Sty (Stye)
Natural Remedies

10 Natural Stye Treatments for Fast Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Mariah (Tx) on 07/15/2016

I used too get stys all the time (still do), but mothers breast milk helps. So awesome guys, it goes away so quickly!

Posted by Briana Brewer (Santa Cruz Ca) on 11/18/2015

I found extremely potent success with an old folk remedy I heard discussed by women at the NorthernCa Women's Herbal Symposium. I had a stye that quickly grew under my left eye right by my tear duct that was very painful even though it was not that large with minimal swelling. At first I thought I had a bruised eye cavity from slamming myself in the face with one of my rakes that I stepped onto in the dark in my garden shed, resulting in the classic cartoonishish thwack right to my left cheekbone. When a head started to develop on the painful eye I quickly realized it was a stye and not related to the rake thwack. I then thought that perhaps I got it from using my old eye makeup, which I really never wear now, on Halloween to dress up. So big tip here for preventing is to not take those suggestions of when to toss eye makeup lightly.

Onto the treatment, I used what these women spoke of highly which was turmeric infused milk applied hot on gauze to the eye and taped to stay while sleeping overnight. I was amazed to find that overnight the head disappeared and the treatment actually drew out a bit of what I believe to have been the infected blood at the area, only a few drops by my what an amazing sea change overnight. I will do again for the next few nights just to be sure it is gone completely.

The warm teabag method also appears to soothe but not treat as effectively at all as the turmeric milk. The milk with turmeric does not sting at all and is highly effective. Apparently you can put drops of it in your eye as well but I didn't find that necessary maybe if you have a more aggressive infection try that. Thank you for reading and good luck in your home treatment who I definitely recommend more than anything a "Doctor" would give you...B Brewer

Baby Shampoo
Posted by Alina (Uk) on 12/19/2014

Hi from the UK. This site is amazing and I want to share my experience. I have always been plagued with styes and chalazions. For years I wore thick NHS glasses then I got contacts and first time ever got compliments on my eyes. Then the styes and more permanent chalazion came. I've had this particular one for about TEN years. V unsightly. I read this site and started using ACV. Then I bought baby shampoo on a whim. Can't hurt I thought. OMG. Within three days it's no longer visible. It's nearly gone. And it was quite big. I hated mostly kids commenting on it and my little nieces were due to visit which I why I wanted to be rid. Baby shampoo on a cotton pad just made it vanish. Thank you Earth Clinic. Thank you people of Earth Clinic. I salute you! Happy Christmas.

Castor Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 09/24/2013

My 5 year old son had a sty on his eye over the weekend. I put a little bit of castor oil onto the swollen part of his eyelid twice a day for several days and it is about gone by now. I will treat another day or two. It took seconds to treat him and he didn't mind. I used to get styes all the time as a child and wish I had known about this. I never treated them and they always went away on their own, but it took a while and it was uncomfortable.

~Mama to Many~

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Kathy (Ny) on 05/31/2013

My husband gets stys and we just rub a gold 14 K ring on it a few times and it goes away!

Castor Oil
Posted by Alt-rocks (Felixstowe, Suffolk, United Kingdom) on 09/16/2012

I use castor oil in my eyes when I feel a sty coming on, it gets rid of the sty within 12 hours and I have never suffered any side effects.

Posted by Jessica (Dallas, Tx) on 04/19/2011

After learning so much from this site, I felt compelled to share my $.02 in hopes of maybe helping someone else! About 4 months ago, I started having issues with my right eye. It started out innocently enough (itchy and watery) - chalked it up to TX allergies. It would go away for a few days, then I'd wake up some mornings with the same eye red, swollen, and itchy. Not currently having medical insurance, I didn't feel this was q big enough issue to make a costly doctor's visit.

Over the course of the last few months, the condition would come and go - vacillating between symptoms of eye stye and pink eye. I tried many of the remedies I read about and had varying levels of success. ACV (diluted) by far was the most painful, I love ACV but my eyeball does not... I ingested ACV.. In addition to a plethora of vitamins I was taking at the time. I slept with hot tea bag compresses on my eye.. Washed all makeup brushes.. Tried many many things! Noticing last weekend that the little stye bump was smaller than I had seen it in months, I decided to return to this thread on EC to see if there was any stone I'd left unturned.. I felt like I was really close to kicking this thing!!

