The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Electric Vibration
Posted by Ruralady (Illinois) on 12/25/2024 47 posts
I can now add it's been five days since I started the vibration for tinnitus and it's been a gamechanger. It's pretty much gone, the TV isn't loud anymore and I don't have to ask to have everything the quiet! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Electric Vibration
Posted by Ruralady (Illinois) on 12/19/2024 47 posts
Boy this does work and I've tried so many things. I got tinnitus many years ago when I went through severe hyperthyroidism. Because of the complications I had to be on a beta blocker for three years, only to find out that also causes tinnitus. I was able to knock it out with gingko biloba but when I got Covid I developed complications, six weeks later I had my first fibromyalgia attack and my tinnitus was not only back but it was fierce. I had two different types, pulsatile and a hissing, both were constant. Gingko biloba helped but didn't knock it out...I tried my sonic toothbrush on the mastoid process which is the prominent bone that you can feel at the base of your external ear. I just held my toothbrush on the right side and counted to 25, didn't think too much about it until later when I noticed my tinnitus was greatly diminished. I'm one very happy person. Thank you MUCH!!!
Electric Vibration
Posted by MT (Scottsdale, AZ) on 12/16/2024
Instead of an electric toothbrush, I used a facial scrubber with a silicone shell. It is used to massage and exfoliate the facial tissue. It's very soothing and has a variety of vibrations from pulsating to thumping . Press the wand around the ear or at the base of the skull and neck for about few minutes. It helped reduce the ringing! I will continue to use this technique daily in hopes it goes away completely.
Electric Vibration
Posted by Pam Sullivan (Midland, Ontario, Canada) on 10/08/2016
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I've had ringing in my right ear for at least a week now. I went to the Doctor Yesterday to check on wax build up but my ears were clear. Hearing test was amazing for the right ear and good for the left. I've been reading allot, tried the Epley Maneuver, changed my supplements but after reading your post, I used my electric toothbrush to massage around my right ear and, hooray, the ringing has completely stopped. This is wonderful and I'll pass this one on. Again, thanks.
Electric Vibration
Posted by Raven (Orangevale, California) on 09/11/2015
I don't have tinnitus, but came across this interesting piece of information that I had saved years ago. The person who sent it in to a newsletter had noticed one day when shaving that when his electric razor was close to his ear, the vibration gave him some relief from the tinnitus. He then discovered that if he put one of those slip-on pencil top erasers over the tooth brush on his S------- electric toothbrush, and used it every day to massage around his ear, using varying pressures until he could feel the vibration inside of his ear, it relieved the discomfort and the whistling subsided. At the time of his writing his tinnitus had all but disappeared, and he could often go four or five days without needing to re-treat.