disrupt the healthy gut or intestinal bacteria. It is recommended instead to use a whole food Vitamin C such as found in the Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw C product or also in Innate Response Whole Food Vitamin C. There are other sources of whole food Vitamin C as well.
As for magnesium-- magnesium oxide is OK-- but, the two most recommended forms are magnesium malate and magnesium glycinate as they are more easily absorbed.
Magnesium is needed for over 3,700 different enzymatic functions in the body and a deficiency can cause a host of symptoms. It is easily lost through stress and is depleted in our soil so, supplementation is usually required.
Based on the following study, it appears that melatonin at a low dose may be quite useful for this common health issue! Here is a link to the full PubMed study :
Thank you Art, I'll be studying the site/info you gave us a link to. I am always ready to ready a new, possible remedy. My ears ring 24/7, and spike very high sometimes but it only lasts about a minute, thank goodness. I'm clueless after studying it for the last 3 years since it developed. Thank you again for the new, to me, info, Denise