2 words. EVAPORATED MILK. Oh my goodness. I washed/rinsed both my eyes with this before I got in the shower a couple days ago. Showered, got teary as usual and to be honest, I really didn't notice any big difference. Yet lo and behold, as I was washing my face this morning, I realized the little red pinpoint sty that has haunted me the past couple months is NOT THERE... I have to attribute this to the evaporated milk - none of the other remedies tried provided such quick and painless relief!

Posted by Caroline (Myrtle Beach, SC) on 01/10/2009

Milk is the best cure for a sty. My family has been using it for generations. Just poor milk directly in the eye and the sty will begin to drain in minutes.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Carolyn (Abilene, Texas) on 08/22/2008

I suffered greatly from stys when I was a child in the 50s. People didn't go to doctors then like they do now, you just got over it. I learned to tell my mother as soon as I felt a sty coming, and she would remove her gold wedding ring then rub it across the sty. Relief from pain was immediate and the sty healed quickly. I use this same remedy on my grandchildren. Mom said the ring had to be at least 14K to work properly, and I usually rub their sty a few times throughout day for good measure.

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Anne (Boston, MA) on 06/20/2008

I've had a sty for longer than I care to admit to. I was about to try the potato remedy, but then thought, "Why not give the gold ring a try?" I used a thick, 14k gold ring... and almost immediately, I noticed a difference! It's not completely gone, it could be in the process of still healing, but at least it's not noticeable anymore!

Gold Wedding Band
Posted by Anna (Winnipeg, canada) on 01/15/2008

rubbing a gold wedding band on my sty got rid of it over night. I read this cure somewhere on the web but i don't remember where. I tried castor oil but it didn't work for me. It could be anything made of gold so long as it is smooth. so you guys with styes give it a try.

Avoid Aluminum Deodorants
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 01/18/2021

Years ago, back in the day, I would use a roll-on, underarm deodorant before going out on a date! (We usually washed as well! ). It was quite fashionable back then. Trouble was the kick in the teeth that came along with it!!

The following day I would get a sty in one of my eyes - always the same eye but I have forgotten which one. Took me a while to join the dots as it were but I would normally NEVER get an eye sty. What was going on? Dashed uncomfortable - felt like a rock in the eye.

Someone alerted me to the fact that there was aluminium (or 'a-luminum' as you say over there) listed in the fine print on the back of said container.

I kicked the thing into touch and have never looked back as it were. Smelly dates were better than styed eyes.

Hope this major scientific discovery of mine helps some other folks as well!

Cheers from Down Under


Baking Soda
Posted by Teena (Melbourne) on 06/02/2020 233 posts

My son's latest sty on his eye I treated with one application of baking soda (bicarb soda) paste. It is soothing which is a lovely bonus. 15 minutes held on his eye, by the next morning, about 24 hours, it was gone

Posted by Naturalwoman57 (Usa) on 01/16/2017

I developed a sty in my right eye. At first I thought that I had something in my eye that was causing itching and pain. I tried eye drops, Apple cider vinegar and warm compresses but I only got temporary relief. Within a couple of days I had three styes (one on the eyelid and two inside). I popped open a Garlic Oil soft gel, put some on a cotton swab, applied it directly on each sty twice a day for 3 days. They are all gone.

Castor Oil, Gold Ring
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 01/04/2017

Hello Queen,

Using underarm deodorants with an aluminium ingredient can cause this problem of a Stye in the eye. Most of them have this ingredient unfortunately. I can assuredly speak from personal experience on this matter. It happened a couple of times to me before I cottoned on and made that connection. Easily solved if you know and can source one without aluminium.

Cheers, Michael

Posted by Freda (Riverdale, Ga) on 09/12/2016

Milk for a Stye

Thanks so much! This is the best my eye has felt in the last two days the itching, the swelling, and pain subsided with in minutes. I can barely even tell it's there anymore.

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